Lord Jasper Whitlock of Essos

I could feel Lady Sansa's sadness and her melancholy got worse as I rode away to catch up with Lord Clegane. They were deeply attracted to each other and they did not know that the old gods had bonded them from birth.

I could not reveal our un-natural speed or our skin sparkling in the sun so we stayed in the shade of the trees in the camp of the household guard of Lord Eddard Stark and the honourable Lord himself.

Riding fast I saw Lord Clegane dismounting his warhorse "Stranger" and I kneeled down in case he saw me then I moved fast through the trees. He saw me and took out his sword.

"I know you are fucking there" he spat "Show yourself, you cunt!" he rasped

"No need to be alarmed, Ser Clegane" I said gently as I stood up "I have a message from King Robert, he has agreed to release you from the kingsguard and has made you a Lord of Clegane Keep." Lord Clegane eyed the scroll sceptically

"Why the fuck would he do that, I am a dog who guards prince Joffrey?"

"Because Lord Eddard has refused a betrothal between Joffrey and Lady Sansa, Arya stood up for you because she believes in you...The question is, do you love lady Sansa?"

Sandor blinked and that was all I needed was a single moment of hesitation.

I was empathic as a human and being a vampire, that power had magnified, it was enough to send a loved up dog to his knees. "How are you doing this?" he whispered

"This is Lady Sansa's feelings towards you. She is in love with you and when you separated from her, it has left a gaping hole in her life. Arya is fond of you and sees more than they give her credit for. Sandor, who is Gregor Edward Mason Clegane?"

Sandor looked at me with a twitch of his scarred face. "My brother, they call him the mountain"

"Why is he called that?" I asked as I knelt down.

"Because after the sack of king's landing when the targaryen babes were murdered, it was my brother who raped Elia martell with the blood of Rhaeny's and Aegon still on his hands then he split her in half with his greatsword. They call him the mountain because he is monstrous big and freakily fast for a man his size." I cocked my head to the side.

"He burned you when you were a mere boy, didn't he?" sandor nodded

"Did he go missing after that?"

"Ay" sandor looked around as if the trees could hear us "He was stone cold and his eyes were black and his teeth looked sharp like pointed"

"You didn't dare ask because he killed your father, mother and sister and then he was annointed a knight in the light of the seven. That's why you hate knights and Lords because they are liars to themselves." Sandor stuttered "How do you know all this?"

"Because I am gifted, My sweet wife bella is also gifted with a physical and mental shield and she is also highly empathic." Sandor's eyes crinkled in confusion. "I will explain more later, are you going to ride back towards the kingsroad with me?" Sandor nodded as he saddled his horse.

"Hold on, lady Sansa, your love is on his way back" I thought to myself