Drinks Chapter 2

"Okay, I hope they won't over-react..." Jaune murmured as he walked towards his team room. Good thing it was the weekend, he didn't miss any classes that he needed to pass.

The blonde could hear loud noises banging on the other side of his team room. Jaune figured that Team RWBY was also inside it.

'Welp here goes nothing...' Jaune thought as he opened the door. "Hey guys-"

He couldn't finish his sentence as Ruby and Nora tackled him to the ground as soon as he entered the room.

"Jaune where the HELL you've been?!" Both girls currently restraining him practically roared out. "It's 10:00 o' clock! You can't imagine how hard it was to convince Ms. Goodwitch that you were still around!"

"Eheheheh..." Jaune shyly chucked out of embarrassment and rubbed the soreness developing at the back of his head. "I may have stayed too long at the club I went to..."

Everyone looked at the blonde with wide eyes and Jaune found himself being thrown inside the room.

He could feel the incredibly thick silence waffing around the room as the group eyed him thoroughly. 'At least they're taking this better than I thought...'

Yang broke the silence and slapped Jaune hard on his back. "Well well! Looks like you're actually quite the party animal! That's it, you're coming with me the next time I go to a club!"

Jaune sheepishly stretched his now bruised back muscles. "Yeah well, I couldn't have returned even if I wanted to, seeing that the Bullhead service close in the evening."

"That's true. But damn, you were gone for over 12 hours! I'm proud of ya!" Yang rubbed a nonexistent tear from her eye.

"Okay, moving on from that," Pyrrha said. "Are you okay Jaune?"

Jaune tuned his attention towards the amazon and flashed her a gentle. "Waell besides the bruising I can feel at my back and the bump I know I have behind my head, I'm doing great."

"Sorry!" Yang, Nora and Ruby all exclaimed.

Pyrrha sighed in relief and went towards the dorm fridge to get a cold compress. "Here you go Jaune."

"Thanks love," The blonde gratefully took the cold object and placed it at his bump. "Besides, I didn't drink. I like being sober."

Nora pouted. "Awww, that puts a stop at the drinking contest I was planning at prom."

"Hah, maybe some other time Nora," Jaune yawned out. "I'm still a bit sleepy from yesterday."

"Well partying hard does that to ya," Yang nodded. "So tiger, how was your night?"

Jaune laughed. "It was eventful, that's for sure. I even met and danced with two lovely ladies."

Everyone looked at Jaune with disbelieving eyes. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

Weiss raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying the truth or are you trying to make yourself look cool?"

The rest of Team JNPR gave the heiress a slight glare. Jaune instead took notice of a familiar flower she was holding onto.

'That's the flower I was supposed to give her. Guess that she found it.' Jaune thought.

"Well if it's so hard to believe, I'll ask them to come to the dance. I'm sure they'd like to hang out." Jaune shrugged.

"You're...gonna ask them out to the prom?" Pyrrha asked. Unbeknownst to everyone except Yang, Blake and Ren, Ruby and Weiss expectantly waited Jaune to answer.

"Well, more as friends but that's one way to put it I guess." Jaune then proceeded to take his scroll and text the twins about the dance.

"...I see." Pyrrha murmured quietly. She really hoped that Jaune would have asked her instead. 'Guess you can't win every battle in life...'

Weiss felt her breath hitch in her throat as Jaune answered. She can't say why, but she felt...sad.

Ruby saddened slightly, knowing that Jaune won't be able to hang out with her in prom. She hoped that he at least would have kept her company then, as selfish as that sounded.

Yang observed the reactions of the three girls. She can't help but smirk. 'Oh boy, looks like I'm gonna have to give them a talk.'

"The twins said they'll come," Jaune mused with a smile. "They said that they would love to go."

"Oh they're twins!" Nora bumped Jaune with her elbow in amusement. "Jaune, you ladykiller~"

"Eheheh...they're WAY out of my league Nora, so no." Jaune laughed.

"Twins huh?" Yang raised an eyebrow upon hearing that. 'I wonder..."

"What do they look like?" Yang inquired her fellow blonde.

"One wears red and black and the other has a turquoise-white ensemble." Jaune answered without missing a beat.

'Well well, this would be fun~' Yang smirked widely. "Yeah you definitely should bring them!"

"Glad you're on board," Jaune placed his scroll away.

"Well it's settled! This night's gonna rock hard!" Nora loudly exclaimed.

Jaune just looked at the gang with a smile on his face. 'This night's gonna be something alright.'

Author's notes:

Hai guys, it's been a while since I made something but Today was quite slow so I made this. I really didn't think I'd make another chapter to Drinks, but I figured that one couldn't hurt. I'm also updating this from my phone, so very sorry about the quality. I'll edit this once I can get my hands on my laptop. I still have no dedicated beta, so sorry in advance for the mistakes. ;3;

I do have another plan for a follow-up story to this, but it's gonna be a separate story. The reason for that is because the focus of the story wouldn't be on drinks anymore. I hope you guys understand ;3;

Anyway, I hope you guys like this story I made with DEEZ HANDS