I'm not dead. I'm sorry to being late for this chapter. I was more or less two months without laptop and when I started to write again on December, what I wrote I dunno why, became a bunch of ############## so I had to re-write again.

Fun fact, at first in this chapter should has been an allusion of a sex scene, this is my first fanfiction so I didn't feel ready to write one at the time, but with the time passing I started to think I could actually write it since now I have more experience. After, it came to me that they had to play a basketball match the next day. We can't have a player unable to play for such reason LOL so this is how this story remained rated T.

Warning: english errors, and cheesy AkaxKuro

I don't own Kuroko no basuke

Chapter 14

What I came here for

"...and this is the whole story" Kuroko says "You didn't know it would have happened. You didn't want to hurt me. It was an accident"

The GOM didn't know how to react... They almost killed a boy? They can't believe it, this can't be real, they must be inside a nightmare!

Ogiwara becomes angry "How can you dismiss this so easily?" he glares at Kise "If wasn't for the plan he proposed" next he does the same for Akashi "if he didn't agree to it" after he glares at Aomine "If he didn't pushed you under that hoop. Nothing would have even happened!"

Aomine is the first to come back to reality "Oh my God! Fuck! Tetsu, I'm so sorry. No... a sorry isn't enough for..."

Kuroko interrupts him "Stop, Aomine-kun. I know." he turns to face his childhood friend "I can't say I never blamed them or never held any dark feelings toward them. Especially in the early aftermath, but a year has past, Ogiwara-kun. I learned to let it go. Keeping hating people that didn't intentionally hurt me would only stuck me in the past and make me unhappy."

the chestnut haired boy shouted "Don't you remember how they played? Don't you feel anger for what they did to us?"

"I do, I feel anger. They are the biggest selfish asshole I ever met"

"Ohi!" Aomine and Kise shouted. Takao would laugh at them but he isn't in the mood.

"But they aren't bad people. I remember what Aomine-kun said that day. You can't simply judge without trying to understand the other party's feelings and declare it's right. They made many mistakes and lost their way, but there is still hope for them"

Ogiwara asks sarcastic "If you are so much saint to forgive them, Why did you even bother to come here?"

Kuroko's blue eyes glow determined "I'm here to settle everything and to move on. And move all of them with me"


The blue eyes soften "Because all of us love basketball and it's sad we can't enjoy it"

Ogiwara, astonished, feels a speck of doubt starting to rise inside his heart. He quickly shoot it down.

"Now, excuse me, I must go" Kuroko, still half naked, runs toward the exit. Even though he acted calm and collected, he is near to panic. The exposure of his scars and past took a very big toll on him. Dealing with what has just happened isn't easy. He feels tired, weak and emotionally drained. Nigou, like the loyal dog he is, follows him.


Rakuzan basketball club members are outside the stadium, waiting for their captain and phantom teammate. They see a distraught half naked Kuroko getting out from the entrance. (Maybe, because they were waiting for him, their senses were more attuned to spot him)

Mibuchi squeals "What's happened to you?" he quickly takes out his jersey and gives it to the phantom. Kuroko accepts it and wears the sport jacket but he doesn't say anything.

Mibuchi pat the younger boy's head "When you are ready, know that I will always listen"

Kuroko's poker face breaks in a tiny smile "Thank you, Mibuchi-senpai"

Rakuzan basketball team members give to Mibuchi a look of admiration, This is Rakuzan big sister for you!

Hayama lifts Nigou from the ground and asks "Where is the captain?"

Kuroko loses his smile and his mood worsen. Ohi, Ohi, troubles in paradise. Suddenly, Rakuzan club members, awkwardly, feel like they are inside a soup opera or they are the mob characters of a fanfiction.


Inside the building, Ogiwara glares at the GOM and shouts "Even if Kuroko forgave you, I won't. I will make you pay" he turns to face his teammates. Haizaki and co are smirking. Even if they aren't involved they sadistically enjoyed the drama. The captain orders "Let's go" Fukuda Sougou team, like they are so much badass, leaves the scene.

The GOM are utterly shocked, especially Akashi. The one that almost died or became crippled for life is Kuroko, his boyfriend. Akashi's thought are disconnected, confused and are running around circles, Tetsuya/almost dead/hurt/ I broke him/ why... even his other personality is affected, making the chaos doubled... until the deadpanned voice of Mayuzumi snaps him out "Go to him"

Akashi, like a lighting just hit him, comes to his senses and immediately chases after his teammate.

Aomine kicks the wall in anger directed to himself "Fuck!" he keeps hitting it "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" he doesn't know what he should do, Fuck it if an apologize is enough!

Kise wails "Oh my God, Oh my God! Kurokocchi! to think I so shameless apologized without knowing what I really did to him!"

Murasakibara doesn't feel the anger of Aomine or the need to cry like Kise. The accident feels so far away from him, and Kuroko, he only recently got acquaintance with him to feel any deep friendship yet. Still... he lost his appetite. Murasakibara feels that everything put inside his mouth would only taste bad.

Midorima is trembling, he thinks about all the medical implications and if he should call his father to give Kuroko further treatments and check-ups, the rehabilitation must has been really painful. He mocks himself bitterly "To think that I, aiming to become a doctor, would almost cripple a boy" How can he face patients like Kuroko in the future? "While Kuroko suffered, what was I doing? Do I have still the right to study Medicine?"

"Stop it, Shin-chan. Kuro-chan told it himself, it was an accident, you don't have faults" the raven haired boy starts to cry "If there is someone guilty here, that one is me"

Midorima is startled "Takao?"

"You didn't know him, Shin-chan, but I were his friend. I should have learned about. But I was so selfishly caught between myself and basketball that I cut him out" he cries stronger "I should have visited him at the hospital, I should have helped him, I should have been there with him when he needed me the most" Takao mocks himself with tears in his gray eyes "Tell me, Shin-chan... what kind of friend am I?"

To hell being Tsundere! Midorima hugs his partner "Takao, isn't you fault. It's all our, mine and the generation of miracles' fault. We broke both of you. It's our fault so please, don't blame yourself anymore"

"Shin-chan!" Takao wails stronger and reciprocates the hug.

Meanwhile, Himuro and Kagami, not being involved with what happened in the past, stare awkwardly at the scene on front them. Yousen pretty boy thinks about how to cheer up Murasakibara. Suddenly, Mayuzumi, scaring the crap out of Seirin tiger, says "It's late. Let's go back"

BaKagami, like what his nickname stands for, idiotically replies "Hey, are you sure? shouldn't you be in the middle of despair and self-loathing? Or you really don't care?"

Mayuzumi shoot him a glare so icy, he could freeze Hell over. Kagami shuts up for good and follows him.


Akashi leaves the building. On front of him there is Rakuzan basketball club waiting for his arrival. However, only one of them takes all of his attention.

Akashi gives his all to sustain a resemblance of calmness and control. He slowly walks till he reaches the phantom. Blues orbs stares into red ones. Akashi orders the club members "Let's go" and takes Kuroko's hand. The phantom doesn't refuse him. Rakuzan captain knows this isn't the right time to talk so he stays silent.

The tension in the air is palpable. Afraid to make even a little bit of noise and call upon them the ire of their captain, Rakuzan basketball club members walk quietly without utter a word.

The problem is that Hayama is totally clueless "Hey, Captain! what did you do to Kuro..." Nebuya uses his huge tanned hand to shut him up. All of the club members look at him like they want to kill him. "Don't ask anything" Mibuchi whispers in his ear with a threatening tone and takes Nigou from him. Hayama finally gets the message.

He should be happy that Akashi and Kuroko are too lost in their own little world to pay attention.

Kuroko is glad that Akashi understood his mood and he is enjoying the feel of his boyfriend's hand. This warmth reminds him that he took the right path.

Akashi tightens his grip. He fears if he leaves that hand, Kuroko would disappear. He was so close to never meet him. He almost lost him. And all because his owns doing. He can't accept it. The warmth of the phantom's hand is the only thing giving him strength at the moment.


Akashi enters with Kuroko inside the phantom's hotel room. Now they are alone they can finally talk. The phantom player sits on the bed. Akashi remains standing near him. After some minutes of uncomfortable silence, the scarlet haired boy breaks the tension "So the reason you were afraid of the hoop..."

Kuroko replies "It left me a trauma"

"At the summer camp the reason you got angry wasn't for the water, was it?"

"You tried to take off my T-shirt"

"You went to visit the hospital for..."

"I reduced the length of my therapy. You can't be sure there won't be some side-effects"

"Your parents hate basketball and are against it because..."

Kuroko says bitterly "What kind of parents want their son to keep playing a sport that almost killed him?"

Akashi's eyes are watering "After all of this, how can you love me?"

At these words, Kuroko becomes furious, he strongly grabs the hem of his boyfriend T-shirt and pushes Akashi closer to himself. Now their faces are only a few of inches apart. The phantom, with anger mixed in his deadpanned voice, says "For this I didn't tell you. I don't want to become the personification of your mistakes, I'm not a reminder of your sins. I don't want to see your eyes filled with guilt while you look at me. The accident isn't your fault, the hell you weren't even there!"

"I ordered the GOM to play in that way. Ogiwara is right, you can't say I wasn't involved! I'm the cause!"Akashi yells.

"Did you know that after the match I would have gone to Teiko bench and start a fight? Did you know the hoop would have fallen upon me? These were coincidences Akashi-kun... I was simply unlucky"

Akashi wants to retort in some way "But..."

Kuroko interrupts him"I'm not your victim. Don't turn me into an object of pity. I'm not and I don't need it. I never gave up, without sparing any efforts, I worked hard. And now I'm here, in the same stage as you. I'm not my scars. When you look at me you must see only me, not the boy that almost lost his life or legs, but Kuroko Tetsuya: first year of Rakuzan High School, member and regular of the basketball club, phantom player, vanilla milkshake addicted, books lover, Nigou's owner and Akashi Seijuurou's boyfriend."


The light blue eyes glow with determination "I left the past behind, Akashi-kun. Now it's time you do it as well"

Akashi smiles bitterly "How can you be so strong?"

Kuroko replies firmly "Because I have a purpose. For what reason did we come here? I know I'm here, not for the past but for the future. A future where all of us can play basketball with a smile on our face. And you, Akashi-kun?"

Kuroko's willpower moves the redhead's heart "You are right. Rather than dwell in a past you can't change, it's better putting efforts in the present, to make a better future"

Kuroko looses his grip on Akashi's shirt "Good." he faintly smiles. Tired, the sky blue haired boy lies his back on the bed.

After a bit, Akashi, almost sheepish, asks "Can I see your scars?"

"Are you sure? They are very ugly... Now I'm starting to wonder if you still want to be my boyfriend..."

"Tetsuya!" Akashi yells indignant, does Tetsuya think so lowly of him?

"I'm joking" still, seeing the immediate outraged reaction of the redhead, reassured the phantom. He trusts Akashi but sometimes fear would still give birth to some doubts. He is glad his fear is unfounded.

Kuroko sits up again and takes off Mibuchi's jersey, his bare back is shown to his lover. Akashi sits on the bed as well. Slowly, Akashi's fingers touches the scars with the utmost kindness and veneration. Caught off guard, Kuroko slightly blushes "They are a sore sight, right?"

suddenly the phantom feels soft lips on his back, Akashi is kissing his scars! the red in his cheeks intensifies.

"You are beautiful Tetsuya." Akashi replies "and nothing will change my mind on this"

Kuroko keeps on "Don't they bother you?"

"To be honest, they do. But not in the way you are thinking. I would give up everything if this would make that the accident didn't happen. However the most selfish part of me is grateful that these scars led you to Rakuzan, to me."

Kuroko softly chuckles "You know, Akashi-kun, my motto is "Once-in-a-lifetime encounter" . You can think it's cheesy but I think our meeting has a meaning. Even without these scars I would still have given my all to make at this Winter Cup. Who know, maybe Aomine-kun would introduce us. Like our personal Cupid"

Akashi smirks mischievously "I bet he would never live that down"

"Maybe there is an alternative universe where we went in the same middle school as well"

"Even if you were a teammate, I and the generation of miracles probably would hurt you though" Akashi says sadly. During the last year of middle school they were really the worst.

"I would still find a way. Like now, I wouldn't give up." Kuroko's crystal like eyes soften "I don't care in which way happen, I'm glad that I could meet you. I love you, Akashi-kun"

Akashi pushes down the cerulean haired boy on the bed with a hug "Me too, Tetsuya. So much" a few seconds later he adds "We have an important game tomorrow, let's rest"

Kuroko murmurs "Ogiwara-kun..."

Rakuzan captain smirks "It isn't like something changed. We just have to add one more person on the list. Let's help Ogiwara, shall we?"

Rakuzan phantom smiles "Of course".

After some minutes "... Aren't you leaving the room?

"Don't you want me here?" Akashi says faking a hurt tone of voice.

"Aren't you the one that stick to the rules?"

"Right now, I don't care"

Kuroko jokes "I think I'm starting to become a bad influence on you, Mr honor student"

Akashi steals a kiss on the cheek "then, take responsibility"

Kuroko laughs softly "Goodnight, Akashi-kun"

"Sweet dream, Tetsuya"soon, the two of them welcome the world of dreams.

Under the moonlight, a pair of eyes of crimson and gold open. Akashi stares hard at the sleeping boy next to him "I'm sorry Tetsuya, I'm so sorry" a tear falls from the golden orb. He wraps his arms around Kuroko's chest and closes his eyes again.


In the same night, Ogiwara feels rage tearing his heart. Kuroko is last person he thought would betrayed him. But the chestnut haired boy wasn't alone in his pain. He smirks "Now, how are you going to deal with this Kuroko?" he type a number in his smart phone and tap the icon call "Tu-tuuu-Tu-tuuu...Hello?"

"Good evening Mrs Kuroko, it's me Ogiwara..."


Next day.

"Tetsuya! Wake up!" Akashi, already ready at all, kindly shakes the sleeping phantom "More five minutes..."

"We need to get ready for today's game" the redhead insists.

"..." Kuroko doesn't give any sign of getting up.

Akashi sighs and gives up "I will buy you a vanilla milkshake and it doesn't count as the daily one"

Kuroko gets up at an incredible speed, he hurriedly takes out clothes from his bag and goes inside the bathroom. The shower's sounds last for 5 minutes and a little bit later the phantom boy gets out already ready for the day "What are we waiting for?"

Akashi looks at his boyfriend incredulous "You weren't kidding with the whole milkshake addicted thing"

Kuroko deadpanned replies "You know I don't have a sense of humor" (if their other teammates had listened to this, they would surely disagree, especially when the phantom is trolling his boyfriend)

Akashi smiles resigned "You are so eager that you forgot to comb your hear" he enters in the bathroom and grabs the comb "Let me"

Kuroko smiles "Thank you, Seijuurou"

The redhead almost let go of the comb in his hand, without saying a word, he combs the cerulean bird nest like hair. Tetsuya called him Seijuurou. Tetsuya has fully opened up to him. There aren't anymore secrets between them "Now you are really ready for today" he puts the comb down.

Kuroko extends his hand "Let's go" without hesitation, Akashi grabs it.


Inside the locker room, Mibuchi takes a glance at Kuroko and smiles "I take it yesterday ended well, Kuro-chan"

"Yes, Thank you for worrying about me Mibuchi-senpai" Kuroko bows.

Hayama exclaims relieved "Thank God, when there are problems between the two of you the air is so thick it is stifling"

Nebuya mocks "But isn't enough to make you shut up" "Ehi! Isn't true" Hayama complains. Mibuchi and Nebuya laughs at him while Kuroko joins them in spirit.

Meanwhile Akashi is taken by other matters. He is inside his own mind and stares at the other himself on front him.

Let me play, Bokushi insist. Oreshi replies, I told you already, I can't trust you.

This time is different, I must play.


Bokushi chuckles bitterly, You are playing to make up for that happened in the past. However the one that did wrong was me, not you.

Oreshi replies, and I let you do it. I'm guilty how much you are.

Bokushi says, Still, I'm the main perpetrator, I should take care of owns mistakes.

Why now? Weren't you thinking what we are doing is useless and a waste of time? That winning is much more important? What has changed?

… Bokushi stays silent.

Oreshi says, Is Tetsuya, right?

Bokushi mocks himself, You know, the last championship in middle school I considered it my greatest achievement , three years of consecutive winning with the strongest team, the closure of a perfect victory. And now I found out that while I was bathing in glory and fulfillment, so pleased of myself, Tetsuya was fighting with teeth and nails for his life. I feel so sick I could throw up.

Oreshi snorts, We ruined many people, Isn't selfish to care only now because Tetsuya was involved?

Bokushi replies, I never said I'm good. I played around with people like they were chess piece, without caring for them or the consequences. However, even if only a little, I came to understand. Thinking about the past and Tetsuya, now I can feel a sense of disgust for it. I'm selfish, ambitious and hardhearted, but I have my pride. A win I can't be proud of, I don't want a victory that sacrifices Tetsuya!

Oreshi smiles, You have grown.

Bokushi sighs, Might be because I already lost before that now I don't feel so obsessed with winning anymore... he frowns, Don't get me wrong, winning is always a must! Next, Bokushi's face features softens, However, the victories you had with Tetsuya and Rakuzan team... they seem kind of nice.

Now the eyes of crimson and gold glow determined, Ogiwara is a monster I made. I must be the one to face him. Bokushi bows, Please.

Oreshi is startled, I would have never imagined to see you lower your head of your own free will. Since this match is so important for you, you can play.

Thank you.

Oreshi chuckles, We were called the generation of miracles but look like Tetsuya is the one really making miracles over here.

Bokushi smirks, Didn't I already say before? He is special.

"Seijuurou, we have to go" the soft voice of the phantom brings Akashi back to reality. However, instead of twin ruby orbs, there are the color of crimson and gold.

"Are you disappointed that is me, Tetsuya?" the redhead teases.

Kuroko sighs "I trusts Seijuuro. If he let you out, there must be a reason. And then... I want to trust you." The blue eyes swell a little in sadness "Please, don't make me regret it"

the heterochromatic eyed Akashi, staring at these deep blue orbs, swears to himself, Never again I will be the cause of your pain.

The crimson haired basketball player looks at the other people inside the locker room "Are you alright with me?"

Hayama is frightened "You? Asking our personal opinion? Who are you? A third personality? How many Akashi are inside of you?!"

the dual colored eyes becomes murderous "Kotaro, after the match 500 laps around the stadium"

While Hayama looks blue, Mibuchi and Nebuya laugh "That is our Sei-chan!"

the macho player snorts "You are the one that beat the crap out of us the first day of practice and made us your followers. What can I say against?"

Mibuchi smiles "Rakuzan's captain is Akashi Seijuurou. Aren't you Akashi Seijuurou?"

Hayama make the soldier's salute "His orders, Captain"

Akashi feels proud of his team and declares "We will win!"

"Yes!" Rakuzan team leaves the looker room.

Along the way, "I look forward to play along side you again" Kuroko says with a barely audible voice.

"Me too, Tetsuya" the redhead keeps looking ahead.

The phantom, not expecting an answer, is startled but soon after a brief smile paint his lips.

Kuroko's flaming blue eyes looks toward the now visible basketball court, Now it's your turn Ogiwara-kun.


Side story: Meet the Parents.

Akashi's heart is pounding loudly, even if this is for Christmas and not an official visit, this is his first love relationship and now he is going to meet his boyfriend's parents.

"They aren't going to eat you Akashi-kun. I almost sure" Kuroko deadpanned says.


Kuroko sighs "This is the fist time I'm bringing my boyfriend home with me, and lately they are very protective of me. How can I know how they will behave? Still they know about you and aren't against our relationship, so it's going to be fine"

"It's bringing this Champagne imported from a renowned french vineyard how present for visiting, too much?"

"..." Kuroko break his pokerface with a sigh "I forgive you because it's Christmas" after a bit "Where is your usual confident self?"

"This meeting is important Tetsuya. If they dislike me, we are going to have problems in the future"

"You are already Mr Perfect, or at least you try to be, what should they dislike about you?"

"Maybe they don't like perfectionists"

"Akashi-kun, you are handsome, smart, rich, good at sport and your grade are always at the top. At most my parents would be worried that you are too good for me. Or that you are playing me."

Akashi's eyes widen "I would never do it. My feelings are real"

Kuroko smiles "I know. You are a good person and now it's time to show it to my parents."

Akashi nods, his confidence has found now vigor.

"...Akashi-kun, turn off your "emperor aura" please, are you trying to conquest and rule my household?"

"Emperor aura?"

"You know, that aura you have when you charm the people to submit to you. Like you are above everyone else"

"You are confusing me with the other me, I don't think of myself above others and I'm not the one trying to intimidate them"

Isn't my fault they can't withstand my willpower and I'm righteous, what have they to object about? Bokushi snorts. Oreshi sighs.

"I'm not talking about that, but your natural charm that make you seem too good for being human" Kuroko insists.

"If as you said, it's my natural charm, I don't think I can stop it, Tetsuya"

"Akashi-kun, look at me"

after Akashi turned around to face him, Kuroko throws him a snow ball and hit the face. "Now it's turned off" the phantom keep walking in the snow covered street like he hasn't just done something of outrageous.

Akashi, wet hair, red cheeks and teeth a little bit chattering from the cold, with some snow still on the face, follows him, speechless.


Kuroko ring the bell. The door opens. Kuroko's father, Tasuke, welcomes them.

Akashi bows "My name is Akashi Seijuurou, it's pleasure to meet you. Thank you to have me in your home"

Suddenly he hears a female voice behind him "You don't need to be so formal, Sei-chan" Akashi congratulates himself for not losing his composure, months with Tetsuya helped him greatly. He slowly turns to see, long straight cerulean locks and bright aquamarine eyes, a female version of Kuroko.

"Would be impolite of me to start casual with people older than me, Kuroko-san, but if it's your wish I will try"

Kuroko's mother, Sachiko, smiles "Such a well-mannered boy, You chose well, Tetsuya."

"Mother, please stop to sneack around people. It's rude"

Akashi looks at Tetsuya, Like you have the right to say it. Look like weak presence is hereditary.

Sachiko mutters "But it's fun"

Akashi faints ignorance at these words and offers the wine to Tasuke, yet Sachiko takes it instead and examines it"Trying to bribe us with your richness?"

Akashi's face stiffened

"Sachiko!" Tasuke admonish her.

"I'm joking,darling. Thank you for the gift, Sei-chan. I bet you young people don't want to spend time with lil'old us, so you and Tetsuya can kill time in his room, waiting for lunch. I trust you I don't need to change the sheets after, okay?"

Akashi's lips twitch a little. "Mother" Kuroko admonish her.

"What did I say?" Sachiko inquires "Still, I bet it's pretty embarrassing and a bother to spend time with the parents, right?"

Before Tetsuya can stop him, Akashi says "Not it's a bother, Kuroko-san"

Sachiko's smiles widen "If so, spend time with both my darlings in the living room, while I cook lunch, okay?"

"I suppose so" Akashi realizes he fell in a trap. Well played, Kuroko-san. Bokushi compliments her.


In the living, Kuroko's grandmother, Atsumi, is seated on the couch. Naturally, Akashi couldn't not to greet her. "Nice to meet you, Kuroko Atsumi-san. Tetsuya speaks really often about you"

Atsumi heartily stokes the crimson head, catching Rakuzan captain off guard "Such a cute bride, you brought home, Tetsuya-chan"

"Grandmother, Akashi-kun is male"

"Oh, pardon. Such a handsome groom you brought home, Tetsuya-chan"

"Grandmother, we are still in high school"

"In my days, being married or engaged at this age was normal"

Akashi, after being freed from the old woman clutches, teases "I don't mind to marry you, Tetsuya"

"I will start to take this conversation seriously only after at least five years of engagement"

"Do you want to start the count from now? What ring you want?"

"Your jokes aren't funny"

the red haired boy makes an innocent expression "What jokes?"

Tasuke interrupts "Let the talk of marriage to later years, Please?"

Akashi returns serious "Of course"

"So, Akashi-kun, Tetsuya told me you are the school council president. Is it hard?"

"Nothing I can't handle. I feel a sense of accomplishment in preserving the peace of the school and make the best environment for the students, when a new project successfully come to life from scratch is rewarding"

"What are your hobby?"

"I love bas..."Kuroko jabs him from behind "I mean I play shogi, I do horse reading and calligraphy. Oh, I also play the violin"

"The portrait of the noble son, uhuh. So many talents, Sei-chan. Tell me, what do you like about Tetsuya?" Sachiko suddenly appears near Akashi.

"Mother!" Kuroko feels like to die from embarrassment, his mother always had a peculiar personality but now she is pushing it!

"What? Sei-chan has so many qualities that he could go out with whoever he wants! so even though as his mother I know well Tetsuya's good points, I'm curious, what make him different from the rest? Obviously apart the weak presence, or have you a fetish for it?


Akashi felt his mouth dry. He expected questions, but not such straight forward interrogatory! However, an Akashi would never lose control of the situation, he would always smoothly answer at every questions asked. He needs to convey the sincerity of his feelings to Tetsuya's parents and be approved by them!

"At first it was Tetsuya's unpredictability. From childhood I was taught how to read people and their future's actions. Since I'm raised to be a leader and a businessman in the future, it's my duty to know people and how to lead them. But, Tetsuya is different. What others couldn't do it, he did, what I expected from him, he did even better. Although his talent and body are worse than many others, with perseverance and willpower, he managed. What no one had the courage to do, he did. It's always a new surprise with him, and I'm never bored.

Next, it's his behavior toward me. Whatever others did what I said only to go along with me, he did of his free will. When I'm wrong he is ready to stop me. He doesn't look up at me, but straight into the eyes as an equal. With him I'm not the prodigy, nor the Akashi heir, but an high school boy just like him.

Finally, his strength. Tetsuya has such big heart and inner strength. I must be sincere with you. I look confident, and yet I have many insecurities inside, and those insecurities led to many mistakes and wrong doing in the past. Nevertheless, Tetsuya accepted such me and wants to help me. He supports me, and I hope I can become the same for him as well. I feel that just having him with me, everything will go well from now on. I excel in guessing but I can't foresee the future. I hope you will still be by my side, Tetsuya."

Tetsuya smiles brightly to him, moved by such confession "I will"

"Like I said before, you chose well, Tetsuya" Sachiko smiles.

"I leave Tetsuya in your care, Akashi-kun" Tasuke says.

"I think they should tie the knot already" Atsumi adds.

"Grandmother!" the monotonous tone has a hint of exasperation.

"How did you and Tetsuya-chan meet?"

Akashi smiles "The first time I saw Tetsuya was on the first day of high school, walking on the road surrounded by cheery blossom. Tetsuya was reading a book. Our gazes also meet briefly. I thought "I must get acquaintance with this boy""

Kuroko chuckles softly "I remember as well. To be honest my thought was "Can I get along with him?" and now look at us"

"And then? Did you meet again at school? You look like the type that can appreciate a good book, Sei-chan. Are you also a member of the Literature Club like Tetsuya?" Sachiko asks.

"Literature Club?" So, this is the lie to cover he is playing basketball.

"You aren't? What club are you?"

"Akashi-kun is already in the student council, he has no time for club activity" Kuroko replies for him.

Tasuke says "You are right, to manage both it's pretty difficult and needs very much ability"

"True" the crimson haired boy says bitterly. He doesn't like to lie like this, it feels as if he is covering something of shameful and an Akashi always acts in a way they think it's righteous. They can be wrong, they can be cruel or evil, but never ashamed. However, since Tetsuya begged him, he has to play along.

"So how did you meet again?" Atsumi asks.

Kuroko answers in a heartbeat "Sometimes I help the student council. You can guess the next"

Akashi hopes there aren't anymore questions about.

Like someone listened to the redhead plea, Sachiko, that meanwhile the talk went in the kitchen, returns "The Christmas lunch is ready." Kuroko's mother looks at the young crimson eyed boy "You know Sei-chan, if I didn't like you answer about why you like Tetsuya, I was ready to adds seaweed to your food. But now I think you deserve your tofu soup. I hope your refined noble palate can find it tasty enough"

Akashi looks at Kuroko "Did you tell them?"

"It's your first visit and Christmas. Of course I want you to eat something you enjoy"

"Thank you" Akashi is sincere. No one apart his mother, has been so thoughtful toward him. He felt warmth in his heart.


After the lunch "Now it's time to open the presents under the tree!" Sachiko says. Kuroko's family plus Akashi go in the living room.

Akashi stares at the Christmas tree "...small"

"Surely it isn't big as the one in your mansion" Kuroko says.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean... Even if small this is a real Christmas tree. The one in my mansion is big, expensive and esthetically superior but it feels cold and artificial, while this one... I feel the spirit of this holiday..." Akashi looks at the cheap but nevertheless well kept decorations. Some cute, some handmade "... the decorations are various and chaotic but they attest the past of this family" the redhead touches a decoration with the form of Nigou wearing a Santa Claus suit "This is from this year... did you make it,Tetsuya?"

"Yes, do you like it?"

"Yes..." For Akashi that can buy everything he wants with money, handmade objects are much worthier. "Then, You can have it" Tetsuya tell him.


Kuroko smiles a tiny bit "consider it a memento of our first Christmas together"

"Thank you. I will surely reciprocate" Akashi says.

"Don't give me something of expensive, please" The phantom pleas. Kuroko is really worried about what the redhead could gift him. Akashi's common sense is a little out of the loop. Suddenly, he doesn't look forward to his birthday anymore.

Sachiko kisses his husband "Thank you, darling" then she hugs Atsumi and Tetsuya "I love the earrings, Thank you"

Tasuke opens his gift and "Are you indirectly calling me an old man?" He looks at the box of health tonics

Kuroko replies deadpanned "We are only worried about your health" Sachiko says "It was Tetsuya's idea"

"And naturally you couldn't let pass this chance of trolling me, right?" Tasuke says deadpanned like his son.

"Darling, you knew me when you decided to marry me" She smiles. Tasuke sighs in defeat.

"Grandmother, let me help you" Kuroko offers to open the present. He opens it and there is a wooden music box with a piano in miniature "It's beautiful, thank you Tetsuya-chan. Tacchan and Sachiko-chan"

"Now it's Tetsuya's turn" Tasuke says. Kuroko opens a box to find... a box of condoms. If Akashi was drinking, he would spill the water and choke. "Mother..." Tetsuya isn't amused.

"What? Now you have a boyfriend! Better safe than sorry. Looking at the bright side, since is Sei-chan, I don't need to worry about teen pregnancy"

Tasuke sighs "Sachiko... Tetsuya don't listen to her, you real present is still in the box" and Akashi gives his all for not sighing in relief that at least the father is normal.

Kuroko search in the box to find a basketball guide. Kuroko is shocked "Why?" Akashi's eyes widen curious. Tasuke smile a little bit "Even if you are forbidden to play it, and even now we can barely stay calm about, since you loved basketball so much, we are thinking that maybe you can watch it on TV sometimes or the family can go to the stadium and see a pro match from the bleachers."

"Thank you" Kuroko is moved. He knows this choice cost a lot to his parents. Step by step, maybe a day he can tell them he is playing basketball again. Akashi feels awkward since he is aware that Kuroko is playing basketball behind his parents' back and hope that a day the phantom will explain to him the reason. What are you getting upset about, Bokushi says, It's Tetsuya's choice and we aren't involved. Ah, blissful ignorance.

"Now it's Sei-chan's turn!" Sachiko says excited.

"What?" Akashi is literally caught off guard. He isn't a member of the family and this is his first time visiting.

"Do you think we are so shameless to make you watch us open presents without giving you one as well?" Sachiko says and adds "Do you want this house's key to sneak around Tetsuya's room? Youngsters are so full of energy, instead to go in some weird places I prefer you do it safely here"

Seijuurou uses all of the Akashi's superior genetic to remains collected and charming like an Akashi must be, but inside he feels a part of himself dying.

Kuroko stays impassive. The phantom's mother snorts "You aren't fun, Tetsuya. Not even a bit of blush or objection"

Tetsuya replies "Because you can give the key to Akashi-kun. He won't do anything."

"Do you trust him so much?"

"Akashi-kun is a perfectionist and well-educated gentleman. Sneaking around isn't his style"

A Nice way of putting that you don't have guts. Bokushi says, I can do.

Oreshi replies, Maybe, but at least I have a relationship. Last time I checked you are still in denial.

"Putting the jokes aside, here your present, Akashi-kun. Merry Christmas" Tasuke said deadpanned.

"I'm very grateful but you didn't need to..." Akashi takes the gift. A simple white cup with Seijuurou's name in bold scarlet "I could do it better..." Tasuke apologizes "...but since we learned only yesterday that you would have come, I was a little rushed"

Sachiko smiles proud "Tasuke is good at these works. He has just opened some months ago a shop here in Kyoto for custom made objects like cups, clocks, or pillows and such. If you want something, like a dakimakura of Tetsuya, you can ask him"

"Sachiko-chan, if you keep pushing the jokes too far, Tetsuya-chan will be angry. And you remember the last time he was very angry" Atsumi warns her.

Sachiko becomes blue at the memory, Tetsuya has inherited her cunningness and his father's patience. A deadly combination "Okay, I quit."

Akashi takes note to prepare some countermeasures in case of an angry Tetsuya. Bokushi is excited by the challenge. Again, blissful ignorance.

"It's simple but elegant. I quite like this cup" the redhead thanks them.

"You can leave it here and use it when you stay over. We hope you will keep coming in this house and who know, become a part of this family in the future" Tasuke says.

Might be because his family's situation, Akashi didn't dare to hope to be welcomed so much, and yet it has happened. This family is really nice "I'd love to visit again".

"Tacchan, help your mother to reach the piano" Atsumi asks. On the other side of the living room there is an brown upright piano decorated with mistletoe and golden bells. "It's time to sing Christmas songs" Atsumi plays some notes and sighs a little "Isn't the same as before I broke my hand" Kuroko soothes her "It isn't important Grandmother. What matters is the joy and spirit the song bring"

Sachiko says with a sadistic glee "Naturally, Sei-chan will sing with us, right?"

"With pleasure" a Christmas song is nothing for the great Akashi Seijuurou, he cheers himself up. No one outside of this room can't know it. Especially the GOM. While Aomine and Mayuzumi for the first would find a sense of camaraderie while making fun of him, Midorima would pass out and Kise wouldn't stop pestering him until he agrees to sing with him as well. Murasakibara...wouldn't care! Akashi has an revelation, Can be that Murasakibara is the sanest of them? He should never underestimate Yousen giant.

So Akashi, with the Kuroko's family, sing various Christmas songs, and Atsumi compliments the redhead for his singing ability. Like he could call himself an Akashi if he couldn't sing as well.

Meanwhile, Bokushi, embarrassed of himself, wishes he could become the second personality of some dictator from another manga and leave this teenager boy singing Christmas songs. He doesn't want to be Akashi Seijuurou anymore.


They were at the house door, it's time for Akashi to go. Kuroko decided to walk him home.

Sachiko says goodbye to them "Next time, bring the violin. Mother would like to play a duet with you"

"Gladly" Akashi replies polite.

Kuroko's mother smiles sweetly "And Sei-chan... even if I made it a joke so far, the two of you are still young, so be responsible. Don't force me to be the strict parent, Okay?"

"Of course, Sachiko-san. We will properly behave"

"Good" She smiles for real this time "Merry Christmas"

Akashi smiles briefly as well, "Merry Christmas"

On the road, Kuroko asks his boyfriend "How was it?"

"To be honest? Weird. I felt like a fish out of water... I enjoyed it though"

Kuroko smiles "Good. You have to get used though, since you are coming next year as well. And you can't refuse"

Akashi replies "Thank you. For giving me such heartwarming Christmas. For everything" then he pouts "It's pity that apart on the piano, there weren't any hanged mistletoe"

"Do you want a kiss? Don't worry Akashi-kun, I already hanged one in your door"

Akashi is pleasantly surprised "When?"

"This morning when we left. I know a perfectionist like you wouldn't miss this tradition. I want this kiss as well. "

"I figured I could do it at your home, but there weren't..."

Kuroko sighs "Can you even imagine what my mother would do if those things were hanging around?"

Akashi understood "I don't want to be rude, but your mother is crazy"

Kuroko deadpanned replies "I know. I look forward to the day she meets your father" the phantom smiles with glee in his baby blue eyes "It will be amazing"

Akashi feels cold sweat in his neck. He doesn't know if to feel fear or wonder for what will happen.

This Christmas special happened in the time frame of the 7th chapter. I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint no one. Lately I noticed while many portrait Akashi as absolute and almost all-knowing, I love to kick him off from his high pedestal LOL. Please leave a review, OK? Merry Christmas and Happy new year!