A/N: Again, sorry for the big gaps between chapters. I'm in school doing 17 credits, so it's hard to find the time. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


Tears are flowing down my cheeks in a steady flow. I still haven't moved since Gabby left. Knowing it's getting late and my fathers will be looking for me soon, I get up and gather my things. I feel on auto pilot. I'm sad because I just lost my girlfriend, who I do like, but could never love. Why can't I love her? She treats me great, she loves me, and would be the best girlfriend. Instead, I fall in love with my tormentor. My beautiful Ice Queen. Talk about Stockholm Syndrome. All these emotions are flowing through me, and it's overwhelming. I can't stop the tears. I mean, I'm sad but not that sad to be sobbing this much. Ugh, what is wrong with me?

Being on auto pilot, I'm not even paying attention where I'm going. As nature would have it, of course I run into someone, which causes me to look even more like an idiot and fall on my face.

"Watch the hell you're go-" a voice snaps out before stopping mid sentence. Crap, I know that voice. "R-Rachel? Wh-Why are you crying?"

I just get up without a word and head for the exit. I can't deal with her. I can't let her see me cry. I'm supposed to be badass to her, and the way I'm acting, this isn't badass.

"Wait!" She gently grabs my arm, pulling me back towards her. When I avoided looking at her, she gently cups my chin and turns me towards her. "Hey, look at me. What's wrong? What happened?"

I try to shake her off, but she won't let me go. Why is it the one time she actually wants to touch me is the day I don't want her to? Fuck the universe. "Please Quinn. I don't want you to see me like this."

"No way. Why are you crying? Who made you cry? I'm gonna kick their ass." I chuckle softly but shake my head. I might as well tell her. She's gonna find out soon enough.

"No one Quinn. Gabby and I just broke up." I shrug as if it's no big deal. I expected her to feel indifference, maybe shock, but never anger. And right now, she looked livid.

"That bitch broke your heart!? Oh hell, just wait till I see her at next practice. She's gonna wish she was never born. Who does she think she is? That motherfu-" I was shocked she's defending me, and it was kinda hot, but I can't let Quinn do anything to Gabby. I press my fingers gently to her lips to silence her. Oh my god, her lips are so soft. If only I could just lean in and kiss them. No! Not the time Rachel!

"Hey, shh. She didn't break my heart. It was a mutual break up. Don't hurt her please?" Confusion comes across her face. She gently removes my hand from her lips but doesn't drop it. Instead, she holds it to her chest.

"But, if it was mutual, why are you crying?" With her other hand, she wipes the remaining of my tears, cleaning my face. "If it was someone else, tell me? I'll make sure they know to never hurt you again." She looks down for a moment, with a flicker of guilt and hurt passing her face, then looks back up. "Like I've hurt you. I'm sorry Rachel. I should have never done any of those things. You deserve better and I'm so sorry Rach! I -" I press my fingers to her lips again, smiling softly.

"Quinn, it's okay. I was just overwhelmed with all of my emotions." I remove my hand from her lips, and grab hers, bring it to my chest. "And as for what you've done, I've already forgiven you. We can start new. A whole new slate. What you think?"

She just shyly smiles and nods. She looks down again, looking nervous, before she looks up, with a flicker of confidence. Extracting her hand from mines, she wraps it around my waist, pulling me towards her into a hug. I wrap my arms around her back, my head falling onto her shoulder. It isn't until she tightens her hold a little, that I notice it. She's holding me. Her right hand is tracing shapes and figures on my back as her left rubs in small circles. I let out a soft sigh, feeling refreshed. This is just what I needed. To make it even more perfect, I feel her head leaning on mines. This is perfect. Just us, holding each other in an embrace in the middle of the school hallway.


Two weeks. Two weeks since I've held Rachel in my arms. That moment was amazing. I remember how I felt when I first saw her cry. God, I was so irritated. That day was a hard one for me. First having to sing that song with her, all those emotions running through me. Then when I rushed home, to run into my father. Thankfully, he was too tired to do anything else than snap at me. And finally having to go back to school because I forgot my math book in my locker. Being irritated was an understatement. But the second I saw her on the ground with tear tracks on her face, something clicked in me. I wanted to comfort her, to hold her, and to make everything better for her. I've never really seen her cry, even when I was being a bitch to her. She was always so strong. So when I saw her crying, it broke me, broke my heart. Then I wanted to just murder whoever caused it. But then she explained she and Gabby broke up, which I secretly cheered.

When we were in her room, I felt things that I've never felt before. That's what scared me, and what caused me to avoid her. Then when we sang, even more so. But again, to see her cry, something clicked. I wanted to be the person she turns to when she cries, to be the one who gets to protect her, and to hold her. To hold her, like I actually got to do, and I want to do it again. I want to hold her in my arms, to kiss her, and maybe one day to love her. I want Rachel Berry. God, that scared the crap out of me when I first realized it, but that day changed me. I, Quinn Fabray, want Rachel Berry.

Laughter brought me out of my musings. Specifically, HER laughter. I turn to see her at her locker..with her! Why is she with her!? I quickly walk over to her with my hands on my hips, and my head held high. Rachel's back is to me, but she sees me, and I see a small flicker of fear in her eyes. Yes bitch, the HBIC is here, and she' coming for you.

"Hey Rach, what you doing talking to her for?" My voice is ice cold and I sneer the last part of my sentence towards her. Rachel turns towards me, smiling softly.

"Hey Quinn, we're still friends." She slowly leans towards me so only I could hear the next part. "It's okay, calm down. I'm okay." Part of me hates that she knows me so well now.

I scoff as I look at her with distaste. I see a flicker of fear, but also understanding in her eyes. Understanding? She doesn't understand shit.

"Look, Gabrielle." I sneer her name as I step up into her face. "You may have her fooled, but you don't have me. You better watch your back before I -" Rachel pushes between us, stopping my awesome rant.

"Quinn, please, stop. Everything's okay. Gabby and I are still friends." I turn towards her now. I feel hurt, but I try to push it down along with jealousy? No way, I'm not jealous. It's just hatred, yeah, hatred for her!

"Why? She broke your heart? Why are you still hanging around her? She made you cry!" I can feel myself working into a frenzy, and I know I need to stop before I say anything I might regret. But seeing them together just made me so mad! "You know what, whatever. Do what you want! I don't care. Just don't come crying to me if she hurts you again."

With that, I stomp off. Fuck this shit.


"Go after her." I turn to Gabby.

"I'm sorry Gabby, I don't know what that was." I shake my head.

"Yes you do." She chuckles softly. "Go. I'm fine, and I actually was kinda expecting it. I mean, you guys have been hanging out together for the past two weeks. Now she sees you with me, I knew she was gonna feel possessive. She usually does. Go."

I nod my head in thanks before I jog off to find her. I know exactly where she'll be too. I head off to the bleachers and see her sitting at the top. She looks deep in thought, but I can also detect a hint of hurt there. Sighing, I walk up to her, and sit next to her.

"Talk to me Quinn." I turn to look at her, giving her my full attention.

"I'm sorry Rachel, I don't know what that was. I guess I was just -"

"Jealous." I cut her off. She looks to me shocked. Her mouth flaps open and closed for a few seconds before she closes it and looks down. She looks ashamed. God, why is she so cute? I laugh internally as I lift her chin with my fingers and face her towards me. I didn't realize how close I sat next to her, but here we are, close. Just a couple inches between our faces.

"Quinn, you don't have to be jealous." She tries to retort back but I stop her with my fingers against her lips. I feel like I'm doing this more often than I should. "No, listen. You don't have to feel jealous because..." I stop and bite my bottom lip. I see her gaze flick quickly to it before looking back at me. Am I really gonna tell her? Am I ready to?

We've been getting closer these last few weeks, and I feel like she's more open to me. But is she open enough to not torment me if I share this? My answer comes in the slowly darkening of her eyes as she looks towards my captive bottom lip again.

"Because..?" She whispers huskily. God, that was sexy.

"Because no one can compare to you." Her eyes snap back up to mines in surprise. Fuck, I messed up. She wasn't ready. I slowly start to pull back to give her space when she stops my movement with her hand behind my neck.

She looks between my eyes and my lips, which causes me to look at her lips. She has the most beautiful lips I have ever saw. They look so soft and kissable. Her eyes, though. There are no words to describe how beautiful they are. Especially with the sunlight shining, they look so magical. God, she just alone is gorgeous.

I slowly lean in looking for permission, hoping this would be consensual. My answer comes in the form of her also leaning in, looking at my lips. Smiling softly, I lean in and close the distance.

Fuck, her lips are as soft as they look. The kiss starts slow and chaste but it's amazing. I don't want to push too much, not knowing what she's ready for. But to my surprise, I feel her tongue swipe my bottom lip, asking for permission. God yes, she can have all the permission she wants. The second our tongues touch, I'm dead. I think I've died and gone to heaven. I don't see fireworks, I see nuclear bombs. I hear orchestras playing, butterflies doing summersaults in my stomach, and every other cliche. I'm in heaven.

Our tongues are dueling, but I let her take the lead. Fuck, she tastes amazing, like strawberries. I don't want to go too far, so I start to pull back. I give her one more sweet kiss before I break apart. I lean my forehead on hers as I try to catch my breath.

"R-Rachel, can I-I ask you s-something?" She stutters out, nervously. I still can't talk so I just nod.

"W-Will you b-be my g-girlfriend?" I look up suddenly at her, with a big-shit-eating grin on my face. God, yes FINALLY!

"God yes!" I practically shout, before I dive in and claim her lips again. She's mine!

A/N: Again, sorry for the long wait. What did you guys think? So Faberry is finally together. What do you think should happen now?