Author's Notes: So I'm going to separate dialogue from 3rd person narration. Personally I after doing this, it looks much more neat and clean to read. I've also added a location to each paragraph to indicate where this is taking place, I just fell this seems right to do. Again looks neater.

Chapter 27: Plans

At HomeWorld

"Yellow, Why are you making a fool of us?"

"Agreed, after the war we have yet to eradicate the problem, even after corrupting the majority of their army only 8 remain. I say we send our forces and finish this!"

"Blue...White, I know how much their army has dwindled. Which is why I sent a Sereid to finally deal with it. Sereid is an evolutionary breakthrough within our tech and I would like to see how it performs on such an organic planet such as Earth."

"Even with the advancements with this project the success rate is only 84%. Although if it does what it's suppose to, then our problems are solved."

"Then think of this as a field test"

Two large screens were set each filling half of the throne displaying both Blue and White Diamond.

"You're even risking yourself in that form. Ever since the shatter of Pink and your near assasination your energy has been diminishing and yet you continue to force yourself to project a body even with that suit on you won't last long if you continue to do this."

"I know! Which is why I need the Sergemtes, if we can retrieve it we wouldn't have to worry about finding planets for millions of years, I would be able to even restore the power I lost."

Yellow Diamond stared at her fellow Diamonds, completely ignoring the fact that her body was flickering before slowly stabilizing.

"Yellow Diamond out"

She said respectfully to her equals as she formed the diamond pledge. Both White and Blue Diamond also responded by performing this pledge

She pressed a button and the screen disappeared, followed by a long sigh by Yellow Diamond.

The large doors to her throne creaked open as two Quartz gems escorted an ever larger gem that walked between them. The two Quartz on the outside were fairly large about as tall as Jasper, but the one in the middle put them to shame; Being twice their size. Their heavy footsteps echoed throughout the chamber. The largest gem kneeled down and spoke.

"I was created today with only one purpose. To serve the diamonds, and if I am ordered to sacrifice: my mind, my life, my gem, then I shall do so without hesitation."

She stood up tall and crossed her arms and pulled her hands back until her fingers touched, forming a diamond symbol with her gem being displayed inside of the diamond.

Yellow Diamond smiled and replied to this gems un-corruptible devotion to her. She spoke while approaching the Quartz

"What you are doing now will forever be recorded in gem history, you will not truly be forgotten. You will live on as a legend who proudly gave up their life to serve your diamond." Yellow Diamond use some of her energy to grow enough to reach the Quartz gem. She cupped the gem that rested on the warrior's chest and said "You will become part of me".

The Quartz closed her eyes and felt the energy in her gem being sucked away, but she didn't resist. She began to dematerialize from the outside in until what remained was her gem.

Circuitry formed around Yellow Diamonds forearms as the energy that gave the Quartz life was being transferred to her. The gem that rested in her hands was no longer existent. Yellow Diamonds body glowed pure yellow as she grew exponentially taller.

Her clothes ripped from her body and fell to the ground. The other two gems backed away, taken by surprise how large their diamond grew. Her body shaped back to her original form. She stretched her new body as she grew accustomed to it.

"Finally I have enough energy to sustain me for a while, no longer will I have to wear clothing at least for now. Go and create me another suitable Quartz. I have work that must be done."

The two now small Quartz gems respectfully formed the diamond pledge and exited the room. Yellow Diamonds gem pulsed as the small chair reconfigured to accommodate her size. This chair was enormous, large enough for her to sit with her legs extended and still be comfortable. As she sat multiple screens appeared before her. She placed her hands into the screens and her eyes became a window for streams of data.

Somewhere on Earth

Peridot awoke to the sounds of crashing waves. Besides her was Jasper sitting on a rock with her head down.

"My limb enhancers! They are all broken! UGH!"

She screamed angrily.

"We failed, me a Jasper failed. I came out from this rock strong but apparently not strong know what happens now right?"

Jasper said in a humiliated tone.


"We get demoted and given a punishment for our incompetence. If only that rock of a gem didn't bring the ship down. Well we better get communications up and report to Yellow Diamond."

"Agreed, judging from our location the closest kindergarten would be facet 10 Epsilon-on second thought we can go to Delta kindergarten in facet 15 I always wanted to go there. I heard every single gem created there was perfect."

"Wait what's wrong with Epsilon?"

"Well it's just that during the time when the Crystal gems were an actually a threat they invaded that Kindergarten and I had just remembered, it could be where they are hiding. In fact we could possibly be right next to their base and not even know about it!"

Peridot started to panic but was quickly silenced by Jasper's large hand

"Let's say they are near us, with you screaming like that you'd give away our location. So let's just stay quiet and start heading towards Delta, okay?"

Peridot only shook her head as a response "Good" Jasper said letting go of Peridots face and waited for her to lead the way. They begun to make their travel to Delta. Jasper something out of her pocket, it was a gem-Amber. She bubbled the gem and sent it off.

"Maybe we'll get off easy with this"

In a Lab somewhere at Homeworld

The bubbled Amber landed in a lab room with many large tubes that contained gems or weird experiments inside. There were multiple Peridots running around, passing hologram clipboards or moving machinery. Only one Peridot noticed the bubbled gem. She examined the gem, but it accidentally popped.

The gem began to float up and glow. All the Peridots in the room froze and watched the gem form. Amber was in his black suit when he reformed. Before he knew what was happening he was shot repeatedly from all direction from arm cannons coming from the Peridots.

Doors from all corners of the room opened and Rubies came rushing into the room. They surround the now smoking Amber and dog piled him, until he was restrained. A second Peridot walks up to him with what seems to be a wand and pokes him. His body begins to form circuits and glitches out as he screams in pain. She pulls the wand away. Wondering why he did not poof.

A third Peridot behind a desk opens up her panel and types in a long line of text and taps on it. The tile beneath Amber detaches from the ground, now floating. A fourth Peridot lead the restraint Amber into a room where the tile rested in the center of this room. Cables descended from above and attached themselves to Amber, his body covered with glowing circuitry and his eye becoming data.

Steven's House

Her eyes opened slowly as they adjusted to the light. She hears voices nearby, familiar ones. She rose from the bed and saw Garnet, Amethyst, and Steven together. She leapt from the bed to greet them with a hug that crushed all of them.

"Pearl! You're crushing us!" Amethyst yelled trying to pry herself free from Pearls monstrous strength

After letting go Steven took a deep breath almost being choked

"Well what now? Jasper and Peridot are nowhere to be found and Amber is also missing."

"Okay and where are Granite and Mica" Garnet replied

"They went out looking for you guys, but they should be back soon."

"So like, Should we search for the homeworld gems?" questioned Amethyst

"Yes, For all we know they could be contacting homeworld and we wouldn't even know about it until it's too late and there's a whole invasion force surrounding us. Steven you need to stay safe, I know you've grown a lot in the past few months but you're still too young-" Garnet was interrupted.

"No, I want to help too. I know I don't know how to fight but if you could teach me how, maybe i wouldn't be such a burden to you guys. You've always protected me and lately I've also been protecting you. Please let me help?" Steven Pleaded.

The 3 gems stared at each other and continued to do so as if they were using telepathy to speak to talk. This continued to for about a solid minute before any of them reacted.

"Well?" Steven muttered waiting patiently. The gems responded with a smile, and Steven couldn't help but smile too.

"If you're really going through with this, then I'll train you while Garnet and Amethyst prepare us. While I prepare you for battle. Maybe you can learn new things about yourself that you haven't before like these past months. We start training later today.

The Crystal gems rejoice in their reunion meanwhile Granite and Mica are on there way back. All while Jasper and Peridot near Kindergarten. What is Sereid and what does it do?

Author's Notes: Let me know with a review or message if you guys find this format of storytelling easier to read/follow/understand/ etc. Still I plan on re-doing older chapters like this one if you guys find this format better, as it will also increase the reading pleasure of new readers.