I do not own any Disney characters named herein, and am only borrowing them to tell a nonprofit tale meant for entertainment purposes only.

Kim Possible: Impossibilities

By LJ58


Kim was smiling as her parents carried them back to her house to change, and prepare for their trip. She simply ignored all the press that shadowed the route along the way.

When she had peeked at the tickets on the way over to her house, even Will was impressed. The resort was one usually frequented only by the very elite of the elite, and even the press couldn't get into the place. They made plans for afterward even as they made plans for what they would be doing, and James and Ann said nothing as they carried the pair to Upperton since neither of them had driven.

"I hope the place isn't too dusty," Kim said as she climbed out of the car a few minutes later as Ron, and a few agents pulled up behind them. Their official escort until things were officially calmed down, and back to relative normal. "It feels like ages since I've been home."

"Honestly, KP," Ron smirked, "It's not like you stay at home much even when you're not off getting…. I mean, being…. I mean….."

"Ron, just stop," the redhead grinned, and headed for the front door.

"Uh, is it still secure," Ron asked as Dash came around the house looking worried.

"We just spotted two, maybe three people coming our way through the woods," the big man told Ron as Kim unlocked the door. "No ID, but they can't be legit. Hazzard is out back, keeping eyes on."

"Hiro, right flank. Dash, let's go," Ron nodded, and they turned left, letting Kim, Will, and Kim's parents go inside as the two agents with Ron joined them, too.

"I'm sure it's nothing," James smiled as Ron and the others went around the house.

"Yes," Ann smiled blandly as Kim headed for the hall, and declared, "I won't be a second. Then we'll…."

"Well, well, well," a low, growling voice drawled as the shadow loomed over her and Will as they stood in the living room near the hall. "Looks like I just got lucky," a tall, vicious creature with a mouthful of sharp teeth sneered down at them.

"Kimberly," her father shouted as the reptilian anthro's powerful tail flashed, and Will was sent flying to smash into the far wall as the creature reached for her.


Ron and Hiro barely cleared the sides of the house when the sound of gunfire filled the air, and one man went down. An instant later, Ron barely evaded a round that tore into the brick façade behind him when he instinctively jumped aside.

"Three shooters, spread wide," Hiro declared, even as the ninja ran forward in a zigzagging pattern vanishing into the forest beyond the back yard.

"I've got the middle," Dash swore, and pulled his sidearm, and charged across the yard.

Ron ducked again, something tearing out huge divots in the grass, which suggested someone was more afraid of him than his allies just then.

"Hazzard," Dash shouted, "Where are you?"

Near Ron, the other agent with him radioed for help even as the radio exploded in his hand.

"Okay, I've had enough of this guy," Ron growled as his eyes began to glow blue.


"I almost hate to face you like this," Reptile snarled as he glared down at the very pregnant Kim as her parents gasped in horror at the creature standing over their daughter.

"Liar," Kim said fearlessly, glaring up at him.

"You're right. Actually, all I see now is an easy win, and a hot meal," he grinned, and reached for her. "Win-win for me," he sneered.

Kimberly didn't move as she usually did.

By then, she couldn't.

That didn't mean she was that slow. Or helpless.

Her hands went to her sleeves, and Reptile howled as he backpedaled, shaking his clawed hands that stung as if they had been slammed by sledgehammers.

Kim stood in front of him now holding slender sticks of some kind, and smiling coldly as his sensitive ears heard a faint whining from the slender, tapered rods she held.

"What are those," he spat as he eyed her Escrima, and started to move, but only to feint at her so his tail could move for a devastating blow.

One stick intercepted most of it, and when he still hit her full in the belly, the redhead only grunted slightly, took a single step back, then leapt forward, and smashed her two sticks into the side of his head from both sides in rapid succession.

Then she hit him again, and gave a half jump, kicking him between his still very male legs.

Reptile howled, his head spinning, and his senses reeling by then, and he went to his knees as he tried in vain to pull back.

She was raising her sticks again, taking aim at his head, when Will grabbed her wrists, and told her, "Calm down, Kim. You'll kill him with those on full power. Calm down, you beat him."

Kim turned, staring up at him, and smiled.

"Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that."

"This…. This isn't…..over," Reptile hissed.

Kim's blow sent him to the far end of the hall, shattering the closet door there, even as Ron, and five more newly arrived agents burst into the house.

"KP, I'm here!"

Kim eyed Ron as he ran into the house, and grinned.

"Better late than never," Will drawled dryly.

"Reptile. That's the last then," Ron commented as he eyed the big creature now lying unconscious, with a badly injured jaw from the look of him. "We got Vindicator out back with his Henches. We've got two injured, but no one was killed. We were lucky."

"No. They were. I know you have….other work, Ron, but can I count on your help Joss and the boys get our old team back up, and running?"

Ron smiled.

"Like I've always said, Kim," Ron nodded. "I'll always have your back."

"Thanks, Ron," Kim smiled. "Now, get that out of my house, because I really need to go, and then I really need to go."

"Huh," Ron frowned.

"Later," Will told him, and led Kim to the bathroom.

"Ohhhhhh," Ron nodded as the older Possibles just stared.

"I thought she was finished with this kind of thing," James Possible frowned as the GJ agents now went to work, sweeping her whole house after they dragged out the unconscious creature.

Ann didn't even comment as they helped Will and Kim load the car, and carried them to the airport.

She was just glad her daughter had finally found someone that made her happy, and could apparently keep up with her. She was also looking forward to seeing her first grandchild.

Although she did still wonder if it weren't twins.

Kim still refused to let the doctor tell her anything beyond whether the baby was healthy. She stated it was because she wanted to be surprised.

Ann wondered if her daring child weren't actually a little worried.

Then she considered Kim, and her very strange life, and decided that couldn't be it.

When they left Kim and Will to take their flight to the docks where they would board their ship to the resort, she promised to make sure the house was cleaned up, and fixed while they were gone. She suspected this was one time that Kim likely wouldn't mind if the boys got involved in amping her house's security considering.


"I knew you couldn't resist," Dr. Director said four days later when Shego was found in a locked office, sifting papers that she had no right seeing.

Shego just shook her head, still chuckling as she sat in Betty's own seat.

"Still going to stay around?"

"For this," Shego demanded, waving the papers in her hands before Dr. Director snatched them back, and put them back into the file she put back into her desk. "No way am I missing out on this fun."

"Indeed," Dr. Director murmured. "So, have you got an answer for me?"

"Yes. It's no," Shego quipped.

"No," Dr. Director sputtered, all but certain she would have had Shego on payroll after all this time considering the offer she had made her. "Why not?"

"I got a better offer," Shego grinned.

"From who," she demanded to know as the green-skinned woman, back in her customary catsuit costume lounged behind her desk without making any move to get up.

"Ann. She hired me to be her daughter's nanny and bodyguard until she back in shape. Since I feel like I owe her anyway, Ann, as much as Kim, I agreed. After all, we both know that crazy woman will need someone watching her back besides that goofy errand boy of yours. Look how easily Scales took him out."

Betty said nothing to that.

"So, you're staying around to help Kimberly?"

"Yep," she grinned. "Besides, I really want to see her face when she realizes she's not having twins."

Dr. Director said nothing to that.

Not even Will knew yet that Kimberly wasn't having twins.

She was having triplets.

God help them all.
