A/N: Hi everyone, I hope you like this new story! I am planning it to be a two shot but there maybe more chapters if you guys want me to continue! :)

Please read and review, it would mean a lot!

Anyway on with the chapter!

OK, this wasn't ment to happen. I was the popular girl who did well on the track, he was the dorky nerd in my science class. But somehow I found myself staring at him more in class.

I always thought he was cute, the way his arburn hair flopped over his eyes, the light sprinkling of freckles that coved his nose. How when he looked at me he stuttered in an the most adorable manner and the way his beautiful emerald eyes lit up when I talked to him.

He had a crush on me, that was obvious, but I was Astrid Hofferson and he was just the Hiccup, the nerd, the mistake as people told him. It would never work out.

It was only when he moved away for the summer holidays that people really noticed that he was gone. His father, Stoick, was the mayor of our town Berk, so he sometimes went away on business trips but there was that one time when Hiccup went with him.

I don't know where he went, or what he did but when he came back he looked... different, but in a good way.

He looked leaner and more muscular then before and he seemed to have had lost his 'baby fat'. But the main difference was his hair. No longer was it a cute floppy fringe but instead a choppy, uneven, roguish cut that made him look, I would never admit this out loud, but he looked hot.

There, I said it. The famous Astrid Hofferson thought a guy looked hot. If my best friend Rachel Thorson (or Ruffnut as we like to call her) found out I would never hear the end of it. Some serious punching would definitely be needed to shut her up.

Just the thought of the out come, made me glare at Ruffnut who was sitting a few tables away.

I was so lost in thought that I wasn't even paying attention, that was until the teacher dumped me with a surprise question.

"Astrid Hofferson, how far away may I ask, is the sun from earth?" my science teacher, Mrs Beckworth dead panned suddenly.

God, I swear that teacher has superhuman powers or something, how does she know that I wasn't paying attention?

My mind went completely blank. All thoughts of science had drifted away, swept out of my mind as if by a breeze. It wasn't usual for me to have a complete mind blank but I guess today is one of thoughs days.

Frantically I racked my mind for a answer but to no avail. The teacher was glaring at me, her eyes flashing with triumph, knowing she'd caught me out.

Suddenly a voice behind me muttered something quietly in my ear, so silently in fact, that it would have been impossible for anyone else to hear.

"We are 93 million miles away from the sun."

That quiet, sarcastic voice sounded familiar.

I looked around behind me and saw Hiccup. I felt a blush rising in my cheeks but I quickly shoved it down, drawing a emotionless mask over my face.

I had to act quickly, I knew my time was running out and the teacher was looking at me in 'that way'.

"The sun is around about 93 million miles away," I answered coolly in a relaxed manner, I had Hiccup to thank for that answer.

Mrs Beckworth scowled at me, obviously displeased that I had got the question right.

"Very well miss Hofferson, that is correct. Now, can anyone tell me how wide Venus is?" she said crisply.

I groaned and slumped back into my chair in the most unladylike manner. Not like I care about that kind of crap anyway.

I hastily looked back around to where Hiccup was sitting so I could thank him for helping me out however he was already back in his notes. I was just about to look away when I noticed that he wasn't taking any notes but seemed drawing something in the corner. As I looked closer I saw that it was a dragon of some sort, but the way it was drawn really made it come to life. The jet black intricate scales seemed to riple with movement, the curious emerald eyes that were full intelligence seemed to be gaze straight at me and the wings looked like they were in full motion.

I was so lost in wonder that I didn't notice that the teacher until she was towering over me.

"Astrid Hofferson!"

Oh here we go again...