Author's Note : I don't own Harry Potter otherwise Cursed Child would be a novel. I don't own the Marvel Universe otherwise there would be many more movies released this year.

Natasha got her bearing as fast as possible. In a swift smooth move she took her gun out, turned off the saftey, took aim and emptied the whole clip on Loki. Each bullet shot with precision, on his vital organs and each of them hit the target. But even as she was shooting him it was clear that it didn't work one bit. Bullets which would have pierced military grade armour didn't even cause a scratch on him.

He turned and smirked at her. "Huh! Angry kitty! But sorry dear, I have more important things to do than playing with you." He tried to vanish from there but there was an electric crackling and his attempt failed. Natasha noticed that three of the agents had moved away creating a triangle and had implanted staffs in the earth. The air was charged with static. Loki noticed this and his eyes narrowed in challenge. "So now you people are going to stop me! I am God of Magic, you idiots! Retreat now and perhaps I won't hunt you down."

Natasha knew that no trained agent would be scared that easily. She knew that most of her gadgets would be useless on him. She noticed that Steve had moved forward, "If you believe that... " But he stopped mid sentence as Seamus had fired some sort of sick looking purple laser from his stick towards Loki. But before it could reach him Loki moved with supranatural speed, he moved his staff and a blue shield encased him completely. He moved a lot faster than her. A dark haired agent with Indo-Aryan descent and barely in her twenties gestured Natasha and Steve to move back. All the agents raised wooden sticks in their hands and fired different kind of energies, spells as she remembered at Loki. Around a dozen spells impacted his shield. She noticed that they were becoming more and more bright. It became so bright that she couldn't even see Loki anymore. She don't know how she could feel it but she felt that air was saturated with energy, it was like it had became alive or something. Soon statics were being discharged in the air. She barely noticed Seamus pulling her back.

Seamus looked at Steve and shouted over the storm of magic, "It's better to ignore whatever he says. He's a master manipulator."

Natasha noticed that all the agents were straining, trying their best to bring down Loki's shield but she could see that his shield held fast. There was a surge of blue power in the centre. A maelstrom that rose well above their heads. Seamus exclaimed, "Oh fuck.." All agents abruptly stopped their casting as Seamus stopped his as well. Natasha caught him shouting 'Protego Maximus' as he jumped in front of her.

She had a glimps of Loki before his sceptre glowed bright blue and beams of the same blue power erupted from it, striking everyone. Just before it reached Seamus a bright silver wall of light formed in front of them and took the impact. The wizard infront of her strained and was visibly pushed back but his shield held. She gazed around and noticed that a few agents weren't so lucky and were thrown off their feet. After a few seconds later Loki stopped his onslaught. Seamus dropped the shield but kept his wand ready.

Loki surveyed them with amusement. Before anyone can make a move he glowed and instead of one there were two, three, four and more and more of him appearing. And a few Lokies were coming for her.

A dull boom sounded as Stark tower's ceiling cum portkey appeared near northpole with everyone. Blast of the freezing northen wind assaulted them as they appeared. Harry hopefully looked at the Tesseract but it looked like it was going to open up a portal despite of the change in location. Well, Loki hadn't chosen Stark Tower for its location.

"Contact Seamus. Tell him to get that bloody sceptre here ASAP!" Harry told Elizabeth as he signaled everyone to surround the Tesseract. Elizabeth conjured a normal looking mirror and called out to Seamus. Harry couldn't hear anything further as the contraption shot a beam up in the sky with thunderous hum of power.

Everyone stared at it as it literally tore the sky apart. Tearing time and space to creat a portal to the Chitauri home world in another galaxy, faraway in an unknown corner of the universe. Soon he could see a giant alien ship with glimps of constellations behind it that he had never seen. After a long time a little spark of fear had blossomed in Harry's heart, even if he was confident in his own power. Aliens, the Chitauri as Thor called them started raining down from the portal on strange alien bike like vehicles that flew in the sky. Strangely the Chitauri were humanoid. He noted everyone readying themselves. Stark flew up in his suit firing small missiles towards chitauri. Those missiles were small but when they colloided with alien vehicles, there were pretty big explosions that wiped out a lot of the aliens.

But soon a few soldiers reached the ground and started attacking them. Harry took a calming breath and let his instincts take over. Soon he was shooting spells at aliens. Many chitauri were blown up, many were stunned so hard they would never wake up, many were torn apart and a few... burned alive.

More and more chitauri soldiers were coming out of the portal and finding no other target they attacked Harry and his companions like a swarm of crazy bees. There was thunder and lightening and Harry saw that Thor was in his element. Those who took a hit from him never got up again. Whenever he saw a group of aliens he raised his hammer and fried them alive with the ferocious lightening. Hulk was rampaging around like the juggernaut he was, crushing the chitauri, smashing them, flinging them around like ragged dolls. Iron Man was flying around at unbelievable speed blowing the enemy up, never slowing down to become a target. Elizabeth was fighting with a sword in one hand and the wand in another. She moved with inhuman speed cutting the aliens apart, her spells burning holes in their torso. But even with the speed and the brutality her movement were precise, even graceful like a deadly dance.

Harry noted that soon his companions will be overwhelmed soon. Or at least they wouldn't be able to stop aliens from heading towards civilisation. And there was no way in hell that he would let cockroaches from some alien world hurt innocent people. He moved his wand around in a circle above his head. A gian flame erupted from it circling him and keeping any chitauri from coming near. Elizabeth saw this and moved inside the flames before the circle was completed. She raised a shield and protected Harry from those who were trying to shoot from afar. Harry gazed at the portal. The swarm of aliens coming from it. His eyes narrowed. He raised his wand, aimed it at the portal and shouted on top of his lings "Fiendfyre". A torrent of demonic fire erupted from his wand and shot towards the portal. Dragons, Griffins and even Basilisks made of hell-fire attacked the oncoming chitauri. Harry lowered his wand but giant flames of Fiendfyre kept attacking the aliens coming from the portal. Painful cries of the Chitauri rented the skies as they burned alive. Everyone stopped a moment, awed by the spectacle before them, shocked by the ruthlessness and ease with which Harry destroyed the enemy. Soon the Chitauri stopped coming and the fire died down without anything to burn in its reach. His companions were taking care of the few that were left.

Natasha moved forward avoiding a shot from Loki's sceptre. She guessed that Loki would be stronger than her, faster than her but if she remained at distance Loki will surely fry her. Hand to hand combat was the only way she could stand against him. She fired widow's bites-stunners from her wrists and electrocuted him. Loki jerked but shook off the effect. Not that she expected him to loose consciousness. She dodged a swing of his sceptre but he entangled his foot with her and she fell down hard. She had to role swiftly to avoid his sceptre. She rolled her leg trying to take him down but he jumped avoiding it. Natasha managed to get up using the moment but Loki's fist as hard as stone hit her in the stomach, throwing her off her feet. It was going to be a painful fight.

Seamus knew that his shield won't be able to hold many of Loki's overpowered spells so he dodged and moved avoiding them. Loki was fast but so was he. He fired some of the most lethal spells but only a few of them landed and didn't do much more than cutting and bruising him. Seamus knew he was no mach for the god but defeating him was never his purpose. In-between the lethal spells he fired expelliarmus trying to take away his sceptre. Hoping that the god wouldn't notice his tactic. He had to apparate several times to avoid onslaught off Loki's spells but Loki hadn't moved an inch. He was standing in the same spot since the duel began. He was playing with him, taunting him with his mocking smile. There was no way he could take the sceptre from him. Hell! He wasn't even sure which Loki had the real sceptre or if all of them were real. He fired a bombarda in front of Loki's feet with all his power. He needed to message Elizabeth. He needed Harry Potter.

Steve Rogers knew his shield would deflect most of Loki's spells. But Loki knew this too. So instead of finding which spells wouldn't be blocked Loki directed his spells around Steve. Making his surrounding attack him. But Steve was stronger, faster, sharper than Loki thought. Loki conjured hands from the sand. But Steve jumped over them before they can grab him. He dodged under Loki's spells. Even reflected some back towards him. But he couldn't get near him. Steve noted that all of Harry's agents were faster, stronger too. Infact they appeared to be more stronger and faster than him. Much more than what they looked. But he also noted that Loki had no hard time keeping up with them. No one was any more close to defeating Loki than he was. Natasha was a little bruised. But Clint was battered and bloody. He had personal vendetta but was not as skilled in hand to hand combat as Natasha. He didn't know how long they can keep this up. He didn't know the enemy. He didn't know his weaknesses. And as knowledgeable Harry has appeared his agents weren't fairing any better. But he saw Seamus talking to a mirror. May be these wizards had a plan. May be they would win.

Harry spoke with a sonorous so everyone could hear, "Don't lower your guard guys. This was just the first wave. Foot soldiers to gauge us." Elizabeth spoke quietly, "Seamus reported that Loki is proving to be far more formidable than we thought. Taking the Sceptre from him may not be possible for them!"

"Damn!" Harry exclaimed, "The invasion is just starting. We don't know what will be coming next!" Elizabeth replied, "You should go there and take the sceptre. It's the only real option."

"Bloody hell!" Tony exclaimed. Harry turned and looked at the hole in the sky. A giant mechanical worm like creature was descending from the sky. It was bigger than a Chinese fireball and was flying like it was swimming in the air. The gravity apparently had no effect on it. As it continued its descend more soldiers started coming out from the portal and many jumped from the worms's surface. Apparently the worm was carrying a whole battalion of the soldiers.

As his companions engaged the oncoming army he apparated forward infront of them. He waved his wand downward forward. A shockwave erupted and it threw back every chitauri in its way. Harry raised his wand overhead and waved it downward while shouting, "Sectumsempra". A wave of bright sickly purple magic erupted from his wand and passed through the worm splitting it in two. Immediately it stopped flying and its parts crashed with thunderous noise. As it died all the Chitauri entered a frenzy and started screeching like mad. They stopped whoever they fighting and descended on Harry. As they were coming near Harry he shouted, "I'll be back with the sceptre." And he vanished with a pop.

Harry appeared with a pop in the middle of complete chaos. Spells were flying everywhere. Bullets were being shot from every direction. Most of his people were bloody and bruised but so was Loki, he noted with satisfaction. He knew that only one Loki was real. After all Asgardians weren't idiots who would split their souls. He touched the resurrection stone on his ring and concentrated. A reddish orange glow was visible inside all his people but in only one Loki. The one fighting with Natasha. Why her? What did Loki find special in her? He would find out later. Right now he needed the sceptre.

He pointed his faithful phoenix wand and shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

Sceptre in Loki's arm jerked, broke free of his grip and flew towards Harry. But Loki apparted in its path and took it once again. But the blow had shaken him. Even Frigga had hard time deciphering who the real one was. Everyone stopped fighting as all other Lokies disappeared one by one. And the real Loki looked in Harry's green eyes. Emerald green. Killing curse green. Shining with the infinite power. Just like his. Just like her. "How did you know that it was me? Real me? Who are you boy?"

"I'm Harry Potter", Harry frowned. He has noted the change in Loki's demeanour. His sceptre was pointing downward. His stance was non threatening. He was looking deep in his eyes. But he wasn't trying to look in his brain. Harry didn't feel any legilimancy or any kind of probing against his shields. Loki was looking at his face. Observing all his features. His nose, brows, lips, eyes. But he didn't find whatever he was looking for. He raised his sceptre and fired against Harry. But Harry easily erected a shield. A foreboding feeling appeared in Harry's gut. Loki's spell was continuously assaulting him but he wasn't even trying to overpower Harry's shield. His head was tilted to the side. He was studying Harry's power. He was studying Harry. No one attacked Loki as this was obvious to all the trained agents. They knew that Loki had found something unusual in Harry. Harry's agents had an inkling about what it could be but agents of SHIELD were flummoxed. Natasha's gun was out even though she was sure that it wouldn't do any good.

Loki abruptly stopped his spell. Confusion on his face changed to surprise and than elation as his trademark wicked smile appeared on his face. "Harry Potter. The most powerful man on the earth. The Supreme Warlock." He laughed shaking his head. "Oh, She is even better than me."

Harry was impatient, "What the hell are you raving about? Look. Give me the sceptre and we would let you go. There is no need for more bloodshed."

Loki smirked, "Well. She has single handedly changed all the equations. I no longer need to conquer the earth."

Harry frowned, "And why is that? Not that I'm complaining! "

Loki laughed a full belly laugh, "You don't even know who you are!" With that last remark he threw the sceptre towards Harry and vanished before anyone could stop him.

Author's Note : So... What did he find about Harry? Why did he stop his invasion? Why did he give up the sceptre?

Any guess? Who is Harry?