AN: Hi guys, I am NOT your father. This is my first attempt at a fanfic so please don't hate on me. This will be a one shot for now but if you like it then I'll continue. Enjoy!

Why. Why did Ben and Yoda expect this of me? What kind of peace-loving good guys ask a man to kill his own father? As Han always says, "Kid, that's wrong on so many levels ." For once, Han was right. I tried to think, what would Han do if he had to kill someone he loved despite whether they returned the sentiment or not? Then again, not even Threepio could get himself in such a bad place.

As the Corellian smuggler walked by where I was working on my X-Wing, I called him. "Hey Han," I said, "if someone is pressuring you to do something but you really don't want to do it because its messed up, what do you do?"

Han bent down to kneel beside me and answered, "Well kid, I would ask what that something was but with you… I don't think I really wanna know."

"You really don't."

"Then don't tell me." He sighed before continuing, "Luke, that's the part when you say you don't wanna. And that you can make your own desicions. You're your own person, not someone else's puppet."

That last part echoed through my mind. Not someone else's puppet. That little bit could instantly gain me the advantage in the next talk I had with a certain literal knight in shining armor.

"I didn't know you were capable of wisdom" I teased.

Han glared at me, "Shut up kid. That ain't wisdom, it's simply how to not be a tool."

I smirked back at him, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

He scowled and walked off. R2 rolled next to me and beeped with excitement. "Yes R2," I laughed, "I am going on a little adventure."

There was some energetic droid sounds and R2 popped into his compartment on my X-Wing.

"Hold on Artoo I need to get some supplies incase we get deserted somewhere."

After I restocked the supplies, I got in the cockpit. "R2, set coordinates for Vjun."

He beeped something along the lines of "Vjun? What kind of friend are you visiting this time?"

I laughed as I avoided a random asteroid. "A friend who has a rather special place in my heart." I replied.

_ I could barely contain my excitement as I landed on Vjun. I was going to see my father again. The idea was almost surreal, considering the last time the two of us had met. I snorted, father or not, this was DARTH VADER I was talking about. He wasn't just going to welcome me with open arms a give me a big hug! That'd be crazy! The fact that Darth Vader had a son AND a daughter was already crazy enough.

With my heart beating rapidly, I walked up to the durasteel door and opened it. Only to be knocked down by a fast moving black blur. Apparently Vader was just leaving, because he ran right into me and we "gracefully" collapsed to the ground in a tangle of limbs and cape.

Eventually we managed to get up a my father took a moment to stare at me. "Luke?" he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Trying to keep a light mood I replied, "The one and only!"

He didn't notice my attempt at joking through his shock. "What are you doing here?" he asked, voice the slightest bit louder.

"I came here to visit you father. Is that so wrong?" I replied innocently.

When I said "father" Vader visibly froze. "N-n-no," he stammered like a school boy asking his crush on a date, "I just didn't e-e-expect you to come here after our last meeting."

I could almost imagine him nervously twiddling his thumbs like a socially awkward teenager. That was probably how he felt. "We got off to a bit of a rough start so I thought it would be nice if we could just start over and get to know one another."

I bet every last credit I've ever seen that underneath the mask he had an expression of child-like glee. "I'd like that," Vader replied.

"Good, so lets press the reset button. Hi, I'm Luke Skywalker."

"Skywalker? That's wonderful. I'm a Skywalker too."

Joy coursed through my veins as he lifted me up in his arms and brought me inside the depths of his castle.

AN: Thanks for reading tell me what you think, but no flaming!