Hello readers,

This story is an idea that's been stuck in my head for some time now. Recently I've purchased a PS Vita and got Persona 4 Golden, absolutely loved it and thought there aren't many Naruto/Persona Series stories out there so why not?

Story probably won't have long chapters and I will try to upload regularly but no guarantees, so please bear with me. (See what I did there? :p)

Warning characters will be heavily ooc, relationships will be rushed. I'll try not too but a few will be. Also this story will have Strong/Godlike Naruto, so no complaining about that, you were warned.

Warning this story will be more of a romance story than action/adventure, so lemons will be present throughout the story because honestly I am still rather new to writing and am not very good at writing battles so if someone is willing to help me with that please message me.

Also I will be needing a beta for this story as I am aware my english, grammar, ect. Isn't the best and need a beta to help me with that, so if you're interested please let me know.

Oh and note that this 1st chapter is still up for change, I might consider editing this to add Yu Narukami(Protag of P4) to the story, he will be absent from this story unless I receive reasons to have him in the story, then perhaps I'll write him in.

This is more like testing the waters this first chapter. But if anyone would like to take up this story please let me know, this is more of a challenge but probably will turn into a story should no one take it.

Pairings - Naruto x Harem

Harem so far:

Mabui (Naruto's age who is 16.)


Kaguya Otsutsuki

Naoto Shirogane




Sayako (The nurse you wished was datable in P4/P4G)


X Chapter 1/Prolouge X

Ding dong

"Now approaching last stop; Inaba Station, time to destination approximately 10 minutes. Passengers please prepare to depart." Came the monotone voice of the train announcement system.

Amethyst eyes flutter open at the sound of the announcement. Stretching slightly the figure gets out the stiffness from the train ride. Flinching slightly from the sun that just beamed in through the window the figure rubs his eyes tiredly.

The recent burst of sunlight reveals the figure clearly a male figure; coming in around 187cm tall, the figure possess crimson hair with his hair spiked at the top with to bangs covering either side of his face, covering slightly his faded whiskers. (Minato Namikaze's hairstyle but red and whiskers.).

Taking a closer look at his attire you can see he's currently dressed in the Yasogame Highschool male uniform but with a red under shirt of which does not do a whole lot to hide his impressive build that could easily be mistaken for a professional gymnast.

This figure was Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, or as he introduced himself as Naruto Namikaze for short.

Feeling multiple weight leaning on his body Naruto smiles.

Turning his head slightly he sees on his left resides a sleeping Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Kaguya also has long, sweeping white hair that when left undone touches the ground. Her eyebrows were cut very short, a symbol of nobility; and she wears a dark shade of lipstick on her lips and a dark shade of nail polish on her long finger nails.

Looking at her current choice of clothing Naruto can see she wears a simple yet flattering dark grey, skin tight top that shows off her easily D-cup breasts and a dark navy jeans.

Looking over to his right he spots a snoozing Mabui Sekiyama. (Sekiyama is Mabui's jap voice actors last name.)

Mabui was a dark-skinned young woman with green eyes. She sports a rather formal attire consisting of a long-sleeved, high-collared dress shirt and skirt variation of the female Yasogami Highchool uniform. She wears her light grey hair pulled back into a bun with two bangs that fall on either side of her face.

And lastly but certainly not least he sees Amaru Kumai (Also her jap voice actors last name.) sitting on his lap, leaning back into his chest.

Amaru is a girl who has long reddish-brown hair. Amaru had rather thick eyebrows until recently deciding that had to change and now has thin eyebrows; blue eyes, and a mole under her left eye.

Amaru is currently wearing the standard Yasogami High female uniform with a light blue jacket over the standard school shirt. (Basically Chie's outfit but light blue jacket/jumper.)

Closing his eyes, Naruto recalls how he came to know these two women how eventually became his girlfriends.

He had met Mabui the same time he met Killer Bee when the remaing jinchūriki to Kumogakure's Island Turtle to hide them from 'Madara'.

X Flash-Back X

"Could someone remind me again why we're going to this Island when war is right around the corner?" Naruto asked as the boat they were riding was taking the group towards Island Turtle.

Yamato sighed. He knew the red head was upset with the recent events…..No saying he was upset would be like saying Naruto likes Ramen….Naruto LOVED Ramen with a burning passion.

So it's only natural the red head would be sulking at receiving the orders to go train on Turtle Island. Don't get him wrong, Yamato knew he was ecstatic to train.

But he also knew he was not happy to be away from the frontline even if supposedly only temporarily.

When Yamato received the orders from Tsunade-sama that Naruto was not to leave Island Turtle, he frowned. He genuinely liked Naruto and hated having to lie to him, but orders are orders and besides he knew Tsunade would be beating herself up mentally for having to lie to the red head.

But alas, this was their situation. They could not allow 'Madara' to capture the remaining Tailed-Beasts, he already had 7 out of 9. And with the way things were progressing they were going to need all the time they could get to prepare for the coming war.

They shortly arrived at Island Turtle after running into Killer Bee in his full Biju form. After some terrible rapping later they made it onto the Island where they group met up with the Kumo-nins sent with Killer Bee.

It was then when Naruto saw her. There she was, walking up towards him he could feel something suddenly come over him. He felt like there was something stuck in his throat and that the temperature suddenly went through the roof.

Arriving in front of him; she extended her hand in a friendly greeting.

"Greetings, I presume you are Naruto Uzumaki. I am Mabui Sekiyama. I was sent here with Bee-sama to watch over him and yourself via orders of the Raikage for the variation of your time on Island Turtle."

'Say something idiot!' Naruto thought to himself as he stood there looking at this beauty with 'goo goo eyes' as his head tried restating itself before he did something that embarrassed himself.

Shaking his head as it finally managed to give itself a kick start, he took her offered hand in his own and did something completely out of his normal character behaviour and actions.

He flirted with her.

It wasn't anything special in reality but for someone like himself it was if saying the sky was green. It seemed impossible. Suffice to say Yamato and the Leaf-nin were quite shocked with these turn of events.

After all it was a supposedly well-known fact that Naruto had a crush on Sakura Haruno. But what most people didn't know was while on his journey with Jiraiya he had moved on from Sakura after finally realising she was a lost cause in more than one way.

And yet here he was kissing the back of Mabui's hand.

" Indded I am Sekiyama-chan. Looking forward to getting to know you." He spoke in a husky voice, which earned him a blush from Mabui.

Mabui wasn't too use to guys hitting on her. Sure she had a few guys in the past attempt to 'woo' her; however she never felt that certain spark with any of them and therefore turned them all down.

The moment Naruto had touched her hand she had felt something, something within her stir itself. It wasn't massive but she definetly had felt something.

Either way she decided she at least spend some time with Naruto to better understand just what she had felt.

"As am I Uzumaki-kun." Mabui giggled into her hand.

Naruto smiled at her response. Not only was she a more beautiful than Sakura ever was, but she was also easily a lot kinder than her too.

In practically no time at all the Naruto found himself in a relationship with Mabui. Neither had realised but by the time Naruto managed to gain the nine-tails power they had just started a relationship.

Most would think their relationship was rushed and perhaps it was slightly, however neither could care. They were in love and that's all that mattered to them.

Mabui had also pointed out after getting to know Naruto better that it was more than likely Naruto would have to take more than one wife. He was afterall one of the only remaining Uzumaki's alive and also was the sole heir to the Namikaze clan as well.

Mabui had told Naruto she understood this and would support and love him always. Just another reason he loved her, she was saintly understanding, even with him being him.

It made Naruto think to himself, why the hell did he ever think Sakura was beautiful, kind or any of the things he used to think of her? Too actually think he had a crush on her just goes to show what a dumb kid he was.

Thankfully his time with Jiraiya had really opened his eyes. He really missed him.

Shaking his head slightly Naruto gets rid of those negative thoughts. He came here to train; so that he'd be strong enough to protect what he cared about not mope around being depressed.

X End of Flash-Back X

But unfortunately war doesn't give a damn what you want. Sometimes things happen and there's nothing you can do about it. Naruto learned that one the hard way.

While the war brought its ups and downs, it unfortunately had far more downs than it did ups.

Many people died in the flames of the 4th Shinobi War, many friends and foes alike.

Konohagakure seemed to take the worst of the casualties. Tsunade had died in battle against the true Madara; the 5 Kages had just almost beaten Madara when he managed to get out one last attack.

Upon unleashing his infamous Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation jutsu, Tsunade had managed to block most of it, unfortunately it had caused too much damage for herself to heal.

Combining that with her lack of chakra at the time, there was tragically no way of saving her as the other 4 Kages were also drained and knew only limited healing techniques.

And so she passed away that day in battle. And as fate would have it Tsunade was hardly the last of Konoha's casuilties, many other shinobi and kunoichi fell during the war.

Many of Naruto's friends died in the war as Madara had attacked far sooner than anyone could have predicted, leaving the Allied Shibobi Forces unprepared and servery damaged.

By the time Naruto had joined the war perhaps only 55% of the Allied Shinobi Forces remained.

It was in this time Naruto met Amaru again.

X Flash-Back X

'Damn it! I wasted too much time on Turtle Island! So many people have died…Baa-chan, Shizune-nee…..NO MORE! I won't Madara take any more from me!' Naruto thought with fire burning in his eyes as he made his way towards Madara's location.

He was currently traveling alone with Mabui having met up with the A the current Raikage just before.

"Oh great….you guys again." Naruto says to the horde of White Zetsu's heading his way.

"Help me!" A familiar voice called out.

"No way…Amaru-chan?" Naruto whispered with disbelief.

The last he had heard Amaru had decided to continue traveling healing the sick and injured. He had heard rumours of a traveling healer recently spotted roaming the land of Fire.

Unfortunately Naruto just lately hadn't had the time to go see if it was Amaru or not.

Moving even faster through the trees Naruto lands on a branch and quickly takes in the situation.

He sees Amaru surrounded by dozens of White Zetsu's that are closing in on her at a rapid pace.

Without waiting another moment Naruto flares up, activating his initial biju cloak form and kicks off the brach and lands with a crash in front of Amaru.

Naruto quickly forms chakra hands via his biju cloak and creates multiple Rasengan's within the hands and shoots them at the White Zetsu with resounding force as the Whte Zetsu's disappear with a boom.

"Amaru-chan are you alright?" Naruto asks Amaru as he turns to face her.

Amaru had never thought this would happen to her.

She had been asked by an Allied Shinobi Force-nin to help with the injured while she had been travelling.

She had been slowly moving towards Konoha to visit Naruto when the 4th Shinobi War had started.

Amaru being the medic she was immediately agreed to do whatever she could to help.

Amaru had been traveling towards the Allied Shinobi Force's HQ with a squad of combat-nins when they had been ambushed by a great deal of White Zetsu's.

The squad had fought valiantly but in the end all but her had fallen at the seemly never ending supply of White Zetsu's.

But it seemed as if her time was up when she found herself surrounded on all sides by White Zetsu's when a person on fire appeared and took out the White Zetsu's?

This person looked familiar to her. He reminded her much of Naruto; but last she had heard Naruto had been sent away to train, but when he spoke to her, she knew without a doubt that this person was Naruto.

"N-Naruto-kun?" She stuttered slightly with traces of hope and longing within her voice.

Naruto deactivated his initial biju cloak as he smiled at Amaru.

"The one and only Amaru-chan. Are you hurt at all?" Naruto asked again as he began looking her over for any injures she could have sustained in battle.

Amaru blushed at his touch and intense gaze as he looked her over.

"I-I'm okay Naruto-kun." Her heart started beating against her chest as he stopped looking her over for injuries and flashed her that radiant smile of his.

"Good. I've lost enough precious people as it is lately and I'm about to lose you too." How was he doing this? She could feel her face lighting up at his sincerity and mention of her being one of his precious people.

She had been heading for Konoha mainly because she couldn't get Naruto out of her head for the last few months he had been haunting her dreams with that mesmerising smile aimed at her.

"Amaru-chan as happy as I am to see you again you're not safe here. I'll get you to safety." Naruto said getting Amaru out of her thoughts as he walked over to her and picked her up bridal style.

Amaru instantly became crimson as Naruto picked her up.

"N-Naruto-kun! I can walk you baka! Put me down!" She started hitting his chest weakly with her hands as she looked anyway but Naruto's direction.

Naruto chuckled as he began moving through the trees.

"Oh really? So I suppose that's why I saw you limping while fending off those White Zetsu's earlier?" He pointed out causing Amaru to blush again.

"Hmph! F-Fine have it your way baka!" She huffed cutely as she turned away from him.

X Flash-Back End/ Overview Flashback Start X

As the war continued things only escalated from there. (Sorry but I'm going to leave out most of the war unmentioned in this story, basically canon happens but no Naruto x Hinata; e.g. Naruto befriends Kuruma, Madara becomes the 10-tailed host ect.)

Things had gone from bad to worse in a matter of hours. Madara succeeded in casting Infinite Tsukuyomi on the moon, trapping the world in an illusion.

Only Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi remain untouched by the illusion and free to continue battling.

However as if things weren't bad enough apparently the universe saw fit to add more shit at Naruto and Co.

Madara found himself betrayed being 'Black Zetsu' after being stabbed in the back while he was occupied battling Naruto and Co.

Black Zetsu reveals that it has never served Madara, but rather Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, and that it has manipulated him for decades in order to bring about her revival. Black Zetsu transfers from Obito's body to Madara's, completely covering him and forcing him to start absorbing the chakra of those trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

After dramatically increasing in size, Madara shrinks down until a revived Kaguya is revealed in his stead.

The matriarch of the Ōtsutsuki clan and mother of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki and Hamura Ōtsutsuki, explained she had lived long before the founding of the hidden villages, during an era of endless wars between mankind.

She consumed the fruit of the Shinju and became the progenitor of chakra, and part of the creation of the beast that would become known as the Ten-Tails.

Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi were utterly convinced that Kaguya was pure evil.

But while they fought Naruto couldn't help but feel odd whenever he looked at Kaguya.

He knew she created the 10-tails and seemed set on taking back chakra through brute force; and yet Naruto couldn't bring himself to see her as his enemy.

As the battle continued to rage on, bit by bit Naruto couldn't help but begin to feel himself starting to fall for Kaguya.

Something inside of him just wanted to save her, that didn't believe she was this monster.

Hagoromo explained to Naruto that when he and his brother Hamura were born Kaguya was a gentle loving and kind mother that truly loved him and his brother. Until one day it all changed.

That was when Hamura had to seal her away. Before the battle he explained she was still her loving self.

Naruto listened to his story intently trying to figure out anything that might explain why Kaguya suddenly changed all those years ago.

With time and great effort Naruto managed to get through to Kaguya, the loving mother of Hagoromo and Hamura.

She than explained how sorry she was for all she had done and never meant to do any of what she had done. When she had ate the Shinju she had felt an evil presence in her mind.

It started off weak and faint but it was there and as time progressed she used the Shinju's power to make herself pregnant with Hagoromo and Hamura without the need of a father. That was when she was at her weakest mental state and that she felt something within herself change.

It wasn't for years after that the Shinju's will finally corrupted her completely and started her off on her dark path.

Unfortunately the Shinju's will hadn't fully left her yet and was starting to regain control of her.

Naruto seeing this talked to Sasuke and they formulated a plan to separate Kaguya and the Shinju's will.

That was A LOT easier said than done. Not only did they actually have to separate Kaguya and the Shinju's will but they had to do it while fighting her/them, which was no easy feat. She wasn't called the Rabbit Goddess for nothing.

An exhausting battle later they successfully managed to separate the two, leaving the Shinju's will inside of the 10-tails. Eventually they managed to win that battle too and sealed the 10-tails away for good.

But this victory hadn't come free. It had come at the cost of Sasuke's life.

Sasuke had suggested the plan of sealing the 10-tails inside of him while using an upgraded Shinigami seal that would ensure the permanent death of the 10-tails when he died.

Naruto naturally refused the idea saying they could find another way. However Sasuke was persistent by saying this would be how he could redeem himself for all the wrong he's done.

With time running out Naruto reluctantly agreed with Sasuke's plan. In the end the 10-tails was sealed into Sasuke, however with Sasuke being an adult and not a child his chakra coils couldn't handle the poising of the 10-tails demon chakra and killed him in minutes.

With the Shinju's will gone, Kaguya was back to her normal self that Harogomo had described to Naruto. Naruto asked her what she would do now that she was free.

"If it's alright with you Uzumaki-san….I'd like to stay with you…." She said quietly while blushing slightly.

Naruto was quite taken back to see such a powerful women now acting so…cute? Either way he saw no reason to say no.

Following their victory the world was free. Naruto was hailed as a hero. He was even offered the position of being the new Hokage.

And shockingly enough to some he said no. He actually turned down the offer; many were shocked to the core.

When asked why he was turning down the opportunity, he explained that he just felt that he wasn't ready for the responsibility. Though secretly the real reason was because he knew about all the paperwork that comes with the job, that and he'd never get to actually get in on any action unless it was a world ending emergency or something on the likes of that.

It would seem that Jiraiya did more than just open his eyes to Sakura. He also shared the reasons why he turned down the job when he had been offered it in the past.

A month had passed since the war and Naruto had gotten closer with Kaguya and Amaru as they had gone on a number of dates together (at separate times obviously), with Mabui's permission obviously. They eventually started dating during the month.

Things had been peaceful in the time since the war and Naruto, Amaru and Mabui were training together. To be more precise Naruto was helping Mabui develop more skills than just being able to teleport things while Amaru was on standby in case they somehow managed to hurt themselves..

They'd been working with Naruto's father's infamous Flying Thunder God jutsu with her abilities when Kaguya walked in on them. Shocked momentarily by the Rabbit Goddess's sudden appearance Mabui accidently wrote down a wrong kanji while working on her Fuinjutsu.

The result? The four of them being thrown into a whole new dimension.

They spent the next year getting used to their new surroundings. That wasn't very hard considering they had shadow clones and a Rabbit Goddess with well…Godlike power, so it was rather easy for her to create identities for the four.

Naruto, Amaru and Mabui now only being 16 going onto 17 years old were legally meant to be in Highschool. That made Naruto groan and moan. Kaguya on the other hand decided she'd take up being a teacher.

She was hoping to possibly get a job at Yasogami Highschool. Not that she needed a job with Naruto continuing Jiraiya's legacy of the infamous orange adult book, they were loaded and set for life. It don't matter which dimension you're in there are always perverts.

So here they were on the train heading for Inaba. Why a small country side town you might ask? Simple their plan was to keep their heads low and out of trouble.

But it would seem that simple was just not for Naruto.

X Now X

Breaking Naruto out of his train of thought he sees a blue butterfly flutter on by?

'Weird this trains still moving so how the hell-' Naruto is interrupted as he suddenly finds himself in a blue room? Or is it a limousine?

X ? X

Looking around the room he sees a drink bar/compartment with various kinds of drinks going from champagne to soft drinks of all kinds and beer?

'Funny place. Why is everything blue?-'

"Greetings. Welcome to the Velvet room…Ah It seems we are a guest with an intriguing destiny…..Chuckle…. A guest not quite from this world or the world your body resides…." A voice brings Naruto out of his ramblings.

Looking over towards the source of the voice he sees an most odd looking man, he has the appearance of a bizarre old man with a long nose, pointed ears, and bulging, bloodshot eyes. He wears a black suit with white gloves.

'Odd…..How'd I not sense him there? An hello beautiful…' Naruto thinks as he spots a second person in the room, this other person is a most beautiful woman in Naruto's opinion.

She appears to have an elegant lady air about her. She has platinum blonde hair, pale skin and golden eyes; she is dressed entirely in dark blue with matching high heel shoes and uses black and golden accessories. Additionally, Naruto spots her holding a purple book, entitled "Le Grimoire" on the front cover.

"Ha…..Like you can talk long-nose. I can guess you two are hardly human…Velevet Room you say?" Naruto speaks up surprising the two people sitting across him.

'He can actually speak here? Interesting….most interesting.' The long nosed man thinks as he sizes Naruto up and down, examining him.

'Oh my….No guest has ever had the ability to actually talk properly on their first visit here…..Hmmmm….Intriguing…..' The elegant woman thinks as she gazes at Naruto with interest as if looking for something.

"Indeed…My name is Igor…..I am delighted to make your acquaintance. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. It is a room that only those bound by a 'contract' may enter." Igor continues after getting over his momentarily surprise.

"Whoa, whoa…..what 'contract' I don't recall signing anything." Naruto mumbles while tilting his head slightly, something the woman sitting across him found strangely cute.

"Hahaha…It may be that just a fate awaits you in the near future. Now then….Why don't you introduce yourself?" Igor chuckles at Naruto for a moment before avoiding the question by continuing his speech.

"Hmmmm…..yeah I figured you weren't gonna just give me a straight answer….Sigh…..They never do….." Naruto sighs again. The woman giggles slightly at his depressed face.

"Oh well. I'm Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze or as I prefer Naruto Namikaze for short." Igor just smiles creepily, or Naruto just assumes is his smile that just looks like he's about to go batshit insane.

"Hmmm…I see. Let's look into your future shall we?"

"I don't suppose you wouldn't even if I said no would you?" Naruto asks getting a smile from Igor as his answer, "Sigh…..That's what I thought."

Igor puts his hand over the table in front of him and a blue light appears, as the light disappears a deck of cards remain.

"Do you believe in fortune telling?" Igor asks Naruto.

"Fortune? Like fate?" Igor raises his creepy eyebrow then nods slightly, "Then no I don't. I like to believe we make our own fate as nothing is set in stone." Naruto answers with confidence, shocking Igor and the woman.

'Oh my…..He certainly is a unique guest.' The women thinks with a smile, 'I wonder. Will you show my why she left for him?'

"But seeing as you are hardly going to let this go…Sigh…Go right ahead." Naruto says as he sits back in his seat/couch.

Wiping his hand across the deck of cards, the cards are now in a square shaped formation on the table with the total number of cards on the table being 6.

"Each reading is done with the same cards, yet the result is always different." Igor flips over the first card, revealing a tower in the upright position.

"Hm….. The tower in the upright position represeants the immeadate future. It seems a terrible catastrophe is imminent. The card reading the furure beyond that is…"Igor flips over another card, this time the moon in upright position.

"The moon in the upright position. This card represeants 'hesitation' and 'mystery'…..Very intresting indeed.

'Hmmmmm….how is he flipping over the cards without actually touching them?' Naruto thinks to himself as Igor continues.

"It seems you will encounter a misfortune at your destination and a great mystery will be imposed on you….In the coming days you will somehow enter a contract of sort and return here."

"Question. If I will sign the contract when I get there…Then why am I here now? I haven't signed it yet correct?" Naruto asks as he leans forward looking at Igor.

Igor appears to be smiling on the outside, however on the inside he's sweating a little.

'My…..It seems you are quite the intriguing guest indeed Naruto Namikaze.' Igor thinks silently.

"Hm….. You are most sharp indeed…As I've already stated this realm exists between dream and reality. You don't think that includes time as well?" Igor asks.

"Urgh…..Sigh….Whatever forget I asked. Just carry on then." Naruto waves him off. Igor chuckles.

"This coming year is a turning point in your destiny….If the mystery isn't solved your future may be forever lost. My duty is to provide assistance to the guests to ensure does not happen." Waving his hand over the cards they vanish into nothing.

"Ahem!" The woman coughs into her hand slightly. Igor chuckles slightly.

"Ah…I have neglected to introduce my assistant to you." Igor waves his hand in the woman's direction. "This is Margaret a resident of this place, like myself."

"My name is Margaret. I am here to accompany you through your journey. I look forward to getting to know you Naruto Namikaze." Margaret finishes with a smile that makes Naruto blush slightly from her other worldly beauty.

"As I you Margaret-chan." Naruto responds slightly flirts, happy at seeing Margaret slightly flustered. Igor holds in a snicker at seeing his assistant getting flustered. Apparently it hadn't gone entirely unnoticed by said woman who's currently glaring holes into her Master.

"Ahem….We'll attend to the details another time. Until then farewell."

"Why do I get the feeling that'll be rather soon?" Naruto mumbles. "Oh well…..Ciao!" Naruto says and disappears from the Velvet Room.

"A most intriguing guest indeed Master." Margaret says to Igor who smiles.

"So it seems Margaret….So it seems."

X ? X

Opening his amethyst eyes Naruto sees he's back in reality on the train.

Seeing his girlfriend's still asleep he sighs. He really doesn't want to wake them but they get pissed when he leaves them out on something. Even when he just learned of something himself.

'Better fill them in on what went down.'

X End of Chapter 1/Prologue X

So that's that, what do ya's think? Should Naruto 'magicaly' be realated to Dojima? That was something I'm sitting on the fence about right now also, should Yu Narukami be in it? Or perhaps Fem Protag from Persona 3?

And please remember I'm not much of a battle writer so there won't be a ton of battles and when there are I'll do my best but I'm more of a reader not a writer so please no flaming.

Send your choices for the harem through review or pm. I could really use a beta for this story so please let us know if you want to.