BerryBliss is back with another (kinda) new story :)

Yes, for those who knew me in my earlier days in the KuroBasu fandom, this is a repost- with dialogue that kinda makes more sense, less random dump of explanations, and better (imperfect) grammar. :3

Why the sudden repost? Please give a warm round of applause to Alexandra Kyouki-san (a fellow AkaKuro author and the one who wrote the genius that is Wet Dreams xD). Without her, this wouldn't have been possible. She even messaged me all the way to address the issue of this deleted fic to me, and I'm really thankful for that. Ahahaha, I have to say, I quite like this idea myself at some point.

And I hope you do too. Summer's here, so I'll be able to write a bit more. No promises. *raise hands up* I am unfortunately not blessed with the fortune that is inspiration.

Pairing: (Sort of incest but not incest) AkaKuro, undetermined GoMkuro (depends on how the story progresses)(Note: I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I AM GOING WITH THIS. Nevertheless, I will try my best. )

Please enjoy in reading the first part of the prelude :D the second part will be up soon.

Note before reading on: time in the human world is two times faster than that of Lustricia Phelestia. Akashi Seijuro is currently 8 years old, and Akashi Tetsuya 6 years old.

Edit (05/10/2015): Sorry if this isn't an update.. Yet. Minor edits have been applied to this chapter. But I promise I'll update soon. Tbh, the reason why I haven't uploaded prelude part II yet is because I wanted to think over what I would do next. Rest assured, it will come soon ^^" thank you for reading, and for understanding.

"Akashi-nii-chan, they're home! Come see!"

A bluenette child stood by the door of the cottage, eagerly making sounds of joy as he caught sight of a chariot not too far away from where he stood. He was about to wave when someone stopped him, grabbing hold of his hand with a firm grip.

"Now, now, Tetsuya, mother told you not to step a foot outside the house, yes?" The taller redhead said in a slightly reprimanding tone, receiving a small pout from his younger brother.

"But, but…"

At this, Akashi Seijuro couldn't help but smile. His grip loosened, and he smiled gently, bending down so that their eyes met just right.

"I understand you're happy they're home, and I am too." It's been so long since they've come home… such nostalgic thoughts came to him as the sound of tapping horse hooves closed in on them. Heterochromatic eyes of red and gold carefully assessed the carriage – only to see something that bothered him.

Something was off.

And at that moment, time seemed to stop – every thought was long gone, and he could only think about one thing.

"Tetsuya, get inside – quick."

"Eh? Why?"

"Do you trust me, Tetsuya?"

"… Nii-chan, what's wrong-"

"You trust me, don't you?!" He was shouting, voice raised. At this, young Tetsuya's eyes widened – tears threatening to fall.

"Akashi-nii-chan... you're scary..."

He wanted to comfort him – tell him it would all turn out alright. But he couldn't promise him anything. He couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that burdened his chest – this feeling that didn't go away.


Not quite knowing what was going on, Tetsuya nodded, running into the house. He looked to his older brother who didn't seem to move, and stood still by the doorway, fists clenched.


"I'm sorry, Tetsuya."

Seijuro closed the door, locking it tight, leaving the young Tetsuya banging on the door for his brother.

"Nii-chan! Nii-chan!" He shouted – and yet no one seemed to be there to hear him. It was starting to become useless…

"Everything will be fine, Tetsuya," a voice said in his head – this voice…!

Nii-chan, is that you?

"Stay safe, Tetsuya – no matter what, don't let your presence be known."

And no matter how many times Tetsuya called to his older brother after that, he would only be met with silence.

So he listened, concentrating on his silent prayers.

Please, let nii-chan be safe.

He wanted to believe his brother's words – no matter what would happen after this…

So he prayed.

I'd rather make my little brother scared of me than let something bad happen to him.

This thought rang stronger in him every time it ran through his mind – it coursed through his veins, showed itself in everything he did.

He keeps hearing silent prayers from the little boy who's inside that little cottage – praying for his life. For their safety – all the while not aware of what was happening.

In these times, he would always stay by Tetsuya's side.

Seijuro and Tetsuya would always welcome their parents home - together. And their parents would always greet them with open arms and gentle smiles.

(And for the first time in his life, Tetsuya wasn't with him – he felt alone. And solitude devoured him like a hungry beast.)

But the expressions on his parents' faces, seemed unreadable to him as they got off the chariot. When his mother had seen him, she was on the verge of tears. She beckoned him to come over, and he willingly did so, feeling her warm embrace as he muttered out his name – "Seijuro" – over and over again until his father told her to stop.

"Seijuro-kun… where's Tetsuya-kun?" she whispered, stroking Seijuro's cheek - her breath tickling his ear. The priest who came with his parents looked at her with a wary, distrustful look, as if questioning her intentions in doing so.

What was a priest of The Council doing here…?

"Where's Tetsuya-kun?" She repeated. At this, Akashi snapped out of his trance – the answer that came even worse than the preceding ones.

"Inside." he whispered back.

"That's good…" Akashi Minori breathed out in relief. "He'll be safe…"

The priest, meanwhile, gestured to his father. "It is time, Akashi-san."

At this, Minori let go of her son and looked hopefully to her husband who shook his head solemnly, walking towards them.

"Listen to me son, it's… time for you to go."

"But… where? You can't just… tell me this!" Frustration was evident in the eight year old Seijuro now. "Don't expect me to take in everything all at once! And what's he doing here, anyway?" Seijuro pointed a finger at the priest, who seemed displeased by this.

Akashi Kotarou silently asked for the guidance of those before him – he had been preparing for this moment all his life. They simply had no choice.

(They did, didn't they?)

He was such a coward for doing this.

Yes, he told himself, at that moment as his soon looked at him pleading for answers, searching for them in red irises filled with doubt – this would save many lives, and though it might mean never seeing them again… it would mean the peace they always wanted for their sons. To live in a world where they would be free of the burden of their secret.

(The secret that explained their very existence – the secret kept from them for all these years – the secret that would change their lives forever.)

"Look, son – I… I can't explain, there isn't much time."

"For what?!" He was exasperated, Seijuro was, not being told anything. "What's going to happen?" His voice had softened - reduced to a whisper – and something in them broke, hearing their son's voice reduce to that of something they felt at that very moment.


"You won't be harmed, little boy," The priest sneers – "So long as you do what we say, that is." A force started pulling at Seijuro's hand, making him break away from his mother's hold on him.

"Seijuro-kun!" Minori cried out as the priest grabbed Seijuro's hand – the boy resisting while he was at it.

"Let me go!" He tried breaking free – resisting with all his might, trying to summon all the strength him, but as he did – something burned his wrist, and he wanted to cry out in pain, biting back whatever would come out.

"LET- ME - GO!"

"Tsk, you're a feisty one, aren't you..."

At that moment, there was an explosion - the door seemed non-existent, having been reduced to nothing but ash - leaving the entrance wide open, where Tetsuya stood, teary-eyed.

"Don't… take... Sei-nii-chan… away from us." He coughed weakly, droplets of blood coming with it. The coughing started to grow more violent, making him fall to the floor.

"Tetsuya!"/ "Tetsuya-kun!"

"What's this? Another son?" The priest mused in pleasure, "Humph. That level of magic for such a young one… there should be no harm in taking this one too. They would love to hear about this!" He started laughing maniacally, his hand raised to drive the second brother nearer to him when just in time,

"Don't you dare lay a finger on Tetsuya!"

Seijuro sent blasts of mana flying through the air, all hitting the priest who failed to deflect them in time. There was an ear-splitting scream.

And there he lay on the ground – lifeless. Still - unmoving. And then Akashi sensed it. That moment when his heartbeat stopped and the silence of death came upon him and loomed over him as a passing shadow would and took his life away.

Had he… could he have…?

His father's hand gripped his arms – they were shaking. His lips could barely move. He couldn't register what just happened. He didn't want to. All he could hear was his younger brother crying out in pain.


His mother sat by Tetsuya's side, comforting him while tending to him. His father on the other hand, was trembling. This was the first time he saw his father in this state…

Then his father held out a ring, and made him hold on to it.

"You know what this means, Seijuro."

"But, father, I can't possibly-"

"You have to!"


"Listen to me, Seijuro – son." He gulped. "Soldiers will be coming to see what happened. Now – hear every word I say."

"Father, but Tetsuya-"

"Seijuro," his father's voice held warning, his eyes painted with a tinge of sadness. "From now on, don't – ever – let go of what I've entrusted to you - it'll keep you safe from the capital's clutches for now."

"I don't understand-"

"You'll never be able to stay in one place for a very long time after this - whenever you see any people from the capital, make sure to hide, and keep yourself in the clear. Never do anything to attract their attention. Am I clear?"

At this, Seijuro reluctantly nodded.

"But what about you and mother…?"

"Don't worry about us," His father said – his mother's sobs grew louder at this. She couldn't look her son in the eye – she couldn't…

"We can protect ourselves." He tried to put on a smile of courage to reassure his two children – and pulled it off somehow. Even though he was this scared for them… for the future…

"Remember, Seijuro – they know who you are – who you and your brother are." He said with clenched teeth.

"Don't stop running."

That was the last they heard from their parents. It all happened right before their eyes – their parents, killed…

"We'll always love you – no matter what."

In those quick moments that passed by, wishing time would stop – Seijuro pushed Tetsuya into the house – entering Tetsuya with him, rebuilding the door and locking it.

"Sei-nii-chan…" His brother sniffed, crying into his embrace.

"Shh, it'll be alright."

He had made his decision.

"Tetsuya, I'm sorry but…"

And yet...

"Don't apologize, Sei-nii-chan!" Tetsuya pounded on his chest. "You can't… I can't lose you too."

It hurts so much.

"Do know, that whatever happens, Tetsuya – I'll always be watching you."

I promise that. Seijuro's voice calmed Tetsuya's vulnerable mind – and for a moment, that was all little Tetsuya could hear.


Then, for the first time – in Tetsuya's life – there was a moment when all he knew was pain. It was incomparable to the times he tripped – to the times he felt sad and hopeless…

And then it all ended. The world was soundless, and there was only pitch black – his brother's voice growing farther and farther away from him. All he could hear was an apology.

No, an apology was the last thing he heard from his older brother, before darkness wrapped him completely into a deep slumber. A slumber he would never wake up from… not anytime soon, at least.

It would be a long time before he would see the light of life ever again. Seijuro knew this as he grieved – cried for the loss of his younger brother.

He knew that the next time they would see each other – Tetsuya probably wouldn't remember him – would forget everything about the life they shared here in Lustricia Phelestia – would probably not remember who he was…

... That the next time they would see each other – it wouldn't be as brothers.

For one last time, he said goodbye.

And then – he ran, the sound of clanking metal and explosions he put behind him – the village and the past buried in flames and ruin.

And that's a wrap :D

So... yeah, AkaKuro "angst", angels and demons... what happens next, you say? After the prelude... I have almost no idea. Nope. *crais*

There will be additional scenes in the second part of the prelude that weren't there in the original version, featuring Murasakibara (hybrid, will be further explained), and Midorima (angel).

Hope you liked it! :D Please tell me what you think.
