Date Night

"You guys should go on a date," Sam suggested one morning.

Busy at the stove cooking a full breakfast, Dean only looked away from the sizzling bacon to shoot his brother a glare – one that clearly said shut your cakehole or I'll fry your ass.

But Cas looked up from the coffee he was nursing slowly, appearing intrigued. "What purpose would that serve? I am already the Angel of Thursdays, what need have I to be assigned to a specific calendar date as well?"

Dean sniggered.

"That's not what I meant," Sam said. "Although, speaking of calendars, I took the liberty of marking your anniversary in ours."

"What anniversary?" Dean squawked. "We've barely been together for a month, dude! Quit talking like we're getting engaged or some shit like that."

Sam raised his eyebrows. "So what are you doing?"

"We- we're-"

"Dating," Sam supplied helpfully. "Except you two lovebirds haven't actually been out on a proper date yet. So I think it is high time you did."

Castiel's brow furrowed. "What is a 'date'?"

Sam grinned. "It's where couples go out and do couple things."

"Like what?"

"Oh you know… ice skating, picnics in the park, going for ice-cream, eating dinner in a fancy restaurant…"

Dean wrinkled his nose. "What do you take us for, Sam, a couple of romantic saps? Dates are just time-wasters before the good stuff starts."

"Don't knock it til you've tried it. Who knows, Dean, getting out of the bunker to do something other than hunt down monsters and chop their heads off might be nice for a change."

"No, Sam. Just no. It's not our thing."

But when Dean turned to dish the food out onto plates, he faltered at the expression of disappointment on Castiel's face.

Damn it. "Cas, uh, there is a movie out I wanted to catch… I suppose we could go see it together? If you wanted?"

Cas turned a questioning eye on Sam. "Does that classify as a 'date'?"

Sam chuckled. "Yeah, dinner and a movie, it's a classic."

"I never said-" Dean started to protest, but the words died on his lips as Cas beamed and leaned up to kiss him.

"Then it's a date."

Dean smiled helplessly despite himself. "Yeah, I guess so."

'Sap' Sam mouthed at him and Dean glared before dragging Cas into a much more intimate kiss to get revenge.

Sam snatched up his breakfast and retreated quickly before the display could scar him for life. But when he had successfully escaped to the relative safety of the library he couldn't help smirking in triumph.