Author's note: I'm very sure you guys are surprised to see this after the story has ended. That's because this isn't part of the main story. Rather, it's a preview of my next FictionPress story that is going to serve as the sequel to William's First Case, which is my first FictionPress story.
After reading the main story, I'm sure you folks are curious about my two FictionPress characters, William Wu and Elizabeth Lee, who appeared in the main story and assisted the gang in the investigation of the appearances of Phantoms in the Richmond Opera House. Curious on how they've met and engaged in a romantic relationship.
Well, this chapter is the preview of the story that tells the tale on how William met Elizabeth, and it's going to explain the two characters in more detail.
Also, I've got a FanFiction story coming up that will detail how William meets Mystery Inc., titled Secret of the Trail, so stay tuned!
Now onto the preview.
7:30, September 7, 2010
It has been almost a year since William Walter Wu solved his very first case: The kidnapping of his classmate Lucy Dickens, and subsequently, a string of unsolved disappearances and an unsolved murder dating 26 years ago.
Ever since solving the string of cases, William became more involved in mystery-solving, and with permission from his cadet level officer, now-Flying Officer Timothy Myers, who is a Station Sergeant with the police force, he started to work with the police in solving some cases.
In the months after solving the cases, he was appointed Flight Corporal, which is an equivalent to a lance sergeant appointment in the army, in his air cadet squadron, and as he solved more cases, particularly murders, during those months, he became a sort of a hometown celebrity, receiving the nickname "Ottawa High School/Air Cadet Detective", although he continued to maintain a low-profile.
That case-solving also made him very popular in school, and he has made a lot of friends. It was a matter of weeks before William came to consider the school as his thirdf home, after his foster home and his air cadet squadron.
That morning, William woke up even before his alarm clock started to go off. After going through the usual routine he goes through every weekday morning during the school year, he was out of the door after saying his good-bye to his foster parents.
As usual, the walk to school took about 20 minutes, and after picking up the newspaper at the main entrance, he headed straight for the school cafeteria, where the first period classrooms of each student is posted.
Upon noting that his first period class is in his old geography classroom, William effortlessly made his way to the classroom and once again picked to use his old locker from the previous school year.
After finishing with his locker registration, William took out the picnic chair he carried with him in his school bag, placed it in front of his locker and sat down to read the newspaper he had picked up at the school main entrance.
During that time, the couple that were two of his locker-mates from the previous school year arrived at their locker, which is located three lockers away from his.
Glancing at the pair, William thought, "Looks like Jessica's friends are sticking with their old lockers from last year."
Just as William made his thought, the boy, whose name William knew was Meghnad, saw him reading the newspaper and commented, "Say, it looks like our newspaper-reading friend from last school year is back. I don't think we've ever catch his name, though."
As William laughed quietly at his new nickname, Meghnad's girlfriend, whose name William didn't know, replied, "I know he was the guy that helped the police in solving the kidnapping case of someone from our Grade 9 Math class last year."
"Oh, yeah. I know that." Meghnad nodded. "I think his name starts with a 'W'."
As Meghnad chats quietly with his girlfriend, trying the think of William's name, William thought, "'Newspaper-reading friend'. I like the nickname."
Soon, the couple ran out of names and Meghnad turned to William and said, "Excuse me, we know that you're the guy that solved the kidnapping of Lucy from last year, but we never got your name. Is your name..."
Before he could finish, William took out his cell phone and played the famous final part of Rossini's William Tell Overture.
Hearing the music, Meghnad's girlfriend commented, "Sounds like the Lone Ranger theme."
"And the theme came from the famous William Tell Overture...William! That's it!" Meghnad exclaimed excitingly as he deduced William's name.
William smiled and nodded. "You've got it, man."
"That was the next name I was thinking of." Meghnad added as he turned to his girlfriend, who smiled at him in a romantic way. As they continued with their romances, William resumed reading his newspaper, opting to not disturb his two locker-mates while they're having their romantic moment.
Eventually, the school bell rang and William picked up his binder and pencil case and put the newspaper and picnic chair back in his locker before closing and locking it.
As he made his way into his classroom, Meghnad said to him, "See you around, William!"
William turned back and nodded with a simple smile at the couple before entering the classroom.
Seated at his favourite spot near the front of the classroom, William looked around and nodded his greetings at his classmates, most of whom recognized him on sight and remembered him as the brave classmate that helped the police solved the kidnapping of Lucy Dickens.
The minutes went by, and William have walked over to where some of his friends were seated at to have a chat about their respective summers, with William briefly mentioning his summer camp for cadets and other adventures he went through during the summer.
After that, he made his way back to his seat as the bell started to ring again, and after going through the national anthem and morning school announcements, his Grade 10 Canadian History class is underway.
The teacher introduced herself to the class and handed each of the students their timetables before getting down to the course objectives.
As William prepares a sheet of notebook paper for him to take notes, he felt something stabbing his arm.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" The person seated beside him said.
William turned and looked. Seated right beside him was a girl who he have never seen before during ninth grade. She appeared to be of East Asian descent, and she had long black hair, brown eyes and a face with a semi-thin frame. He noticed that she was holding a pen and he thought he have detected a slight Cantonese accent in her voice.
"Oh, don't worry about it." He smiled as he glanced at his arm. There was only a spot of blue ink at where she accidentally stabbed his arm with her pen.
The girl smiled back and William thought that she looked quite attractive, although he quickly pushed that thought aside as he and the girl turned their attentions back to their teacher.
Little did William realize that a seed has been planted in his mind, a seed that may eventually take root.
This story continues on FictionPress, under the title The Encounter at school. To access my FictionPress Profile, simply go to my Profile on this site and click on the link at the top.
Any thoughts on these two characters and story preview? Feedback will be greatly appreciated!