Nico stopped dead in the street. "Oh my god."

"What? Captain America? He's around all the time now. It's nothing special." Percy looked to where Nico was staring.

"No. I knew him. I met him in Italy."

Italy 1942

"Mama, Hurry! I want to see Captain America!" Bianca yelled, tugging Maria di Angelo along.

She laughed, "Oh child, he'll still be at the fort when we get there. He's performing all day."

"But the signing isn't going on all day! I want him to sign my hat!"

"Bianca! I can get him to sign your hat when I work with him tomorrow." Maria was one of the ambassadors who were going to D.C. when Captain America returned.

She turned to look down the street a bit at Nico.

"What are you doing?" She asked him gently when she saw him standing there looking at his Mythomagic cards.

"What if he thinks they are stupid, Mama?"

"Oh sweetie, Captain America won't think that." He smiled as her before they went to meet his hero.

Steve had been sitting there signing all day as his translator helped him understand them. He was tired but he still mustered a smile when a little girl asked him in halting English to sign her hat.

He then smiled at the little boy trying to hide behind her.

"Would you like me to sign for you?" He asked, the translator quickly translating for him. He really hoped that the translator actually knew what he was doing.

"How do I get big like you?" the boy spat out quickly. Steve froze.

"Well, um, don't give up. I got big because I didn't give up when I was small. People saw that, and they helped me get big," the boy nodded solemnly.

He held up some cards to be signed.

"My name is Nico. Nico di Angelo."

Present day

"Nico, what do you mean you met him in Italy?" Steve heard someone ask. He looked up and froze as he saw a boy he met in Italy before finding out Bucky was missing.

"-and then Tony….Steve? What are you looking at?" Pepper asked him. He walked over to the boy he remembered so clearly.

"I don't give up," the boy whispered to him when he got closer.

"You listened," Steve stated, still staring at him.

"Yeah, you wrote it on my cards. I kept them when you went missing." The boy, Nico, his mind supplied, told him.

"H-how are you here? I don't understand." Steve asked, his face wrinkling in confusion.

"Um, well, you know how there were the whole Norse gods suddenly here thing a while back? Well, there was a thing with the Greek gods, and my sister and I ended up in a sort of time pocket for what we thought was a month, then we found out it was actually a little more than 60 years. That was nine years ago when I was 10." He explained, sheepishly while his friend hissed out, "Nico!"

"A-and your sister? She's here too?" Steve was excited at the idea that he wasn't the only one from a distant time.

"No. Bianca died in an accident shortly after," Nico told him sadly.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Um, are you staying in the New York area?" He asked.

"Yeah, for a little while. I switch between L.A., San Francisco, and Long Island."

"Okay, would you like to join us for dinner?" Steve indicated towards Pepper. "We've got to get the groceries back, but I'd really like to talk to someone who was then."

"Yeah. I'd like that."

They set a date then left knowing they would meet again, each comforted by the knowledge they were not alone.