Someone Like Me

Quick little one-shot I made. I know the format is short and choppy, but I like it. It's different from what I usually write.

Inspiration: I saw this picture on Instagram, and I instantly loved it. It was like this but a lot shorter and not Fairy Tail. It was so sweet, though.


Lucy's thoughts- Normal font

Natsu's thoughts- Italics

So I was walking down the hallway today.

So I was standing in the hallway with my friends.

And I saw him.

And I saw her.

Natsu Dragneel.

Lucy Heartfilia.

The guy I think I'm in love with.

The girl I think I'm in love with.

Though I don't understand why I love him.

I don't even know why I love her.

I've never even spoken with him.

We've never even talked before.

But I love him.

But for some reason I love her.

My heart stops every time I see him.

Whenever I see her, I can't seem to focus on anything else.

He's so handsome with his unusual, spiky pink hair and charcoal eyes, his personality loud and likable.

She's so breathtakingly beautiful with her golden blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes, her personality crazy and intelligent; I feel weak in the knees every time I see her.

I want to kiss him every time I see him.

I always have the sudden urge to kiss her, struggling to keep my feet from moving on their own.

But that's never going to happen.

It's never going to happen between us.

How can we even be friends if I don't have the courage to go talk to him?

How can we even be friends when I'm too shy to talk to her?

I've never felt this way before.

It's so very uncharacteristic of me. I usually talk to people with ease.

But he's different.

But she's different.

Maybe that's why I love him.

Maybe that's why I love her.

He makes me feel in ways I have never felt before.

She brings out this side of me I never knew.It's not going to work between us, though.

It's not going to work between us, though.

He's this popular jock who gets his way with everything. Everyone loves him, and it seems like nothing every goes wrong for him.

She's this beautiful, brilliant honor student who's good in everything. Yet she never boasts about it.

He's happy-go-lucky and loud.

She's quiet and reserved.

He will never want a lowly, bookworm nerd like me, bottom of the social ladder and not athletic.

She will never want a jock like me, flunking all of his classes and can't do anything but sports.

He's popular, too; I don't think he'll notice me in a million years.

I'm popular, anyways. She'll probably look at me with disappointment, shake her head, and walk away.

I want to talk to him.

I want to speak with her.

But every time I try I freeze and keep walking.

But every time I try her name gets caught in my throat, me pretending to wave to someone else so she doesn't notice.

I don't think he notices me. He's always waving at some other person in the hallway.

I don't think she notices me. She walks by without a care in the world.



Maybe I should try to speak with him today.

Maybe I should try to speak with her today.


Lucy walked towards the pink-haired jock with her head held high, her self-esteem and courage dropping with every step she took. She took deep breaths, stepping closer to the male and his group before appear right in front of them.

"What's she doing here?" a girl snapped when she noticed her, "She's just some nerd trying to fit in-"

"Shush, Lisanna," Natsu interrupted, his cheeks flushed as the girl of his dreams was standing right in from of him. No one knew he had a crush on Lucy; why would he tell them?

"H-Hi," she stammered, her face turning redder by the second, "I-I-I'm Lucy. Can we be friends?" That last part came out in a rush.

"S-Sure," he managed to get out, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly, then holding his hand out to her, "Hi, Lucy. I'm N-Natsu."

She took his hand nervously, hoping her palms weren't sweating as she gracefully shook it.

Natsu, on the other hand, felt as if he was in heaven. Her hands were as soft as silk, and they seemed to fit perfectly into his. He shook her hand firmly, gently squeezing it.




I did it. I actually talked to you.

You talked to me. What's going on?

We shook hands, yours firmly grasping mine.

Your hands felt like silk; I never wanted to let go.

I felt a spark between us.

It seemed right to hold your hand.

Maybe this is the closest I will ever get to love with you.

Maybe this is the closest I will ever get to love with you.

But I'm glad we're friends.

But I'm glad we're friends.



You, Natsu Dragneel, will never love someone like me.

You, Lucy Heartfilia, will never love someone like me.

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