"Fury, you come near my son and I will end you" There was no mockery in Stark's voice. It was menace pure and simple.
The Director of SHIELD raised an eyebrow as he bent his gimlet stare towards the billionaire. His eyes flickered once over the clenched red and gold gauntlets until he again met that implacable dire gaze.
"It's not your son I am interested in Stark" he rolled his one visible eye and sighed with resignation.
"Liar". Tony didn't believe he was paranoid, he knew the shady super spy was out to get him and that included using his newly discovered son as leverage.
Fury ignored the hissed response as he returned his gaze to the group of youngsters congregating around Derek Hale, but within reach of the Sheriff and Stiles in the cold clinical hallway.
Tony's brilliant mind made the connection in micro seconds and his anger increased exponentially.
"Fuck you Nick, if you think you are "researching" any of those kids" Tony ground out incensed as he very deliberately removed the gauntlet from his right hand.
"Not your call Stark, they are a danger until I say they aren't and SHIELD will be taking custody of them until I am happy they are safe to be amongst normal people"
Tony didn't notice the way the group of young people turned as one to stare at the leather clad one eyed figure but he heard the low rumbling growls alright.
He laughed outright as he swung his head back towards the group, who were eyeing Fury with the kind of dangerous predatory focus that made him literally think of a hungry pack of wolves.
The expression on the God of Thunder's handsome face was equally as unfriendly but before Thor could say anything, Tony's mocking words rang around the room.
"Well fuck you they heard you didn't they? Do you think they are gonna come quietly for the nice SHIELD Agents Nicholas and let SHIELD experiment on them like that evil prick Killian did to my kid?"
As Fury turned his head to glare at Tony, Tony's bare fist connected with the man's nose. Damn it felt good.
Fury stumbled back more in surprise than pain as he stared incredulously at the savagely grinning genius whose eyes were as focused and dangerous as the weapons of his shiny red and gold suit.
"I have been wanting to do that for years Nicky, but when you left my kid in the hands of that homicidal prick because you refused to answer any questions, this was inevitable. Just be thankful I decided not to wear my gauntlet."
Tony snarled viciously, the malicious gleam in his eyes was unsettling, and for a moment Fury felt fear because he couldn't predict what was going to happen, what Stark would do next. God damn it he had made his career out of correctly interpreting and understanding behaviours, actions and issues. So much so that he had gained his useful reputation for omniscience. And now his fucking nose hurt.
Tony ignored the shocked gasps from the SHIELD agents and the weapons which were quickly drawn on him, as he turned back towards the Sheriff and his furry crew. There was no way in hell that he was leaving these kids, including his son to the tender mercies of that lying deceitful manipulative bastard director of SHIELD.
His mind was racing through the possible outcomes and variants, including whether he would be fighting both the Avengers and SHIELD to safeguard the Werewolves when he saw Rogers come to stand beside him. Deliberately shoulder to shoulder.
Tony felt warmth curl in the pit of his stomach, easing some of the tense anxiety. The blue eyed blonde was gently swinging his shield, the sheer bulk of the man oddly comforting and dangerous at the same time.
"Now fellas, on a scale of one to ten, how stupid is it to pull a gun on one Avenger in front of the rest of the team?" the bright and cheerful false bonhomie in the Cap's voice was menacing, that famous smile reduced to a mere mean baring of his teeth, whilst the expression on his face made more than one of the armed agents take a careful step back. More than one also winced as their gazes switched between the glowering Director, a gleefully gloating Iron Man and a grim faced Captain America
Tony quirked one elegant brow at the super soldier beside him, but that's all he got in return was a smirk as the Captain stood directly in the Agents line of fire.
"Your boss got a little reward for fucking with the life of a kid so put those away before I lose my temper and if you think Dr Banner has anger management issues, you really don't want to be in the same room with me if you piss me off enough. I hate bullies, I especially hate bullies that pick on kids".
There was dead silence as the rest of the adults in the room stared at America's darling in disbelief. Had the man actually used profanities twice in the same sentence?
Tony wondered how many of those clustered around the Director and even the rest of the Avengers had picked up on the revealing "Your Boss".
So Captain America was having second and even third thoughts about working for SHIELD. Tony saw the minuscule frown that crossed Agent Agent's bland brow and the way Coulson's eyes flickered over Fury.
Tony was sure that there would be "words" in Fury's not too distant future as Coulson moved smoothly in front of Fury and the wavering weapons to stand before Captain America.
"Stand down" Coulson ordered in that calm voice of his. Just as Steve's frown became even more threatening, he repeated sharply "Agents of SHIELD stand down. This is not a hostile situation now. I want medical down here for that young man and anyone else who needs it. I want a clean-up crew going through this facility so we know exactly what Aldritch was up to. All non- SHIELD personnel will be patched up, debriefed and allowed to return to their homes as soon as they signed the usual NDAs, am I clear people?"
Coulson didn't take his gaze away from Captain America's face as he was making his orders clear. There was no objection from the strangely silent Director.
Stiles muttered into his father's chest, "Yay, way to go Super Suit Dude" then he whined loudly "I'm still hungry people, curly fries have not appeared yet"
Coulson stared at the kid and a quick scan of the other youngsters had him bite out with long suffering reluctance but both Steve and Tony could see the amusement in his eyes
"For the love of God someone get some pizzas here on the double, and don't forget the damn curly fries"
The Sheriff knew that he was holding his son too tightly, but Stiles didn't seem to care. His cheek was resting on Stiles head, against his lank hair and he was just breathing him in. Christ his kid needed to hit the showers, obviously the bastards hadn't even taken care of basic hygiene for him.
They were still on the cold ground after Thor and his hammer had finally saved his kid. He had Stiles crushed against his chest, with as much of his poor bare little butt as possible off the cold concrete and in his Dad's lap. The Sheriff knew that his boy was probably high on the adrenaline rush of the hammer pulling that shit out of his body and the reduction in pain now that the healing powers of the Werewolf bite was able to kick in properly.
Stiles was a little loopy fixated on curly fries, not processing what had happened, just content to natter into his Dad's neck and demand food.
The Sheriff knew that there were nightmares, panic attacks, depression and mood swings heading his son's way. Stiles would not be escaping unscathed from this vicious clusterfuck but at least the kid was alive to deal with it.
Stilinski wasn't even going to touch the werewolf issue yet but Hale and his pups were going to have to resign themselves to a change in the status quo. Derek might be their Alpha, but the Sheriff was the Alpha of the god damn county as far as Hale was concerned. Stiles would need the pack to survive and thrive so they were now on the Sheriff's protected list whether they wanted to be or not.
The Sheriff raised his head when he caught sight of bright red material out of the corner of his eye. It was Thor's cloak which was being held out to him as the huge alien god knelt gracefully in front of the Sheriff and Stiles.
"Here Friend, the child is chilled, my cloak will warm his bones and cover him". A short nod had Thor tucking the material tenderly around Stiles. The Sheriff couldn't let go of him yet, not even for that. He couldn't let him out of his arms when he had so nearly lost him for ever.
Stark's angry rant at Fury proved enough of a distraction from his own spiralling emotions. There was still too much danger in this goddamn room for the Sheriff to allow himself to wallow.
He saw the way Fury was watching Hale and the pack, the way Stark was enraged and even though he couldn't quite hear what was said, he had a pretty good idea that Fury wanted to take the kids into custody.
Stark's right hook was impressive and the expression on Fury's face was priceless. The Sheriff stiffened as Fury's minions drew their weapons, if one of those fuckers wounded his kid, he would destroy SHIELD.
He was about to lay Stiles down and arrest the fucking lot of them when Captain America started taking names. Thor had gone very, very still. He stood in front of the Stilinskis, one hand heavy on the Sheriff's shoulder as he glared with all the murderous charm of a Viking berserker at the standoff.
Thor send him one reassuring glance when the nondescript man known as Agent Coulson finally stepped into the fray. The Sheriff had almost bitten his tongue in half to stop himself from asking if Fury was going to be a problem for his son, but the Asgardian seemed to understand. "
You can trust Stark to deal with this, he has no love for the games Colonel Fury plays, and it appears that the good Captain is beginning to share Anthony's opinion" his voice was a low rumble that Stiles didn't seem to hear properly "if by some mischance Stark is unable to resolve the matter, rest assured John Stilinski, Sheriff of the Beacon, that I will personally make sure that my nephew's young descendants are not harmed, whilst doing great harm to those foolish enough to try".
The accompanying smile of promise was feral, and the Sheriff felt his shoulders relax for the first time since he had entered this hellhole.
There was so much left to deal with not the least of which was how the hell he was going to share his son with Stark. He just wanted to bundle his kid into the back of his cruiser and just leave, not stop until he was so far away they didn't even speak the same language.
But although it had nearly torn his guts apart to do it, the phone call to Stark had been instrumental in saving Stiles life. At the very least his boy had three of the heavy hitting Avengers invested in keeping the kid alive even if he wasn't sure about the rest of them, especially the Black Widow.
Of course Stiles was also now a member of a pack of Werewolves, with the teeth and the claws that so easily ripped the enhanced Aldritch to shreds.
So Hunters, supernatural assholes and that pesky meddling Director of SHIELD had better think twice about fucking over his son and his town.
The Sheriff gently pulled Stiles face away from his now breathe damp neck. His hands cupped his boy's face and gently stroked his earlobes as he looked deeply into Stiles eyes. He drew a deep breath and then despite the stern frown, Stiles could see the wicked laughter in his Dad's eyes.
"Baby boy we are sharing those damn curly fries"
So finally the final chapter of Part One. I haven't tied up all the threads yet because that will happen in the next Part, but there will be timestamps for this first. I have nearly finished the first timestamp and have others planned. I will probably concentrate on those for a while because I don't want to start another multi chapter until I finish some of my other WIPS.
I have lots more to write in this AU I promise because I love the Sheriff.
Hope you enjoy this and thank your for all the encouragement x