I have returned! Sorry for the wait, I just started my new job (which I hate) and with that as well as school and my own mother being terminally ill... I have a lot of stress, haha. To make it up to you, here's an extra long, extra juicy chapter. I hope you guys enjoy!
I don't own Naruto.
'What have I done?'
Sakura sat there in silence, trying to comprehend what the hell had just happened. How could she have been so careless? Since when had she become such a… bitch? That was the only word she could think of to describe how she'd acted. Sure, her professor was a major jerk. However, there was no excuse to bring a family member into their argument. It didn't matter that she had absolutely no idea that his mother was sick. There was no excuse, and Sakura realized that she had to apologize immediately.
With that in mind, the medical student wordlessly stood up and ran out of the café. She could only hope that Sasuke would accept her apology.
Naruto and Ino watched her go, and then shared a concerned look. They each set enough money on the table to cover their respective bills before standing up and following their friend.
Sakura sprinted out of the café and looked in all directions, but Sasuke was nowhere in sight. He'd surely been in a hurry to get the hell out of there, not that she blamed him. She wouldn't want to be around her either. How heartless was she? She was going into the medical field for crying out loud. Doctors weren't supposed to open their mouths mindlessly, blabbering on about things they knew nothing about. The medical student took a deep breath, willing herself to calm down. Beating herself up over this wasn't going to fix anything. The only thing she could do now was wait until her next class so she could apologize.
Suddenly, Ino and Naruto came into view. Bowing her head in shame, Sakura let out a shaky breath. She couldn't bring herself to look them in the eye. Ino let out a growl and slapped the medical students arm lightly, clearly not pleased with her whatsoever.
"Forehead, I love you, but you really screwed up!"
"Tell me something I don't know. I'm so disappointed in myself. I… I don't know what came over me, you guys. I don't know why I got so angry, but I'm sorry that I did. There was no excuse for bringing a family member into it either. I'm going to apologize as soon as I see him again," Sakura said quietly, finding the beat up sidewalk incredibly interesting.
Naruto sighed and placed a comforting hand on his friends shoulder. "Sakura-chan, try not to be so hard on yourself. Yes, you were wrong. But Sasuke-teme was too. Both of you were less than kind to each other. I know he's mad, but he's been through a lot. This is nothing he can't handle," he said kindly.
Sakura finally found the courage to look up, forcing a tight smile. She was truly grateful to Naruto for trying to cheer her up, but she still felt incredibly guilty. It was truly unlike her to act so coldly. Perhaps the stress of preparing for medical school was getting the best of her.
Bidding farewell to her friends, the medical student took her leave. It was almost dinner time, and she had to get started on her reading for Uchiha-sensei's class. She would get on his good side, she'd make sure of it.
"Itachi, dear? Can you please hand me the watering can?"
Itachi Uchiha smiled at his mother warmly, nodding quickly and reaching for the light blue watering can beside him. Handing it to her gently, he watched as she tended to her garden with care. He felt his heart swell at the sight of the woman looking so at peace despite her grim circumstances. Why had he waited so long to come and visit?
"Alright, my garden is all watered. The tomatoes are coming along so nicely! I'm sure Sasuke will be pleased," Mikoto said with a smile.
Itachi couldn't help but chuckle. "He still hasn't gotten over that tomato obsession? He'll turn into a tomato if he keeps inhaling them like he did when we were growing up."
"The same could be said for you and your dango addiction," Mikoto teased.
"Touche'. How are you feeling?" Itachi asked hesitantly.
A sad smile graced the woman's face at the question, but she quickly hid her solemn expression. There was no use feeling sorry for herself. She had to remain positive if she wanted to live a long life. "I feel good today, despite the cancer spreading. I have good days and bad days. Though I believe a positive attitude can help turn around a bad day. I'm very grateful to be feeling alright today, so I can spend time with you. We wish you'd visit more, but I understand that you're a very busy person."
Itachi felt a wave of guilt wash over him, and was about to respond when Sasuke suddenly arrived. The younger Uchiha stood at the entrance of the garden wordlessly, almost looking surprised but quickly hiding it. The raven stood there, frozen, staring at his older brother as if he were some alien foreigner. The older man gave a small smile, nodding in greeting.
"It's been a while, otouto."
"Hn," was Sasuke's only response. Ripping his eyes away from Itachi, he quickly moved to his mother's side. The woman smiled brightly at her youngest son, giving him a warm hug.
"I'm so happy to have both of my boys here! How exciting! I was just telling your brother how nicely my tomatoes are coming along, and how happy you'll be when you sink your teeth into one. I know you say tomatoes right from my garden are your favorite," she gushed, picking a tomato and handing one to Sasuke.
The raven accepted the tomato with a genuine smile, and he could tell she certainly took pride in her handy work. He put it to his lips and took a big bite, giving her a thumbs up as he chewed. After he swallowed, Sasuke gave a satisfied nod. "You've outdone yourself this time, kaa-san. This is definitely the best tomato I've ever eaten," he complimented.
Itachi watched the scene in silence, guilt eating away at him for not coming home in such a long time. His brother and their mother clearly had a special bond that he couldn't begin to understand and could never be a part of. Sasuke had been there for their mother when he wasn't. It was obvious to Itachi that his brother was angry at him, but was hiding it for the sake of their mother. He realized that they needed to have a man to man talk, and that he owed his brother an apology. With that thought in mind, he gathered his courage and spoke up.
"Sasuke, can I please talk to you alone?"
Sasuke finally directed his attention to his brother, resisting the urge to glare at him. To be honest, he really had nothing to say to Itachi. He'd made it clear by being away for years that him or their mother were of little concern. Though as much as it pained him, he knew that declining would only cause tension. They didn't need their mother getting stressed out over their issues. Reluctantly, Sasuke agreed.
"Fine, let's head inside so kaa-san can finish tending to her garden," he relented.
Mikoto shook her head at her boys with a smile. "No need, I'm all done! I need to begin dinner anyway. Come inside when you're ready," she said kindly, walking back into the house and leaving them alone.
As soon as Mikoto entered the house, Itachi spoke up. "I'm sorry."
The younger man rolled his eyes and scoffed, crossing his arms. "Save it, Itachi."
The older man sighed and took a step forward, which caused Sasuke to unconsciously take a step back. He knew that his brother was angry with him, but he wished that he could at least have the opportunity to explain himself. He had to get through to his brother, and begin to repair their damaged relationship. "Otouto, let me explain-"
"Don't fucking call me that! You have no right to call me that. You have no right to call our mother 'kaa-san' either. You up and left us years ago, right when we needed you most! Now, suddenly when kaa-san is months away from dying, you show up? It took our mother getting terminal cancer for you to finally give a shit about us!?"
"I'm not done yet! Who the hell do you think you are? I'm the one who's taken care of kaa-san this whole time. We helped each other through tou-sans death, unlike you who just decided to bolt. I moved back in with kaa-san when she got sick and couldn't do everything she used to. Oh, but now everything is supposed to be okay. It's supposed to be okay because good old nii-san has finally decided to grace us with his presence and he says he's sorry!" he finished, breathing heavily.
Itachi simply stood there in silence for a few minutes, staring at his brother with wide eyes. He'd known Sasuke had to have been hurting, but he didn't expect such an outburst. It was true that he left, but he'd had his reasons. They'd made sense at the time, but he was beginning to realize that he had been wrong. He should have been there for his family, and now he was worried that is was too late to repair the damage. Even if he was wrong, he needed Sasuke to understand why he did what he did. Everyone made mistakes, and Itachi was no exception. Should it really be held against him forever?
"Otou- Sasuke, I am truly sorry. I know that you've been hurting, and I know that kaa-san has been hurting as well. But you know how we grew up. Tou-san put an incredible amount of pressure on both of us, me especially. I was the oldest. I was expected to take over the family business. You know how infuriated he was when I told him that his dream wasn't my dream. After how we grew up, I had to get away. I had to disconnect. It was selfish, I know. But I did what I felt was right at the time. I'm just sorry you and kaa-san had to suffer because of it," he said softly, finding it difficult to look his brother in the eye.
Sasuke would be lying if he said that his brothers' words didn't reach him just a little bit, but he was still too infuriated to care or see reason. It angered him that Itachi had decided to show up now of all times. He almost made a comment that Itachi probably just wanted to worm his way into their mothers will, but he bit his tongue. As furious as he was, he had to admit that his brother wasn't that type of person. Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down, he uncrossed his arms and gave his brother a stern look.
"Okay, I've heard you out. It still doesn't excuse what you did. I'll be civil to you in front of kaa-san, but just stay out of my way for now," he said, brushing past Itachi and going back inside.
Mikoto was putting the finishing touches on dinner when the boys entered the kitchen. She couldn't help but notice the tense aura surrounding them, but she decided to ignore it. It was obvious that they had their own issues, but she was confident that they'd work it out eventually. Brothers were bound to have arguments sometimes. Putting on a smile, she dried her hands on her apron before she began plating the food.
"Have a seat, you two. Have either of you eaten yet?" she asked.
Itachi shook his head and took a seat across from Sasuke, who glared at him. "No, I haven't eaten yet," he answered.
"I tried to eat earlier, but my appetite has been ruined for multiple reasons," Sasuke muttered.
Mikoto frowned at this, setting plates in front of her boys and getting ready to pour them some tea. "What happened, dear?"
Sasuke decided to neglect mentioning his spat with Itachi, to spare her feelings. He wanted her to believe that they were getting along just fine. She didn't need to be worrying about their bad blood. Besides, that wasn't the only reason he was irritated. Oh no, there was another big, incredibly annoying reason he was so worked up. "There's a student in my class that is completely unbearable. She is the epitome of disrespect," he hissed.
He proceeded to tell Mikoto and Itachi about the Sakura incident in the coffee shop that morning, and how she is coincidentally close with his best friend. He mentioned how they argued at the café right before he arrived home, but didn't specify what it was about. Just remembering it was making him angry all over again. The nerve of that woman. He'd make her life in his classroom hell, he'd make sure of it.
Mikoto placed a sympathetic hand on Sasuke's shoulder, genuinely feeling bad for him but also trying to understand Sakura's point of view. She remembered what it was like being in college. The stress had certainly been overwhelming. "I understand your frustrations, and I'm sorry it happened. Though maybe it will get better. University is a stressful time, I know you remember since it wasn't that long ago you were a student yourself. I'm sure it'll work out in the end," she said kindly.
The youngest Uchiha frowned at this, wanting his mother to be completely on his side rather than trying to sympathize with his hell spawn of a student. He looked away, and almost looked as if he were pouting. "Stressed out, my ass. She's going to make my hair go gray. That woman owes me an apology," he said childishly, reaching for his tea.
"So, when are you going to admit you have a crush on her?" Itachi chimed in with a smirk.
Itachi's question effectively made Sasuke choke on his tea. He set his cup down and coughed violently, trying to get some air back into his lungs. What the hell did Itachi just say? Him, have a crush on that… that… annoying girl?
"What the hell did you just say!?" Sasuke screeched.
Itachi's smirk widened at seeing his brother so uncharacteristically worked up. He was definitely attracted to this girl. Maybe it was just her looks, but he knew his brother well enough to know that he wouldn't get so upset over someone he didn't care about at all. Even after being away for so long, he was sure of that. He clearly saw something in that girl. What that something was, Sasuke himself likely didn't know yet.
"It's just that in the past, you never cared about such petty things. You're telling me that you and this woman hate each other over a donut? That's hard to believe, and it's childish at that. You know what they say, boys get flustered around girls they find attractive," he said, the smirk never leaving his face.
Sasuke simply sat there for a moment, staring at his brother and trying to comprehend what the hell was happening. He was so going to wring Itachi's neck when they were alone. Unfortunately for him, Itachi was right. As much as it pained him, deep down he knew that he found Sakura attractive. He was a healthy male, and he wasn't blind. Anyone with working eyes could see that the girl was beautiful. Wait, beautiful?
'Well, outwardly… yes. As far as her personality goes, that's a completely different story. Attractive or not, that doesn't change the fact that she's annoying and disrespectful. I'll bet she doesn't feel one ounce of sympathy for what she said to me,' Sasuke thought bitterly.
The Uchiha shook his head, trying to will those thoughts away. He was stuck teaching the woman for the entire semester, and there was nothing he could do about it. He'd just have to endure it. After the semester was over, he'd never have to see her again. With that thought in mind, he wordlessly went back to eating his food, not bothering to deny what Itachi had said earlier.
It was going to be a long semester.
"Thank you two for inviting me to come with you. I really needed this. I really hope I'm not intruding," Sakura said softly.
Naruto and Hinata smiled at their friend, the former giving her shoulder a playful pat. "You're not intruding on anything, Sakura-chan! You know we love having ramen with you," he exclaimed happily.
Hinata nodded in agreement. "Naruto-kun is right. Please never feel like that. You're our friend and we enjoy spending time with you."
It had been nearly a week since the whole donut and café incident. Tomorrow was the second meeting of her professional ethics class, and Sakura was both dreading and looking forward to it. She was eager to apologize to her professor and hopefully get on his good side, but she was certain that getting on his good side would be next to impossible. Naruto had sensed her distress, and graciously invited her to have dinner with him and Hinata. Of course with Naruto being Naruto, ramen was the only menu option.
Sakura smiled to herself and nodded at her friends. "Alright, thank you. I was being silly to even think that. I've just been stressed lately," she said.
"How are things going with you and Uchiha-sensei? Naruto-kun told me about the tense encounter last week. I hope you two can get back on the right foot," Hinata commented, obviously concerned.
"I haven't seen him since the café incident. Our class only meets once a week, so I won't see him until tomorrow morning. I appreciate your concern. I feel terrible about what I said," Sakura replied, taking a bite of ramen and realizing she was already full. Her appetite had been almost nonexistent all week.
Sakura still didn't understand what caused her to act so thoughtlessly. She was stressed out, yes. However, that was no excuse. The fact that she had caused another person pain, even if he wasn't the nicest person, overwhelmed her with guilt. The medical student found it hard to focus, and her mind kept playing back the cruel words she said. It was then that she realized that she couldn't take it anymore. She absolutely had to apologize, and she had to apologize immediately. It didn't matter that she would be seeing him tomorrow morning. That was still too far away. There was no way she'd be getting a good nights sleep tonight if she didn't clear her conscience. But how would she see him when she had no idea where he was?
Suddenly, a thought struck her and she turned to Naruto with a smirk.
"Naruto, Uchiha-sensei is your best friend. Where does he live?" she asked.
"W-What? You're asking me for Sasuke-teme's address?" Naruto asked in shock.
"Are you thinking of seeking Uchiha-sensei out? Is your guilt overwhelming you that much, Sakura-chan?" Hinata asked in concern.
Sakura simply gave a determined nod. "I have to clear my conscience, I can't wait any longer. The guilt has been eating away at me all week! Please, Naruto," she implored.
"Naruto-kun, I think you should go ahead and tell her. Sakura-chan clearly feels really bad," Hinata said.
Naruto sighed, taking in the girls' words. He knew that Sakura felt bad, because he'd seen a change in her in the past week. He noticed that she hadn't been eating as much, and she looked as if she hadn't been sleeping as well. Had the incident in the café been eating away at her that much? He sighed and gave Sakura a sympathetic look.
"Alright, I'll tell you. But just to warn you, Sasuke-teme recently moved back in with his mom to take care of her, and I don't know where her house is. Though he does go back to his place occasionally to take care of things. Just don't be disappointed if he's not there," Naruto warned, grabbing a napkin and asking their waitress for a pen.
Sakura nodded enthusiastically. She was very thankful to the blond, as she knew that he was in no way obligated to help her. It was obvious that he was slightly hesitant after what went down at the café, but they shared mutual trust and she would never break that. After taking the napkin from him, she paid her bill and bid her friends a goodbye and a thank you.
It was now or never. She had to find her professor. Taking a deep, determined breath, she took off in the direction of his house.
Fortunately for Sakura, her professor didn't live very far from the ramen stand. She really hoped he was home and not at his mothers' house, so she could finally apologize and get a good nights rest. She turned onto his street and finally found the house she was looking for. The medical student smiled upon noticing that a light was on.
'Well, here goes nothing,' Sakura thought, walking up to the porch and taking a deep breath.
She stood there unmoving for a couple of moments, simply staring at the door. Nervousness and dread began to wash over her, and she almost decided to back out and run home. The fear of rejection was overwhelming, and the thought of facing her professor scared her even more. Why was she so afraid of rejection? Why did his opinion matter to her, anyway? All she wanted was to clear her conscience. All she had to do was say what she had to say and leave. What he chose to do with her apology was entirely up to him. If he didn't accept it, at least she tried. She wouldn't care in the slightest… right?
Taking one more deep breath and gathering every bit of her courage, Sakura lifted her arm to knock on Sasuke's door. However, she was beat to the punch when the door opened suddenly and the raven nearly walked right into her.
The medical student froze in her place and gulped, looking like a deer caught in headlights. This was bad. This was very, very bad. Why did she have to go to his house? Why did he have to walk out and catch her standing on his doorstep like some creep? She wanted to take off and run far away, but she couldn't move. It was as if his gaze trapped her where she was. Sasuke simply stood there gaping at the girl, unable to believe his eyes. He had no idea what was going on or why his troublesome student was on his doorstep, but he was sure as hell going to find out. She picked the wrong person to piss off.
"What the hell are you doing here? How do you know where I live?" he barked.
It took Sakura a moment to register his questions, far too nervous and shaky to think properly. She realized that he was looking at her as if she were some inept idiot, waiting for her reply. Surely he thought something was wrong with her. To be honest, she was beginning to think she was crazy herself.
"I- I got your address from Naruto. I made him tell me because I desperately needed to talk to you," she replied, finally finding her voice.
The raven crossed his arms over his chest, completely disinterested in anything she had to say. He had more important things to worry about. "I've got nothing to say to you."
"I'm sorry," Sakura said, undeterred. "I was out of line at the café. I wanted to see you so I could apologize. May I please come in so we can talk?"
Sasuke wanted nothing more than to tell her to get off of his property, but found that he couldn't bring himself to do that. As he looked into her eyes, he found sincerity. He couldn't help but believe her words, as much as he didn't want to. He sighed in exasperation, realizing that they truly did need to talk things out. This wasn't something that could be left unresolved for the entire semester. If they were to deal with each other for these next few months, even just in the classroom, they had to clear the air. Reluctantly, he stepped aside to let the girl in.
"Come in."
Sakura gave a quiet 'thank you' and stepped inside the residence, vaguely registering the sound of the door closing behind her. She couldn't help but admire his living space. The house was larger than it looked from the outside, and incredibly clean. Not a single item was out of place, and she chuckled silently to herself. Why didn't it surprise her that he was a neat freak?
The sound of Sasuke clearing his throat impatiently startled Sakura out of her thoughts. She quickly turned around to face him, and stopped in her tracks at the sight that beheld her. She hadn't noticed before because it was dark outside, but the raven looked nothing like his usual dressed up, formal self. On the first day of class, he wore dress pants and a long sleeve button down shirt with a tie. Now, however…
'Oh my…' she thought.
Sasuke was wearing dark jeans that hung low on his hips, but that wasn't the only thing that got her attention. He wore a short sleeve black shirt that was unbuttoned and exposed his milky skin. Sakura gulped, willing herself to tear her gaze away but finding it next to impossible. Her eyes trailed upward and his raven hair was damp. She realized he must have just gotten out of the shower.
This was bad. Sakura had already found him attractive to begin with, but seeing him like this was almost too much for her senses. It had to be illegal to be so… so… sexy.
Sasuke hadn't meant to, but he found himself checking Sakura out as well. She was wearing shorts that weren't too short, but not too modest. They showed off her creamy legs, and he couldn't help but admire how they made her ass look before she turned to face him. She wore a red v-neck blouse that showed off just a hint of cleavage, with her cotton candy hair styled to frame her face nicely. Realizing what he was doing, he quickly tore his gaze away from his student. What the hell had gotten into him? He wasn't one to shamelessly check out girls. He wasn't one to stare at unsuspecting girls asses like some kind of pervert. She obviously wasn't much younger than him, he'd guess four years at the most. However, that didn't make it right. She was his student for kami's sake.
"Would you like some tea?" Sasuke asked, attempting to be a good host.
"That would be nice," Sakura replied with a nod.
The raven made his way to his kitchen, Sakura following him wordlessly. She looked around awkwardly as he prepared the tea, not quite sure what to do or say.
"So what did you want to say?" Sasuke asked suddenly, pouring the tea and handing a cup to her.
"Thank you," she said, sitting down at the dining room table. "I wanted to apologize for my behavior, both at the coffee shop and the café. I honestly don't know what came over me. I should have minded my manners, and I certainly should not have spoken so mindlessly. I hope you can accept my sincerest apologies."
The raven quietly listened to her words, wanting to accept her apology but finding it rather difficult. He could tell she was sincere, but he found it hard to look past her bringing his mother into their argument. He realized that there was no way she could have known about her condition, but it was still a sore subject for him. Before Sasuke could reply, Sakura continued speaking.
"I... I honestly had no idea about your mother. When Naruto told me about her condition, I felt so horrible I tried to chase after you to apologize right there, but you were gone. My mother passed away when I was young, so I know how hard it is. I understand if you don't want to accept my apology. If it'll make you feel better, I will even drop your class and put off graduating so you don't have to see me again. It's the least I can do to make up for the trouble I've caused."
Sasuke sat there wide-eyed, taking in her words. She lost her mother when she was young? She was even willing to drop his class and potentially harm her academic career out of guilt? He realized that she was looking at him eagerly, waiting for him to reply. It was obvious that she felt terrible and that she meant what she said.
"I accept your apology," he said quietly.
A pretty smile graced her features, and it was only after she sniffled that Sasuke realized there were tears in her eyes. He found his arm instinctively reaching out as if to wipe them away, but he caught himself and recoiled quickly. What the hell was wrong with him? He usually found comfort in silence, but at this point it was becoming very uncomfortable. Unable to take it, he decided that he owed her an apology as well.
"I owe you an apology as well. I acted very ungentlemanly and unprofessional. You didn't deserve that, and I'm truly sorry. I've been told I'm a little rough around the edges," he joked, trying to lighten the mood.
His joke made her laugh, the smile never leaving her face. "Everyone has their issues, don't worry about it," she said, taking a sip of tea.
"I don't," he replied with a smirk.
Sakura shook her head at his arrogance, and studied the room around them a little more. She spotted a pink teddy bear holding a heart that said 'I love you' on it sitting on a nearby table, as well as some candy beside it. Sasuke followed her gaze and blushed ever so slightly, hoping she wasn't thinking something weird. Wait, since when did he care what anyone thought?
"You don't look like the type to be into fluffy pink teddy bears. Who's the unlucky girl?" Sakura teased.
"My mother," Sasuke deadpanned.
The medical nearly choked on her tea. "Oh," she blushed.
"When I found you on my doorstep, I was on my way to get the mail before going over to my mother's house. I was going to give her those to lift her spirits," he explained.
Sakura didn't realize her professor had a soft side to him. He honestly didn't seem like the type. "I didn't realize you could be so sweet."
"Tch. I'm far from sweet."
"Whatever you say," Sakura grinned.
Shaking his head at her teasing, Sasuke decided to change the subject. He was slightly hesitant about what he was about to ask, but the curiosity overwhelmed him.
"May I ask what happened to your mom?" he asked cautiously.
If she was bothered by his question, she didn't show it. She simply looked into her teacup with a solemn expression. "She passed away when I was five years old from an unknown lung disease. It was unlike anything any of the doctors had seen before, so there was nothing that could be done. That's what made me want to become a doctor. I want to find out more about the disease, and potentially find a cure," Sakura replied softly.
The raven nodded lightly, staring at the girl in wonder. There was definitely more to Sakura than he'd originally thought, that much was certain. He truly felt bad for her, having lost her mother so young.
"That must have been incredibly difficult to go through at such a young age. I'm sorry for your loss."
"Thank you," she replied, finally looking up at him.
The two looked into each others eyes, neither of them able to deny the obvious attraction and electricity between them. Is this what people meant when they talked about 'chemistry?' Suddenly, Sasuke stood up, wanting to remove himself from the situation. He felt the attraction just as much as she did, and it was making him uncomfortable.
"Are you finished with your tea?" he asked awkwardly.
"Yes, I am. I'll help you clean up!" she exclaimed nervously, quickly standing up.
Somehow in the process of getting up, Sakura managed to trip over her own feet. The raven gasped and watched her stumble, quickly making his way over to her to catch her. The two tumbled to the floor with a loud thump, Sakura landing sprawled on top of Sasuke.
They laid there on the floor, Sasuke vaguely registering pain in his head and back. He didn't have time to dwell on it for long, as he was painfully aware of something soft on his lips. This was bad. This was very bad.
Sakura expected an intense amount of pain, but it never came. Sasuke had shielded her from her fall, and she was eternally grateful. It took her a moment to realize that not only had he broken her fall, but they had landed in quite the compromising position.
'Oh my god… My lips are on his. We're kissing. Holy crap, abort mission!'
They both knew that they had to move. They both knew that the situation they were in was a delicate one, and inappropriate. They needed to stop immediately, and apologize to each other for the embarrassing accident. However, neither of them could bring themselves to pull away. They stared at each other in shock, their lips unmoving, before their eyes slowly fluttered closed.
It was only a moment before Sasuke realized exactly what they were doing, and pushed Sakura away gently. She was still on top of him, and their lips were still mere inches apart, but at least he could think now. Though it was incredibly difficult to form a coherent thought with her jade eyes hooded and her shallow breathing. Was that... desire he saw in her eyes? He was certain his expression matched hers, and he needed to get out of the situation now. He was supposed to be the professional. It was imperative that he take charge of the situation immediately.
"I should go…" Sakura whispered breathlessly.
"I agree…" Sasuke replied huskily, neither of them making an attempt to move.
Sakura shivered lightly as she felt his hot breath mingling with hers. Was it this hot a minute ago?
"Uchiha-sensei…" she whispered, not quite sure what to say or think.
Hearing her call him that made Sasuke come undone. All logic was thrown out the window as he pulled Sakura down into a searing kiss, which she eagerly responded to. His lips moved quickly over hers, unable to get enough of her. What was happening to him? He barely knew this girl. Even worse, this girl was his student. Those thoughts vaguely registered in his mind, but he couldn't bring himself to think things through clearly. All he knew in that moment was that he wanted nothing more than to ravage every inch of her.
Sakura drove his senses into overdrive when she ran her tongue along the seam of his lips, silently begging for entrance. Sasuke was all too eager to oblige, granting her access and rolling them over so he was on top and in control. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he cupped her cheek, biting her lip softly. The action earned a soft moan out of her, and she unconsciously wrapped a leg around his waist, one arm coming down to caress his bare chest.
Sasuke growled and unconsciously ground his hips into hers, making them both gasp. This was quickly getting way out of hand, and the raven realized that if he didn't stop now, he may not be able to bring himself to later. Coming back to his senses, he jumped back.
The two of them stared at each other, panting heavily after the intense make-out session. Neither of them could believe what had just happened. Sakura had come to Sasuke's house expecting to apologize and leave. How that had turned into a heart to heart conversation and then a near one night stand, they had no idea. What would this mean for them going forward? They were teacher and student. Their relationship was supposed to be professional. The situation had spiraled out of control, and neither of them knew what to do.
"You should go," Sasuke said simply.
"Y-Yeah, I should go," Sakura replied shakily, quickly getting up and fixing her clothes.
Sasuke didn't watch her as she left. He was only sure she was gone when he heard the door shut behind her. He made no effort to pick himself up off the floor, far too shaken up and lost in his thoughts.
He would be seeing her in class tomorrow morning, in less than 12 hours. He hadn't expected things to turn out this way.
Oh, baby. Looks like things are getting even more complicated for Sasuke and Sakura. What did you guys think? Also, I am debating raising the rating of this story. I've never written a smut scene before, and kind of want to try my hand at it. Would that be something you guys would want eventually? If you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a review and save this story to your favorites!