Hey guys its jomanthedope I know I haven't updated in a few months but here's a Christmas present for you all to enjoy I'm really sorry for not updating but I hope I can update more in 2016 and beyond but I've been really busy with life but Star Wars is awesome I love the universe and everything it has so I'm blessed to be a fan and fanfict writer so I hope you can cope with me and my updating periods but thanks for all your support. Without further ado here's Chapter 11 :) (btw you should reread story before if you forgot the jist of the story)

Ch 11

The three rebels walked through the halls of the rebel cruiser taking into sight the various technology that the rebel alliance had owned. "Here this is the main command center" pointed the rebel officer pointing to the main control room where there were other rebel operatives that were controlling parts of the ship's mainframe.

"Thank you for showing us around" said Kanan graciously as he walked around, hoping that something would be done about Hera and Zeb.

"No, it's been a pleasure and the rest of your group should be arriving soon" added the rebel officer.

"Wait, who else is in our group?" asked Ezra intrigued that there were more people going on the mission.

"Three more people, I believe, Commander Tano thought it be safe for more people to help with this critical mission"

"Ah ok" Ezra realized as the officer walked away. "I wonder who will join us?" whispered Sabine as she waited to see of who would come.

Soon enough three more figures walked into the command center. "Well if it isn't our favorite rebels?" Rex smiled as Echo and Gregor followed him with smiling faces.

"Rex, Echo, Gregor?, you're coming on this mission?" questioned Ezra.

"Yup, Commander Tano assigned us to come help you guys rescue Hera and Zeb" Echo said as he pulled out his blaster and began adjusting it.

"But how are we going to get inside the destroyer?" Sabine asked as she saw that they had come alone with no other reinforcements.

"Don't worry about that Sabine, that's why we have an imperial shuttle in the hanger" smiled Gregor. "where did you guys get the shuttle?" questioned Kanan as he finally spoke up in this conversation.

"Don't worry Kanan, Commander Tano always has a way" said Echo as he made some final adjustments to the document on his holomap. "Speaking of ways let's go" ordered Rex as he went down the hallway with the rest following in his path.

They made their way through to the hanger where there were many ships waiting to be used and only one ship stood out from the others that it was the only imperial ship in the hanger. Standing at the foot of the ramp to the imperial ship stood Ahsoka waiting for them

"Hurry up guys" called Ahsoka from the ramp of the Imperial shuttle. "We have only a small window if we want to rescue them" The team walked in ready for the mission ahead. Kanan had one objective in his mind rescue Hera and Zeb. "Closing ramp doors" called over the comms as the ship began to take off.

Soon enough they were in space...(it would have been way to mean to leave a cliffhanger right here :)...

"Ahsoka what's the plan?" asked Ezra as he sat down next to Kanan. "We'll split up into two teams of three, Sabine, Ezra you guys go with Rex, I'll go with Kanan and Echo." Ahsoka said as the ship rocked back and forth.

"We're not leaving that ship until we have both Hera and Zeb" added Kanan. "Don't worry Kanan we'll all make it" Ahsoka reassured. The shuttle soon came out of hyperspace and slowly approached the Imperial cruiser.

"General, Imperial cruiser straight ahead" called Gregor as they came closer to the cruiser. "Rex your up" motioned Ahsoka. "Imperial shuttle please state your id and code number" a voice called into their comms. "ID number 70189, Code Number 71 Delta 8" Rex said formally.

"Everything checks out come into bay 17" replied the voice. The imperial shuttle made its way into the hanger and slowly landed. "Everyone we need to stay quiet and not bring attention to ourselves only fight when they see us" Ahsoka ordered. Soon enough the two teams made their way into the halls of the cruiser trying to navigate their way to their captive friends.

"We better split up Rex you guys go in that hallway, and Kanan, Echo and I will go this way pointed Ahsoka. "Once you find either Zeb or Hera rendezvous at the ship and we'll get outta here" added Kanan. The two teams were off trying to find their captive friends. Eventually the team of Ahsoka, Kanan and Echo were in hallway full of closed doors. "I'll find Hera" said Kanan as he reached out through the force and felt his way towards Hera. Soon enough he stopped at the last door and with the power of the force the doors opened and there laid unconscious was Hera. She had burnt marks all over her body and open cuts on her arms.

"Look at what they did to you" growled Kanan as he released Hera into his arms. Hera was soon supported by Kanan and Echo. "Let's go the stormtrooper will eventually find us" Ahsoka said as she stood outside waiting for them to come out. On the other side of the ship Ezra, Sabine and Rex were trying to find Zeb and they soon came upon a door that was locked. "I have a feeling this may be the door" said Ezra hesitantly as he lifted his arm to feel with the force and with a flick of his wrist the doors opened revealing a blood covered Lasat. Tied and beatened.

"Whoa big guy what did those imperials do to you?" asked Rex with disgust. "They tortured every last bit of him" Ezra said bitterly as he and Rex supported the Lasat with their shoulders. "we better get outta here before….." started Sabine. "Hey you there what are you doing?" called out a stormtrooper. "Before that happens" finished Sabine as she shot the lone trooper down. "Hurry guys lets go" ordered Sabine. The two teams of rebels were racing back to the shuttle before their time ran out.


"Ahsoka how long do you think we have until…."started Kanan. "Hold it right there rebel scum" ordered a stormtrooper. "you're under arrest, we have you surrounded" added another stormtrooper as more stormtroopers came into the hallway. "Well…that answers your question we don't have any time at all…this is gonna get messy" Ahsoka said as she rolled her eyes. In a split second her lightsabers were ignited and the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of her lightsabers connecting with stormtrooper armor and the cries of agony as each stormtrooper fell dead. The hallway was clear of stormtroopers "C'mon lets get outta here" called Ahsoka as she led the way into the hanger.

"There's the ship get in" ordered Ahsoka as Kanan and Echo helped Hera into the shuttle. "Gregor get the shuttle started" Ahsoka ordered as she looked for the other team of rebels. Coming into the doorway of the hanger came the second team of rebels. Sabine provided cover while Ezra and Rex helped Zeb into the shuttle.

"Sabine where are all the stormtroopers?" Ahsoka asked as Sabine ran up next to her. "While we were escaping there were stormtroopers after us but I shot them all down, but there should be a couple battalions after us by now" Sabine said looking puzzled. "Well we should…"Ahsoka started but was soon interrupted by disturbing sight. Two inquisitors had walked into the hangar with their lightsabers ablaze. "I think I know why they retreated" Ahsoka whispered. "C'mon Sabine get in, Gregor get us outta here!"

"Yes General" The shuttle started to lift off and started to go but something was holding them back. The inquisitors were holding onto their ship and were preventing them from escaping their wrath. "Kanan I need your help!" called Ahsoka as she started to push against the inquisitors to help them escape. "Great the inquisitors just what we need" replied Kanan sarcastically. He soon was following Ahsoka and was force pushing away and against the inquisitors. This battle of force was even between two inquisitors and two Jedi. "Ezra we need you!" called out Kanan. "we need you to distract them" added Kanan as Ezra came up next to him. Ezra fired balls of electricity from his duel mechanized lightsaber. And soon enough the fifth brother started to weaken and he started deflected the electro balls. "What are you doing you imbecile, I can't hold this ship by myself!" The Seventh Sister cried out as the shuttle soon broke away from her grasp and the shuttle escaped into hyperspace

I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year :) until next time May the force be with you