Law x Sanji


Summary: Law has been the private doctor of the royal Donquixote family, and as far as he knew, the only members of the family he knew of where the current king, and his deceased brother. But that changes when the said king returns from an extended trip to another kingdom with a blond he claims to be another brother of his that his mother kept secret. Much to Law's displeasure, he then is assigned to the blond as his personal doctor. But along the way of taking care of the new member of the royal family, he learns the blond's true past, and begins to question or not, if he should continue the kingdom's generous and kind king.

Kiza: Hello everyone! sorry for the long wait, been real busy, finals are coming up for my collage, Sociology is a pain, but its all good. here is chapter 11 I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 11

It was early morning by the time the King and his army where ready to head out. Doflamingo had wasted no time in readying his army. Sanji could merely watch as he and Law got on the back of their horses back. Sighing he walks up and stands in between them, frowning down at his younger brother Doflamingo ruffles his hair.

"Be careful. Both of you." Sanji tells them, smiling Doflamingo nods, then the prince turns to look at Law, who refused to meet his gaze. "Law."

"I can't promise that I'll come back. But I can try." Sighing, Sanji nods then watches as the doctor follows his brother out from the palace gates and eventually out of the kingdom's gates. Exhaling a deep breath, his expression goes blank much like the first day he had arrived.

He really hadn't planned on being part of this rebellion army, but he had changed his mind after he had a talk with Sabo and what his older half-brother had done.


"Sanji," turning around the newly arrived Prince glares at the second in command of the rebel Army, Sabo, older brother to both Ace and Luffy. He had agreed to meet up with the older blond to hear out what he had to say, and he was promised that if he heard him out, they would stop bugging him about joining. "Thank you for coming out here."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now what is it you have to tell me that I already don't know about Doflamingo?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest, sighing, and Sabo leans back against the wall behind them.

"As you know, he is called a Warlord, savior of the Dressrosa kingdom, youngest of the three power houses here in the southern side of the desert that's by the coast line…but he is also responsible for killing his own Brother and father." Hearing that causes Sanji to stare at him with shock.

"Wait, what? No I was told that his father was murdered because of the suffering he was causing the people."

"Then you where lied to. He killed his father because then that way he could take power. His brother for years was a mute and in silence, was working with Navel kingdom to take him down. But, he met Law who had Amber lead poisoning. The only reason Law is even alive, is because Corazon gave up his life to get the devil fruit and had Law eat so he could heal himself. Doflamingo himself took a gun and shot his own brother. Ending his life right in front of Law's eyes." Sanji couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach, he had no idea that Doflamingo had done any of those things, what else had the man done? "That man, single handedly killed the original royal family of this kingdom, other than one, and that is the royal guard; Rebecca. She was the only one left alive. But, the only reason the people don't hate him, is because he made it seem as if he had saved them all. From not only his father, but his family that was planning on rising in power again." Sabo explains with a glare, he watches as he the information slowly begins to sink into the younger male's head, eventually he could see as sad look appear on his face, sighing, and the older male walks over and places a hand on his shoulder.

"I..I didn't know…Crocodile didn't tell me anything…I…" Sanji trials off, Sabo knew that the prince was a little devastated about hearing everything that his older half-brother had done. In the blond's eyes, Doflamingo had saved him and the people in the town loved him. So why doubt him?

"I'm sorry…but, we can stop him, possibly change him for the better…but we'll need your help…please, will you join us?" he asks, the prince then looks up at him.

"Fine, I will, but, I don't want him killed, I want to see if he can be changed. Let me deal with him. Deal?" Sabo smiles as nods.

"Deal, your highness."

End of Flashback.

Sighing, Sanji shakes his head, he didn't have time to think about all of that right now. Right now, he had to go meet up with Luffy and the others.

Three years later

"You're Highness!" Looking up from a book, Sanji turns around and watches as Shachi runs up to him. "Sanji, their back. The king has returned." Hearing that Sanji gets a shocked look. "Your horse is ready for you to meet them." Nodding the blond runs past him, once outside him gets on his horse as Shachi gets on his own before they have the said animals take off running into the town.

If the king has truly returned, then the plan was going to start today. Once at the gates, Sanji could see Doflamingo on horseback, his head held high, and what was left of the Dressrosa Army following behind him. But the blond had to wonder, had they won, or lost?

"Brother!" Sanji calls, this causes the man to look over at Sanji, the said king then has his horse walk up next to him, reaching over he then pats his brother's shoulder. "Brother…where's-"

"Hopefully, on his way back…if not, then may he rest in peace." He cuts in, as he continues to walk past him. Hearing that Sanji merely stares off ahead of himself, in shock.

Law, was dead? How was that even possible, that man was strong, he didn't even need to show his power to anyone to give off that aura of his strength, how could he be dead. That fucking doctor had said he would come back for his necklace and his coat. With his head hanging low, Sanji has his horse turn around and follow after his brother, but not before stopping next to Shachi.

"You heard right…?" the prince asks, looking up, he frowns seeing how Shachi was fighting back tears, the said older man gives him a nod. "Then…you better go back to the bar, and let them know…I'll stop by later if I can. Okay?"

"Y-yes your highness." And with that Shachi leaves, sighing Sanji once again begins to follow his brother. Something seemed off about him, he was quite, serious even. And that wasn't normal for someone like Doflamingo, which was a given fact. He couldn't help but feel a little uneasy as he arrived at the palace where all of the servants awaited to greet their king. Sanji could hear them greeting him sweetly, but, adding more to his confusion, the blond haired man walks past them without a second glance and without a word.

Shaking his head, the younger blond follows his brother inside the palace and up to the second floor.

"Hey, Doffy-"

"I'm fine. Worry about yourself." Doflamingo cuts in, his tone cold, distant. It causes Sanji to take a step back, once knowing that Sanji wasn't going to say anymore to him, the king walks away to his room, slams the door shut and locks it.

"What the hell…Doffy…have you finally lost it?" Sanji asks himself.

Whatever had happened out there, it was affecting his older brother a lot, and the man was never that cold with him. Did that mean he lost? Or was it the fact that there was a chance that Law was dead that he was upset about? No, if that was the case, he wouldn't be acting so cold with him, Doflamingo had always been the one to open up to him, to freely show him his emotions, but not this time. Sighing, Sanji walks to his room and opens the door.


"FUCK! Damn it, again Sabo, really!?" he asks with a small smile. The older blond laughs as he walks up to the prince. "Something-"

"Apparently in the middle of the war, somehow, crocodile managed to knock his last screw loose. That man isn't sane anymore Sanji. Please, be careful around him…" the older male warns, Sanji frowns.

Just as he suspected. He knew that his brother was no longer mentally stable, the aura he was giving off was no longer the same, and he feared for the people of the kingdom, sighing he frowns, he was still hung up on Law as well. What had happened to him? Was he really dead? Sensing his worry, Sabo frowns.

"What's wrong?" Sanji sighs as he looks up at him.

"It's Law…he didn't come home." Hearing that the blond gets a sad look, but let's out a sigh, he knew that the Prince had been waiting three anxious years for the doctor to come home, every day he would go to the pirate Captain's bar and wait for him. Long days, and even longer nights, each day that passed by without hearing word from the army, Sanji grew more, and more worried. The blond would stay up for hours on end waiting, but much too his disappointment, there wasn't much news on them, or the army.

"I'm sorry to hear that. but we still have to go with our plan."

"Yeah…I know."