Antigravity AU by frenchfrycoolguy
Quick Author's note: I've been gone a while... like a really long while... So for a long while I was unable to write anything, hence no upload... But I've started an entirely new story based off of something completely different. So I wrote about Gravity Falls aka the show that dominates my life. This was put up on my Tumblr a few weeks ago but I figured you guys would love it so here it is! A new Gravity Falls AU for your Gravity Falls AU needs. Rest of the story will go up soon. Oh and I'm back. Hi!

Also beware the reviews section. There are be spoilers down there.

Dipper fell out of the eye of the Gideon statue. We were both falling rapidly toward the ground. That was until I pulled out the grappling hook I got at the beginning of summer.

While Dipper was screaming his squeaky voice out I grabbed his arm and fired the hook. The shot entangled itself in the old train tracks we fell from and we both came to a quick stop.

He looked at me with a face of relief. I knew the grappling hook would come in handy. The statue hit the ground and erupted in a bright blue explosion.

A shockwave flew right into Dipper and I and the wire snapped. We began to fall again but then things got really strange. The blue explosion turned into a bright light. I couldn't see anything as Dipper and I fell.

I remember that I was sad. Not because I was plummeting toward the ground at high speeds... but because I couldn't save Dipper. I was supposed to keep that awkward goober safe...

At this point I don't remember much else about what happened. I blacked out and Dipper says he did too.

But I remember that we didn't hit the ground.

I awoke with a start. The first thing I did was look to my right. Dipper was laying on the ground a little bit away from me.

"Dipper!" I never ran such a short distance in my life.

He groaned and slowly pulled himself up. "Where?"

"Are you alright?" I didn't even check to see if I was alright.

"Yeah. I think so." He suddenly looked around the area. "Gideon! Where's his robot?"

We both looked around the woods. There wasn't any sign of it. The explosion could have destroyed it but I would think there would at least be a crater or something. But there was no sign of the robot or any sign that we had our battle.

I looked up at the railway we fell from. It was perfectly intact.

"What happened?" Dipper checked under his vest. "The Journal! Gideon still has it!"

"Come on. It has to be around here." We looked around for a few minutes but couldn't find anything. No robot, no Journal, no one was even coming to investigate the crisis.

Dipper frowned. "This is weird. First a giant explosion and now everything is out of place."

"I'd say so." A boy's voice called from the woods.

"Who's there?" I shouted. "Reveal yourself before I come in after you!"

"Over here!" Another voice. This one a girl's added. "By the rock!"

We saw a large rock nearby and walked up to find the source of the voices.

"There you are." The first voice let out a sigh of relief. "Are you ok? I hope so. Because things are going really badly right now."

"Who are you?" Dipper asked. "What's going on?"

The rock we were standing in front of seemed to flicker as if it was an electronic image. Then a small image appeared on the rock.

A familiar face appeared in the image. "There's no easy way to put this."

"So we'll just be blunt about it." A mirror image of me added.

"We're you." The pair nodded simultaneously.

"I'm sorry?" Dipper held his hands up. "What?"

"Cool! Is this some alternate dimension stuff?"

The other version of me smiled. "Look at that bro. I got it first again."

"Are you being cute?" The alternate Dipper sighed. "Because I'm not going to keep doing this if you're just going to rub it in."

"Hang on... What?" Dipper really wasn't understanding this.

"Both of you are in the wrong place."

"And the wrong time."

"You're both trapped in a different Gravity Falls."

"And we're going to help you get back."

"How did we get here?" Dipper asked. "Is it easy to travel between dimensions? Did we anger something?"

"Under the right conditions... yes." The other Dipper replied. "We're from a world where it is easy to interact with other dimensions. Hence we're able to talk to you."

"Other versions of... us, call us the Enlightened twins." The other me remarked.

"Easy then. Just open a portal or doohickey that takes us back to our world."

"I wished it was that easy." Enlightened Dipper shook his head. "There is only one version of us who can do something like that and they can be... unpleasant."

"We try to avoid them." Enlightened me shrugged her shoulders. "Oh well. We'll manage."

"What do we need to do to get home then?" Dipper shifted uneasily.

"Follow our instructions exactly." Enlightened Dipper's voice sharpened. It was weird seeing someone like Dipper be so confident.

"In order to make the proper conditions you need to perform certain actions."

"If you fail to do something then you could cut yourself off from us."

"Ok." Dipper crossed his arms. "What's up with this world?"

"This world isn't that different from yours." Enlightened Mabel turned to look at something. "Oh... ok, well that's interesting."

"What?" I half shouted from anticipation.

"Wait. The link's being offset." Enlightened Dipper's eyes widened from panic. "What did you do?"

"Nothing." Both Enlightened me and I said.

"We have to cut the link." Enlightened Dipper started pressing several buttons. "Find the Journal and avoid yourself!" He shouted as the image faded and the rock stopped flickering.

"Uh..." Dipper looked around as if he was suddenly aware of some imminent danger. "This is bad. This is bad..."

"Ah come on. It can't be that bad."

"Are you kidding me!" Dipper held his hands up in panic. The Journal's gone, we're stuck in some other timeline, and Gideon could still be at large! And what is Stan going to do if we disappear!"

"Ok, so maybe it's a little bad. But we're ok right?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Dipper smiled. "Thanks for saving me."

"Hey no prob bro bro. Thanks for saving me from Gideon. You really beat him back there."

"Yeah, I guess I did."

"Hey dude!" We heard in the distance. "Come check this out!"

"Soos!" Dipper and I ran to the sound of a familiar voice.

We stopped and hid behind a bush. We still had no idea where we were.

We watched in awe as a cute little kid walked into view.

"What is it Soos?" Someone else called from out of sight.

"I could've swore I heard something over here."

Dipper's jaw dropped. "Is that?"

"Holy time travel! It's Soos! And he's more of a child than normal!"

Dipper and I watched as the young Soos was looking through the bushes nearby. We were totally freaking out. But things got weirder.

"What is it man?" Another familiar face entered the scene. She had red hair and a green checker patterned shirt. I remember thinking to myself: Oh my love god it's Wendy. But of course we didn't meet the Love God yet, but that doesn't matter, I still would have thought that.

And Dipper's jaw dropped even further. It must have hit the ground so hard people in Australia could hear it.

"Don't get too excited Dip." I teased. "You remember what you told yourself."

"He said that about ourselves. And besides, I wouldn't just rush out there like that."

"Yeah you would." I poked him.

"Mabel, quit it!" Dipper said a little too loudly.

"Hey, did you hear the twins over there?" Soos pointed at us.

"Guys what are you doing?" Wendy shouted. "You remember the last time you tried to scare us!"

"Yeah. Wendy almost killed Dipper!" Soos laughed to himself. "It was actually pretty rad."

"Uh, what do we do?" Dipper whispered.

Before I could answer Wendy and Soos ran up and pushed away the bushes.

"What the-?"

"Hi!" I held out my hand.

"Dipper... Mabel?" Wendy turned to look over her shoulder. "Uh..."

"Dude. That's weird. Did you guys find the shrinking crystal again?" Soos's face then changed from wonder to confusion. "Hold up a sec. Weren't you two just like, behind us?"

"Um, well, you see." Dipper tried to talk. "We're not Dipper and Mabel, at least not the Dipper and Mabel you know... well we are, but..."

"Careful Dipper. You might break something." I stood up. "We're alternate versions of us. We kind of accidentally got stuck in your world and we're now trying to get out of here."

"Who are you talking to?" I heard my voice say.

"Oh. Speaking of us." I smiled. "Here's us!"

"Uh- Mabel." Dipper said uneasily. "We should be leaving."

I turned and saw an older me. She was wearing almost identical clothes to me. Right down to the sweater.

She quickly glanced over the scene. "Alright I see what happened. Who photocopied pictures of our younger selves?"

"Hey me!" I walked up. "We're not copies of you. Well not technically. We're actually from another dimension."

"Oh... really." Older me frowned. "How can we be sure."

Maybe I should show some of my sibling knowledge. "I know that Dip used to get dressed up by mom and dad to do the lamby lamby dance."

"Wait what?" Younger Wendy grinned. "For real?"

"NO!" Dipper waved his hands in defense. "No! That's not true! Mabel doesn't know what she's talking about! We really should be leaving like right now!"

The older me laughed. "Either you're some sort of evil warlock or you're telling the truth."

"Where is older Dipper anyway?" I asked.

"He's currently stuck at the shack." Older me answered. "Stan's not letting him off today."

"Well it's sweet to meet you." Older me held out her hand.

As I reached out to shake it Dipper yelled, "Wait!"

When we shook hands I felt like a surge of electricity ran through me. The older me's eyes widened and we both fell to the floor.

"Mabel!" Why did she shake hands? We were told to not make contact... we should've just left before this started.

"Mabel! Mabel, are you ok?"

She shivered and then mumbled something under her breath.

"Mabel!" I looked back at the younger Wendy and Soos. "We need help!"

"You two dudes stay here!" Soos began running. "I'll get Mr. Pines!"

"Uh..." Wendy stood there dumbfounded. "Dipper?"

"What?" I turned and saw that a tree was flickering and a blurry image of Mabel and I could be seen.

"Didn't we warn you?" Enlightened Dipper began. "We told you to not find yourself."

"I tried to stop her! What do we do?" I pleaded.

"What's happening is that your sister and her older self are experiencing the other's memories." Enlightened me focused on the two. "They appear to be alright at the moment."

"At the moment?"

"Dipper, who are these two?" Wendy asked.

The Enlightened twins ignored her. "Something that we've noticed is that there are many constants whenever dimensions cross. "For instance Mabel is always the first one to understand what is happening, but she is also the first one who begins experiencing this phenomena."

"Which is why we've lovingly named it the Shooting Star Effect." Enlightened Mabel held a somewhat sarcastic tone.

"If you want to help both of them I recommend you don't touch yourself!" The other Dipper quickly added.

"But what should I do?" I was beginning to feel lost again. Gideon's words still stung in my mind... Without that Journal you're nothing...

"Dipper there's another constant." Enlightened Dipper added. "In every dimension we've visited whenever this chain of events happens, you save her."

I looked into the image. It was clearer than the last one. I noticed that this version of me didn't fully hide his birthmark. The lower part of the Big Dipper could be clearly seen.

"Alright. How can we help them?"

"If you can get them to safety then they should wake up on their own."

"Also be careful." Enlightened Mabel added. "When they wake up they'll be a little wonky for a bit. Give them a bit of space when they do."

"We need to leave." The other me pressed a few buttons and then looked at me. "Take care of your sister, find your journal. And for goodness sake, don't let Gideon of all people put you down."

The image flickered and vanished.

"Dudes!" Soos called back. "I'm bringing help!"

I turned to see Stan and an older me running this way. I'd have to make sure we don't touch...

They were both asking several questions about what happened while Soos was doing his best to explain.

Within minutes we were in the Mystery Shack. It was the same as the Shack I knew, but it had a bunch of pictures that had older Mabel and me in them. It was really uncanny.

While I was waiting for older Dipper and Stan to come back from upstairs I sat at the table in the kitchen. I buried my head in my shoulders. How could this get any worse?

"So..." Wendy came into the kitchen. "You're from a dimension where you're younger."

"Yeah." I nodded. "How's Mabel?"

"They're both fine." She sat down in a chair next to the table. "So, how different are things where you're from?"

"Where I'm from... you're a teenager."

"Woah. That's scary. Like how old am I?"

"Fifteenth." I wondered what things were like here.

"And, is Robbie still a creep?"

I couldn't help laughing. "You dated him."

Her face widened in horror and disgust. "Why?"

"It's a long story that involves a bit of time travel." I answered.

"Wow. Your sister and you get around."

"Yeah, yeah we do." I started talking to her about Mabel's pig Waddles. While we had this conversation there was a part in the back of my head that kept asking why couldn't this be the world I was from. But I quickly dismissed it.

Wendy and I were friends. It's not meant to be like that. Besides I don't even belong here, and who knows what could go wrong. So I decided not to tell her about my crush on her... it wasn't worth it.

So we talked like friends... yeah, like friends...

Meanwhile in a distant world two twins stood in front of a monitor.

"Well brother, do you think these two will make it?"

"I seriously hope so." The brother looked at a picture they had taken a few weeks back. "Otherwise everything will have been for nothing."

He picked up the picture and put it back in a drawer. They barely had enough time to take this picture before the window to that world had closed. It was the picture of a small lantern in the middle of the woods.

Wkh vdph frlq. D gliihuhqw shuvshfwlyh.