This was just a one shot, but a lot of people wanted me to continue so instead of leaving it as a one shot or making it into a multi chapter story I thought I'd just make it into a one shot series of Davina as a vampire and Kol helping her.

You can requests prompts for this story either by messaging me here or on my tumblr, you can also just request kolvina prompts in general if you want :)

The attic bedroom that Davina had once kept excessively clean was a mess with spell books covering any open space that wasn't already occupied by broken glass from the broken mirrors Davina had hit or shattered with her magic in fits of uncontrollable rage.

Weeks had been wasted in the attic with no discovery of any spell that could reverse what Dahlia had done to her. The only thing keeping her sane was taking time to write her own little diary of her time as a vampire-witch hybrid. Just in case any other poor soul got stuck with this curse. Maybe she could help them.

Davina never thought she would be confined to the dingy attic room again. Yet she found herself bound to this room like it was the only place she were allowed to go. Getting a grip on the new blood lust was a challenge Davina hated she had to face. Ever so slowly it was getting easier.

Her new heightened hearing picked up the small whine of the seventh step on the stairs. It creaked whenever someone was walking up the stairs. Davina whipped her head in the direction of her doorway before she was suddenly hiding in the corner of her room.

Blood. Beating heart.

Davina closed her eyes and breathed deeply through her nose to fight the hunger. She tried to recall Kol's words, but as the smell and the thumping got closer Davina couldn't hear his words in her mind anymore. Hunger flourished back into a raging burn that made Davina clutch her stomach.

"You can come out." Kol stepped into the makeshift room, looking around the room to try to find where her new hiding spot was. "It's just me."

Davina stepped out from the little nook she had discovered in the corner of the attic. Vessels no longer claimed the skin under her eyes and her fangs had receded back into her gums. "You shouldn't be here. I can't control it yet."

"Oh really?" Kol closed the large gap between them so he stood just a few inches away from her. "So while you were cowering in your little corner you were fang free?" Kol gave a small cock of his head in the direction she had come from, quirking a brow at the lack of canine teeth and clear skin.

She turned her head away from him and crossed her arms over her chest. It was easier to ignore the hunger when it was him. Her fear of hurting Kol was one of the few things that could override her hunger. It was stronger than the burning ache that came with the mention, smell, or sight of blood.

"Plus, you need me." Kol's lips turned into a lopsided grin and held out a blood bag in his hand for her to take.

Gingerly, Davina reached her hand out to grasp the plastic that held the thin red blood in her fingers. She could feel the snake like vessels become visible against her skin. Davina was a mix of two species that could not hate each other more. It proved much more difficult to deal with than either of them thought.

The witch in Davina was repulsed by the blood lust and caused her to slip into starvation. Her vampire half clawed at her insides to please the lust that caused her to go on murder sprees. It was that reason that Davina secluded herself in the attic where she was far away from anyone that she could kill.

"You haven't fed in days, Davina." Kol's voice was drenched in concern and his hand slid across her cheek. He wasn't disgusted by the blood vessels like she always thought he should be.

Davina held the blood bag more firmly in her hands and trailed her fingers up to the opening of the tube that was connected to it. Opening it infused Davina's senses with the sweet smell of blood. Tediously she brought it to her lips and took a tentative sip.

Once the first drop of blood touched her tongue and she gave into the hunger, Davina's fingers clutched the plastic more forcefully to get more of the savory liquid. All the while hating herself for it. But she knew it was better to drink it from a blood bag than to kill someone for it.

"You should start getting out of this attic." Kol advised her while walking past her to start picking up the spell books off of her floor. He was impressed by how many she seemed to have acquired. "Not alone of course, but staying up here is going to stunt your ability to control it more. Eating human food again helps too."

"I can't stand the taste of it." Davina shook her head at Kol's suggestion, still sucking greedily on the blood.

"Right now, you can't." Kol stood up from the ground with a bundle of books in his hands. "How's your magic coming along, by the way?"

Helplessly, Davina shrugged her shoulders as she drained the last of the blood from the bag. Still, her hunger was far from satisfied. If anything she felt like the fire only burned more intensely now that it tasted the sweet liquid again after so long without it.

"I can't think, I can't sleep, I can't even see straight." Davina gripped onto the edge of her bed and closed her eyes tightly. "How did you do this? This hunger is unbearable."

"Well for one, I didn't starve myself— here." Kol tossed another blood bag in her direction which she easily caught in her hand. Even with her eyes closed.

This time Davina didn't put it to her mouth nor did she attempt to even open it. The witch inside of her was gaining more control over her vampire side and kept her from easing the pain of hunger. Kol noticed her refusal to drink the second bag of blood and he quickly walked over to her.

"When you feel yourself refusing the blood you have to ignore it." Kol took the blood bag from her and opened it himself then coaxed the end of the tube past her lips so she would drink.

Davina shoved Kol's hand away after a gulp of blood and wiped away the stray blood that slid down the side of her mouth. "I can't ignore the hunger and give into it at the same time!"

"Do you remember what I told you?" Kol tangled his hands in her hair when he pulled her close to him so her head rested against his chest.

"Yeah..." Davina stayed quiet and nodded her head slowly. She exhaled deeply to allow those annoying little vessels slither under her eyes and grabbed the bag of blood from Kol's hand.

More quickly than the first time Davina was able to drain the blood bag and felt more satisfied than she did moments ago. The pesky vessels created by the blood rushing to her face slipped away again and the loud pumping of Kol's blood in his veins no longer aggravated her hunger.

The tenseness in her body dissipated and gave a signal to Kol that it was all right to stop holding her. Kol couldn't completely relinquish his hold on Davina when he stepped back to see her again, though. He let his hands remain on her face like he always did because he needed to see those eyes of hers. It was a slight obsession.

Kol took the time to take in her sullen features that drooped with the fear of not being able to control herself. Even with her new abilities that came with being a vampire, among them being speed, Davina's movements were slow and agonized. Like she didn't know what she was doing majority of the time.

Being a vampire with his humanity turned off, Kol had looked upon the people he turned with no remorse or ounce of guilt. Those people were all just play things in his game of life, especially his countless victims. Looking back on those memories he still didn't care for those people's lives he ruined or killed. Then again, he had never killed or turned someone he cared about.

He never had anyone to care about. Now he did. And now she was experiencing not only the ungraceful fall into becoming a vampire, but she also had three different elements of nature fighting to control her. The constant appearance of the blood vessels under her eyes showed how strong her vampire side was, but her haywire magic was proving to be a strong opponent, all the while her humanity was hanging on by a thread as the weakest of the three.

Something was going to have to give and Kol couldn't be sure which was going to claim her. He did know that he was going to be there to pull her from the darkness. He knew he was going to make sure she fought to keep her humanity. Kol knew better than anyone that your humanity was all too tempting to shut off. But he knew the consequences that didn't make turning it off the better choice.

"Can I survive this?" Davina's own thoughts were like a distorted reflection of Kol's because she just didn't have the faith he did. "I don't want to kill people, but this hunger is so strong and knowing that I can stop caring about people's lives with a flip of a switch makes it stronger."

"Trust me, you're going to live, Davina Claire." The words were his and the way he said it was so Kol-like, but it was missing the grin that made her worries lessen. "The problem is we just don't know which part of you will be doing all the living."

Davina nuzzled her cheek into Kol's palm as her eyes closed heavily. A small sigh of defeat left her. Being serious was her default setting, not Kol's. How was she supposed to believe in herself enough to fight if Kol Mikaelson couldn't even force a smirk on his lips?

"Giving up already?" An air of humor was back in his voice that forged a small smile on Davina's face even as she kept her eyes closed.

Her body was rejecting any sliver of happiness she could try to hold onto. Anyone could see it was visibly taking it's toll on Davina. "I feel sad all the time and it won't stop."

"Your emotions are heightened." Kol reminded her. "Sadness is despair, anger is fury, dislike is hate...You're still a witch and it's obvious that part of you isn't too keen about you being a vampire so you have to find a balance between the two. The longer you ignore that you're a vampire and starve yourself the more this sadness is going to grow."

Finding a balance between two polar opposite things seemed like insanity in her mind. In stuttering words of confusion she expressed this to Kol. She confided that everything was becoming irritating to her mind.

"I can't stop starving myself until I know I can control this hunger, but I can't do that unless I learn to feed off of people without killing them, but I can't do that because I black out every time I go near someone with a pulse and I attack them." Hysteria consumed her words that were sharply thrown out of her mouth and she ripped herself from Kol's grip. She turned away from him with her hands running over her face and hair.

"Davina, I can teach you." Kol kept his cautious eyes on her hands that had fallen to her sides.

They were twitching like she were ready to lose control of her magic again.

"I don't want to be taught! I want it gone!" Davina whirled around to face him.

Her sudden anger released her magic. It resulted in another cracked mirror and the attic door slamming shut. During her outburst Kol didn't move an inch nor did he flinch. His lack of reaction seemed to add fuel to the fire of anger catching in her body. It had Davina speeding over to Kol with her fangs coming through her gums until it was like an invisible barrier stopped her when she reached him.

"Can't do it, can you?" Provoking her when she was in such a vulnerable state was dangerous. Though it didn't stop Kol from asking the taunting question.

When Davina stopped mere inches away from Kol before looking ready to attack him, it hadn't been Kol using his magic against her; she stopped herself.

Emotions flooded back into Davina's eyes and her fangs receded back into her gums. What she had almost just done scared her — it terrified her. If she had gone one moment longer blind to anything but her anger she could have killed him effortlessly.

"You need sleep." Kol enforced before she could open her mouth to speak.

"No." Davina snapped, backing away from him. "You need to leave. You can't be around me. No one can be around me."

Kol always pushed her boundaries farther than anyone ever dared to. He pushed them even when it was dangerous to. Davina's back was against the wall. Her hands were clutching the lower half of his jacket in her fists when he got closer to her.

Of course he would do this to her again.

"Please, don't..." The rest of her protests were stopped by him.

Kol captured Davina's lips with his before she could say anything else. It started off tentative. It became heated and passionate and Davina's fingers clutched his shirt in her hands by his shoulders. Then there was a change in atmosphere and their kiss slowed down, but their hearts sped up.

Davina honed into the sound of Kol's heart when he gently parted from her. The sound didn't make her hungry or even make the vessels slither under her eyes. His beating heart was a sound she easily could get addicted to.

That was the second time he had kissed her, despite her fears of believing she would hurt him. But just like the first he seemed to slow down her nerves while making her heart beat rapidly. She concluded he was an idiot, but an idiot she cared about, probably too much.

Kissing her was his favorite way of showing her that she could control herself, at least around him. He knew it was dangerous, but he trusted her. And throwing caution to the wind was Kol's specialty. But it worked. Kol was able to coax her into her bed where he suspected she hadn't been in days. Sleep deprivation was obvious.

"Being immortal doesn't mean you can neglect yourself." Kol whispered gently.

He adjusted her blankets around her and she grabbed his hand with both of hers. One hand laced her fingers with his while the other traced lazy patterns on the back of his hand.

He had pulled up a chair beside her bed so he could at least stay with her for a while.

Not taking her eyes off of his hand she asked, "Are you going to be here when I wake up?"

"If you want me to be." Kol nodded slowly and smiled softly when her head moved in a shy nod.

Kol's free hand reached out to trace the line of her jaw. He whispered for her to go to sleep, promising he'd be there when she woke up. Only a minute had passed when her hand no longer traced patterns on his skin and her breathing evened out.