(*´╰╯`๓)Kenny-chan Cant Spelll ✌ (˙❤‿❤˙) ✌

A/N: Wow! Thank you guys so much for all the positive feedback 卅(◕‿◕)卅! Hope you all continue to enjoy ᒄ₍⁽ˆ⁰ˆ⁾₎ᒃ !

II. wiretapping

"Hello Sasuke, are you going someplace-"


Choji, despite being larger in form, flinched as the raven stormed.

It was damp. A gray haze having masked the ground for the past three days, so that when someone breathes a wet smoke suffocates their throat. Practice was canceled, apparently there was a storm coming and the threat of flood was too real.

"Uhm" Choji mumbled seemingly invisible to the other, "sorry?"

A deafening and profanely awkward pause settled on Choji's shoulders.

Sasuke stood stagnant, glancing to Choji with a quick nod before returning his gaze to the spot of ground before his dressy Sperry shoes.

Both his long arms exposed from the mid biceps down, a sweater-vest the color of wet pine trees across his torso over a black dress shirt and below that, a matching pair of pants.

Choji readjusted his view.

"What are you doing dressed like that?"

"Nothing," Sasuke blurted all too quickly, "just… walking."

Choji held his lips close together, praying his smile wouldn't leak through words, "Oh, thats good."

"Just…" Sasuke swallowed, not willing his eyes from the watered road. The words died in his throat.

"Hey Choji," Sasuke said in a quick new tone, that sort of caught Choji off guard, "have you met Naruto's girlfriend?"

The blithe tilt of his lips faltered.

"G-girlfriend?" Choji sputtered, "I don't… I don't think Naruto…maybe I'm wrong…"

"What? What was that?"

Choji watched himself waver in the reflection of Sasuke's eyes, which seemed all the deeper against a white atmosphere.

"I may be inferring here," Sasuke became a molecular scientist, staring up at the experiment through fog-less goggles, "but I think Naruto is into... men."

Then he was confused, all squished up behind his blue.

"Guys?" He voiced to himself, it was as trying to surgically cut up the word and understand it.

Then it seemed he got it.

His eyes went wide, then small, the stress lines falling back against his face.


Choji held in his breath as Sasuke gave him a detached wave then began wordlessly walking away from the school.

The third year grimaced to himself, "You never answered me!" he called out, watching as the other's dark green back nearly disappeared in the thick fog, "What is it that you're wearing?"

"A disguise for spying!"

"Oh," Choji nodded to himself as he moved through the sentence.

"Oh... shit."

II. wiretapping

It made sense obviously.

Naruto was attractive. He was hot, and thin, and everything a typical guy jacked off to.

Except for the negatory status of bombshell breasts, or long elegant hair, and minus all of the boyish things that Naruto also happened to manifest. And a dick of course.

He was nearly positive every guy could at least feel a bit of a throb if Naruto had partaken in any of the poses most of their pinups did. No wonder it was guys who wanted him.

And girls just wouldn't work. They would just get envious, and curved thighs around Naruto's torso just didn't sit right.

It was so easy, so clear and apparent, a discovery that made Sasuke feel as if he was reaching a new.

His mind was racing, hands and feet numb as the clouds begun to turn and beads of rain flipped off the tip of his elbow. He didn't feel his feet hit past eight kilometers.

No sound of desperate wind could break his though mindset, not even as it howled through the hollow ways of his eardrum. The puddles had long since broken into his shoes, they now traveled up his socks, meeting up with the blots that had accumulated along the exposure of neck.

He was far too concerned about a gushing pit in his stomach for it was beating like some tumor of excitement.

And why it was he was exited (a heavy chest and broken speech and nervous eyes and erratic breath and unstoppable mind flow-)… he had no idea.

The only thing that could act as a trigger to pull Sasuke from his self diagnosing state was the familiar metal bike left vacant against-


He really had yet take in the length at which he walked.

Needlessly, he stretched about, scanning for its owner.

Sasuke hadn't seen Naruto today. They shared none of the same classes, or lunch period and since volleyball practice had been postponed until the critical status of the monsoon had passed. It seemed he wasn't around here either.

Sasuke's eyes wandered. The bike rested against the brick wall of what appeared to be the school's locker-room. It was nearly seven so he doubted if such a place would still be opened… but…

"Naruto, you idiot," He muttered to himself, stomping towards the disregarded bike. "If he leaves this bike here it will only rust."

He said this, pretending not to see the slight incline of the roof, providing shelter for object.

I guess I should check if he went inside here…

He reasoned all this, and if he didn't think any deeper than that, it made sense.

Surprisingly, when Sasuke pulled upon the door handle, the door opened: unlocked. He crept in silently regardless of his soggy shoes for he knew this was most definitely trespassing on many accounts.

His back pressed against a first opening wall, one probably placed so that players would not be exposed to the passerby-er if the door had opened, and then he breathed.

The locker rooms, unlike the outside world, were not damp, but instead musty. Poorly lit and shaded in old canteen light bulbs, giving off a weak yellowish/orange wash. It wasn't cool either like the raindrops that clung to his neck, but instead very warm, and if not for the chill running through Sasuke's skin, uncomfortably so.

As he stepped forward, never debating whether calling out Naruto's name would solve the issue, (because perhaps he subconsciously knew exactly what he was about to see) and instead entered a more central room when he heard it.

A moan… that ran through the tips of his fingers and swam in through both ears. One that made his hands rocks, his jaw snap and his feet jittered. He was forced, if not to tremble in place, to leap into the small open changing room (made for the more shy teenage boys) and press against the stone wall, feeling the voice ripple through his back with shuttered lids.

Finally, did Sasuke become removed, reacting as if a blade had stabbed him then receded. He let out a shaky breath, his clean cut shoes not daring to move before him as his head rolled forward.

In some sense he found who he was looking for.

Sasuke bared his teeth tightly.

That ever so erotic moan could only belong to that of Naruto.

No one else could achieve such a naked noise.

He could hear it all from here, couldn't here?

"Are you? -ah~"

He could.

Naruto's sound smoked him again. Battered and bashed across his chest. Made him all red.

Maybe he could even see it… if he so much as peered out the open archway. They sounded close, maybe ten feet away… facing right at him. They wouldn't see him. He knew they wouldn't see him, because when someone is with Naruto, they are preoccupied with him just breathing. But doing, that.

Their whole world must be absorbed.

He wondered what it was that was making Naruto's body respond this way (not thinking about his own body's reactions, because of course, this is no longer significant). Where Naruto had to be touched, or kissed, or…

Again the voice hit his head and his walls went spinning.

His throat his neck

The spaces between his ribs, his toes

The untouchables…

He inched forward, head against the wall just nearing the curve.

"What are you trying -ah!- I can't, I don't have any -ah-"

He breathed in deep, his body shaking, thoughts too fast.

"Please, I don't do -ahaah-"

And looked directly into the eyes of his killer.

"Ahh, Sai-ahhh!"

II. wiretapping

A/N: Please leave your comments they are all read, and you never know... you may change the story (๑´⍢`๑)

love kenny (ΦзΦ)

(*´╰╯`๓)Kenny-chan Cant Spelll ✌ (˙❤‿❤˙) ✌