Author's note: Ok! I need LOTS of advice, but please be gentle. SO EXCITED! This is a high point of my life. I have never been able to finish ANY stories that I have wrote. My writing SUCKS! So I always get disgusted with myself when I tried. I was super inspired after picking up my old GH manga two weeks ago. I had been on a ten year hiatus from completing it! Ghost Hunt had the makings of an epic series, so it surprised me that the story was basically unfinished. I had so many stories for Ghost Hunt. I then made a personal decision to write at least one short fanfiction and publish online. Baby steps! Here is the fruit of my efforts: Evil Spirits Make Me Sick, my first true attempt to write. It is totally ok if you guys hate it but at least I tried…

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to ghost hunt. I am a fan that is inspired by my love of this series.

But if I did: This story would be the first episode of the second season, a filler episode between the Cursed House and Forbidden Children Arcs. It is a small transitional story as our characters regroup from their injuries at the Beach Resort. What unexpected adventure awaits them at the hospital?

Evil Spirits Make Me Sick (A Ghost Hunt Secret Report)

Chapter One: The Not Ordinary and Definitely Unexpected

Day 1 Tuesday

Four days.

It had been four days since we had come to the hospital.

And a sound kept calling to me from the shadows of my dreams. It sounded like a boy crying….

Hello, my name is Mai Taniyama. Currently, I am on summer break between my first and second year of high school. To hear voices might seem strange, but for me this is a routine occurrence. If you looked at me you would think "hey normal girl," but under the surface I am so much more. Nothing about me screams special or extraordinary. My looks are average – round face, short brown hair and brown eyes. My clothes are comfy. So what could it be that makes me different?

My job….

That's why I am in the hospital right now. You had to be thinking that there was some important reason I was at the hospital. Did you think a teenage girl would willingly give up her summer break to stay here? No. Obviously money has to be involved. And if you guess maybe a boy was mixed in, than maybe you too have ESP, or extrasensory perception.

The boy in question is actually my boss, Kazuya Shibuya, who happens to be in a coma. So basically I am here watching over this stupid, ungrateful, completely gorgeous boy to wake up. The nurses probably think he is my boyfriend. We don't look alike to be related. He has black hair, pale skin, and a sharp defined face. If his eyes were opened they would be a penetrating blue.

Nobody would guess that I work for him. He is very young, seventeen, only a year older than me, but incredibly intelligent. He frequently gets weird reactions when introducing himself. Apparently being super smart at a young age makes your personality really lousy. His huge ego and natural tendency to look down on people made me give him the nickname "Naru" short for Narcissis. I could clearly see him dying by falling into a river to look at his reflection. Having him for a boss initially stressed me out, but I had strangely gotten used to it. Plus sometimes I could even forgive him for being so mean when I looked at what I get to do.

Naru is the owner and lead investigator for Shibuya Psychic Research (SPR) in Tokyo, Japan. We investigate the unexplained. Weirder stuff than hearing voices had happened. In fact, working there helped me learn about myself. I have a sixth sense for that sort of thing – the paranormal. My intuition lets me know things. Plus I have dreams.

Naru said I have "latent sensibilities." My powers remain dormant until interacting with ghosts and monsters caused to come out. He says my clairvoyance is more of a protection mechanism like the instinct of a wild animal that a true psyability, even though the powers I have demonstrated are retro-cognition (ability to see the past), precognition (ability to see the future), and astral projection (out of body experience where my spirt can leave my body). Whatever it is, I am glad I have it. Otherwise I would be completely useless to him.

There is another person in the room. A very quiet type, it would have been very easy to not mention him; however, Lin is unique, a master of Chinese dark magic. He was Naru's first assistant. Lin is special to me even though we have only recently started talking. It is because Lin was the reason that I had got the job in the first place.

Eight months ago, Naru and his assistant were called in to investigate the paranormal activity at an abandoned building on the grounds of my school. The building use to sit alone and desolate on the property adjacent to the school yard. It stood in stark contrast to the pink sakura (cherry blossoms) trees and the white walls of my school. From the windows of my class you can see the whole structure. I pass the abandon building every day. Dark, dusty windows covering the outside of the first and second floors played tricks on your mind so it was easy to imagine a shadowy figures behind the glass. Our principal was always trying to have it demolished.

My friends and I had been telling ghost stories, which included ones about the abandoned building, when we were rudely interrupted by Shibuya-sempai. It was the first time I had met him, and I knew there was something I did not like. The next morning as I passed the building I was overcome with curiosity. Peaking through the front window, I happened to notice a camera through the window so I went in to check it out. My clumsy self-ended up knocking over a shelf. Lin-sama pushed me out of the way but got caught under it himself. He was hurt pretty bad. The camera was also damaged.

Naru gave me a job to take Lin's place while I worked to pay back the expenses of the broken camera. After the case, he gave me an office job, although I do help in the field. Basically you could say that I am a ghost hunter in training. There are others in our ghost hunting group. Nobody else is here at the moment, but we have a rather large group. The other SPR members are considered to be more like consultants working with us than investigators working for us. We all met on that first case at my school. My principal begin to doubt Naru's ability after Lin got hurt so he hired Ayako, a Shinto priestess, Takigawa, a Buddhist monk, Masako, a famous TV medium, and John Brown, a Catholic priest who specialized in exorcisms. Nobody was able to help get rid of the ghosts and later Naru concluded that a girl in Mai's class was actually mimic a poltergeist. Naru is really smart. Everyone knows it, but he is making a big deal of it. Then he uses it to put me down like I am stupid or something.

Ayako was somewhere in the hospital now. She was the one who brought me from the resort here this morning.

Normally, I would be very bored sitting quietly with nothing to do. I had brought a light novel with me to read, but it just did not interest me. It was my favorite series up until recently. Lately I had been finding it very dull. The main character was constantly attacked by monsters and needed to be rescued by handsome boys in her class with mysterious powers.

I could not talk to Lin. To say that Lin was not a very talkative person, is an understatement. I know of doors that uttered more sounds than him. All the quietness left no distractions so I had lots of time to think. The guilt ate at me. I was the one who pushed Naru into using his powers.

If he had died, it would be my fault.

Our last case had taken us here to Noto where there had been a curse placed on a beach resort's family. Naru had gotten possessed. The rest of our group was left defending him and the house from ghosts, lemurs (dead bodies animated by spirits, similar to a zombie), and malevolent influences.

We feared for our safety, but it was not like we could run away. Naru could not be moved until the spirits had been cleansed. After a harrowing night, Monk (Takigawa), Lin, and John were so tired to do an exorcism so Ayako had been one to cleanse the spirits. She was surprisingly amazing. It had been her first moment to really shine, because as a Shinto priestess she needed access to nature spirits like the tree gods to use her powers. Not only had she released Naru from his demon, but freed all the spirits. Doing so made it possible to see that all the evil spirits were being controlled. I was discovered a minor deity was the origin of the disturbances. Naru, newly awaken and moody, from his possession had order the group try to destroy the being which was impossible.

I closed my eyes.

So many people were getting hurt, so many people that I loved. I had yelled at him that he was stupid. He had been using people so he could save face. His hurt pride was going to get them all killed. If he cared so much, he needed to do something instead of relying on others. He ended up calling up his chi and psychokinesis abilities to destroy the cave's ebisu (deity housed in an anointed object). His ability made it so that everyone was able to walk away from the fight. Except him. Naru ended up fainting. I thought it was a minor thing, but his heart had stopped. I have never been more afraid. Lin and Monk had to do CPR on him while waiting on an ambulance for him and Yasu.

Oh did I mention the eighth member of our group?

Yasuhara was hired after me so he is sort of my underling. He just graduated and will be attending college. He had received some injuries in the battle. Yasuhara is the only one of us who has no spiritual or psychic powers. Currently he is a few floors above us healing mainly his broken ribs. When I get bored, I would go to Yasu's room. He is very entertaining. I had been visiting less since his family had come to see him. Yasu was also acting strangely. He was talking to Monk and John a lot, but whatever the three of them were doing they did not tell Mai. Her intuition made her think it was something about Naru.

It was quiet now, but that would change when Monk and Ayako came. Those were my favorite moments, when the room was filled with people. One thing you may not know about me is that I am an orphan. The Shibuya Psychic Research people were my family. I loved them all, even Naru.

Unbeknownst to me, the day was about to become more interesting.

I was lost in thoughts when Monk-san and other SPR members running into room yelling disturbing the peace. Apparently, Lin was caught unaware as well. He jumped up in a defensive stance. Maybe he had been asleep?

Adrenaline buzzed through my veins. "Hey why are you being so loud?!" I exploded on them. I could see Monk and Ayako being loud, but John should have known better.

They all froze with weird faces (sweatdrops) at the room. Monk-san laughed a bit and puts his hand on his head. "Hahaha…. About that. We got stuck on an elevator"

Rather sharply, I asked, "And does this give you the right to start yelling?!" Forget waking Naru, they had given me a heart attack.

They looked between each other.

John spoke up "Well it is like this, we had met up in the lobby to come up here. Monk and I forget what room number so we wanted to meet Ayako in the lobby to come here together.

Ayako, with too much makeup for a priestess, strutted forward. "We were pretty worked up. It seems this hospital has been building up to a regularly haunt atmosphere."

Monk looked at her and said, "You're one to talk."

She made a face at him, crossed her arms with a "Humph." Sound.


"I still do not know what is going on."

Ayako told the story, "After leaving you Mai I was in the gift shop searching for a plant to put in Naru's room for good luck when these two came through the lobby. I waved them down to ask their opinion…"

Monk whispered, "Meaning she wanted us to carry the stuff she bought."

Ayako glared at him, "… And help to bring the plant and gifts up. We entered the elevator normally. I hate elevators they are so small and mechanical feeling but the orchid that I had gotten brought me happiness. Everything was normal for the first two floors, but then there was a flicker of lights. The elevator jolted to a halt. Monk thought that a circuit may have blown. John pushed some buttons but it would not move. Then the lights went out At this point, my adrenaline was pumping pretty high."

Monk interrupted, "More like you were completely freaked out at that moment."

Ayako didn't get mad this time, "I can't help I am afraid of enclosed places." Her eyes turned dark as she went on, "Elevators are already unnatural enough. If I had not had this orchid and you guys with me, I would have been in a worse shape. Normally an elevator ride is short and bright so there is nothing to worry about. Sometimes the slight drop or motion upwards will make me a bit queasy. Other times there is a slight pressure change and my mind will only focus on how little space there is on the elevator. When it is like that it is harder to ignore because, suddenly I feel very large in a small place. I will just keep telling myself, 'Nothing has changed, you fit this area. Sometimes I will even practice chanting in my mind to calm my spirit. "

Monk stared at her for a second and then picked up the story, "I told John to push the emergency button. It did not work. I tried to use the emergency phone, but it was not working. We waited for several minutes. Ayako had banged and yelled for a good five minutes. John and I have a headache from it. It was like a crazed banshee had been let loose in there. I had almost wished for my own death for nothing could have been more torturous than that intense, high pitch wailing. My ears are very sensitive to tones. The battle cry of a dozen scorned harpies released from hell would not have sounded more chilling and soul wrenching. Even through all my spiritual experience I have never…"

"We. Get. Your. Point." Ayako emphasized through clenched teeth.

"Nobody came to investigate the screaming. I was sure the whole hospital shuddering from her screams. She wanted to climb out the top but John reminded us that it was best to stay in the elevator. There are lots of stories about people who climb out of elevators just to be crushed when the elevator starts back up. Left in the darkness, we had waited."

"Ayako after her yelling episode grew strangely quiet. Then Monk started blaming her for our misfortune. Ayako and Monk argued a lot while we were in there," said John, "I think Monk was trying to take her mind off the situation. When they finally settled down, we heard weird noise. Sounds are amplified in the closed space so we tried not to make sudden movements or talk as we listened. It was a bit disconcerting when we figured out it sounded like a child crying far away."

I asked, "A child?"

John nodded, " It was strange echoing on the outside of the shaft as there was a child above us. Monk boosted me up to look out the emergency door in the roof but there was nobody there."

Ayako said, "After about twenty more minutes we heard a voice, a real voice, talking to us saying that they would have the elevator fixed. Something in the wiring short circuited and caused a shut down but the gears still worked. There was silence for about ten more minutes and a voice called to check on us again. I became disheartened again. It seemed there was hope we would get out but nothing happened. Suddenly the lights came on, but the elevator did not moved. The man who was talking to us yelled to us asking what was happening. We told him. And he said that they were restoring electricity to the section. Finally after a few more minutes, the elevator lurched and ascended to the floor above us. When we had gotten on the elevator a small crowd had gathered. We thanked the hospital staff. Monk question why did something like this suddenly happen. I was not in the mood for chatter."

John smiled, "Ayako was eerily quiet so I watched her making sure she was ok."

Ayako said, "I could not help noticing a man that stood in the distance off to the side. I didn't pay too much attention to the conversation around me. Then without warning the man burst into flames."


John said, "I saw it to. We watched horrified. Ayako yelled and I pushed through the crowd. Monk didn't see anything but felt something was off. When I got closer to the man he mouthed something to me and reached in my direction then disappeared. Nobody else in the crowd saw anything. They thought we were hallucinating because of our time in the elevator. It was clearly a spirit, but it sounds so familiar."

Monk thought about it. "It sounds like Sai Ying Pun Psychiatry Hospital in Hong Kong."

Somehow the name did not sound familiar, I thought. He eyed everyone and then made a dramatic motion with his hands, "Oh come on. You guys must have heard of it. The place is also called High Street Ghost House. Nurses in World War II lived there. Some say that a prison camp was there. Others say that the Japanese seized it and executed the people there. Different organizations have owned the property, but none have stayed there very long until it was finally abandoned. They say you can hear a woman crying or a loud thunder sound from the building. Once inside, the sound of footsteps echoes the walls. Mysterious burning figures and ghosts with no heads have been seen.

Eyes wide, I reached for my throat. "Do you think that is what is here?"

"I am going to go ask the staff. Maybe they know more about these incidences." Said Monk.. " But I do not think it is truly haunted because hospitals only had temporary spirits."

What? I raised my hand.

Monk pointed and said "Mai for two thousand." (Referring to jeopardy question game show)

"Why would hospitals not be truly haunted? Don't people die all the time in them? And what is a temporary spirit."

Monk did a face plant in his hand. "Doesn't Naru teach you anything? Ok it's like this," he then explained, "Typically after people die they do not remain in the realm. Under normal circumstances their bodies change into spirits and they ascend to the next realm, but occasionally something like unfulfilled desires may hold them back. They drift through the world and do not stay in one location. Spirits with regrets will go to their desired locations. Spirits who are unaware of their deaths will return to their homes. Most people who die in a hospital do not remain there after death."

"Wait." I interrupted. "Hospitals are creepy. They are on the same level as dolls, clowns, and cemeteries. If a doll can house a spirit, why can't a hospital is haunted? People actually die here. Plus look at all those horror movies set in hospitals?"

"Somebody does not like hospitals."

I narrowed my eyes, "you have no idea."

Monk sighed, "Well, putting Mai's personal feelings about hospitals aside, historically there have been haunted hospitals. Europe and America have many but usually they are the sites of some great tragedy. Plus any human erected structure has a potential of disturbing the transcendent plane. Buildings can be built on sacral burial sites and natural spiritual zones which can serve as a hot spot for paranormal activity. The Waverly Hills Sanatorium in America is the best example of a modern hospital being haunted without any scary rumors about why it was haunted. It was initially built for tuberculosis patients to live at during something called the 'White Plague.' Later because of overcrowded people begin to erect tents and live on the grounds. The hospital eventually closed due to modern antibiotics that helped most of the patients during the sixties. The hospital reopened later as a geriatric facility but closed due to patient negligence. There just was not a big enough staff to keep the place going. Nobody wanted to work there because of strange phenomenon and apparition sightings. It is known that the tuberculosis patients had tied their lives to the hospital so that is probably why so many stayed after death. I don't know anything in this hospital's history to account for something like this."

Ayako said, "Well nobody's really researched this place. Normally Naru or Yasu would do that. Lin would you know if this place had a nasty history?"

Lin, "I have not looked into it."

John asked, "Mai have you had any feelings on this subject?"

"Me? Well no… But I get the feeling that something is off about this place. It is not necessary bad or maleficent but it's not a nice peaceful spirit. And it does not feel like a holy place either."

"Any dreams?"

That's right. Normally during a case, my input is usually very important. Ever since entering this hospital I have been getting a weird vibe. Whether it was from my sixth sense or not was unclear. It has not been strong enough to interfere with my normal thoughts so I have not concentrated on it. Mostly I have been too preoccupied with thoughts of this boy, but it is there just the same, in the back of my mind, just like the crying is in the background of my dreams.

Usually, Naru's spirit helps show me these things that I cannot feel myself. I use to think I was just dreaming about him, but Masako has seen his spirit too. Plus I know that my spirit does wander when I am asleep. It might be Naru's inner self. The Naru that comes to me in dreams is really kind and smiles a lot. He is so different than the one I wake up to.

"Not really. Just normal stuff I think because I can't really remember them. It seems there was a sound like crying that came some of my dreams. I specifically remember because it didn't fit with whatever I was dreaming about but it did not fit the pattern of the normal visions either." Naru did not come to me. (Maybe he couldn't because he is in a coma?)

"I am going to grab a nurse or a doctor. Let's see if they can answer a few questions." Monk started for the door. "Mai you come with me. You being there might make me look less threatening."