A/N: In this story, the rule is that once you relinquish ownership of the Death Note, you can never recover it, even if you touch the notebook again. So unfortunately, Ryuk and Rem are not in this story and Light and Misa never remember being Kira.
She had accepted the fact that Light was never going to love her. To be honest, she knew it from the moment she had seen him interacting with Ryuuzaki. L was one of the strangest people Misa had ever met, with wild hair and sunken eyes, always going on about Kira percentages and other detective jargon that Misa had no interest in understanding. He made her so uncomfortable at the start, but once they all starting going on "dates" together she realized he wasn't so bad.
And Light loved him. It took him forever to admit it- not only to Ryuuzaki, but to himself as well, but he did. Light actually smiled when he was in L's presence…and how Misa loved his smile. She didn't even know Light was capable of one until she saw the two of them working together. It was probably the first genuine expression she had seen him wear, and she knew it was all over.
Of course, she didn't admit it to herself right away. Sometimes living a lie is more comfortable than accepting the truth. For a little while, at least. But once Higuchi was captured and questioned, and the Kira killings stopped altogether, she knew it was only a matter of time before Ryuuzaki let them go and Light, in turn, would let her go.
So she decided she would do the only thing she could. She would let him go first. Contrary to what the Investigation Team thought of her, she wasn't stupid. She had actually grown quite a bit during her time in isolation. She loved Light, yes, but she also realized that in order for him to be happy, he couldn't be with her.
Misa found that she was surprisingly okay with that.
But she had a plan. If she was breaking up with Light, there was no way she wasn't getting anything out of it.
So that's how the three of them ended up at a small bakery a few blocks from Headquarters. It had been four months since Higuchi's capture and they had reached a dead-end in the case. Kira had completely disappeared and the mysterious Death Note that Higuchi carried led them nowhere. However, Higuchi's information on its usage and possession had been helpful. L concluded that Light must have passed it on with the intention of someone else carrying on the role of Kira, but his sense of justice without the notebook's influence foiled that plan. Light fought him on that for a while. Eventually, he begrudgingly agreed with L's logic, despite how much he hated the fact that he inevitably killed thousands of people.
Misa had been scared of conviction, but once L subtly mentioned that there was no concrete proof that either of them were Kira, she knew he was covering for Light. It confirmed her suspicions that the feelings Light secretly held for Ryuuzaki were reciprocated. She knew her plan would work.
So here they were. Light waited patiently near the register while Ryuuzaki and Misa ogled the desserts. As long as she only had one, she would be fine. No weight would be gained. But choosing the perfect one was hard…
"You could always save one for later if you can't choose."
Misa glanced over at L. He stared at her, wide-eyed and thoughtful, while he chewed on his thumb. Or sucked on it. She was never sure which it was, just that his thumb was often in his mouth while he was thinking.
"I can't. I don't wanna get fat."
"Then you can always give the other one to me."
He smirked at her. She couldn't help but smile as she threw her arms around him, causing his eyes to widen even more, if that was possible. Light looked on in confusion, but knew it was best to just stay out of it.
"Okay, Ryuuzaki, I'll give you the cake if you promise me something."
"Misa, you know I'll never promise something if I don't know what it is first."
"But I know you'll like it!"
"Regardless, I'm still not going to promise you. Now will you please get off?"
She loosened her grip and slid away.
"Hmph, fine. Then you can't have my cake."
L looked like he considered taking her up on her offer for a split second before realizing he could just purchase more cake. The two finally decided on their selections and joined Light at the register, who was only getting a bottle of water. L took out his wallet and frowned at Light's lack of items.
"You know you can get something else if you like, Light-kun." It almost sounded as if Ryuuzaki wanted to buy Light something else. Misa thought so, at least.
"I'm fine. Everything in here is too sweet for my taste anyways. You know that, Ryuuzaki."
Misa latched herself onto Light's arm. "Awww Light, we'll just have to bring you somewhere you like next time. Right, Ryuuzaki?"
"Of course." He turned to the woman at the register and handed her his card. After putting it away, he somehow balanced three plates full of sweets and navigated them over to their table in the corner. Misa and Light followed suit.
L hopped up on the chair and started inhaling his first victim. Light took the chair next to him. Even though the chain was gone, the habit of sitting next to each other hadn't left either of them.
Misa slid in on the other side, picked up her fork, and daintily scooped a piece of angel food cake into her mouth. It was heavenly. It's not fair Ryuuzaki gets to eat delicious food like this all the time!
She looked across at Light. He was truly beautiful. Everything about him was perfect. He caught her looking at him, and she smiled. He hastily returned it before quickly looking away. That's odd. He seems more nervous that usual.
"Something wrong darling?" Misa couldn't help but call him that one last time.
Light hesitated. That was even stranger. He's normally so good with words. He turned slightly to face L, who was now into his third pudding cup, after finishing two other slices of cake and a lemon pastry.
"Ryuuzaki, we've all been working really hard to wrap everything up from the Kira case, and we're almost done. What are you going to do after it's finished?"
L paused, the spoon in his hand halfway between his mouth and the pudding. Sadness, and perhaps regret flashed behind his large eyes for a moment, before he resumed eating the spoonful of chocolate pudding.
"Move on to another case, I suppose. "
If Light had wanted to know the answer before, he certainly didn't now. He looked positively crushed, yet slightly confused, as if he couldn't understand why he was so upset.
This was her chance.
"So Light, I guess that means we'll be able to go on dates alone from now on," Misa cooed.
His answer was so quiet she wasn't even sure if he really did answer.
She continued. "That is, if we were still dating."
Both Light and L's heads snapped up and studied her in disbelief.
"Wha-what?" Light stammered. Was she really suggesting-?
"I said we could go on dates alone now if we were still dating. But I don't think we should anymore. Sorry."
Misa let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. As much as this hurt, she knew it was for the best. However, she wasn't quite done yet. The other two men at the table were staring at her as if she had grown another head.
"Are you…are you breaking up with me?"
He still couldn't believe it. Neither could she.
But she couldn't stop.
"Yes. But I do have one condition."
There it was. The catch. That was clearly something Light was more used to dealing with, so he leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. L continued to frantically look between the two of them, the spoon hanging from his mouth.
"What is it?"
Misa grinned.
"You two have to go on a date."
It is not even enough to describe the look that arrived on Light Yagami's face at that moment. It emulated shock, confusion, and embarrassment; and- was that a glint of hope in his eyes? A blush rose quickly on his face while Ryuuzaki simply stared at the younger man beside him. He was waiting for Light to say something, but it had been at least thirty seconds and Light still hadn't responded. He figured it was time he chipped in.
"If Light-kun is willing, I will gladly take him on a date."
Light's blush intensified. The man who had a profound grasp on his emotions was getting flustered at the idea of a date with the world's greatest detective. It was all very amusing.
But both L and Misa needed an answer.
A/N Part Deux: This was originally going to be a one-shot about Misa throwing these dorks a wedding, but I got a bit carried away, so it'll be a two-shot. The next part should be up within a few days! Please review with your thoughts! They're always appreciated!