It was a calm, peaceful Saturday afternoon in the downtown city of Vale.

Keyword being 'was'.

It became slightly less peaceful when the irritable shopkeeper decided to chase after "The damn thief running away with his merchandise", as he so bluntly put it. Dude was a total jerk.

The thief was none other than me, Sun Wukong. Master stowaway and the best monkey Faunus thief of all time. I ran, ducking down alleys and hiding in crowds, but this guy was good. We partook in this game of cat and mouse for what seemed like hours. It was so much fun, I found myself laughing and teasing the guy anytime he'd get close, which only made him madder, and try just a little harder.

Eventually I took to the rooftops, thinking this was how I'd get away. After I was pretty sure he didn't know where I was, I dropped into a little dead end back alley. I brushed the sweaty hair out of my eyes with the back of my hand, and brought my tail, which was holding my worn red cloth bag, in front of me to assess my loot. I opened it up, and pulled out the treasure. A whole bunch of bananas.

"Who knew a fruit vendor could be so athletic? Guess he must eat healthy." I muttered to myself with a short chuckle at my own stupid joke.

"And I have a lot of practice chasing down filthy thieves like you." A rather angry sounding voice said from the entrance of the alleyway. I looked up with a jolt, seeing the fuming man staring me down.

"Oh hey, dude. Whats up?" I asked, while peeling a banana.

"If you take one bite of that damn fruit, you and I are gonna have a pro-"

"-ductive and meaningful relationship? I'd love that!" I said through a mouthful of fruit.

The vendor yelled, and charged at me full force. I just scoffed, and stuffed the rest of my prize in my mouth. I jumped up, kicked off the wall behind me, and flipped over the jerk's head. I made sure my tail hit the guy in the face as i soared over him.

"Thanks for the snack, loser!" I shouted behind me as i watched him run into the brick wall of the alley. Priceless.

Looking for and escape route as i ran away, I noticed a bookstore right next to the alley.

"Perfect." I thought as I ducked inside. I soon watched through the window on the door, and saw the fruit vendor run out of the back alley, look around for a second, and run right past the bookstore. I gave a little wave as he passed me, mostly for my own amusement.

"See ya, sucker. Now, lets take inventory, shall we?" I mumbled to myself.

I brought my ratty old backpack up to hands. It seems in the process of that wicked sweet backflip i did, I had lost some of my haul. I was furious, because the shopkeep had probably gotten those back.

"Son of a b-"

"Shush. You're in a bookstore." A stern, familiar voice called out from amongst the stacks.

I was not in the mood to be 'shushed'. I stormed further into the bookstore, looking for the face of who i knew I had interrupted. Soon enough, I found her on the second floor, near the romance novels.

Blake Belladonna, Vale's resident brooding cat Faunus and Huntress in training, was sitting delicately on a sofa under a windowsill in a small alcove. Seeing her, all my anger flushed away. I plopped down next to her, laying my arm across the back of the couch.

"What's new, pussy cat?" I asked, coughing to mask the crack in my voice. She didn't answer right away. I was used to it. When Blake gets her nose in book, you couldn't pull the damn thing out.

"Hmm?" she questioned a moment later when she had finished the chapter she was on.

"I said… What's new, pussy cat?"

"You're hilarious. I see you've had an exciting day. How many poor defenceless shopkeepers did you rob today?"

"Hey! That guy was not defenceless. Dude coulda tore my tail right off!"

"You're incorrigible."

"I don't know the meaning of the word. Anyways, so this is where you disappear to every weekend? Nice place. It's…"

I looked around at my surroundings. It was mostly dark, despite it being midday, and was only lit by a few desk lamps scattered about. There were stacks upon stacks of books, every shelf labeled a different genre. It felt warm, yet intimidating. Totally Blake-y.

"… cozy." I settled upon.

She took a deep breath and shut the book.

"Yeah. Its a nice quiet place. Gets me away from all the insanity at that school."

There was a pause for a second as we thought of our teams and all the crazy stuff that happens on a daily basis when we are all together.

"On a daily basis we have to deal with Ruby and Scarlet arguing over cookies and whose weapon is cooler." She sighed.

"Weiss and Neptune trying to be all romantic and being gross." I replied.

"Yang and Sage's… aggressive banter."

"You couldn't cut the sexual tension between those two with a knife that's also a gun!" I joked.

We both burst out laughing at the use of Ruby's commonly used term to describe her weapon. We quickly realized we in a place that people were trying to read, and attempted to stifle our laughter. Every time we thought we were through laughing, we would look at each other and start giggling again.

When we had finally calmed down, I looked into her golden eyes, and we sat there for a moment in a comfortable silence. In this moment of quiet, I had a brilliant idea. I pulled out my Scroll and checked the time. It was going to be sundown soon. I grabbed her hand and began to lead her out of the store.

"Hey, I gotta show you something cool. C'mon." I stated.

"I have to pay for this book, Sun."

"Eh, get it next time. This is important!" I said as we left the store.

We ran through downtown, still holding hands as I lead her to my favourite spot in Vale. On our way there, I made sure to lead her past the vendor courtyard, and made a stupid face at the fruit guy while he was packing up his tent.

We stopped near the tallest building in the city, the CTT.

"Okay, why are we here, Sun? I doubt you want to make a call."

"Nah, its something way cooler! You see the very top up there? We gotta get there in the next…" I looked at my Scroll. "Three minutes. You want a lift?" I said while flexing and giving her a little smirk.

Blake rolled her eyes. "I got this, monkey boy. Try and keep up."

She then jumped at the wall, and began to climb and leap between the pillars that decorated the building to the top. Watching her jump up there was mesmerizing. The way she could be so graceful doing something so awesome… It was beautiful.

"I love that girl." I said to no one in particular, and began after her.

Together we jumped and claimed and slid around flagpoles to reach the top. At one time I slipped and felt a hand grab at my tail and swing me upward, successfully saving me from a splattery death upon the sidewalk. We soon reached the top, a flat cement circle a few dozen stories up, and laid on our backs staring at the sky, just turning night.

"I have lived in this town for years. You have been here for like, six months." Blake pointed out.


"How have you found a quiet, secluded place that only a few people can get to that I haven't? I go out of my way to find these places." She asked me.

I turned my head and looked at her, and she looked to me as well. It was a perfect time to have a moment.

"I guess I'm just amazing." I said with a sly smirk. Then Blake punched me.

"Owww… Well, if you're gonna act like that, I guess you don't want this." I said as I pulled out the book she was reading I pocketed from the bookstore.

"Sun! Did you steal this from my favourite store in town?!" she said as sat up angrily. Blake got scary when she was angry.


"They're closed tomorrow and i cant get into town until next weekend! What am I gonna do?" She laid back down exasperated.

"Well… You got a week to read it, then you can return it and it's like borrowing it for free!" I tried to look at the bright side.

"That's what a library is for, Sun."


We sat there in silence as I desperately tried to think up an apology. I didn't mean to make her angry, I just wanted to get her a gift. Making her upset always makes me feel all gross inside. Like I punched a flower. Making something so perfect slightly imperfect in any way makes me feel terrible.

"I suppose… This wasn't a bad thing." She said, shattering the silence. "This is the first book in a series, and i suppose I could take it for a test drive, so to say."

"Ha! My thieving did something good other than get me free crap!" I shouted and put my hands in the air triumphantly.

"Next time, don't steal me presents, please."


We watched the sun set, and saw the stars rise into the sky. I looked over to her and saw her face illuminated in the light of the moon. My breath was taken way. The way it seemed to cascade around her features, and her raven black hair stood out, even darker than the night sky. She looked at me and I stared in awe as the golden lagoons in her eyes twinkled in the night.

"I think night time might be my favourite time of day." I said to her.

"Yeah, I feel the same way. It's like, I have total peace to just do whatever I want, and nobody cares, you know?"

"I like it cause you look pretty in the moon light. Like, really pretty."

She turned away and blushed as i giggled to myself. Making her blush was one of my favourite things ever. I got to make her feel like I do every time I'm near her. Or see her. Or think about her. Is that creepy?

"That… that's really sweet of you, Sun. Thanks."

"Wanna make it even?" I asked jokingly.

She looked at me quizzically. "What do you-"

I cut her off by stealing a quick kiss. " There we go!" I said with a laugh.

Blake seemed slightly irritated. "I wasn't ready, jerk. Besides, that isn't how you do it."

She pulled me by the collar of my white shirt and planted a hard kiss on my lips. She closed her eyes and moved in closer. I sat in shock for a second, and closed my eyes as well. I touched my hand to her cheek, and we ran out of air shortly after.

"Okay. That's how you do it. Noted for next time." I said as I leaded back.

Blake kind of laughed, and we moved closer together with our hands embraced. I wrapped my tail around her waist and tickled her every so often. We sat there for hours, but it felt like minutes.

Soon we had to rush back to Beacon to catch curfew. We barely managed to catch the last airship back to the school, and walked hand in hand to her dorm. I gave her a quick peck goodnight, thanked her for the evening, and left her to go to my own dorm. As I heard all her teammates ambush her asking where she had been, I chucked to myself.

"I love that girl." I said to no one in particular.