The Walking Death Korps

So I thought to myself one night, 'what would happen if a Death Korps krieger popped up in the walking dead universe?' A couple of friends encouraged the idea. So be preppared for some misunderstandings, violence, and some dark fucking humor.

"In life, war. In death, peace. In life, shame. In death, atonement."

For many centuries mankind has always wondered what was beyond their own planet, universe. A curiosity that would be be answered with very unfortunate results, as mankind progessed to new possibilities the naive feeling of being alone was replaced with the fear of new enemies, with enemies weapons follow, both combined will create war.

And from within these new wars a new civilization of Humans was made, the Imperium of Mankind was forged by the God Emperor himself uniting all of man under one banner. Asking only for loyalty for safety, a fair trade in most cases; but with a great power shall always come great opposion.

Heresy, treason all in the same plauged the empire. So the Emperor's Imperial Army was called upon to destroy the threats that the xenos and heritics provided to the Imperium. Out of all of the regements none were more loyal none more feared than the regement that demanded the respect of every living or spiritual entity.

The Death Korps of Krieg.

Bred for the purpose of serving the Emperor by dying on the battlefields of the most hellish of worlds consumed by war, such a way is common practice for the people of krieg. Stotic and uncaring for their own lives they make the ultimate killing machine, or the perfect dark hero that is needed.

Many planets dotted the Universe, meaning it was hard to keep up with protecting them from the heresy of chaos. An Imperial ruled planet had originally came under siege from a WAAGH! of orks, soon both the imperials and orks were being over ran by a horde of Chaos Space Marines and countless followers slaughtering everything without a hint of mercy.

So only the most faithful and possibly suicidal of followers were sent to combat this unholy evil, the Death Korps being the first to hit the soil.

The 263th Death Korps Siege Regiment was assigned to protect a Departmento Munitorum outpost that was critical to supplying the war effort.

An Elite Grenadier watches over the trench line, past the barbed wire and mines, past the corpses of Imperials and orks; watching for the telltale signs of chaos. A dust cloud rises within the binoculars with large shadows penatrating through the dust.

He jumps down from his post a snakes his way through the trench to the Commissar, "Lord Commissar, Chaos Space Marines lead a charge, sir." He said with his back erect sauluting the man.

The man with the trench coat turns to face the Grenadier with a stern look, "So the heritic cowards finally show their wretched faces? Very well then. ARM THE LINE!" The Commissar unsheathes his sword powering the blade while arming him self with his bolter pistol, the krieg soldiers line their lasrifles into a volley as lascannon crews arm their battlements, adjusting their aim towards the enemy.

The Grenadier arms his bayonet as he follows the Commissar to the front trench line facing towards the Chaos forces charging towards them shouting out their horrid battle cries, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! DEATH TO THE CORPSE EMPEROR!"

They shouted running with chainswords drawn, bolter weapons loaded, the fiery hate of madness blazing in their eyes. Intimidating for some but nothing to the Kriegers as they silently pray for a worthy death in honor of the Emperor.

The Commissar raises his sword, "Lascannons fire!" hot bursts of light fire from the weapons showering the minions of Chaos with the blazing red fire puncturing their armor sending them down into the mud, "BLOOD FOR THE BLO-AHHD!" A Marine shouts as his arm gets amputated from a blast, another shot sends the Marine sprialing into the mud sending his corrupted soul to the Warp.

The Grenadier aims his lasrifle's sights into the crowd of corrupted humans and xenos alike with extreme concentration, while the Commissar cockily lit a cigarette, "My name is Commissar Raech what is your name Grenadier?" He looked over to the Commissar, "145679-096874-Grendel, sir." He replied with monotone, the Commissar gave a rare smile, "Grendel it is then, ready to die for the Emperor?" "Sir yes sir, for the Emperor!" He responded with the enthusiasm that could be expected from a Korpsman, Commissar Raech stood and waved his sword in the air, "Volley fire!" All of the Krieg soldiers opened fired with conviction aiming for the larger of the followers until they started to retreat, "Company! Charge!" Grendel along with his brothers and sisters of the Death Korps jumped out of the trench with bayonets pointed forward, ready to skewer any foe that crosses their path.

Following close behind the Commissar Grendel charged with his eyes scanning any corpse that didn't look dead enough. One of the supposedly dead followers tried to blindside the Commissar but instead took Grendel's bayonet in the back.

He threw the heretic off and earned a nod of appreactiation from the Commissar as he continued the charge slashing and shooting what ever humanoid heretic that came his way.

Grendel fired three shots into a heretic and slashed another across the belly kneeing him in the face as he doubled over. Another heretic got impaled onto his bayonet, he tossed the screaming blasphemer onto a palisade spike and shooting it twice in its fore head for good measure.

Commissar Raech fires his bolter in the face of a wounded traitor to the Imperium, "Is this all they bring? How are we expected to die for the Emperor when our enemy can't even stage a proper fight?" Grendel steps on a heretic's throat and twisted his foot snapping its neck, "Dunno mi' lord, maybe the heretics are finally learning their place." The Commissar laughs sheathing the power sword, "Heheh never knew a Krieger could make a joke by accident."

Grendel nods even though he didn't understand what the Commissar meant by making a joke, whatever a joke means to non-korpsmen. Commissars and their ways never seemed to make sense to him, preventing them from making so suicide charges, and trying to raise an already high morale; it seemed pointless but it wasn't his place to judge the trusted regiment leaders of the Imperium.

Commissar Raech raised his arm to rally the troops until a bolter shot tore his arm off, he screamed in pain before another shot tore through his abdomen.

Grendel caught the Commissar before he hit the ground and drug him over to a piece of cover, "Frak... bastards caught me off guard... hehe, I can feel the Emperor calling, can't you?" Grendel shook his head to the sides, he ducked lower covering the Commissar, "Maybe its just the sudden shock..."

A Chaos priest was seen levatating chanting some heretic language, "Kill that bastard, he can't open a warp portal... or things will be unbearable." He unhooks his sword, "Stab him with my sword and pistol as my way of saying frak you." Grendel took the sword as Commissar Raech faded from his life and into the Emperor's grace.

Grendel set the Commissar's hat over his face respectivlly and turned his attention towards the priest who was guarded by a Traitor Marine with an chainaxe, 'The Emperor protects.' He thought as the Space Marine charged chanting at a rate that couldn't be coherrent to the average ear.

He switched from his lasrifle in favor of the pistol and ran at the marine shooting for his knee joints, Grendel swiped a grenade bandoliar from a fallen Imperial holstering it on his shoulder.

The bolt rounds crippled the Marine's left knee making him vulerable to the Krieger as he leapt off a broken cannon onto the Marine's chest wrapping the activated bandoliar around his neck, "Die heretic filth!" Grendel shouted vaulting over the Marine as it struggled to remove the grenades to no avail as they detonaded incinerating the Marine, dammning the traitor to the Warp

The Chaos Priest hadn't noticed the Korpsman until it was too late for him to even defend himself, Grendel amputated the heritic's right arm causing the portal to the Warp distort and cause a bigger rip in time and space, "You Imperial dog! How dare you meddle with socery beyond your understanding, sorcery greater than your false Emperor's parlor tricks!"

Grendel slashed the priest across his guts and uppercuts the heretic sending him backwards into the mud, "The Emperor is all powerful and your Gods are just pathetic Warp heresy." He raised the sword over his head, but before the Krieger could end the traitor's life until an artillary battery's round hit just a few meters infront of him and the heritic sending them both flying.

Grendel helplessy flew backwards into the Warp tear while the Chaos minion was shredded by debris effectivlly closing the hole without the sorcerer powering it, but dooming Grendel into the Warp with no way of returning.