Quick A/N: This is my first story. Please be gentle. Reviews and suggestions are welcomed. I apologize for any grammatical errors as I'm sure there are many. Thanks for reading!

If there were ever a point in time when I had been completely and utterly mortified, it would be this moment, right now.

'I can't even believe this is happening.' I look up from my bed at him.

I watch his face go from shock to delight as he smiles- no- grins like the cat that ate the canary. All of his straight white teeth in view as a reminder of what he has just caught me doing. Slowly, I extract my hand from that intimate place that has just been my release.

'How much of that did he actually witness?' I think, my face burning.

'Maybe he doesn't know- of course he knows, you idiot! Look at his damn face!' An uncomfortable amount of seconds had passed between us.

'Well you'd better fix this, Hermione Jean Granger!'

"Malfoy." I acknowledged him with as much dignity as I can muster but I hear my voice come out in a meek puff.

"Granger." He says back, with that same stupid grin on his face.

I look on, horrified, as he takes a step into the room.

'Oh no. He's going to make a meal of this.'

"You know, Granger, you might have the common decency to shut the door or even put up a silencing charm before you ah... do that." He glances down at my knickers, his eyes alight with humor then licks his lips. "I know I do the same for you."

'He wha- Oh... Well i shouldn't be surprised. He is a guy after all.'

"I- um. I..." I stammer as I tried to get a hold of the situation.

"You what, Granger? Thought I wouldn't come investigate when I heard such... strange noises coming from your room?"

"I didn't know you were here." I state, flatly.

'Why does he have to be so bloody quiet? Sneaky fucking Slytherin. He could have at least coughed or something to make his presence know before I started... well... what I started.'

"Oh?" He asked with a light, airy tone, clearly amused.

'Damn him! Damn his pretty face to hell!'

"Well if you're quite finished humiliating me, I would appreciate it if you could get out of my room." I say with my eyes screwed shut, hoping that he will just go away.

"Finished?" He says with mock surprise. "I haven't even started." His grin full of evil intent now. He takes another step into my room.

'No. No. No. No. Pleeeeeease, no.' Now I'm freaking out. Just waiting for the blackmail to ensue.

'What does the prat want from me?'

"What is it that you want, Malfoy? You caught me. So what? Tell me what you want so we can get this over with, already." I try for confidence, hoping that he will back down if he realizes I'm not affected by him.

"Hmmm... What do I want?" His hand placed on his chin with a thoughtful expression. "Oh I know!" His smile is malicious now. "How about you continue what you were doing when I got here. You're clearly not shy about it, after all."

All the color leaves my face.

'Shit! Well that plan backfired, gloriously!'

"Wha- I- You're kidding, right? Absolutely not! Surely you wouldn't want to watch a filthy mudblood get off."

'Yes, use pureblood biases on him.'

"You know, Granger, your blood really is of no interest to me at the moment. So please, continue." He says with a smirk.

"I mean, I've already seen you do it once. You can do it one more time can't you?" He says as he inspects his nails. With a glance back up, "Or would you rather have me tell Potter and the weasle what the Head Girl's been up to?" His eyes flash with mischief and... is that lust?

'Why is he looking at me like that? Does he... find me attractive? No bloody way!'

I look him up and down again. There's no denying his physical attractiveness. Slender, yet muscular frame, long legs, sharp nose and jaw, strangely full lips, flawless alabaster skin, that luminescent platinum hair, steely eyes framed with thick, dark lashes and arched eyebrows to match.

'If only he wasn't such a prick, his looks might be worth something to me.'

"There's no need to bring my friends into this, Malfoy." I'm half sitting up and leaning on my elbows now.

He shuts my door with a click and leans against it with his arms crossed. "Well, i'm waiting. I'd really like you to continue. This is much more fun than having Pansy rub herself all over me like a cat in heat. And besides, it would be mutually beneficial." There's a lustful glint in his eyes and I can see the proof of his arousal forming as I glance down at his dark school trousers. I'm impressed by the length I see there.

'Huh. He really is serious. He actually is turned on from watching me fiddle with myself.'

I find this oddly arousing. I make up my mind right then.

"If I do this for you... you never mention anything to Harry and Ron. Also, we never speak of this again. Ever." I state with force. He just nods and I take this as my cue to get on with it.

I fall back onto my pillow. Slowly, I drag my hand down my exposed stomach. I reach the hem of my lace trimmed, blue cotton panties. I hear Malfoy's breath hitch. From the angle I'm laying at, I can still see his face. His eyes are half lidded and filled with desire, his mouth is slightly open and his breath is coming in shallow huffs. I sneak my fingertips under the elastic of my knickers. My skin is smooth and warm. Hairless from the hair removal charm I cast this morning. I slide one finger down the crease between my lips and they are still damp from my previous ministrations. I slide back up and push my finger down between them. The pad of my index finger barely touches the head of my clit and I gasp. I'm still sensitive from my last orgasm. I can easily hear Malfoy's breathing from my bed now. I spread my legs apart to get better access and he groans. I stroke one languorous circle around my clitoris. A low whimper escapes my mouth. I repeat the action a few more time at the same pace. My breathing is heavy and its such a turn on to have someone here watching me do this to myself. I keep rubbing in circles at a slightly faster pace. I bring my left hand up to my breast and graze my knuckles over its peak through the thin material of my bra. My nipple tightens and this sensation along with my other hand rubbing down below has me quietly moaning. I pinch my nipple through my bra and can feel pleasure all over my body. I'm rubbing circles over my clit at a more desperate pace than before. I glance up at Malfoy who looks weak in the knees and I can see the obvious hardness in his tented trousers. I'm hot and panting and I'm rubbing furiously. I'm pinching and pulling my nipple so hard that it's almost painful. In an attempt to quickly release my building tension, I take my left hand from my breast and slide it into my panties past the frantic rubbing of my right hand and position it over my entrance. I poise the middle finger and ring finger of my left hand and roughly push them into myself. I cry out loudly as this throws me over the edge. I vaguely hear Malfoy groan in delight. My back arches and my vision goes white as the orgasm tears through my body from my head down to my toes. I ride it out vigorously, never stopping the rubbing of my hand. My hips are jerking forcefully has the last sensations of my orgasm flutter out. I collapse on myself and I'm spent. I lay there, trying to catch my breath.

'Well, that was fun.' The two teens think at the same time, unknowingly.