Sorry for not updating my other story but i had to write this one . Going to a love blossoming between my oc and steve can't wait. This chapter going to be about the days steves and honor my characters life changed forever. Her name is honor bello and she is the best friend of steve. THx awesomesaouce see ya soon and going to be 1940s slang in there defintions ot the end of chapter.

I was always hiding, never standing up for myself and hiding behind my friends Steve and Bucky, both are my world and I trust them. Steve and me were always the fighters the one to cook with gas. Steve loved the idea of being the army man. I was khaki wacky for Steve it wasn't because he didn't have brawn it was his drive and strength to be able to pull himself together in the time of need. But I was just a lonely girl, who was smart and had a good sense of humor like according to Steve. All I wanted in life was for Steve to tell me to be his dame. Sorry for telling you about gobbleygook. My name is Honor Bello and I am 21 years old, and this is the story of the start of Captain America and me.

I was waiting outside for Steve because he didn't want to be alone when the rejection or when he got popped by the cops on his enlisment form. I always knew the answer to his promblems because I was smart. I was dressed in my favorite red polka dotted skirt, up to my knees and my favorite blouse with my familys crest on it. I looked at my watch and wanted to snap my cap at Steve when he got out of the building. Steve had lots of promblems, but the thing that the army didn't let Steve in is because of his asthma and others, I knew that Steve wanted to get into the army was because of Bucky and his father. When I saw the look on his face, all my anger melted away like vanilla ice cream. I walked up to him with my brown hair flowing in the wind and my tanned body walking slowly.

I said " Again Steve, lets take a powder and see that new picture on fourth okay"

All he did was nod in reply, I always knew how to take his promblems away since the day his parents died. I walked with him hand and hand to the picture and I said " Two tickets to the wrath of the grapes". The ticket giver tried to flirt with me by telling me to move on from stickie and placed his address with the tickets.

I was pretty beautiful because I was Latina with Greek roots, but I threw away the paper and told Steve to don't worry. I walked into to the theater and sat down with Steve.

"Steve stop trying for the war, your becoming a fat-head and focus on your job and friends"

I saw a commercial before the movie started it said " Every able bodied young man is lining up to serve his country". I snorted very manly and got stares in replace to me and steve. I reufsed to listen and focused on steves boyish face and beautiful hands. I looked up and saw steve blush and turned to the screen sadly because of his rejection. But I couldn't get that blush out of my head. Did steve like me like that? Was it a chemcially induced dream. I couldn't believe it steve blushed at me.

I heard someone say "Who cares? Play the movie already!"

Steve said "Hey, you wanna show some respect"

I didn't want Steve to get hurt so I told him be quiet and don't be an eager beaver. Thats when another said " Let's go! Get on with it!" and "Hey, just start the cartoon!"

Why couldn't these people shut up and watch the movie. That's when I saw Steve start to get annoyed and say " Hey, you wanna shut up", I just knew that Steve was going to get beat up over this and whispered to Steve to take a powder.

But, I didn't tell him in time because the minute Steve said shut up the guy got up and saw me and said " Hey sugar, are you rationed" I was about to snap my cap when the guy picked Steve up with me trailing him and punching him in the ally. I tried to push him off Steve, but instead the guy pushed me hard enough to make me fall and hit my head on garbge can lid and make me pass out.

The last thing I heard Steve say "NORA!"

I woke up with Steve in the garbage and bucky on my side shaking my arm. I jumped up to hug Bucky and said "What's buzzin', cousin and why didn't you tell me you were coming"

Bucky chuckled and said " Well Hi de-ho to you to"

"So, what are we doing on your last night buck" I said

"We are going to the future" While wrapping his arms around my and buckys shoulders. I always felt like bucky had a crush on me like me and steve but i never found out.

I said " I can't sorry I have to be with my boss today, and I don't want to ruin your chances of getting a share crop"

He said whineing " Well come on my last night"

I walked off to my apartment saying "sorry maybe later at the shop."

A/N Cook with gas – to do something right

Hi sugar, are you rationed? – are you going steady?

Snap your cap – get angry

Khaki wacky – boy crazy

What's buzzin', cousin? – how's it going?

Hi-de-ho - hello

Take a powder – to leave

Gobbledygook – double talk, long speech

Fat-head – stupid or foolish person

Share crop – sexually promiscuous girl