A/N Haha.*nervous, hysterical, giggling* Guys, I am an idiot. I have so much to do and yet, here I am, sitting here working on FF. *sigh* At least I am enjoying it even if guilt and reality are waiting to pounce any minute.

Disclaimer: not mine.

Chapter 10

Legolas finally rolled back over to face the man, his eyes wide. "How did you know that?" he asked,aghast. His fair face was flushed, but his eyes revealed both the shock and the pain that he was certain to still be in. Aragorn smiled grimly down at his friend.

"Well, I could have guessed that myself. It does seem like you. But you told it all to me yourself." Legolas frowned in disbelief and shook his head

"I said no such thing," He protested sharply.

"Yes, you did," Aragorn said firmly with a small shrug. "As I told you, Legolas, you were very sick with a high fever. You told your father and me several things in your fevered delirium."

Legolas stared at Aragorn in despair, and the man could almost see the frantic thoughts fly though his friend's brain.

"What did I say, exactly?" Legolas asked hesitantly, his voice shaking slightly.

"Quite a bit that I don't think you would want me to repeat," Aragorn said honestly, meeting his friend's eyes steadily. Legolas' face went from flushed to white in a matter of seconds.

"I –I didn't want to burden anyone," he tried to explain in a whisper, closing his eyes tightly. "I was fine, I am fine."

"You don't always have to fine, you know!" Aragorn snapped in sudden exasperation, throwing his hands up. What Legolas had said in his sickness had made Aragorn realize that Legolas had been discouraged for longer than he had thought. He had just been incredible good at disguising it. It had almost been a physical blow to Aragorn, and the fact that he hadn't been aware of what Legolas was going through, that he hadn't seen it, had hurt the most.

Aragorn got to his feet and began to pace in tight line next to Legolas' bed, trying to get his feelings back under control.

"My people look to their leaders for support in these dark times. To see a discouraged leader is to install that very same feeling into their own hearts." Legolas insisted, frustration creeping into his own voice. He slammed his fist into the coverlet, and glared at his closed door. "Sometimes one has to be fine."

"But you have your father, and your friends to go to," Aragorn stated as a fact, pointing a finger at the door and then at himself.

Legolas shrugged his shoulders. "Ada, I could never be such a burden to him. He carries too much already. And you? Well, you were away for the past few years, and I was too busy with patrols and responsibilities to hardly write, never mind visit Imladris."

"That is part of the problem!" Aragorn cried, pointing his finger now at the elf. "You forget to take time for yourself, to even sleep or eat. You –you never," he stopped , stumbling lightly over his words before starting again. "Even an elf has to stop and take time to relax. You are go, go, go, and you haven't been taking time to recover which is just weighing you down. It has slowly sucked the energy out of you, yes, even though you are an elf. It isn't healthy, Legolas."

"What do you want me do, then? Sit here and twiddle my thumbs while people die?!" Legolas asked sarcastically. A pained look crossed Aragorn's face and he crossed the room in a couple of long strides.

"I want you to take a break," he said plaintively. Reaching out he clasped both of Legolas' hands tightly and to Legolas surprise, tears were glittering in the man's eyes. "I want you to be happy again," he pleaded. "Legolas, you have lifted me up many times. Let me return the favor, please."

Legolas looked away uncomfortably.

"I have duties I must perform." He said softly in answer. "Duties I should be attending to even now instead of being bed." Snagging the edge of the blanket, he began to throw off the covers and made as if to sit up.

"Don't you see, Legolas?" Aragorn cried, moving around the other side of the bed. He placed both hands on Legolas' shoulder to keep him down, before kneeling beside the bed so that he wasn't towering over him, but at eye level. "You were just tortured, I wouldn't let you out of bed if you were my only hope. How can you think that you don't deserve this rest! I know what you are doing. I know that you are trying to escape me and my words, but you will hear me out." His voie was starting to shake badly with raging feelings and Legolas looked away. "I know what this goes back, too. All the warriors you ever lost in battle, not just the recent ones. It has been adding up, but you need to let it go now. It was their choice, their choice, you understand, to go out and fight. Just as I cannot take the blame upon me for what you did for me,because it was your choice, neither can you for them. Listen, Legolas, you are going to snap under all the pressure that you are putting on yourself." The tears were now threatening to spill over, but the man didn't even seem to notice them.

Legolas seemed shooked by the man's outburst and didn't protest as the man pushed him back against the pillows. He wasn't meeting Aragorn's eyes as he turned his face back into the pillow, but he wasn't tense as he had been before. Defeated. That was what Aragorn could call it.

"Thranduil and I have spoken," the ranger said evenly, his voice much calmer now than before, though he was still slightly chocked up. He smoothed back a strand of golden hair that had fallen into Legolas' face and offered a smile. "You are going to come back home with me to Rivendell, even if I have to throw you over my shoulder and tie you to my horse." He laughed in painful fondness, before bending low and brushing a small kiss of friendship of Legolas' brow. Legolas closed his eyes, neither conforming or deny exactly what measure the man might have to take.

Aragorn stood, taking another deep breath. "However, we cannot go anywhere until you are fully healed, which may be a while," he stated, crossing his arms firmly. "Or maybe that is the way to get you to come," he attempted to joke suddenly with a wan grin, trying to get a smile to cross his friend's downturned face. "If I get your father to banish you to your bed unless you come with me, then I bet my sword I could convince you to come."

To his delight, Legolas let a tiny smile grace his face, even if it didn't fully reach his eyes.

"If I got to Rivendell, then your father will more than likely confine me back to bed," He jested, making a brave stab at being like his old self.

"Not this time, mellon-nin." Aragorn picked up a mug that was resting on the bedside table. "Though he probably won't let us leave Imladris borders."

Legolas took the cup and sniffed it wearily. Glancing up at Aragorn, he tossed the contents of the cup down his throat in one gulp and leaned back into his pillows. He still didn't look very good. The cut on his cheek had scabbed over, but the rest of his face was a multitude of colors and swollen in many places. His eyes still carried the weight that he bore, but the man knew that it wouldn't stay.

Legolas wanted help and to ease that burden, even if he wouldn't admit it to himself or anyone else. Aragorn knew first-hand how stubborn Legolas could be. If he had his mind set on something, then nothing would move it, and he had just given in to going to Rivendell soon enough to lessen the worry in Aragorn's heart.

"Get some sleep, mellon. Your body still needs time to heal. I'm just going to step outside and update your father," Aragorn said, moving back around the bed when Legolas nodded. Before he closed the door, he blew out the two candles in the room, leaving the third to shine dimly in the now dark room.


"So the ranger managed to convince you to go with him to Imladris once you are healed?" Thranduil asked as he sat back in one of the comfortable chairs that had been placed near Legolas' bed. The prince looked up and shrugged, his hands reflexively curling around themselves in his lap.

Aragorn had given his permission for the elf to sit up, but to Thranduil's eyes his son was still far too pale and weak. He could see the beginnings of one of the deep cuts that adorned his son's upper body before it disappeared underneath the white linen and his heart clenched. His son wore no shirt, so that they could have easy access to the bandages, but most of his chest was covered by the white cloth anyway.

"Do you think I should?" Legolas asked softly, raising his eyes to meet his father's. Their beautiful depths with filled with hesitation and earnest seeking. "I know that I have responsibilities, and—"Thranduil broke his son off, placing a finger against his lips.

"I would see you go to Imladris and gain the rest that you need, ion-nin," he assured gently. Legolas smiled back, all the tension leaving his body at the words. He self-consciously let the crumpled blanket he had been clutching go and smoothed it out. A dark bruise darkened the back of his hand, testifying to the torment he had been through.

"Thank you, Ada. I don't know why I need this so badly, but I do," He said anxiously, his eyes betraying his worry that his father would doubt him or his reasons.

"You may not, but I do," Thranduil stated firmly. "You deserve this more than you realize, and do not feel guilty for taking it." He stood, and stepped closer to where he son sat propped against many pillows.

"For far too long have I put too much weight and responsibilities on you, Legolas. You are still so young, and yet have seen so much. So much that I would have spared you if I could," Thranduil murmured, almost seeming to enter another world for a minute as he eyes glazed over, before he focused back on the blue eyes that looked so like his. "You believe yourself weak for despairing, yet you do not consider your strength. Many would have cracked under the burden you have born on a daily bases, my son. You do not believe me, I can see it in your eyes. You would say that any other elf in this kingdom has done what you have or more.

"But they haven't. They go home to their families after a hard day. You come home to more responsibilities and duties. They take leave on a regular base, you do not. I believe that you can only fully relax unless you leave Mirkwood, because if you are here, there is always something else that you think you should be doing.

"Sometimes…sometimes I almost wish that you had been born into a family that wouldn't demand so much of you, your health, and your time." Thranduil finished so softly that Legolas almost missed it. Tears were glittering in his eyes, which perhaps shocked Legolas more than any words could have. He could count on one hand the number of times that he had seen his father cry. The king reached out a trembling hand and ran one finger lightly along the cut to his son's cheek, making his son suck in a sharp breath before he controlled himself.

"Don't say that, Ada," Legolas said incredulously. "I would never, never, trade my life for someone else's." He pushed himself further upright, one hand coming up to press against his chest as though it could still the pain. "I love my life, really. Mirkwood holds my heart." He grabbed his father's hand to force his father to keep his eyes on him. "It is hard, but I wouldn't trade it. Not for anything. And without you, Ada...without you I wouldn't be who I am. How do you do everything that you do, I will never know. Besides, I am nothing like what you just described. That sounded a lot more like you than me. Without you, I would be nothing," Legolas pointed out earnestly, his eyes devoid of any untruth.

"It is clear to see why the people love you so," Thranduil said in a low, but clear, whisper. "I am so proud of you, Legolas. Prouder than you could even imagine."

"Not as proud as I am to call you father," Legolas swore. Thranduil smiled at him and reached out, taking his shoulders gently.

"Go to Rivendell. Take all the time that you need to heal, and then come back to me," the king commanded, lightly kissing the top of his son's head. Leaning back, he said, "Darkness cannot last forever. We, the good people of Middle-earth, will win this war, even if we lose the battles along the way."

"I'm starting to believe that agai,." Legolas murmmered, leaning lightly against his father.


"Are you sure you are feeling up to traveling?" Aragorn asked frankly as he gazed over at Legolas, who was stroking his horse's mane. A strong wind was blowing and as he turned to face Aragorn, Legolas' hair billowed into his face. Hastily brushing it back with only a small wince, Legolas nodded at the human.

"I'm sore, but I'm fairly certain I wills survive," He remarked as he raised an eyebrow at the human.

"I still think you should wait a few days," Aragorn replied seriously, tightening his horse's saddle and clasping shut his pack as the wind flipped it open playfully. "You still look—well, let's just say-"

"We've been over this," Legolas broke in tiredly, carefully checking his bow over, before slinging it over his back. He had lost his bow at Dol Guldur when the orcs had taken him captive, but Thranduil had presented him with a new one the previous day. The look of delight and awe on the prince's face at having a bow once more would have made even an orc smile.

"You must promise to tell me if you aren't feeling well, preferably before you collaspe or something of that sort." Aragorn was only-half joking.

"I told you I. Am. Fine." Legolas insisted, making Aragorn shake his head. They were silent for a minute while they readied their separate gear, then Aragorn smiled.

"You know I was thinking the other day about Mirkwood," he started lightly, "and Gondor. I think the two should really get to know each other. They would understand."

"What do you mean?" Legolas asked in curiosity, turning to look at the man more fully.

"I mean, Gondor has doing much the same as you have been in Mirkwood. They keep Mordor at bay, you keep Dol Guldur at bay. I think you would also really like some of the men down there. They reminded me ver much, as I have said, of the elves here." Aragorn explained. "Proud, stubborn, willing to defend their slowly crumbling kingdom with their blood and no matter the cost."

"Who knows, maybe one day you will have the honor of introducing me to some of them one day," Legolas said lightly, finishing tending to his horse and leaning lightly against the wall. Aragorn smirked, noting Legolas rather louder than usual voice as he purposfully ignored the hint in Aragorn's voice.

For a few minutes they stood in silence, neither making the move that would indicate that they were ready to go. Legolas kept looking first at the palace, and then the horses. Aragorn frowned, straightening.

"Legolas," he said seriously, "You are going to Imladris, you are going to take a break. You cannot unmake the decision." He crossed over to the elf and laid a hand on the prince's arm, squeezing it lightly. "So stop worrying."

"I'm not worrying about it," Legolas protested feebly, making Aragorn raise his eyes at him.

"Listen to the human, Legolas." A voice from behind them said and Aragorn jumped lightly. Sometimes he cursed the elves and their ability to move without making a sound. Turning, he found Thranduil standing behind them with an unreadable expression on his face.

"I never thought I would hear you saying that, Ada," Legolas jested, trying to turn the attention away from himself.

"He can, sometimes, be right, you know, Legolas," Aragorn grumbled good-naturedly, giving his friend a smile.

"That, is debatable," Legolas shot back. Thranduil smiled a small smile, his face still unreadable.

"I came to wish you a safe journey," the elven-king stated, stepping forward, "as well as a safe visit. I don't want a letter from Lord Elrond stating that you two have gotten into mischief," he reprimanded knowingly.

"That's what my Ada always says as well. Maybe this time, we will manage it," Aragorn said with an eye-roll. Swinging a top his borrowed horse (it would return with Legolas) he clucked softly to him. The horse started moving towards the large gates of Mirkwood.

Legolas hovered for a moment, his fingers lightly trailing through his horse's silky mane. Thranduil waited, unmoving.

"Hannon-Le, Ada," Legolas finally said, looking up at his father. "I promise that I will do better when I come back."

Thranduil only shook his head, before reaching out and wrapping his arms around Legolas' shoulders and drawing him close. "Just always come back," he whispered into his son's pointed ear, before releasing him and giving him a smile.

"Go, Aragorn is waiting." he said in normal volume. Legolas nodded once, and turned for his horse. Abrubtly, he swung back around and hugged his father hard, who returned it with just enough force. They clung to each other for a mintue, and then Thranduil gently pushed him away. Legolas mounted his horse and, wavering a hand, turned his back and caught up to the ranger.

"You ready?" Aragorn asked as Legolas appeared beside him.

"I think so," Legolas replied, a faint smile touching his lips.


Well, that is it. :( Thanks so much, guys, I really enjoyed writing this and I really appreicated your support! :)

Next week! Look for my new story No Finer Friends in which Legolas gets himself into trouble. Again. I am sure that you just hit the floor with that surprise right there. :)

Review Replies:

Nameless: Aw, I am so glad that you enjoy them. I sure do like to make them. :) But no, seriously, there is no story without angst and h/c and pain. :) Thanks!

LOTCR: *Maniacal laugh* Fool! Little did you know that when giving all of Middle-earth characters that you created a vast army that you could never beat, not with Superwholock, not with any of the fandoms! For I have Ancalagon the Black (Poor Smaug's just a mouse compared to him), I have Morgoth, I have Feanor, I have Melain and Thingol. I have Turin and Beleg along with Fingolfin and Finrod. I have the eagles. I have the Valar. And that is just to name a few. *Grins evilly* Bring it on! :D :D Thanks!

ElvenPrincess: Yes, yes I am. *smiles innocently* Haha, the orcs had better watch out! Thanks!