Chapter 1: Thorn in my side

HEY this is a brand new story I have started. I wanted to post the first chapter so that you can get a taste of what is to come. Today is March 6th and I won't be posting the next chapter until April 1st, after that there should be a couple chapters out each month. REVIEW let me know if you're interested in this story. BELLARKE FOR EVER!

"Bellamy!" Octavia yelled running into the camp looking for her brother.

It was the middle of the day and thank god the snow was starting to melt more and more each day. The hundred survived the winter thank god, It was all due to the fact that Clarke and Bellamy had found blankets on their day trip. The hundred stayed in the drop ship keeping each other warm and they were just now starting to set up and move back into their tents.

Bellamy heard is sister yelling and moved out of his tent where he was meeting with Miller and Fox about guard detail.

"O, what's wrong?"

"Clarke." Octavia gasped for breath, bending down hands on her knees. "She's-"

A blood curling scream pierced the air, Bellamy's blood ran cold. Clarke.

Bellamy took off running towards the gate, Miller, Jasper and Octavia following closely behind. Bellamy hurried threw bushes and around trees following the groans and shrieks of pain. coming around the clump of trees Bellamy saw finn leaning over Clarke who was saying in the grass and mud, blood pouring down her side.

"What the hell happened?" Bellamy demanded moving to stand beside him.

Finn's hands were shaking on Clarke's body, he was trying to stop the bleeding but it seemed like no matter what he did it wasn't good enough.

Octavia moved to sit on Clarke's other side pushing the blond curls off Clarke's paled face.

"She was supposed to wait for us to go back and get a net, the seaweed had drifted out farther into the lake and it wasn't safe for her to go out there."

"I told her to wait." Finn said under his breath.

"She said we had no time, it would only get colder as the day went on and then she just walked in. I didn't even see anything in the water but suddenly Clarke was falling backwards, she hit her head on a rock and she had this big spike in her side."

The sound of rushing water was close by Bellamy didn't realize how close they were to the lake where Octavia was first attacked by the "sea snake" as the others called it.

"Uh guys, we need to get Clarke back to camp." Jasper's voice shook as he watch Clarke cough weakly blood coming out of her mouth.

Bellamy picked Clarke up holding her tightly to him, trying not to jostle her around. Finn kept his hands on Clarke bleeding wound and Octavia held Clarke's head making sure it didn't flop around causing more damage. Clarke hadn't woken on their walk back to camp which worried Bellamy but he kept his face natural even as he placed her in the drop ship.

"Jasper I need some warm water and cloths."

"I'm on it." Jasper nodded at Octavia exiting the drop ship.

Octavia had been hanging out with Clarke a lot in the drop ship helping her with the injured and even doing some work on her own, but she hadn't had to deal with anything this big not without Clarke.

Finn hovered around the metal table Clarke was laying on "Do you know what you're doing?" he asked Octavia.

Octavia paused mid task "No."

Jasper came back into the ship then with a bowl of warmed water and some ripped up cleaned cloths.

"Are you going to pull it out?" Jasper asked looking at the big thorn sticking out of Clarke bloody side.

Octavia remembered when Finn was stabbed by Lincoln and Clarke told them to keep the knife in because once you pulled it out you had to be on your A game to patch up the wound. If not the person could die, Clarke already looked close to death. Her face was pale and her breathing shallow, there was nothing else to do not but pull the thorn out.

Octavia nodded to herself "Yea, I'm going to pull it out, did you tell Raven to sterilize and bring a needle?"

"Got it." Raven said entering the drop ship, with both the needle and wire in her hands. "Did you sterilize you hands?"

Octavia gasped, how could she have forgotten the freaking first thing Clarke always reminded her to do "I can't believe I could be so stupid, I could have made her worst. I can't do this." Octavia's hands started shaking.

"O, you can do this." Bellamy said coming to stand beside his sister, He'd been quietly leaning against the drop ship wall staying out of the way.

Octavia took a few deep breaths before moving to Clarke's side "hold her down." Bellamy and Finn took positions on either side of her body.

Placing both hands around the thorn Octavia slowly started to pull up stopping when Clarke started thrashing around.

"Hold her down!"

"Just pull it out!"

"Yelling isn't going to help anything."

"Octavia she's dying!"

Screaming Octavia pulled hard and the thorn slid out of Clarke's body, Octavia moved fast pouring more of Monty's moon shine onto Clarke's cut. The last step was to put some bandages over the injury to help keep it clean.

"What about her head?" Jasper asked Octavia.

"I don't know, I think she'll have a massive headache when she wakes up."

"If she wakes up." Everyone turned to Raven "She hit her head on a rock, and she's been silent ever since you pulled that thorn out. Things aren't looking so good."

Bellamy having had enough of all this kicked everyone out of the drop ship, Clarke need to rest and she wouldn't get it with all these people around.


Clarke groaned slowly opening her eyes, her head was throbbing and it felt like her side was on fire. Reaching down Clarke flinched as she felt her side, there was a bandage covering the main source of her pain. Turning her head to the side Clarke looked around the empty drop ship. What the hell?

Slowly climbing off the table Clarke groaned, slowly moving over to the fabric covering the drop ship door. Pushing it aside and stepping out onto the ramp looking out into the busy camp. All the tents were set up now, how long was she out for?

"Where do you think you're going Princess?" Clarke gasped turning around, Bellamy was leaning against the side of the drop ship door.

"To find someone to tell me what the hell happened to me?" Clarke said moving to fold her arms over her chest but thought against is as the pain from her side increased.

Bellamy's brow frowned he noticed the pain Clarke was in, she'd been sleeping for 2 days so there was no way that her injuries were healed enough for her to be up and walking around.

"You should be laying down, you look like you're about ready to drop." Bellamy said stepping towards Clarke reaching for her elbow but she pulled away.

"Fine if you won't tell me I'm sure I can find someone who will." Clarke turned to leave but Bellamy grabbed her arm pulling her back into the drop ship.

"Get off of me!" Clarke yelled trying to pull away but stopped feeling dizzy and let Bellamy lead her back into the drop ship towards the table and help her sit down.

"What happened?"

"You remember going to the water for sea weed with Finn and Octavia?" Bellamy asked

"I went into the water to get the seaweed and something stung me." Clarke's hand drifted to the bandage on her side "and I slipped."

Bellamy nodded handing Clarke some water which she accepted gratefully, her throat felt like sand paper, probably from swallowing all that sea water when she fell back.

"You've been out for a couple of days, Octavia has been looking after you."

Clarke nodded looking down at her side noticing that some blood was leaking into her shirt.

"Perfect. Can you hand me one of those bandages."

"Maybe I should get O." Bellamy said watching as Clarke pulled her shirt up over her head.

Clarke pealed her bloody bandage away throwing it into the waste bin "What? no I can do it just hand me some moonshine."

Bellamy sighed giving in, moved over to the corner of the room and filling a small bowl up with moon shine before coming to stand in front of a half naked Clarke. Her ivory skin standing out from her dark pants and black bra.

Clarke started to pour the liquid down her side groaning in pain she grabbed Bellamy's hand squeezing through her pain trying not to scream out. Bellamy's gaze focused in on Clarke's face as it contorted in pain. Once she released his hand Bellamy took a couple steps back watching Clarke bandage herself up before sliding her shirt back on, just in time before Finn, Octavia, Raven, Jasper and Monty came through the curtains.

"See I told you I saw her." Monty smiled moving forwards to give Clarke a gentle hug and the others followed except for Finn her stayed back just looking at her. Clarke's face was still pale but she was awake and that's all the Finn had be praying for every night, he'd never forgive himself if he never got the chance to make things right with Clarke.

"How are you feeling?" Octavia asked checking out the bruise on the side of her head.

Clarke flinched away from Octavia's fingers.

"Octavia I'm fine." Clarke saw Bellamy roll his eyes from his spot leaning against the back wall, Clarke ignored him "I heard I have you to thank for that."

Octavia smile pulling Clarke into another small hug "Come on, this place can't be too comfortable. I'll help you to your tent, the boys set it up for you yesterday."

Clarke took her hand letting Octavia help her out of the drop ship, feeling pairs of eyes on her watching her leave.


Do you need anything else or-"

"Octavia I'm good go to sleep." Octavia had moved her bed and things into Clarke's tent so that she'd be there to help her with whatever she needs.

"Just wake me up if you need anything ok?" Clarke nodded, laying down on her bed.

Octavia's deep breathing filled the tent within minutes showing how overworked she'd become since Clarke's accident. Meanwhile Clarke had been sleeping and resting all day and now all she wanted to do was go on a little walk.