I'm sorry for not updating at all last week, I was extremely busy with my midterms and other school stuff. But, I'm back now with the next chapter! So, this will be the final chapter of this story! I'm gonna say, I really liked how this ended, and I'm pretty sure you all are gonna like it as well!

So strap on your seat belts, readers! We're gonna experience epic battling and be prepared for a feels trip! Let's get started! Enjoy!

NOTE: When you see this (*) pull up another tab, search up "Five Nights at Freddy's good ending song" and listen as you read for a better effect! :)

Chapter 10: The Final Confrontation pt 2

Shadow, Midna, Dillon, Hammer Bro, Sonic, Light, Lauren, Warrior Kitty, Mighty, and Lilac all remained still and watched on with, nearly breathless. Farther away from them, Frost still had Ebony pinned to the ground.

Before this, the Sneasel animatronic had trapped the group within the restaurant after their attempt to escape with the five girls. Sara had tried to stall her so they had a chance to get away, but ended meeting a terrible fate, for Ebony had torn her apart. The four Assist Trophies had no choice but to fight back now, but that didn't end so well when Ebony ended up slicing a severe wound into Shadow's abdomen, leaving him unable to fight. However, just before she could end them, Frost had appeared on the scene and pinned Ebony to the ground, claiming that the others should not be involved in this, and that the fight was now between them and them alone.

Now, all was silent as the group watched the two animatronics from afar, waiting in anticipation for what's to happen next. The silence seemed to stretch on for eternity, until Ebony decided to speak.

"So you wanna be the one to finish me?" She asked, her menacing voice echoing through the dead air.

"Yes." Frost replied calmly, yet her voice was heavy with hostility.

Ebony then gave a smirk. "You're funeral, then." Without warning, she sent out more electricity from her endoskeleton, making the sparks course through Frost's arms and into her own. The Gabite let out a grunt of pain and let go of the Sneasel. Immediately, Ebony took this chance of distraction and did a sweep kick, knocking her opponent to the ground. She readied her claws and slice at her, but Frost acted fast as well and rolled out of the way. Jumping back to her feet, Frost lashed out at her own claws and landed a few hits on her opponent.

Ebony winced a bit at the new scratches being torn into her metal skin, but dodged the other slashes. A thought suddenly came to her and she lunged forward at the Gabite, but instead of preparing to land a blow with her claws, she aimed lower bit down hard on her opponent's side with her metal teeth. Frost let out a yelp of pain and tried to shake her off, but Ebony had a tight grip on her. The Sneasel started to dig her claws into her own metal skin and painfully brought them downward, creating deep gashes in Frost's side with sparks flying out of it.

Not bearing the pain anymore, Frost grabbed a hold on her tightly and yanked her off and tossed her away in the process. The robotic Sneasel flew a feet feet before landing on the ground with a sickening thud. She remained still for a few moments until she shifted and slowly got back up. Ebony and Frost stood on separate sides, glaring each other down and waiting for the other's next move.

(Page Break)

The stillness of the night engulfed all of Smashville as every resident was sound asleep within their homes. Every building had their lights off and not a single person was roaming about outside...Except for one.

Footsteps tapping against the ground echoed around the area as a lone figure was slowly walking down the sidewalk of the little town. The figure was actually a man, who was pretty tall and he wore a coat, masking his identity. He wasn't seen very much in Smashville, but he did visit from time-to-time. However, when he did, it was always in the dead of night, when everyone else was asleep. It was a pretty strange time to visit, since no one else was out and about, but he had his reasons. As he walked, the man had kept his gaze on the ground. But, now he slowly looked up and inspected the empty buildings around him. He never said a word as he continued his walking until he reached one familiar road. Looking up, his eyes followed the path of the road until he saw where it finally ended at one large building that was famous across the world of Nintendo. The Smash Mansion.

Bittersweet memories rushed in him as he looked at the well-known building. It turns out, he had once lived there. He was once a resident of the mansion, and he had lived among the Smashers that currently resided there today. He was once a Smasher. The memories of all his fellow heroes that lived there filled his mind and he gave a small smile of sadness. He had enjoyed competing in the Smash Tournaments, battling out with the other Smashers. Those were such good times, but then there was...that day...

Now a wave of depression hit him hard and his smile disappeared. The reason why he is no longer living at the Smash Mansion had came back to him. The incident that took place at the old restaurant, Mario's Family Diner, many years ago. He had worked as a security guard there, and then the day came where he had found the manager, Satan, keeping illegal weapons and drugs within the restaurant. He had always been suspicious of him, so he felt very accomplished the day he revealed his heinous ways and had him arrested. But on that same day...was the incident that scarred his heart for all of these years, and the reason why he left the Smash Mansion and the tourney all together.

The daughter that he had adopted since she was small, was murdered that day. On her sixteenth birthday. The killer was never found, but when the man had found out about this news, he was devastated. He had no other spouses to spend his life with. His daughter was the only family he had, and to have her be taken from him in the hands of a sick, cold blooded murderer, he didn't know what to do. Grief had taken over his mind until he finally just couldn't take it. He left Smashville without any trace what so ever. None of the Smashers knew where he went, or where he was, but the truth is, even he didn't know.

The man had made no official home. He was just a wanderer now, arriving and leaving in every single civilization in nearly all of the lands within Nintendo. He made to place to settle and just walked along, for ever growing sadness of the one he loved and lost took over his mind and won't leave him alone, eating at him with every passing day. However, every so often, he would come back to Smashville when everyone was sleep, letting the memories of the times that he had enjoyed come back and the memories of his beloved daughter linger in his mind.

The man let out a deep sigh and he moved away from the road leading to the mansion, walking on through the town. He kept on moving until he slowed his pace into a stop, spotting a building that stood a few yards away from him. Light Absol's Pizza.

He had heard about the incidents of this restaurant chain. From the Mario Brothers opening a new restaurant, renaming it, and giving it a new mascot, to the case of the missing five children that were never found. Then, there was the time when the animatronics started acting up and one bit the head of the customer, finally having the place closed down and sold to Master Hand, who now bringing it to Smashville. The man gave a huff as he looked at the restaurant and turned to continued to walk on, but stopped himself. Very, very faintly, noises could be heard. They were muffled, but notable. Narrowing his eyes in confusion, the man slowly turned to look back at the closed restaurant where the sounds were coming from.

Loud bangs and scuffling noises could be hard, as if something was being thrown around in there. Then, there came a noise of what sounded like multiple voices shouting someone's name. The man's eyes widened as he heard this. Whatever the hall was happening, no doubt, there were people in there, and it sounded like they were being attacked by something. Without hesitating, he broke into a run and headed toward the restaurant.

(Page Break)

The loud clank of metal filled the air as Frost was slammed against the wall very roughly and slid down, slumping on the ground. When this happened, the group had gotten alarmed. "Frost!" They all shouted in unison. Just as they were about to rush to help her, the Gabite reopened her eyes and struggled to get back up.

"Stay back!" She shouted toward them, making them stop. "I have to handle this, don't worry about me!" The others all looked to each other, their eyes glowing with worry. As Frost struggled to get back up, Ebony, who was the one that threw her, stood many feet away, gasping with exhaustion. The fight had gotten her even more damaged, though Frost had gotten pretty dented up as well. However, the Sneasel looked worse since she already gotten a few beatings from the other four animatronics and Shadow. But she wasn't ready back down. As she watched her opponent get back to her feet, Ebony let out out a taunting laugh that started out slow and quiet, but grew faster and louder.

"Oh, look how pathetic you are." She said as Frost faced her with glaring eyes. "You think you can kill me? You think that you can make me pay for ending your worthless life on that day? Ha! You're a moron if you honestly believe that! Y'know, everything wouldn't have ended like this, I wouldn't have killed you six preps. None of this never would of happened...but it did. Do you know who's fault that is, though?"

Ebony then took a few steps closer to Frost and glowered at her. "You're dad. What was his name again? Snake?" Frost's eyes widened when she said this, going absolutely still as she continued. "Yeah, that's right. All of this, everything, the reason why we're all standing here right now, is because of him. This entire mess would've been avoided if he hadn't thrown my dad in jail. If he had just minded his own damn business, I wouldn't have had to kill you, I wouldn't have been ran over by that truck, I wouldn't have killed all your friends, and had all of us trapped in these animatronics to live in an eternal prison that does nothing but bring back the pain of the day that took our lives away from us! All because of him!"

Finally having enough, Frost let out a metallic roar and lunged forward, tackling Ebony to the ground and pinned her down. "THIS WAS NOT HIS FAULT!" She snarled at the Sneasel. "All he did was stop a felon before he could do any harm to innocent families at that diner. Snake did the right thing, this is all because of you! If you had accepted the fact that your dad was a criminal, you wouldn't have made the decision to murder me, and all of my friends! If you want to put blame on someone for having all of us trapped in these bodies, including yourself, look in the mirror and you'll have your answer!"

Without a warning, Ebony pressed her legs against Frost's stomach and kicked her off her body. She stood back up and started flexing her claws, longing to dig them into her opponent's metal skin once more.

"Y'know, my dad adopted me for a reason." Ebony said quietly as Frost got back up as well. "Yeah, he was a criminal; he did bad things. Because of that, none of his family wanted anything to do with him. They didn't support him or anything. He was alone. That's why he got me, so he could have someone to be with. As I grew up with him, he said that one day, I'll follow in his footsteps. That's exactly what I'm doing. Getting revenge on the people who threw him in jail and doing so in the way he taut me to." As she finished her sentence, she advanced forward to land another attack.

Frost thought fast and quickly dodged, letting the Sneasel pass her. As she did, though, she landed a powerful kick to the back of her head. Ebony fell to the ground from the impact and before she could give up, Frost kicked her once more, but this time it was in her side. This kick sent her flying away and smash into the wall, flopping back on the ground. Frost now lunged for her, readying her claws to land a blow. But on the last second, Ebony had gotten back up and slashed her claws, leaving deep gashes in the Gabite's chest.

Seeing her opponent flinch, she smirked and pounced on her, going all out at scratching at her many times. Frost struggled to get her off, and it caused her fall to the floor. The two wrestled on the ground for a while until the Gabite finally had enough. Getting fed up, she grabbed onto the Sneasel again and threw her, but this time, into the ground.

Ebony lay on her back for a moment and before she could do anything, Frost pinned her and stabbed her claw right in the side of her neck. The only thing that was heard was silence as Ebony's eyes widened and Frost only leered down at her. Without a second thought, she tore her claw right across the Sneasel's neck, ripping out a large bundle of wires and even some parts of endoskeleton. Tons of sparks rained from Ebony as she her body started to spasm, hacking noises coming from her mouth. Finally, she went still and the sparks started die down, then the light in her eyes went out. Her soul had left the animatronic. She was gone.

The atmosphere was heavy with tension as Shadow, Midna, Dillon, Hammer Bro, Sonic, Light, Mighty, Warrior Kitty, Lilac, and Lauren all watched from the side, shock over taking them. No words could describe what they had just experienced. Frost remained in her spot, standing over the now lifeless Sneasel animatronic and continued to glare down at it, breathing deeply from her rage. The silence seemed to have stretched on until suddenly, there was a bang against the front doors of the restaurant's entrance. This caused everyone to jump and turn toward it in alarm.

There were a couple more bangs until the doors were finally shoved open, pushing away the broken lights that blocked them. Once open, the figure of a man had rushed in, looking around in concern. Everyone gave him confused looks, having no idea who he was. However, when Frost finally turned to face the new arriver, her eyes widened in utter shock, letting out a loud gasp. Slowly getting to her feet, she turned her body around to face him fully. She recognized him.

The atmosphere had went soundless once more as Frost and the man stood on the opposite ends of the area, looking at each other. The ground still remained near by, looking between the two and wonder what was going on. Frost's breath was coming in small and quiet as many emotions seemed to flash in her dark, empty eyes. Hope, ecstatic, disbelief, sadness, the list could go on.

She then took one hesitant step forward, opening her mouth to speak. "...Sn...Snake?" She asked so quietly, it was almost a whisper. Once hearing her voice, immediately, the man's eyes widened as well and shock overtook him as well. The voice that had always lingered in his mind and that he swore he would never forget. The sweet sounding melody of the one person that he always kept dear to his heart. The very voice of his adopted daughter. The man now took a steps forward as well and removed the coat that he wore, finally revealing his identity. He was pretty tall and well stocked. He wore a gray, army-like suit that he usually wears when he participated in brawls. He had short brown hair and a stubbly beard on his face. Solid Snake.

"Frost?" He responded. "Is...Is that really you?" Frost's eyes began to glow once again as overwhelming joy washed over her. Without warning, she ran forward and hugged him tightly, burring her face into his chest as tears started to spill down her face.

"Yes, Snake. It's me." She said with a saddened smile. "It really is me." *skip* With tears brimming his eyes as well, he returned the hug.

"I can't believe this." He said in a whisper. "It's actually you, my daughter. But, how?"

"When I was killed, my soul possessed this body and I've been staying at these restaurants all this time." Frost replied. "'s been so long; so many years. When I heard you disappeared because of what happened, I...I didn't know what to do."

"Shh, it's okay." Snake whispered. "I'm here now. You don't have to worry." The two had went quiet until Frost remembered something. Pulling away a bit, she took something that she had actually been carrying with her this whole time. The broken music box.

Snake looked down at it in surprise, remembering it immediately, and Frost began to speak again. "A light fell from the ceiling and broke it." She explained sadly. "I remember that this was the exact music box you won for me when I was little. I kept it this whole time, because it reminded me of you. But's ruined." Snake kept his eyes on the box until an idea finally came to his head.

"Here. I got it." He gently took the broken prize from her and dug into his pocket, pulling out a long aluminum pin. The music box wasn't severely broken; only the lid had broken to pieces a bit and it was disjointed from the rest of the box. Knowing what to do, Snake took the little screws that kept it together and twisted around with them with pin. After a moment, he stopped and held the now pieced together music box in his hand. To test it, he opened the lid and twisted the little handle on the side.

Immediately, the soothing music began to play from it. Frost gasped as she saw this and looked back at Snake, who gave her a comforting smile in return. She didn't say anything as she hugged him again and buried her face in his shirt, the two now listening to the music together.

Farther away, the group had been quiet as they watched the two's reunion. They were very surprised as well to see that the man that had suddenly showed up was Solid Snake. Shadow, Midna, Dillon, Hammer Bro, and Sonic looked on in wonder while Light, Mighty, Warrior Kitty, Lilac, and Lauren had small smiles as a bittersweet feeling sparked within them, seeing their friend finally see her adopted father once again. As the moment passed on, an idea suddenly came to Sonic's mind and his ears perked. Without saying a word, he quickly sped away and headed somewhere within the restaurant. However, Hammer Bro had noticed him leave and followed after him.

After a while, he soon found the hedgehog in the kitchen, going through the freezer and moving stuff around in it. "Uh, Sonic?" Hammer Bro asked, tilting his head. "What're you doing?" Sonic glanced back at the koopa when hearing his voice, but continued to look through the freezer.

"After seeing Frost and Snake meet each other again, I got thinking." He replied. "If I remember correctly, Shadow had told me that the day that Satan guy was arrested and Frost was killed was her birthday and how she didn't get to celebrate it with her friends and family."

Hammer Bro gave a nod. "Yeah, that's right. That's what happened. Why bring that up?"

A grin grew on Sonic's muzzle as he then pulled out a little ice cream cake that was stored in the freezer. Giving a chuckle, he spoke again. "Well, why don't we give her the party she never got." The only relied Hammer Bro gave at his suggestion was a warm smile.

(Page Break)

Back at the front of the restaurant, everyone had remained in their spots, listening to the soothing melody that the music box played before them. After a few moments, the tapping of footsteps all met their ears and they all turned to see Sonic and Hammer Bro reenter the area, the blue hedgehog holding a little ice cream cake in his hands with a few lit candles sticking out of it. Seeing this, the Shadow, Midna, Dillon, Light, Lauren, Warrior Kitty, Mighty, and Lilac all realized what they were doing. Frost and Snake looked at them as they approached and when they did, Sonic placed the little cake down in front of the Gabite animatronic. As soon as he did, Light then took a few steps forward and began to sing.

"Happy birthday to you." She sang in a soothing voice. "Happy birthday to you." As she continued, the other four girls joined in on the song as well and they starting singing as well. Sonic and Hammer Bro had stepped away and rejoined Shadow, Dillon, and Midna and watched on with a warm feeling spreading in all of them, seeing the five girls sing for their friend. As they drew to an end, Frost was wordless as she glanced between all of them, not sure what to say.

"Go ahead." He told her quietly, smiling. "Blow out the candles." Frost was silent as she looked up at him then over at the rest of her friends. With tears of joy trickling down from her eyes, she gave a huge grateful smile to all of them. Stepping away from Snake, she knelt down next to the little cake, took a deep breath, and calmly blew toward it, putting out the candles on top. Light, Warrior Kitty, Lilac, Mighty, and Lauren then all rushed forward and hugged her tightly, congratulating her for finally getting the one thing that she didn't get on the day she died, and has been longing for, for many years.

(*) After a moment, the six animatronics pulled away from each other and looked at one another, as if they were contemplating on something. Finally, they all nodded to each other and Light, Warrior Kitty, Mighty, Lilac, and Lauren turned to face Shadow, Dillon, Midna, Hammer Bro, and Sonic. The four Assist Trophies and Smasher gave them questioning looks, but they only responded with warm smiles, then the lights in their eyes went out and their bodies fell to the ground, limp. Frost then turned to Snake. The two's gazes locked with each other, but no words were spoken. The only thing Frost did was give him a smile as well then her eyes went out and her body fell to the ground.

Shadow, Midna, Dillon, Hammer Bro, Sonic, and Snake all looked at the motionless animatronics with wide eyes, but they went still when the felt some sort of cool breeze blow all between them, even though the air conditioning wasn't on inside the restaurant. It moved calmly around them all, as if some sort of force was moving among them, and then started to head for the doors of the building. The six all followed the breeze slowly followed it and opened the doors, stepping outside. The breeze had blown between them once more and as it did, six voices, the voices of the six girls, all whispered to them.

Thank you.

The breeze started to move away from them and then move forward, rising into the sky that was now starting to barely glow with early morning sunlight. The four Assist Trophies and the two Smashers all watched in awe as the breeze, which was the spirits of the girls, disappear from them, heading toward their freedom. Their souls are at rest now. They were finally free.

All as silent between the little group as they continued to look at the sky until Dillon decided to speak. "...We did it." He said. "We helped them. We found their murderer, they got their revenge, and now they can finally rest. We...We did it."

Shadow nodded in agreement, crossing his arms. "We did the right thing. If we hadn't, they would've been trapped here for who knows how long. We helped them get what they've been wanting for all these years." Another silence passed between them all as they let the dark hedgehog's words settle in their minds.

"I'm gonna need some serious mental therapy after this..." Hammer Bro muttered, breaking the wordless atmosphere.

Sonic then looked over to Snake, who was standing next to him. He noticed that the soldier had his head lowered and his gaze fixed on the ground. A heartsick glow was shining in his eyes. Seeing this, Sonic looked at him in concern and spoke. "Hey, you alright there?" He asked. Snake remained quiet for a few seconds, then looked back up at the brightening sky.

"For seven years," He replied. "I always thought I'd never see Frost again, that she was gone forever and I could nothing about it. I was so alone for all of those times. Now, I finally got to see her one more time, and found out that she had been her for all of these times. I just rejoined with her, but now she's gone again, and this time it's forever. I just...I just still have that empty feeling, knowing that she's passed on."

Sonic listened to him carefully, but then gave him a little smile. "Hey, don't get so down, now." He told Snake comfortingly. "Yeah, I can understand what it must feel like to lose a family member in the hands of a killer, but think of it this way. This whole time after her death, Frost as been trapped in that animatronic body, along with the other five. She was miserable being stuck here, because it reminded her of how her life was taken. But, you got to see her again. And now, since their killer had been taken down, they can finally rest. Their souls are free. It's true that you're not going to see Frost again, but keep in mind that where ever she is now, she's finally happy and at peace."

Snake looked at him, letting his words ink in to his mind. Sonic was right. Being stuck in the animatronic body and forever trapped in this restaurant only brought her pain, having nothing but that horrible memory of her death haunt her thoughts. She would've lived an eternity in agony. But since they brought Ebony down, their revenge was fulfilled. Their happy now, and having that in mind, Snake let a smile grow on his face.

"You do have a point." He said. "I have to let her go, and live on with today than dwell in the past."

Sonic gave him a light pat on the back. "That's the spirit." Just then, Midna had floated up and faced the soldier.

"So, what're you gonna do now?" She asked. "Are you going to join the Smashers again?"

Snake glanced away, letting his thoughts process in his head at her words. "You know, I think I will." He finally replied. "I've probably put most of them through a lot of concern about me, disappearing and all. I think it's time I rejoin them." While they congratulated him for his choice, Dillon noticed something. A certain smell drifted into his nose and he perked is ears, sniffing at the air. A confused look then came across his face.

"Uh, guys." He spoke up, getting all of their attention. "Do you smell...smoke?"

(Page Break)

Light Absol's Pizza burns to the ground

The ever popular "Light Absol's Pizza" has caught fire early this morning at around six am. Confusion aroused when the fire department arrived on the seen of the building engulfed in flames, they saw the four night guards that were on the shift for that night, one of the daytime guards, and the former Smasher that had disappeared many years ago, Solid Snake. When asked about the details, they all seemed hesitant on their answer, but one of the night guards, Shadow the Hedgehog, had simply stated that while on their shift, the animatronics malfunctioned and attacked them, leading to one of the lights to be damaged and caused the fire.

The daytime guard, Sonic the Hedgehog, had arrived there to help, and some interesting news about Solid Snake's shocking and sudden appearance. He states that he has moved on from the incident that had taken his daughter's life at the previous "Mario's Family Diner" and he has made the decision to rejoin the Smashers and compete in the Smash Bros tournament. As for the fire, much of the property has been destroyed and the owner, Master Hand, had also decided that it was time to end the business in general. Some of the animatronics that had survived the fire had been shipped off to auction.

It was now about mid afternoon and the business going on at the Assist Hotel was going pretty smoothly. In one of the many rooms, Hammer Bro and Midna sat, reading the newspaper that the Twilight imp held in her hand. When they finished reading the most recent story, she spoke.

"Wow. I can't believe they actually bought our lie." She mumbled, putting the paper down.

"Well, it's not really a lie; it's half correct." Hammer Bro pointed out. "I mean, Ebony did attack us and started the fire."

"Plus," Dillon added, sitting on the other side of the room and watching tv. "If we told them that one of the animatronics was possessed by the killer who murdered the six girls had possessed one of the animatronics, and the six dead girls possessed the animatronics as well, and then tried to kill us and the girls and busted one of the lights, leading to the cause of the fire, I don't think they'd exactly believe us."

Midna and Hammer Bro thought about it for a second. "Yeeaaah, you gotta point." The imp agreed then shrugged. "Well, at least we still got payed for our week, plus the extra night. Speaking of which," Midna then turned to face Hammer Bro. "Are you gonna start looking for another job to raise more money for that Nintendo Power cellphone 6?"

"Hm? Oh!" Hammer Bro said in realization. "Wow, with all that was going on the past week, I actually forgot about the phone." He then gained an empty and terrified look to his eyes as the memories of the terrifying all came back to him. "...Y'know, I think the phone can wait; I can get it some other time. After finding out about the murders and the mysteries behind it, I just kinda want to...think about life for a while..."

Midna gave him a strange look from his response. "You do that..."

" what do we do?" Dillon wondered aloud. "Are we going to find another job to get more money?" At the far end of the room, Shadow sat on his bed and was looking out the window, his red eyes gazing over the area that surrounded the Assist Hotel. He could barely see the smoke rising from the place where Light Absol's Pizza once stood. Just like the rest of them, the memories of the week had been filling his thoughts.

Encountering the dangerous animatronics, finding out about the murders, meeting Lauren and the other girls, and figuring out exactly that had happened to Frost that day when everything started. It just gave Shadow a lot of insight, knowing that he had participated in figuring out a mystery that included the spirits of the murdered girls, helping them get their revenge on their killer so their souls could be at peace. And now...they are.

"I think we should wait a while before searching for a new job." Shadow finally said, making the other three turn toward him. "At least until the whole fuss about the burned restaurant and Snake's return kind of blows over." Dillon, Midna, and Hammer Bro nodded at his answer, but then a questioning look came across the armadillo's face.

"Speaking of which, how do you think Snake would do, now that he's back at the Smash Mansion?" He asked.

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Shadow said. "After all, Sonic did tell me he gave him something that should help with his motivation in the tournament."

(Page Break)

A blue streak was quickly zooming down one of the many halls within the Smash Mansion. It kept moving until it finally reached a door to one of the rooms. Skidding to a stop, Sonic stood in front of the door, holding a box in his arms. He placed it on the ground, knocked on the door, and quickly sped away. A minute later, the door opened and Snake peered out, looking around curiously for who had knocked.

Seeing no one, he was just about to go back in his room when he spotted the box on the ground in front of him. Narrowing his eyes curiously, he knelt down and opened it. Upon seeing what was inside, his eyes widened. It was a little Frost the Gabite plushie that had come from the Prize Counter and had been saved from the fire and, most importantly, the music box. Snake picked up these two items in his hands and inspected them carefully.

A bittersweet smile then etched on Snake's face as he stood back up and reentered his room with the two items, knowing that he would treasure them for as long as he lives.

As to what has been said, this story wasn't focused on the Smashers and their usual antics, but instead it focused on four certain characters that had gotten involved in a rather much complex story. A story that they knew they would never forget.



Thank you guys so much for reading this, and staying with it after that little unexpected week-long delay! All of your support means a ton! I really enjoyed writing this! It was fun giving different take on the Five Nights at Freddy's story and with the Smash Rescuers as well! Though this story got pretty dark most of the time, I really liked how it came out!

Now most importantly, thank you so much Lilac, for coming up with this brilliant parody. It's the greatest crossover idea than what I can think of! You're awesome!

Well, so this marks the end of another story. See you guys next time when I either finally update "Legend of the Aura Shard"'ll probably be seeing another story from me pretty soon as well. ;) But anyways, once again, thank you all for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it! See ya!

Warrior Kitty, out! :)