This oneshot is brought to you by MangaArtfanTwins

Disclaimer: I and TDS do not own Naruto or any of its characters.

It was Today.

The day where every male in a couple put together a whole day of their romantic planning to work and relish in the surprise, joy and love of their girlfriends or spouse.

And Naruto just found out on the day itself.

He had been strolling down one of Konoha's many streets, on his way to meet Hinata and perhaps treat her some ramen when he saw Shikamaru and Temari coming up the road. This, of course, was not out of the norm. The two had been seen hanging out a lot lately, walking side by side or sitting on a bench and watching the clouds. However, something seemed amiss.

The Suna mistress had a quizzical eyebrow raised as she was pulled along by the Konoha strategist, voicing out her questionings on where they were going, while Shikamaru merely shrugged lazily, his trademark blasé expression on his face. Although this time, a small smirk was evident on his features as he assured her that she would find out in due time.

Upon sensing the slight excitement that radiated from the otherwise indolent boy, Naruto's curiosity was piqued. Thus, once the two were within hearing range, he called out to them, waving in his usual, friendly manner.

As they approached, Naruto unknowingly repeated Temaris' question, asking them where they were headed. At that, Shikamaru frowned a questioning frown; one that had the capability of asking "Don't you know?" After all, being a fellow in a relationship as well, he should know.

However, seeing that his unsaid question was answered with a blank stare and an "Eh? What? Why're you looking at me like that?" from the blond, he just smirked and shook his head, putting a hand on Naruto's shoulder and leaned in slightly, asking him whether he agreed that it was a nice day.

Naruto blinked.

Yet, before he could question his friend on what he meant, Shikamaru was off and pulling Temari down the lane, much to her dismay and confusion. The Kyuubis' jinchūriki stared at the retreating back of his lazy classmate for a while, questions swimming in the small pool that was his mind before coming to his senses and calling after him, half demanding an explanation. Shikamaru walked on with Temari in tow.

Letting out an unsatisfied "Hmmp!", Naruto continued down his path, delving a bit more on what Shikamaru had asked. Yeah, it was a nice day, no doubt. The sun was up and shining, a few birds were chirping here and there. It was the perfect day to go get some ramen. But the way the strategist phrased it; it was as if he was saying that today was some important day. What day was it, anyways?

With that thought coming to his mind, he went to go find out. Spotting a calendar hanging on the door of a nearby shop, Naruto jogged over to catch a glimpse of the date.

'Saturday, February 14.'

Ok. So… what? What was so important about this date—



And that was when it hit him. Hard.


Naruto felt his insides turn cold. How could he have forgotten? Even he did not know. Had Hinata given him any hints? Not that he could recall. He gulped. This was his first Valentine's Day with a date… and he had forgotten. How pathetic was that? He was sure his girlfriend must have prepared something awesome for him and he had made… nothing. The blond ninja slumped. What was he going to do? Visualizing Hinata's hurt, disappointed face sent sharp pangs of guilt through his very being. Kurama silently snickering at his expense did nothing to help.

Cursing under his breath and clenching his fist, he straightened. Coming to a conclusion that he would just have to own up to his horrible mistake and tell her. He would not be able to live with himself if he ever lied to Hinata. That would be the most unforgivable sin.

So, with determined yet dreaded footsteps, Naruto continued his journey down to the Hyūga compound.

Of all the times Naruto had stood in front of the entrance, never before had the white paper fabric or ecru wood look so ominous; so full of taunting darkness. The Hyūga name sign seemed to look down on him, anticipating with malicious glee the scene that it was about to witness.

He lifted a shaky hand, feeling the sweat that rapidly began to form on his palm, and brought his fist down to knock upon the wood, only to have the door slide open before he made contact. The Hyūga heiress stood on the other side, smiling sweetly up at him.

"Hi, Naruto-niisan!" Hanabi greeted cheerfully, bringing a hand up and waving a little as she did so, "Sorry if I startled you, but I was training and saw you coming with my Byakugan."

Her cheeriness, however, thinned and dissipated as it radiated towards the older boy. He returned her greeting with a stutter that would have rivaled the younger Hinata, and asked the apprehended question: whether her older sibling was home.

If Hanabi noticed the aura of nervousness that surrounded the blond boy, she did not show it. Instead, she just gave a smile, telling him that Team Kurenai had gone out of the village on a small mission and would most likely only be back later that evening.

Three winks of silence flew by as Konoha's hero digested the news that the younger of the Hyūga sisters had just given him. Hinata was out. Which meant… he had a chance to come up with an impromptu yet awesome Valentine's Day gift for his girlfriend!

At that, Naruto sent a silent prayer of thanks to whatever god that was watching over him and clamped his hands down on Hanabi's shoulders. With a deep breath and visible tears brimming his eyes, he thanked her as well, before dashing off back to his apartment; leaving behind a slightly confused heiress.

A loud thump echoed across Naruto's floorboards as he landed right in his living room, having jumped through his window to enter his apartment, and formed his favorite hand sign. In a flash of a second and puffs of smoke, his living quarters was abruptly filled with his clones, all bearing the same serious determination as the original Naruto declared 'Operation: Give Hinata An Awesome Valentine's Day Gift' a go!

Almost immediately, the options started coming in. From giving her a cinnamon bun gift basket, to making her a scrapbook of her favorite flowers, to even going back to his childhood days and painting 'HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY HINATA!' across the Hokage monument (and perhaps painting a mouth on Kakashi's mask in the process).

However, all the gifts presented either got him in trouble or needed a few days of preparation. Something he did not have. Naruto looked out his window, only to see the sun already starting to kiss the horizon goodnight. He needed help.

Kurama cracked open an eyelid, grumbling a little at having been woken up during his late afternoon nap. As the red orbs that were his eyes settled upon his container, he frowned, asking bluntly what it was that the wanted.

Silence hung between the two as the Kyuubi processed what the blond in front of him had just requested. To say that the silence lasted for a while would be a blatant lie. Kurama doubled over as his laughter rippled the clear water and echoed across the pristine white chamber, thinking it ridiculous that someone would go all the way to see a demon solely for gift advice. Yet, as he calmed down and subdued his laughter only to see his jinchūriki looking up at him expectantly did he realize just how serious the boy was.

The Nine-Tails voiced out his disbelief, of course, telling Naruto not to disturb him as he turned away from him, laying back down to continue his recently disturbed nap while suggesting that the blond go see one of his kunoichi friends for help.

Naruto argued that he did not have time to look for them, desperation evident in his voice as he told the enormous fox that Hinata would be due back from her mission any minute now.

Kurama did not stir from his lax position and Naruto, seeing that, resorted to desperate measures, jumping up onto his demons back and pleading for his help. Beneath him, Kurama growled, promising the boy that if he did not stop, he would squish him. The threat went off unheard as Naruto continued his pleading assault, saying that he did not want to disappoint his girlfriend.

With a reluctant sigh, the Kyuubi turned to face his annoying container; looking into his pitiful puppy eyes and grudgingly agreed, commenting that he was lucky the daughter of the Hyūga was such a good cook.

So, sitting up, the demon and the boy began their discussion. Naruto relayed all the gift ideas that he had come up with over the past few hours while Kurama shook his head and sighed, an action that annoyed the blond head and resulted in him asking his demon if he had any better ideas.

Kurama gladly responded, yelling Naruto that "The daughter of the Hyūga won't care if your gift is elaborate or not, baka. Just as long as it's from you, she'll treasure it. So I suggest you go buy her flowers or something. Like white lilies, since she's a little bit like them; pure and innocent."

Naruto stared up at Kurama, mildly surprised at what the Kyuubi said and the wisdom that came with it. Plus, the idea was perfect, simple and sweet with a little meaning behind it. With a grateful grin, Naruto thanked Kurama, something the demon fox scoffed at, before exiting his mindscape and leaping purposefully out his window.

The Yamanaka flower shop stood at its usual spot, its brightly painted signboard and walls a welcoming sight for all it's customers and upon it's closed door, a single sign hung.

'Closed for today. Gone for date. Love Ino. 3'

Naruto stood in front of the sign, sweating profusely as the majority of the evening sun descended behind the mountains. He cursed loudly, frustrated that his one chance at getting his girlfriend a gift had managed to slip from his grasp.

Don't worry, Naruto. He mentally assured himself, You still have some time. As long as Hinata hasn't seen you yet, you can still—

"Oh! Naruto-kun."

He froze, turning ever so slightly to his left to see Hinata walking towards him, smiling that brilliant smile of hers, telling him that she had just come back from a mission and was about to go see him. She began to apologize for not telling him sooner before she left when he cut her off, wrapping her in a hug, an action that left her quite confused.

"Hinata…" He said, tightening his hold on her slightly, "I'm sorry…"

That apology only served to intensify the confusion Hinata felt, pulling out of the hug to ask him why he was doing so.

"It's… It's because…" Narutos' head was bowed in shame as he tried to confess to her, afraid of her reaction, "I forgot it was Valentine's Day…"

The blond flinched as his girlfriend let out a small gasp, bringing her hands up to cover her mouth.

"Today is Valentine's Day?" she asked worryingly, " I forgot! I'm sorry, Naruto-kun, I didn't prepare anything special for you. I'm sorry…"

The daughter of the Hyūga looked up in surprise as her boyfriend started laughing his head off and wrapped her back into his hug, "Looks like we both forgot, huh, Hinata?"

A blush crept up her neck as Naruto smiled that dazzling smile she loved to see so much, giving a small smile of her own as she replied, "Yeah…"

Naruto laughed once more, telling her not to worry and that they could do something now for Valentine's Day, her choice. She smiled a little wider, suggesting that perhaps they could go to Ichiraku's to see if he might have a special Valentine's Day ramen offer. Something Naruto agreed wholeheartedly with.

And so, the two walked down hand-in-hand with smiles on their faces as they began their Valentine's date.

A/N: I started writing this one-shot on Valentine's Day, so…why not?

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