The hot sun was blinding, his house wasn't dark by any means, it was just the fact that even if he was in a fully lightroom, there is a difference between natural light and an artificial one.

The streets around his house were broken and all he had to do was turn the corner and he would find several police cars just parked there doing nothing. He took out a box of cigarettes took one out and light it.

It's hard to believe just how much things can change, before men would protect women, then women wanted more privileges and like fools, man gave those unearned privileges to them, the right to vote isn't a right at all, its a privilege for those who have earned it.

Hard to believe that it took this much crap to force men to realize just how much they were being played and still there are those that refuse to believe what's in front of them.

The streets are quiet now, before a man could walk down the street and see children playing, now they were gone, abortions, the fact that women repeatedly divorced their husbands and eventually made them into slaves, made a lot of men, take one look t marine and cohabitation and say No.

Unlike a lot of teams, the team I'm apart of makes sure the law is carried out, either thru legal means, or less favorable ones, how, simple a man that was sent to jail and spent years of his life in prison, now had the chance to get his revenge on both the lawyer and the person that put the accusations on him.

"One-two-one -two" a group of young women run pass me, the new recruits for the police force were training, a law was recently passed saying that women could no longer enter the police force without, actually acting like police.

The reason was simple, it costs money to train them and a lot of women quit after their first real fight with a criminal, others simply took a leave of absence because they got pregnant.

He smiled at the thought of that, right now the world's militaries are struggling to get recruits, both better and new bloods, refused to show up, the same went for private militaries that operations had. It's hard to tell people that they make a difference, or that they matter when, you throw them out, just because something better showed up.

For a time the media made it se like if the worlds various militaries would start a draft, that was put down when each government eventually said the same thing.

We can't, we don't know how many people could, would infiltrate and the fact that we can barely regain our veterans, means that there are few things stopping a bunch of angry men from taking the base for themselves.

When asked couldn't the governments just put down the instruction and takedown the bases, by sending in a Stratos.

The spokesmen answered with something extremely worrying, if we did that any trust people had both with the infinite Stratos and in their governments would be instantly lost, at that moment even the most loyal of men, would know that they don't matter.

We can't do that.

Their speech went somewhere like that and so now the world finds itself, tilting toward chaos and I love it, revenge is a dish best served hot, so a person can watch their enemies burn, some people like it cold, but I prefer hearing my enemies scream.

I know what your thinking, what a jerk, think whatever you want but I've seen enough to understand, women don't love- don't care for anything but themselves and if I don't know that lesson before, it was sure shoved down my throat after all these years.

I was there when it became legal to kill babies that were born all the way up to a year, I was there in so many court hearings where the woman left her ex-husband homeless and thought a penny. Those Judges and Lawyers deserved what those men did to them.

I stood next to men who only, after all, this hell went down actually spoke to their children and found out that their ex-wives told their sons and daughters, that their father didn't care for them. Every gift those men had sent, was kept away from those children and when confronted with the truth, those women both denied it and sent the police after those men.

Tobad for the police they never could find those men and fortunately for the Independence, they ended up getting a lot more recruits, that had nothing left to lose.

I finally reach my destination, a public park, its better to lay down on the grass and enjoy the sunlight, I need another cigaret, so I just take out another one and light it, its a calm day, but calm days only show up before problems come.