Hiro and Tadashi were sitting on the small couch in the living room, watching a movie. Aunt Cass wasn't home and Tadashi had managed to come home on time. He said that he didn't have any projects to work on so he was able to come home and hang out—Hiro really knew that Aunt Cass had probably asked Tadashi to keep and eye on him while she was out. However, despite having to be babysat, Hiro was happy that Tadashi was finally home at a normal hour since the two didn't get to spend much time together over the past few months what with Tadashi always being at the college until the wee hours of the morning working on projects for school. And if by some miracle Tadashi actually got home at a time when Hiro was still awake, he would be too tired to do anything and would simply go to his bed and fall into a deep sleep—most of the time he would even be too tired to get into his pajamas; falling asleep fully clothed. In those situations, Hiro would then climb into bed with his older brother and sleep there. However, more often than not he would wake up in his own bed having no recollection of how he got there, only remembering where he fell asleep; he assumed that Tadashi had placed him back in the proper bed.

So when Hiro and Tadashi were finally spending time together, Hiro was going to make the most of it; who knew when Tadashi would be home so early again. However, as the time passed, Hiro felt something familiar inside of him switch. He could feel himself getting more aroused for no apparent reason—it happened frustratingly often recently—he guessed it also didn't help when you had feelings for your older brother that were in no way brotherly and said older brother was practically a neon sign with legs that flashed "Fuck Me!". It especially didn't help when Tadashi took off his shirt and replaced it with a shirt he typically wore when working on some robot; the sleeves were cut off completely, and it was slit down both sides—showing off his toned arms and giving a peek at his large chest and chiseled abdomen. Tadashi looked like sex incarnate in that shirt and those loose fitting jeans that hung off his hips in a way that hinted to what lay just beyond the button and zipper. Hiro wanted Tadashi to do all kinds of unspeakable things to him. He didn't care that his thoughts were deemed "wrong" or "taboo", but he would never act on his impulses because he knew Tadashi would never feel the same way. How could he?

So, after a while Hiro and Tadashi had sat down for a movie and with each stretch, ripple of muscle and sighting of the dusting of dark hair leading from right below Tadashi's navel down past the waist of his jeans, Hiro got harder and harder until it hurt.

Now, Hiro shifted uncomfortably on the couch, resulting in his jeans rubbing against his groin. He groaned at the discomfort and slight pain that ensued.

"You ok?" Tadashi looked over at Hiro and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I'm good, just a stomach ache." Hiro lied, shifting again to try and hide the bulge in his pants.

"I told you to stop eating so many gummy bears, why don't you ever listen?" Tadashi chuckled and looked back over to the television, an explosion of fire flashing across the screen, the light flickering across both their faces.

"Yeah whatever." Hiro grumbled.

He tried to stay as still as possible but the ache was getting worse.

Finally, Tadashi stood up, "Gotta pee." He announced, pushing off of the couch.

"Well thank you so much for sharing." Hiro said sarcastically, smiling when Tadashi made a face at him.

Hiro sighed when he heard the bathroom door shut. He instinctively reached down and palmed himself through his jeans. He flexed into his palm and pushed down, squeezing slightly with his fingers. He let his head loll on the back of the couch, his eyes fluttering closed. He rutted up into his hand and the wave of pleasure, relief, and pain that washed over him caused him to gasp audibly.

"You ok?" Tadashi appeared from around the corner, surprising Hiro; he hadn't hear the bathroom door open again. Hiro's head snapped up and he pulled his hand away, hoping Tadashi hadn't noticed.

"Um, yeah. You know, I'm really starting to feel bad so I'm gonna go upstairs and uh lie down." Hiro tried in vain to stop the blush creeping over his skin. He got off the couch scooting by Tadashi and ran up the stairs, wincing slightly at the friction. He saw Tadashi shrug and then sink down onto the couch, with much more grace than someone like that should have—he spread out and rested a hand on a patch of bare stomach that his shirt had exposed when it rode up slightly. Hiro suppressed a groan. He got to the top of the stairs and immediately wished that he and Tadashi didn't share a room and that he had a door. He quickly stripped from his jeans, relieving some of the discomfort.

He was about to scoot under his covers to help shield himself, but he looked over at Tadashi's room. Tadashi had a divider that separated their rooms and it was perfect for what Hiro had in mind. He tip-toed across the wood floor and stepped into "Tadashi's room", shutting the divider behind him. Hiro climbed up onto the older Hamada's bed and laid down on his stomach, his face buried in the pillows; he inhaled the scent of his older brother. He tried convincing himself that the only reason he was in Tadashi's room was because it offered a shield of some sort and not because he wanted to smell Tadashi all around him while he got off. Rolling over onto his back, he stared up at the white ceiling. His left hand trailed lazily down his chest to his stomach, slipping under the hem of his shirt and trailing lightly up his heated skin. He grazed his nipples, moaning quietly and shifting his hips. His other hand went down to his boxers; his fingers slipping into the slit at the front. His fingers grazed his shaft and a low whine pushed from his throat.

Gripping himself lightly, he rubbed up and down his length his hips lurching upwards. He let out a sharp breath he didn't realize he had been holding.

"God," Hiro bit his lip trying to hold back the words bubbling up inside of him, threatening to slip past his lips, "Tadashi!"

Hiro parted his lips and the older Hamada's name came out, rolling sweetly off Hiro's tongue. He pushed his hips further into his grasp and turned his head into Tadashi's pillows, muffling the loud moan that escaped. Hiro didn't hear his brother coming up the stairs to check on him.

Tadashi heard his brothers whines from downstairs and decided to make sure he was ok. Tadashi entered the room and when he didn't see Hiro in his own bed, he wasn't surprised. Tadashi often found Hiro next to him in the middle of the night or when Tadashi stayed late at the college, Hiro would fall asleep in Tadashi's bed waiting for him to come home. He padded over to his divider, which to his bemusement, was shut. Before he pulled back the divider, he heard a soft pant, followed by his name. He pulled it open and immediately a crimson blush painted his features. His younger brother was writhing on top of his bed, his black hair splayed out across the pillows and his shirt pulled up to his chest; Hiro was playing with one of his nipples using his free hand. His right hand was slowly stroking up and down his impressive length, he was big for fourteen, and his hips were reflexively thrusting into his grasp. A thin sheen of sweat was gathering across his exposed, tan skin. Despite only a few seconds passing, Tadashi realized he had been staring too long—even one second was too long in his opinion. A moment of hesitation hung in the air, Tadashi wanting nothing more than to swallow the distance between them with a few short steps. Hiro had just moaned his name, which meant—what? Did he feel the way Tadashi did? Tadashi wanted to act on his impulse but he wouldn't—he couldn't do that. He knew it was wrong—but at the same time, just thinking about Hiro felt so right.

"Oh my God!" said Tadashi, partially at the sight and partially to alert Hiro to his presence. Tadashi mustered every once of his will to turn around and walk away from his younger brother. He had to get out of there now before he did something he would surely regret.

Hiro gasped and his hands flew from his body, only one staying to tuck himself, uncomfortably, back into his boxers. He blanched and the air seemed to leave his lungs.

"Ta-Tadashi!" He managed to sputter as he leapt off the bed, running over to his own to retrieve his jeans. Tadashi was already halfway down the stairs but Hiro took them two at a time.

"Tadashi I'm sorry—please just—oh, God, I'm so sorry!" Hiro was mortified, and scared that maybe Tadashi had heard him moan his name. His eyes had been closed and his blood had been roaring in his ears so he didn't know how long the older Hamada had been standing there in shock and disgust. Hiro was about to grab Tadashi's shoulder when he overstepped and lost his footing.

"Shit!" The word tumbled out of the fourteen-year-old's mouth. Tadashi whirled around at the curse just in time before Hiro crashed into him.

"Hiro!" Tadashi instinctively wrapped his arms around the boy as the momentum knocked the twenty one year old off balance. Tadashi landed at the bottom of the stairs, his back hitting the floor, and Hiro held firmly against his chest.

"Ow." Tadashi groaned.

"Tadashi, I'm sorry are you ok?" Hiro scrambled off of his brother, the bulge in his pants rubbing accidentally on Tadashi's thigh. Hiro winced. Tadashi felt his brother's erection rub against his leg and his own member stirred.

Yeah, I'm fine."

Tadashi sat up and looked at Hiro, making sure he was okay. Hiro's hair was mussed and in his face, his cheeks a deep pink; he was sitting back on his heels, making the bulge in his pants very noticeable.

"It hurts that bad, huh?" Tadashi lowered his gaze to Hiro's groin. Hiro flushed deeper and cleared his throat; might as well be honest.


"Let me help." The words left Tadashi's mouth unbidden. Hiro's gaze shot up, his eyes meeting Tadashi's.

"Wh-what?" Hiro was bewildered.

"I said, let me help." Tadashi said slowly and he leaned a little closer to Hiro.

"I know what you said, I just—" Hiro couldn't finish because Tadashi's full lips were against his.

"I heard you say my name. I heard you moan my name." Tadashi whispered when he broke away, resting his forehead against Hiro's. Now that Tadashi had opened the flood gates a little, soon the whole dam would come bursting though.

Hiro didn't know what to say, and Tadashi didn't give him any time to think; he stood up and pulled Hiro up with him.

"Wrap your legs around my waist." Tadashi commanded softly, his voice low and husky. It traveled straight to Hiro's already-throbbing erection. Hiro did as he was told, jumping up and wrapping his legs securely around Tadashi's angular hips. His erection pressed into Tadashi's firm belly and he ground his hips into the older Hamada. Tadashi smiled wickedly and kissed Hiro again, firmly. Tadashi's hands traveled to Hiro's ass and rested there, squeezing gently. Hiro moaned and opened his mouth slightly.

Tadashi walked skillfully up the stairs and into their shared room, only breaking the kiss once.

"Mine or yours?" Tadashi asked, referring to the beds.

"Yours." Hiro answered.

Tadashi walked over to his own bed and Hiro slid down Tadashi's body, his shirt riding halfway up his stomach. Tadashi felt Hiro's erection rub against his own. He let his eyes flutter shut for a moment before opening them again and looking down at Hiro. The younger Hamada was flushed, his soft, black hair was tousled and he was panting with want. He was absolutely gorgeous. Hiro's big brown eyes were shining with something forbidden.

Tadashi reached down and grabbed the bottom of his shirt, his arms crossed in front, and he slowly pulled it off; his muscles stretching and contracting. Hiro barely managed to keep from drooling. Hiro sat down on the bed and worked his way to the middle. Tadashi stood at the foot of the bed, contemplating what he was doing. He could stop, but he wasn't sure he wanted to. He looked at Hiro and his tongue flicked out to moisten his lips. He had debauched his brother already, what was stopping him?

"'Dashi?" Hiro whined, he pawed at himself through his jeans.

"Fuck it." Tadashi said, mostly to himself. Hiro had only heard Tadashi cuss a few times but this time it was different; it was hot. Tadashi crawled onto the bed like a predator going in for the kill, a salacious smile on his perfect lips. Hiro laid down on the bed, Tadashi over top of him, a hand on either side of him. Tadashi snaked a hand down Hiro's body, caressing him and then palming him through his jeans.

"Tadashi!" Hiro gasped, his hips shooting into the large grasp of his elder brother.

"I'll take good car of you little brother." Tadashi cooed, licking at Hiro's neck. He deftly unbuttoned Hiro's jeans and with some help, he slid them down, dragging Hiro's boxers with them—next he slid Hiro's shirt off, his fingers intertwining with Hiro's above his head. Tadashi let go of the younger one's hands and sat back on his heels, admiring Hiro's naked body. Hiro blushed and looked away, covering this face with an arm.

"Watch me." Tadashi ordered softly, Hiro looking back up. Tadashi leaned down and placed a ghost of a kiss to Hiro's chest and then sucked one of Hiro's nipples into his mouth.

"Fuck!" Hiro's back arched off the bed. Tadashi smiled and continued down—kissing and sucking at Hiro's skin, leaving small red marks that faded within a few seconds. Tadashi bit at the bones sticking out slightly from Hiro's angular hips—he bit down hard enough to leave lasting marks and ran the tip of his tongue across the now overly-sensitive skin.

Tadashi looked up and met Hiro's brown eyes, he smiled and then took the head of Hiro's cock into his mouth; sucking.

"Jesus, Tadashi!" Hiro thrusted into the hot, wet heat that had enveloped him, sliding further into his older brother's mouth. Tadashi hummed and took more of Hiro's length into his mouth. Hiro let his head fall back onto the bed. He could feel himself at the back of Tadashi's throat and tried, in vain, to keep from thrusting. He pushed back further and felt Tadashi's throat close around the head. Tadashi gasped and had to breathe through his nose to keep from gagging on his brother's cock. He bobbed his head, his tongue putting pressure on the underside of Hiro's shaft and his top lip wrapped around his teeth, sheathing them. He sucked at the head again, and felt Hiro tense up at the pleasure. He fondled Hiro's balls, rolling them in his palm, and listened to the hot sounds of Hiro's moans.

"Your mouth—it's so—fuck!" Hiro gripped the comforter in his hands, nearly coming when Tadashi made a slurping noise that was so fucking hot. Tadashi pulled off with a wet 'pop' and a line of spit stayed connected between his lips and Hiro's cock.

"Don't stop." Hiro said breathily. He looked down at his brother—Tadashi's lips were shining and a trail of spit was dribbling down his chin as well as one connecting Tadashi's lips and his cock.

"God you're so hot." Hiro whimpered. Tadashi dipped his head back down, keeping eye contact, and licked up the underside of Hiro's throbbing member; one hand resting on the shaft. He flicked his thumb at the underside of the head and Hiro threw his head back.

"Ah fuck! 'Dashi I'm gonna—" Hiro stuttered, Tadashi taking Hiro down to his throat. His nose was buried at the sprinkling of hairs at the base of Hiro's shaft. He hummed and then bared his teeth, not enough to hurt but enough to send Hiro over the edge.

He squirted down Tadashi's throat, bucking into the heat—Tadashi swallowed every drop he could, some escaping down his chin. The elder pulled off and smiled, satisfied. Hiro was gasping for air, still coming down from his high. He softened slightly but he was still hard and ready for round two.

"Geez, Hiro you were that pent up?" Tadashi said, amazed. Tadashi shifted in his jeans, trying to make room for his erection. Hiro noticed and smiled.

"Looks like you're a little pent up too 'Dashi."

"Yeah well—"

"Let me? Please?" Hiro sat up and kneeled on the bed, placing a hand on the bulge in Tadashi's pants and rubbing.

Tadashi bit his lip and moaned, his eyelids fluttering. He nodded. Hiro tore at the belt and the button hastily; unzipping and pulling down Tadashi's pants with renewed vigor.

"Jesus, slow down!" Tadashi flipped onto his back, allowing Hiro to strip off his jeans and boxers completely. He was completely naked and Hiro couldn't help but stare in awe. Hiro reached out tentatively and grasped Tadashi in his hand; he was hot and hard, yet soft like velvet. Tadashi groaned and a shiver ran up his spine, his blood racing through his body.

"F-fuck Hiro!" Tadashi cried out when Hiro ran a thumb across the slit at the top, precum already welling up at the tip. Hiro's tongue flicked out from between his lips and he licked the tip, tasting Tadashi. Hiro hummed contentedly and took the head in his mouth, swirling the tip with his tongue and sucking. Tadashi barely managed to keep from pushing further down his little brother's throat; Hiro apparently had other plans.

"Come on 'Dashi, don't hold back." Hiro teased when he removed his mouth from Tadashi's pulsing dick. He peeked up at Tadashi through his eyelashes and when he met Tadashi's smoldering gaze, he licked at his head again. Tadashi growled and gave up trying to hold still; thrusting to the back of Hiro's throat. He could feel Hiro's throat closing around him but some of his shaft was left outside the hot slickness of Hiro's mouth. Tadashi reached down and wrapped his fingers in Hiro's soft hair, making a fist and pulling the strands tight. He pushed Hiro's head down further onto his dick, reveling in the sounds and feeling of his brother choking on his dick. He let go and Hiro pulled off, gasping for breath but smiling. He plunged down again and sucked hard, bobbing his head and pumping his fist along the part of Tadashi's cock that couldn't fit in his mouth. Hiro bared his teeth, copying what Tadashi had done to him earlier, and Tadashi shouted.

"Ah! God, Hiro! Fuck yes!" Tadashi growled, the words tearing from his chest. Hiro reached down with the hand that had been on Tadashi's shaft and grasped himself, jacking up and down and pushing into his spit-slick grasp; he used his other hand to keep himself up. He moaned when he scraped his thumb nail underneath the head of his still hard dick and Tadashi felt the vibration through his entire body. Hiro took a deep breath through his nose and shoved his head down as far as he could, gagging once but Tadashi only moaned and arched on the bed, his hips flexing and his large cock pulsing. Tadashi felt his balls tighten and pull and he let loose a garbled mix of a moan and Hiro's name, shooting his load deep down the fourteen year old's throat. Hiro greedily tried to swallow his brother's thick cum—some escaping from the corners of his shining, pink lips and landing on Tadashi's naked thighs.

Tadashi's dick was going soft in Hiro's mouth but Hiro didn't pull off, too busy bringing himself to orgasm to care.

"Come for me, Hiro." Tadashi purred. "Come all over your hand while you're choking on my cock." His words were filthy and lewd, only exciting Hiro more. Hiro's moved his hand faster and squeezed his shaft tighter, moaning around Tadashi's dick. Hiro came with a sudden rush, crying out around his brother's cock and squirting all over his hand and the bed—some even shooting onto Tadashi's bare ass and his own stomach. Hiro removed his mouth from the twenty one year old's half hard member and tried to catch his breath—his heart still racing and the aftershocks of his orgasm still rippling through him. He flopped down onto the bed next to his naked older brother and sighed, sated. Tadashi looked over at Hiro and smiled—only feeling slightly guilty for the events that just transpired. He rolled onto his side and propped himself up on one elbow, leaning over and kissing Hiro's cheek and then his neck—tasting the slight saltiness of sweat on his skin. Hiro sighed and turned his head, seeking out Tadashi's lips. The kiss was soft and sweet, no rush or drive to it, yet it was even more amazing than earlier. Tadashi broke away and trailed kisses up and down Hiro's clavicle, moving down to his stomach.

"You made a mess of yourself, I guess I'll have to clean you up." Tadashi murmured silkily against Hiro's skin, his tongue licking up the sticky, salty mess. He laved at Hiro's stomach until he was all clean and then pulled Hiro against him—Hiro's back to Tadashi's front.

"We should probably get cleaned up before Aunt Cass comes back." Tadashi said, nuzzling at the black mop of hair ticking his face.

"Fine, but only if I get to take a shower with you."

"Ok." Tadashi chuckled. He sat up and got off the bed, slipping on his jeans; Hiro followed suit. They walked to the bathroom—Tadashi turning on the water and Hiro shucking off his jeans. When the water was hot enough, both boys stepped into the shower and sighed into the warm spray. Tadashi helped wash Hiro off and then shampooed his hair, laughing when Hiro complained that he wasn't a baby and could wash his own hair.

"So?" Was all Tadashi said on the matter. Tadashi washed the cum off of his body, and washed his dick, his hand gliding smoothly over himself and his dick twitching at the stimulation—but he stopped before he got too hard. He stepped behind Hiro and squirted more soap onto his hand, cleaning Hiro the way he had just cleaned himself—Hiro moaned quietly and let his head fall back onto Tadashi's chest; water running down both of them. Tadashi reached down to Hiro's ass and teased Hiro's entrance with his middle finger, pressing lightly with the tip. Hiro gasped and ground back into Tadashi's groin—Tadashi's member getting harder. He removed his hands after teasing Hiro a few more times and Hiro whined; Tadashi just chuckled and kissed Hiro's exposed neck.

When they were both clean and had eaten, they finished the movie Tadashi had paused earlier and just after the sun had set outside and the street lights were coming on, Aunt Cass came home.

"Hey boys!" She beamed and hugged them both tightly.

"Hey Aunt Cass." Both of them said in unison, smiling. After talking for a while, Hiro announced that he was tired and was going to bed.

"I think I'm gonna turn in too, I have to get up early tomorrow." Tadashi walked towards his and Hiro's shared room.

"Ok, Love you boys!" Cass called up.

Hiro was already in his pajamas when Tadashi came up.

"Hey, come here." Tadashi said and patted his bed—he had washed it already and it was still warm from the dryer. Hiro smiled and walked over to his older brother.

"Sleep with me tonight?" Tadashi aced.

"Ok." Hiro pulled the covers down and wriggled underneath them, burying his face into the pillows. Tadashi changed into his pajamas—a pair of old sweat pants—and saw Hiro's brown eyes peeking over top of the covers and tracking his every move. Tadashi finally pulled back the covers on his side and wriggled under them. He wrapped his strong arms around Hiro and pulled him close, kissing the top of his head. Their legs entwined and Tadashi's warm, bare chest pressed reassuringly against Hiro's back; Tadashi's body heat seeping through the thin material of Hiro's shirt.

"Goodnight, Hiro." Tadashi breathed against Hiro's neck, kissing him and inhaling his sweet, familiar scent.

"Goodnight, 'Dashi." Hiro sighed. "I Love you."

Hiro wriggled further into his brother's embrace. Tadashi wrapped both arms around Hiro's waist and slipped one hand under the material of Hiro's shirt, placing it on his chest; Hiro's heart beat in time with Tadashi's own.

"I Love you too, Hiro."