Ok, so I'm new to this fandom, only really seeing it after my boyfriend forced me to watch Markiplier's FNAF playthroughs. A friend then challenged me to write a story not based in a fandom I knew very well and that he got to pick. He chose this one so hey! Here I am. To my other readers who've followed me...here's me saying 'No I'm not dead!' College is hectic and thanks to my wonderful boyfriend, I haven't had time to write anything but on this because he's unleashed a herd of plotbunnies and they will not go away! This will probably end up as a trilogy, one for each FNAF. The first will go right before the Murders and up to the Bite of '87 (Soul). The Second will go from after the Bite until whenever I decide (Soul: Shades) and the last will be 30 years after that (Soul: Guardian Angel).

A little note about the characters (Particularly Mike Schmidt): Mike is a girl in this one. I've seen where this happens and I kinda like the idea. In the beginning she's just turned 6 and has an older brother named Robby who's 12. Matt and Amanda are siblings and Sam is all by himself as an only child.

With all that said and done, here's chapter one of Soul.

I own absolutely nothing except for the few OCs in here (the parents).

Chapter 1

May 4, 1987

The sun streamed through the windows of the warm-tinted room. The tiny form of a dark-haired girl lay curled up in the bed, snuggling with her pillow. The door to her room creaked open and two pairs of bare feet walked inside.

The girl's amber gaze fluttered open blearily…just to see the smiling, red-headed and golden-eyed form of her big brother.

"Wha time is it Wobby?" she murmured.

"Doesn't matter," her brother grinned, ruffling her bird's nest of brown hair, "It's a special day,"


A gentle hand lay itself on her shoulder and the girl looked up at the smiling face of her mother.

"Happy 6th birthday, Mikayla," her mother whispered, kissing her daughter's forehead.

"Thanks, Mama," the little girl yawned sitting up, "Daddy gone?"

Both her elder brother and her mother looked at each other before her brother answered.

"Um…yeah," Robby stammered, clearing his throat, "He ah…he won't be back until much later, Mike,"

"Good," Mikayla, Mike, sighed.

"Why do you call her that?" their mother chastised, "She's a little girl, Robert Edward Schmidt, not a boy,"

"It's easier to say," the twelve-year old shrugged, "Not to mention, everyone else calls her that,"

Their mother sighed, rolling her eyes before gesturing at Mike, "Go on and give her your gift,"

Robby gave a sheepish smile and handed Mike a small present wrapped in plain brown paper but illustrated to make it more colorful.

Mike's amber eyes glowed happily as she tore into the present and pulled out…

"Foxy!" she squealed, hugging the stuffed animal to her chest, "But Wobby…he's yours!"

"Yeah…but Capt'n Foxy ordered me to give him to his First Mate," Robby smiled, "I think he likes you better…but I can't be sure why…you little scallywag,"

He proceeded to tickle her mercilessly, making her squeal.

"Alright my little pirates," their mother smiled, "C'mon, it's time to get ready. We're going to Freddy's for your party, Mikayla, and all your friends and some of Robby's are going to come with us,"

"REALLY!?" Mike squealed as her mother kissed her forehead.

"I know how much you love the place, Mikayla," she said gently, "And after all, you only turn six once,"

"This is the best birthday ever!" Mike beamed, hopping off the bed and racing out the door towards the bathroom.

"You didn't have to give her the fox," their mother said.

"I wanted to," Robby shrugged, "Besides…maybe it'll help comfort her when…he…comes back,"

His mother gently ran her thumb over Robby's eyebrow, tracing the scar left from a broken bottle.

"I'm just not fast enough to get away," he admitted, "Yet, anyway,"

"You're the star of the track team," his mother smiled, "You're plenty fast enough. I've seen you run. You just have a protective nature that keeps you from running,"

She kissed his forehead, ruffling his red hair.

"And besides, you don't have to worry about him any longer," she told him, "Not after today,"

Robby's amber eyes widened, sparkling in sheer joy.

"You finally did it!?" he grinned, "We're…we're getting away from him?"

His mother hugged him close.

"And we never have to see him again," she promised, "Now, go get dressed. We're leaving in about half an hour,"

"Aye, aye, Mama!" Robby beamed, saluting before running off.

Anna Schmidt stood smiled as she watched her children get ready. Finally, she'd get to see them both happy and unafraid of the future.

…Too bad she didn't know that her world would shatter into a million pieces by the end of the day.

Sorry to end it there, but I like having that ending. I don't know when I'll have the next one up but I will try my hardest. I won't be available to write this weekend as I am attending my boyfriend's grandmother's funeral. So, keep him in your thoughts and/or prayers through this time.

I hope you guys liked it, if you did send in the reviews! (Along with ideas because I will need them eventually!) :)

Qui vállë tóquetë, ván tecë (If no review comes from y'all; no story comes from me)

Máriessë ar mára tecië

Farewell and fair writing

Elhini Prime signing off.