This is chapter 4 of my story. This will be the last chapter for this story. Got to say, I'm pretty proud of doing this story. In the future, I may do a story on how the other members joined the Paw Patrol. I already have some stuff planned. But that's in the really far future. For now, let me finish this story on Chase and Marshall first. Enjoy.
Marshall and Chase have spotted a small fire in the park. But the look of it, the fire was caused by someone who forgot to put out the heated coals from a grill. Either way, the fire was starting to get out of control. Chase and Marshall admittedly ran to Ryder who was by a tree still playing on his pup pad.
"Come on. Almost there annnnnnd…" Ryder said while battling evil aliens on his game.
"RYDER! RYDER!" Shouted Chase and Marshall, which got Ryder by surprised so much that he jumped and dropped his pup pad.
"GAH! Chase? Marshall? What's wrong you two?" Ryder asked the worried pups.
"FIRE!" Chase and Marshall shouted out.
"What?" Ryder said.
"We sawed a fire." Chase said.
"A REAL fire." Marshall said.
"Are two serious?" Ryder said in a serious tone. The two pups nodded their heads. He then picks up his pup pad from the ground. "Show me you two."
So the two pups brought Ryder to where the fire was. He was shocked to actually see one, but he did his best to remain calm.
"There really is a fire." Ryder said.
"What do we do Ryder?" Chase asked.
"I'm calling dad." Ryder said.
Ryder scrolled through the contacts on his pup pad and clicked on his dad's picture.
"Dad!" Ryder shouted to his pup pad.
"Ryder? What's wrong son?" Ryder's dad asked.
"There is a fire in the park and it's starting to spread." Ryder said.
"WHAT? Ok. I'll tell Blazer and Bullet. You three stay put." Ryder's dad said before hanging up.
"They're on their way." Ryder said to Chase and Marshall.
"But...we can just do nothing." Marshall said.
"Marshall's right. The fire is going to spread more if we do nothing." Chase said.
Ryder knew that Chase and Marshall were right. He really didn't what to ignore his father's orders. Yet they couldn't just do stay put and do nothing. So first, Ryder looked around to see what they could do and got an idea that came to his head.
"Chase. Marshall. I got an idea. But the three of us have to work together." Ryder told them. "Can you guys do that for me?"
"Of course." Chase said because he was already loyal to Ryder.
"You can count on me." Marshall said.
"First things first. Chase, I need you to make sure no one is near the area."
"Ruff! I'm on the case." Chase said. As he dash to clear the area, he got to thinking on what he just said. "Hmm...I'm on the case. on the case. That has a nice ring to it."
"What can I do?" Marshall asked.
"See that red box over there on that pole." Ryder said while pointing at the red box.
"An emergency fire hose. Of course." Marshall said while howling. He also figured out that the hose is what they could use to put out the fire.
"You guessed it." Ryder said.
The two ran over to the box and opened it to reveal that it really was a fire hose. Ryder then took the hose out and gave it to Marshall.
"Marshall, I'm going to turn on the water. Go near the fire and get ready to put it out." Ryder told Marshall.
"You got it Ryder." Marshall said grabbing the hose with his mouth and getting into position for putting out the fire. "I'm ready, Ryder."
Ryder turned the knob and the water starting flowing into the hose. The problem was that Ryder turn the water pressure too high and the hose starting swaying out of control with poor Marshall hanging on to it.
"Woooooaaaahhhh!" Marshall shouted stilled gripping the hose.
"Hold on Marshall!" Ryder said.
Ryder went over to Marshall and helped him hold the hose better and keep Marshall from going airborne again. Chase also came back.
"Ryder. I warned everyone who was near the park to stay away from the fire." Chase said.
"Good job. Now help us hold the hose and put out this fire." Ryder told Chase.
"Okay." Chase said.
He then grabbed on to the back of the hose while Ryder and Marshall aim the hose at the fire. Working together and aiming the water at each main point of the fire, the three were able to put out the fire.
"We did it." Ryder said happy that the fire was out. Chase and Marshall let out some happy howls.
"Woo! That's was a little scary." Chase said.
"Are you kidding? What we did was awesome." Marshall admitted. "Our first real mission ever and we did it. Us! Can you believe it?"
The boys laugh a bit after a job well done. As they did, they heard some sirens and see a Jeep, a Fire Truck, and a Police Car. Each of the cars had Ryder, Chase, and Marshall's dads. Blazer and Bullet were in their uniforms. They all came storming out and happen to see their sons.
"Ryder!" Shouted out Ryder's dad.
"Dad! Over here." Ryder said calling them over.
"You call and said that there was a fire." Bullet said.
"I can still smell one, but I don't see one." Blazer said. "What happen?"
So Ryder told them everything on what just happen. He told them about how Chase and Marshall saw the fire and how the three of them work together to put the fire out. Even thought the three boys were safe, all three of their fathers gave them a serious look which made all three of them put their heads down.
"So, let us get this straight." Ryder's dad said in a serious tone. "Instead of staying put like told you, you three decided to take action on your own?"
"Then you choose to all put yourself in danger and try to put the fire out yourselves? Blazer said also with a serious tone.
"Even if it's meant that you could get hurt or in trouble with us?" Bullet said with serious tone as well.
Ryder started looking more down, while Chase and Marshall were starting to whimper.
"We only have one more thing to say." Ryder's dad said. Then the dads' expressions changed into proud smiles. "We are proud of you three."
"Huh?" Ryder, Chase and Marshall said confused.
"You boys did a good job putting out the fire and getting people to safety." Blazer said.
"...and the three of you did it as a team." Bullet said.
"So...we're not in trouble?" Chase asked.
"Of course you're not in trouble." Bullet said. "Fall from it, in fact."
Ryder, Chase and Marshall all took big sighs of relief that they weren't in any trouble.
"See? I told you these three could handle working together." Blazer said.
"Indeed. So, do you think these three are ready sir? Bullet asked Ryder's dad.
"Yes. I believe now is the time." Ryder's dad said.
"Huh? What are you talking about dad?" Ryder asked.
"It will all be explained in a few. First, follow us to the lookout." Ryder's dad said.
"Huh?" Ryder, Chase and Marshall said confused again. But they still chose to do what Ryder's dad said.
So all six of them went past the doors and went inside the Lookout.
"Come on. Let's go up to the elevator." Bullet said.
"Up...the elevator?" Chase said surprised.
"What's wrong Chase?" Marshall asked.
"It's just...I've never been up the elevator before." Chase admitted.
" is a special day." Bullet said. "Now come on."
Chase nodded his head to his dad. When all of them got on the elevator, they all took it up. Up and up the elevator went and then it stopped at the top. When it did, to their surprised, not only were Dottie and Crystal waiting for them, but a woman in her 30s with long brown hair. This woman was none other than Ryder's mom.
"Mom!" Ryder said surprised.
"Hello there, Ryder." Ryder's mom said.
"When did you get back?" Ryder asked.
"I just did. After all the traveling around and helping others, it's good to be back." Ryder's mom said. Then so took a look at Chase. "Chase! Is that you? My have you grown a bit since I last sawed you."
"Umm...thanks, ma'am." Chase said a little flushed.
"So...why are we here again?" Marshall asked.
"Take a look at the monitor." Ryder's dad said.
The boys all looked at the monitor and sawed several virtual blueprints as well as designs of vehicles. A total of 7 including a police car, a fire truck, and an ATV.
"Woah! What's all of this?" Marshall said.
"It looks like some sort of blueprints for some sort of vehicles." Chase said.
"Dad, is this what you've been working on this whole time?" Ryder asked.
"Yes. So it's time I tell you everything." Ryder's dad said. "As you know, Adventure Bay's hasn't really been well supported in a long time. Not just the Police or Fire Departments, but the other things in town as well. Sometimes, people in Adventure Bay need help with their problems, big and small. So that's where you three come in."
"What do you mean, sir?" Chase asked.
"See these vehicles on the monitor." Bullet said. "Believe it or not, these vehicles are design to be driven by dogs."
"What?" Chase and Marshall said surprised.
"So what you are saying is that WE can drive these?" Marshall asked.
"Yes. Once they are done, they will be yours to use." Blazer said.
"So what are you guys, saying exactly?" Ryder asked.
"We want you three to become a team and solve the town's problems." Ryder's dad explained.
"US?" Shouted Ryder and the two pups.
"Yes." Ryder's dad said. "You all prove that you can work together. So it only makes sense that the three of you become a team."
"A team? With Chase and Marshall?" Ryder thought.
"Hold on." Marshall shouted. "How come on the monitor there are more than three vehicles?"
"Marshall's right." Chase agreed. "I vehicles. How come so many?"
"Remember when I said you will have to help the people in Adventure Bay with their problems?" Ryder's dad mentioned. "Well I assume that the even you three can't handle EVERY situation. So I made other vehicles for other pups to use."
"Other pups?" Ryder, Chase, and Marshall said.
"That's right. Of course, you will have to try to find them yourselves. Ryder, I want you to be the leader of this team." Ryder's dad said.
"So let's get this all straight." Ryder said trying to put everything he heard all together. "You want Chase, Marshall and I to form a team to solve the town's problems as well as find more pups to help us with this?"
"You guessed it." Bullet said. "Of course, you guys will still need some more training."
"Which the three of us can help you out with." Blazer said.
"But that decision is up to the three of you. So, do you want to do this?" Ryder's dad asked them.
This was a lot to take in. Marshall and Chase just met yesterday. Now they are forming a team together with Ryder as their team leader. This was a HUGE life-changing decision, but how could they say no to that?
"I'm in." Ryder said proudly. "What about you Chase and Marshall?"
"I'm with you Ryder, sir." Chase said.
"If I get to be in a team with you guys, you can count me in too." Marshall said smiling.
"So it's agreed. The three of you are now a team." Ryder's Dad said. "Now you're going to need a name for this team of pups."
"A name, huh?" Ryder thought.
"How about the Pup Platoon?" Bullet suggested.
"Naaaaw." Chase and Marshall said not liking the name.
"The Doggie Doers?" Blazer suggested.
"Nooooo." Chase and Marshall said also not liking that name either.
"We're figure the name out later." Ryder said. Chase and Marshall nodded.
"Wait? If we are gonna solve all the town's problems, what about you guys?" Chase asked.
"Once you guys are ready, we'll have to help out another town." Bullet said.
"YOU MEAN...YOU'RE LEAVE ADVENTURE BAY?" Ryder, Chase, and Marshall shouted.
"Not yet. But once you're guys training is done, so is our time here." Bullet said.
Chase and Marshall whimpered because they didn't want them to leave.
"This was always that plan for you two to handle things on your own." Crystal said.
"" Chase said a little teary.
"Now now, Chase. You're a big boy now." Crystal said hugging her son. "I know you will be alright."
" have to leave too?" Marshall said tearing up more than Chase was.
"Marshall sweetie...I know you can handle this. You have Ryder and Chase to help you out." Dottie said.
Chase and Marshall rub their eyes from all the tears in their eyes. Then they looked up to Ryder.
"Chase. Marshall." Ryder said looking at them.
"Ryder...don't worry. We got your back from here on out." Chase said smiling.
"Yeah! You can count on us to led you a paw went you need it." Marshall said also smiling.
"Thanks Chase and Marshall." Ryder said. "Paw...paw..." The word paw continue to go through his head. "Guys I think I got the perfect name for us." Ryder shouted.
"Huh?" Everyone else shouted out.
"The Paw Patrol!" Ryder said.
"The...Paw Patrol?" Chase said tilting his head.
"I like that name." Marshall said.
"I like the name too." Chase said.
"It has a nice ring to it." Bullet said.
"Then it's settled." Ryder's dad said. Then he walked over to Chase and Marshall and put on tags, each with their own symbols. Chase's was a blue tag with a star and Marshall's was a red tag with a fire. "From this day forward, you guys will be known as the Paw Patrol."
Ryder, Chase, and Marshall all stood straight as they faced Ryder's Dad.
"Yes sir!" Said the 3 boys who now a team. Everyone was now proud of them.
It's was now later in the day. Late enough for the sun to start setting. Chase and Marshall were out talking to each other about today.
"Man, this was some day." Chase said.
"More like the best day ever." Marshall said "We got to play, stop a fire, and form a new team together. All in the same day."
"Yeah. I wouldn't change anything about this day." Chase said smiling.
As the pups smiled some more, the others came by.
"Marshall, it's time for us to go home." Dottie said.
"Awww..." Chase and Marshall said upset.
"Do you have to leave now?" Chase asked.
"Sorry Chase. We have to get home." Blazer said.
"WAIT!" Marshall said having an idea in his head. "Can I sleepover tonight?"
"Sleepover?" Blazer said.
"Please, mom and dad?" Marshall begged.
"Yeah. Can he?" Chase also begged.
"Well...they both have been very good pups." Ryder said. "So how about it?
"If it's okay with them..." Dottie said.
"Then we don't mind if our sons spends the night." Blazer said. "Is it ok with you Bullet and Crystal?"
"I wouldn't mind." Crystal said. "Well Bullet?"
"I'm not sure." Trigger said pondering.
"Pleeeease uncle Bullet?" Marshall begged.
"Yeah. Please dad?" Chase begged.
Then Trigger was shocked for a moment.
"Wait! Can you say that again?" Bullet said.
"Please dad?" Chase said again.
"He called me dad. HE CALLED ME DAD. WITHOUT THE SIR." Bullet thought. He was so happy that he could scream and shout. But he knew he would have to stay professional and stay in a calm fashion. "Chase, Marshall can sleep over for the night."
"YAY!" Shouted Chase and Marshall jumping up and down. Everyone else was happy for the two pups.
So, later that night inside the lookout, while Chase and Marshall rested in the sleeping bags, Marshall woke up Chase (He was actually still up himself).
"Hey Chase! You up?" Marshall asked.
"Not really. I'm still wired from everything today." Chase said.
"Yeah! Me too." Marshall said. "Can you believe it?"
"I know. Just yesterday we met each other. Now we are a team working together to help the people in Adventure Bay." Chase said.
"As well as any other pups that we can find to join us." Marshall said.
"It might be tough, but with Ryder's help, I know we can do it." Chase said.
"It won't be tough at all. You got me, your best friend to help you out." Marshall said smiling.
"Best friend? Chase said surprised.
"Of course. You are definitely my best friend. What? Am I'm not your best friend?" Marshall asked.
"No. No. Of course. You're my best friend too, Marshall." Chase said.
"*sign*That's good to hear." Marshall said. "I'm glad."
"Me too. Well, we should get some sleep." Chase suggested.
"Right. Goodnight buddy!" Marshall said.
"Goodnight pal." Chase said.
The two then turned in their sleeping bags and went back to bed smiling that they each have a best friend to look out for. This is the ending of the flashback. Now let's get back to Marshall and Chase at the tree.
"Since that day, we always have each other's back." Marshall said.
"Yeah and it will be the same way forever." Chase said.
"You got that right." Marshall said. "But not just us, our team too."
"There is no one better I wouldn't be on a team with." Chase stated. "Zuma, Rocky, Rubble, Skye..."
"...and of course, Everest." Marshall mentioned.
"Yep. Her too." Chase said. Chase also noticed Marshall staring at Everest more. "Seriously Marshall, if you like her, you should let her know."
"Said the pup it took forever to tell Skye how he felt." Marshall said.
Chase then started to blush.
"Hey. I told her and it all worked out in the end." Chase said.
"Yeah...but still, she still new to the group. What if she doesn't feel the same way for me?" Marshall said to Chase.
"You don't know until you try." Chase said.
"I guess you're right. Thanks Chase." Marshall said.
"No problem." Chase said. Chase and Marshall then high pawed each other. "Now let's go play with the others."
"Can do." Marshall said getting up.
So the two got up and went to the other pups.
"Well, it's time I go back to Jake's mountain." Everest said.
"WHAT?" Marshall said shocked. "But you just got here."
" she hasn't dude." Zuma said.
"You guys have been at the tree talking for hours." Skye stated out.
"HOURS?!" Shouted Chase and Marshall.
"Jeez! Has it been that long?" Chase asked.
"Guess talking about the good old days is a time killer." Marshall said with his head down. "Well, guess we'll see you Everest."
"Actually Marshall..." Everest said.
"Huh?" Marshall said confused.
"If you want, we can drive to Jake's Mountain...together...just the two of us." Everest said shifting her right paw on the ground while blushing a bit.
This surprised Marshall enough to make his face red. He would get to spend time with Everest, even if it's just a drive to Jake's Mountain.
"Sure. Sounds great." Marshall said happy.
"Heehee." Everest giggled "Okay. Let's go."
"Yeah. Alright. See you guys later." Marshall said.
So Marshall got on his truck and Everest got on her snow machine and they drove off. Waving goodbye to every pup. Skye then went over to Chase.
"So Chase, what did you and Marshall talked about?" Skye said.
"Just about when we first met and became best friends?" Chase said.
"How sweet. You two will always have each other's back huh?" Skye asked.
"Now and forever." Chase said smiling.
"Hey Chase, do you know if Marshall might like Everest?" Skye asked.
This gave Chase a shock from hearing that.
"Uhh...I have no idea what you mean." Chase said nervously. "Anyway, I'm hungry. I'm going to get some treats. See ya."
Chase then kissed Skye on the cheek and quickly ran off.
"Huh? What was that about?" Rocky asked Skye.
"I don't know. Guess he was just really hungry." Skye said.
"Makes sense. I'd be like that too if I was him." Rubble said.