Ok, so I'll cut to the chase. This will be EXTREMELY offense to people's religious views. Personally, I'm agnostic atheist, and anti-theist, but I did go to Catholic school (which I hated) and I respect people's choice to worship whatever god they want in whatever way they want. This story is not a personal attack on ANYONE'S RELIGION. If you are Muslim, good for you. Jewish? Swell. Catholic? Cool. Pagan? Sweet. I literally don't care what other people believe in as long as they aren't hurting or discriminating against others (which I hope is all of you).

That being said, if you are sensitive about your views don't read this. This is purely for entertainment and because this was an idea that stuck. I don't mean to offend, but I might do so accidentally.

Right now, THIS IS YOUR WARNING! I don't want to hear anymore about it (AKA: no FLAMES!)

Warnings: religious themes (heavy), yaoi, smut (heavy), no flames, none of these characters are mine

Big Bang: The Prologue To It All -To Everything

Can we live without death?

The two beings met on a blank plan. One was surrounded by darkness, the background around him made of light, the other was surrounded by light, the background around him made of darkness.

"Hello, my old friend," the one surrounded by light said, smiling. He had caramel, tanned skin, brunette hair in a mop of unruly curls and hazel eyes with flecks of what will be considered gold. He could be anything -or nothing -but he liked this form. He took the form of the Romans -a future civilization that would be fought over like a scrap of meat. The clothing he wore mimicked their emperors, only simpler and less extravagant.

The one surrounded by darkness bowed his head in acknowledgement. "How have you been as of late?" This man had long, blonde hair and blue eyes the color of, what will be, the summer sky. His body type was nearly identical to the other being's, only the other being was taller and the one in darkness had more muscle. The clothing he wore was that of the future Germanic people. Eventually, millions of years in the future, Germanics and Romans would be enemies. The beings knew this, too, but didn't address it.

Can we love without hate?

"...I missed you."

"As did I."

Can we want without need?

They came together on the blank plane, creating darkness and light where there was none. They participated in the holy communion of skin, sweat and bare intimacy. Calls, cries and moans rose into the silence, creating the cosmos, tears of pleasure creating the stars. As they laid together, among the stars and cosmos, the being bathed in light laid his head on the other's shoulder, lifted his tanned hand, and said, "For you, my love, I will give you the sky and the ocean -they will be the color of your eyes." Those things formed around them, becoming something out of nothing through some unknown power.

The one bathed in darkness pulled his tanned lover close, lifting his own pale hand, "I will give you land, to separate water from the sky, and creatures to live upon it. The land to remind me of the colors in your eyes and the creatures to remind me of your joy and frivolity."

"They will call me may things as our world evolves. Allah, Yahweh, God, but the only names that will ever matter to me are the ones you will call me," the being in light stated, running a long fingered hand down the hard muscled planes of his lover's body.

"And as our world evolves, our creations will hate me. Fear me. They will call me Satan, the Devil, Lucifer; but, as long as I have your heart, those names will not matter to me," he said, touching "God's" tanned face as if it were a sacred treasure, "My children, who dwell in the darkness and will represent the harshness in their hearts, will be outcasted. They'll know nothing of happiness. Love."

Do we really live our lives enough to appreciate that we can never truly grasp one without the other?

"It doesn't have to be that way!" Sitting up, "Yahweh" reached into the light surrounding him, gently pulling seven glowing, floating, white spheres from his surrounding light. "There will be seven of your children that represent the seven worst sins of mankind. Birth your children from a these." The blonde "Devil" took the seven spheres and, at his touch, spheres turned black...except for the dot of white in its center. "They will have some light in them, now they have the hope, the promise of love and the ability to tolerate and accept the differences of their partners."

Realization dawned on "Satan" and he took seven, floating, pulsating, black spheres from the darkness surrounding him. "There will be seven of your children that represent the virtues mankind must exhibit to combat the lures of my children." The dark toned man gently grasped the spheres and, immediately, they turned white...except for the dot of black in its center. "They will have some darkness inside them, so they will be less likely to condemn the dark ways of my children and love them unconditionally."

That a concept has no meaning without an opposing force?

"...Lucifer," he said, addressing the light toned man by the name mankind would know him as, "we will be enemies, they will make us so."

"Lucifer" placed a hand over "God's" mouth, silencing him. "My love, I know. It is inevitable."

"...What shall we do? What now?"

"Birth our children, watch as time goes by" -they looked down at the world they created, watched as the dinosaurs perished or evolved into some new type of creature -"you make your Heaven and I'll make my Hell. By the time we are done, civilizations and religion will be created. Holy wars will be waged and mankind will begin to build their empire on the corpses and bodies of others."

If hate is what's inside us, then hate is what defines us. Will will use our hate to drive us, and let death not deprive us.

"Our dream will not always be dark. There will be miracles, justice," shifting his position, "Allah" straddled his lover's waist, looking down at him with an adoring smile and adoring, caressing hands, "and love."

"Everything always comes back to love with you," the blonde said and, although his tone was harsh, there was a teasing glint in the blue depths of his eyes.

With a smirk one could describe as sinful, the curly haired man slid down "the Devil's" body and said, "Of course, it always comes back to love~."

Do we want this or do we need this?
Do we want this or do we need this?
Do we want this or do we need this?

And there is the prologue!

Once again, sorry if this offends, but if you still want to read on, that's great.

The italics are from the beginning of the music video for the Motionless in White song "Creatures".

Anywho, thank you guys for reading! There will be about seven more chapters are purely pairings.

Pairings (not in order of appearance):







Characters in this:

God/Allah/Yahweh/Being Surrounded by Light: Ancient Rome

Devil/Lucifer/Satan Being Surrounded by Darkness: Germania

Thank you so much for reading and sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.

Review if you want me to continue this, please, reviews help!

Love you all!
