Well, after a year's absence from writing, I have the itch. And when you get the itch, you've just got to scratch it, right? Well, the scratch now is 'Big Hero 6', and the couple I have fallen in love with is Hiro Hamada and GoGo Tomago. I don't know how it happened…I haven't even seen this movie (but I might have to check it out)…

OK, here's the disclaimer…I don't own this property or the characters within-they are owned by Disney and Marvel. So on to the story!

(Background- Hiro is 20 and GoGo is 23-24)

It was a Friday night, and that meant only one thing for Hiro Hamada-the robotics genius had planned a night of movies. Before returning to his apartment, he stopped by the Lucky Cat Café, a small but bustling eatery run by his aunt, Cass. He took an order of her 'face-melting' wings to go, planning to eat them during his movies.

Normally, he'd have company for Friday Movie Night. But this Friday, his roommate had made plans…

"So…how do I look?" a voice called out. Hiro turned to the voice, which belonged to speed and adrenaline junkie Gogo Tomago-who was also his roommate. And when he looked at her, all he could do is breathlessly word, "Wow…"

Gogo then said, "So, I take it you approve?"

Hiro said, "Gogo…you look breathtaking…" So breathtaking…I just want to kiss her…

Gogo-with help from her BFF Honey Lemon-was wearing a sleeveless black dress with purple highlights-which matched her jet-black hair with purple streaks. She wore a thin layer of makeup, highlighted with purple eyeshade and purple lip gloss. And as Hiro looked over Gogo, he couldn't help but be both jealous and angry. He was jealous of the man who was going to be in this ravishing creature's presence…and angry with himself that he wasn't that man.

But…we're friends…and teammates…and a romance would jeopardize that…, Hiro lamented.

Gogo then said, "Oh crap! I'm gonna be late. Well, have fun with your movies!" And with that, she left the apartment and headed out. She took the elevator down, but her thoughts were on the young man spending his Friday night alone. Oh Hiro…I wish I could have shared what I feel for you…but our ages is such a huge barrier…and you'd never see me as someone to love…

A loud 'ding' broke Gogo from her thoughts, and before the door opened, she thought, Why am I getting like this? And about Hiro? Woman up! This date is to help you get over him…And she walked into the night, prepared for her date…

*********Hours Later********
It was pushing past 11pm, and Hiro was lightly snoozing. His sleep was disturbed by the door being slammed-followed by another door slamming closed. Hiro blinked his eyes, then stood up. The slamming of doors was never a good thing. He got off the couch, and walked to Gogo's room. He lightly knocked on the door, and gently called out, "Gogo?"

Not getting an answer, he went into his room and said aloud, "Ow…" At that, Baymax activated. The medical-bot said, "I heard a sound of distress. Are you injured, Hiro?" Hiro said, "It's not me, buddy. It's Gogo."

Baymax said, "Then I shall scan her. Scanning…Scanning complete."

Hiro then said, "Well?" Baymax then said, "Gogo is experiencing extreme emotional distress. She also has broken capillaries on her face and her neck. In addition…"

At that moment, the door opened to reveal Gogo. When Hiro looked at Gogo, he felt a mix of both heartbreak and anger. Her dress had been ripped at the top, and the makeup she wore was running due to her tears.

She said, in a voice that was partly angry and partly sad, "I should hit you, Hamada, for having Baymax scan me without my knowledge…"

Baymax spoke, saying, "Hiro was concerned for your health. My scanners indicated that you are suffering from extreme emotional distress. You also have several physical injuries."

Gogo then said, "Thank you, Baymax. I'm fine, now."

Baymax held up a finger, and said, "I would like you to consider seeking counseling."

Hiro then spoke, "Counseling? Why?"

Baymax then replied, "My scanners detected that you also have injuries consistent who a victim of sexual assault. Counseling can help victims by…"

Hiro then said, "OK, Baymax! I am satisfied with my care." The robot, hearing that phrase, returned to his charging dock. Hiro then turned to Gogo, who was crying anew. At that sight, instinct took over, and Hiro-despite knowing the risks-took Gogo into his arms.

And then-to both his surprise (and delight)-she brought her arms around his back. And in their minds, they replayed a scene from the past…

[That garage. When Hiro discovered that supervillain Yokai was really Professor Callaghan, who he and his friends believed perished in a fire that also took the life of Hiro's older brother, Tadashi…he commanded Baymax to kill Yokai. And when he was at his lowest-Gogo Tomago-the tough chick who rarely showed affection-was the one to pull him in for a hug. And in that moment…everything changed.]

Just like I needed someone when I was at my lowest…Gogo was there for me. And now, I'm gonna be here for her…

Hiro softly whispered, "It's OK, Gogo…I'm here for you."

Gogo leaned into Hiro's chest-his well-defined chest, she thought. When did Hiro get THIS? Gogo was well aware that Hiro had grown over the last six years. But what she wasn't aware of-until now, that is-was that Hiro had a chest like chiseled granite. But behind that strength was a gentleness reserved for only his family and closest friends…and the friend I wanted to be more, Hiro mused as he held Gogo.

They separated, and Gogo held Hiro's face in her hands. He gave her one of his heartwarming smiles, and Gogo then said, "Now what?" Hiro said, "Now? Let's get some rest. I think I've had enough movies tonight."

Gogo replied, "Alright. Hiro…"

Hiro looked at her, unsure of what she was going to do next. She surprised him-hell, she surprised herself-by reaching up and giving him a small, tender kiss on his cheek. She then said, "Thanks for being here for me." She then gave him a smile of gratitude, before returning to her bedroom.

And just like he was at the start of the night, Hiro was nearly speechless. He touched the spot where her lips touched his cheek, and like earlier, mouthed out, "Wow…" And as he climbed into bed his last thoughts were, Maybe…maybe I have a chance with Gogo…

AN: Well, here it is! What do you think? Good? Bad? Average? Don't forget to leave a comment! The next part of this story will focus on GoGo's date, and the finale will focus on Hiro and Gogo's feelings for each other...so until then...