I stood out of the chair and slowly backed away. The tears flowed like a river down my cheeks. The mutts burst with laughter at their sick joke. My knees weakened and gave way before I collapsed on the ground. I heard Dean calling my name but I didn't have it in me to lift my head. Losing my brother was the biggest failure of my life I swore I'd protect them but I couldn't. My body filled with heat as my head finally lifted. My eyes turned a shade of blue when I screamed, not out of fear but out of anger. The scream turned into a howl and I let the wolf have full control. I felt the burning rage come off of Isaac and Ethan as they shifted as well. "Jade stop!" Roman called out but nothing was going to stop me, I will end this even if it kills me.

I leaped on the table and charged at Mason. He smirked and stood up with incredible speed and grabbed his chair before swinging it at me. Pain rushed through my head as I flew off the table and into a wall. Within seconds it was an all-out blood bath. Though we were outnumbered by at least 20 we held our own the best we could but it still wasn't enough. The fight was all over the house, but a voice made me freeze, "Mommy?" I whipped my head around to see my sons who looked as if they were 7. They looked scared as they watched the carnage in front of them. "Grab the boys!" Mason shouted. A rush of panic flew threw me as I tried to get to them, but a huge force hit me knocking me across the room. A mutt had attacked me. He snapped at my face and clawed at my torso. I saw Dean running towards me, "No leave me get the boys!" I called to him. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked in the boy's direction. A mutt had changed back to his human form and grabbed Lucas and Noah. Before he could leave the room, the mutt froze as chunks of his head flew out the back of his cranium. A bloody fist also poked through the head. It was Talia Hale, and she wasn't alone. The whole Hale pack followed behind her. My happiness was short lived when a tooth sliced across my cheek. I grabbed the mutt by the top and bottom of his mouth and broke his jaw open. This gave me enough time to create some distance and attack Mason. He ran towards my sons at incredible speeds. Before I could get to Mason, Dean was already on him. So I ran to Noah and Lucas. I snatched them up and ran down a long hallway. Footsteps and snarling followed close behind me. I stopped in front of a door and rushed my children inside before slamming the door and turning around and meeting 2 mutts. I shifted and tried my best to fight them off. But the odds weren't exactly in my favor, claws and teeth ripped and punctured my skin. I yelped and whined in agony. Ethan and Isaac raced down the hall, baring teeth, ready to fight. It didn't take them long to kill the mutts and rush to my aid. I stood up and froze as I heard a long whine. One of us is dead.

The bodies of human and wolf lay all over the floor. Pools of blood covered the hard wood floors. A few of us were left standing. Mason was the only mutt left and Dean had him by the throat. I saw all of our pack members except one, Roman. I looked at Galina but her back was turned. I walked over to her to see Roman in front of her, his heart had been ripped out. Our alpha laid in his own blood…dead. The rest of the pack had sensed this as well, because all of their heads turned in Roman's direction. Everyone fell silent except Mason. He laughed. I looked at Dean and then to Mason. "Kill…him." I growled. Dean ripped Mason's throat out in an instant before stabbing him with his own trachea. Dean looked at me and his eyes began to glow red. He was our new alpha.

Galina was silent as the pack carried Roman's lifeless body home. The pain in her eyes was more than visible. She had lost her mate. No one said a word, even my sons were quiet. We all felt the loss of Roman. We set Mason's house on fire and watched it burn for a few minutes before we disappeared into the forest.

We sat at the house in silence for days. We tried to bury Roman but Galina wouldn't let anyone touch the body. Dean explained to me that losing your mate wasn't like a human break-up. It was way more than that. It's like losing your heart, all emotions fade except rage and depression. Most werewolves never recover from it and they end up committing suicide.

"Galina, honey, we gotta take him outta here." I said trying to get close. "No, just…just don't he's gonna wake up soon." Her words shook as she caressed his face. My heart hurt for her. There was never a day that there wasn't a smile on her face, but now she's blank. "He's gone." I put my hand on her shoulder. "NO HE'S NOT!" she screamed and began to cry, "…He can't be…he promised he would never leave." She sobbed as she fell against me. I let her cry on me as I gave the guys the signal to take the shell that was once our alpha, and bury him with the other dead members of the pack. She cried Roman's name for hours until she passed out. I picked her up and carried her to her room. As I closed the door I thought about if I lost Dean or my kids. I leaned my back on the door and slowly slid down and began to cry. "JJ?" I heard Dean's voice and tried wiping away the tears and act normal. He crouched down beside me and brushed the hair from my face, "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing I'm good." I hid the tears the best I could but I could tell by his face he saw right through me. He wiped a tear from my face with his thumb and kissed my head. "I can feel your pain." He spoke softly as he sat next to me. "How? You reading my mind?" I joked but it still sounded so full of despair. "It's a mate thing. I feel with you feel and vice versa, we are one." Now I understand why the werewolves take mating so seriously. It's not just love it's a sacred bond. Galina is more than just sad, half of her is dead inside. She's broken. "So what happens to her?" I feared the answer because I had a strong feeling I knew. "It's up to her. Depending on her condition mentally it could be bad." His last word was low as he looked straight forward. "How bad?" I asked. "Honestly, very few survive this type of thing. She could shut down mentally, refusing any nourishment and die of starvation or dehydration, she'll spare herself the time and off herself or with lots of time she'll figure out how to go on without him." This gave me some hope but it didn't outweigh the doubt. "Look I can't take away the doubt you feel, in fact there's nothing I can really do at all, but I will do what I can for her, we all will."

1 year later

"Mommy look." Noah brought me a picture he drew. "There's me and Lucas, and you, and daddy, and uncle Seth and auntie Leighla and under these lights is uncle Roman and auntie Galina." I realized the light meant death but I didn't want to crush my child by telling him that so I forced a smile and told him how pretty it is. I watched the boys play with their toys on the floor. In reality they are only 2 but because of their fast growth rate, they are 7 in werewolf years. Galina has only gotten worse and I fear I know what will happen. She is a pile of skin and bones, and her eyes are void of all life. She is gone. We all waited, hoping she would get better but soon we'd have to accept what is. "Mommy can we go see the waterfall?" Lucas looked at me with his deep grey eyes glittering with hope. "Yeah I wanna go too." Noah leaped up. "Okay but stay close." I smiled. They rushed down the stairs and through the house before bumping into Dean. "Whoa whoa where are you two going in such a hurry." He chuckled as he picked them both up. "Mommy said she would take us to the waterfall." They spoke at the same time. As the matured their twin bond seemed to be more than looks but a stronger mental connection. "Oh really, why don't I come with." He smiled wide as the boys nodded in excitement. Noah and Lucas rushed outside as Dean put his arm around me and followed behind them. Noah shifted but Lucas grunted in frustration as he couldn't get it as quick as his twin. "I cant do it." He sat on the ground and pouted. "Hey kiddo don't get frustrated you just need a little help, nothin wrong with that." Dean patted his shoulder before picking him up. Seeing Dean with him warmed me up inside. He is a great father. It wasn't long before Lucas turned into a little white pup with a brown spot on his right eye. Dean shifted and so did I. we ran a little slower than usual because the boys still stumble around a lot. When we made it the boys played in the water while Dean and I sat in the sand and watched them. "You know we haven't really spent much time alone since they were born." He said while his gaze never leaving the playing pups. "I guess we haven't it completely slipped my mind." I giggled. "How about tonight we have dinner, just us." He whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek. I just couldn't refuse this man. "What about the boys?" I jerked my head in their direction. "Don't worry I got it covered you just wear something nice." He smiled cockily at me. I rolled my eyes playfully.

I showered and threw on a black mini dress and a cropped leather jacket with sleeves that went to my elbows. I curled my hair and slipped on a pair of black pumps. I walked down stairs to see Dean in a dress shirt and pants. He froze when he saw me. I blushed because he hadn't looked at me like that for a long time. "You look so beautiful." He smiled at me. I felt like we were kids again gawking at each other. "First things first." He said as he snapped out of it. Walking behind me he slid a blindfold over my eyes. I couldn't help my little bursts of laughter. "What is this for?" I laughed. "It's a surprise darlin." I could tell he was smiling.

He helped me into a car before getting in the driver side. We drive for about 30 minutes before coming to a stop. He helped me out and guided me into where ever we were going. "Ok you ready?" he sounded excited. I nodded and he took of the blind fold. The sight was breath taking, there was a table covered in red roses and candles with plates of steak seated for 2. A path of rose pedals leads right to the table and trees held up a string of little lanterns. "Baby this is so beautiful!" I said hugging him tightly and kissing him. He smiled and held out a chair for me. We ate and talked for hours before he got up and turned on Hands to Heaven by Breath before holding his hand out, "Dance with me?" he asked. "I'm a horrible dancer you know." I blushed. "So am I but who cares." He chuckled as I grabbed his hand. Our slow dance was the clumsiest mess ever but we were having too much fun to care. "I have one more surprise for you doll." He said, brushing my hair behind my ear and kissing my forehead. I grinned, "Ok…" he smiled and lowered to one knee and pulled out a red box from his pocket. He opened it to reveal a ring with a blue diamond and 2 small white diamonds on each side. "Jade Marie Truelove, will you make me the happiest man by marrying me?" he looked so nervous but tried to smile through it. "…Of course Dean." I smiled. He slid the ring on my finger and stood up picking me up with him and twirling me around and kissing me like his life depended on it. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." I whispered back and kissed him again. It was silent until Deans exterior changed. "What?" I asked. "Something is happening." He sniffed the air. "What!?" I began to tense. "The something is happening at the school."