I will update every chance I have. My goal is 1 Chapter every 2 days.

This is my first story so I'd love some suggestions.

I read every comment everyday so every suggestion will be seen.

Also I love reviews.

Screaming, crying, and the loud sounds of objects being thrown around the small trailer and breaking. I can even here the angry drunk, my father, slapping my mother around. The sound of my mother sobbing seemed to always break my heart but I already knew there was nothing I could. I mean who listens to an 11 year old anyways. My little brothers Aiden, Ethan, and Isaac came over to huddle with me. We all had a reason to be afraid of my father for various reasons. He makes Ethan watch as he brutally beats Aiden and vice versa, if Isacc does the smallest thing he doesn't like, my father will hit him then lock him in the chest freezer in the basement for almost the whole day. Sometimes I would sneak down there and comfort him the best I could. I would just be whipped with anything closest to him mostly old cords or his belt. It almost seemed like every time he beat me it lasted longer.

"We gotta get out of this house, I can't take this anymore." Isaac sobbed into my arm. Isaac is 9 and the youngest of us. In my eyes he can do no wrong, complete innocence. He has light brown hair, bluish-green eyes and peach skin. I can't see how my dad could ever lay a hand on him, or any of us for that matter.

"Can you take us to grandma's JJ?" Aiden asked trying to hold back his tears that threatened to spill out. Aiden is 10 and the identical twin of Ethan. They are alike but also so different in so many ways. Aiden has tried all his life to stay strong for our Ethan, Isaac and I, but I do let him know its ok to cry sometimes. Aiden and Ethan both have dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and light caramel skin.

Before I could even answer…CRASH! The sound of thick glass shattering was enough to make me jump up and blot towards the door only to see the horrific sight of glass in my mom's bruised face. This was enough to make me cry a little bit. She wouldn't look at me but knew I was there, but my father looked at me with a burning hatred.

"You stupid little bitch, get back in that fucking room, NOW!" he slurred angrily. But I couldn't move, frozen with fear and anger.

"Are you deaf now to?" his patience was wearing thin. "You're just as useless as your pathetic whore of a mother!" He shouted. But I still didn't move, I couldn't even bring my eyes from my mother to look at him. Then suddenly he came towards me with a cord. I already knew what was going to happen.

CRACK! The sound of the cord hitting my face and breaking skin made my brothers come out of the bedroom and stare not knowing what to do. I tried to get away from my father and put them back in the room so they didn't have to see the beating I was taking or worse, they'd get one too.

"GO!" I shouted at them then suddenly they snapped out of the trance and did as they were told.

The beating continued and more of my flesh was falling apart. Then by some miracle flashing blue and red shinned through our window. Then a burst through the door and the police jumped on my drunken father as he tried to continue striking me.

"Sir calm down and drop your weapon now!" The officer said as he tried to grab my dad. My mother cried out for the officers not to take him, and that he was drunk and he'll be sorry tomorrow. But the officers ignored her and took him. How can she still defend him after what he had done to her….to me?

Just as I was being looked over by an EMT and being asked question after question, I heard a friendly familiar voice.

"I think she has been through quite enough, don't you?" my grandmother said, and next to her was my best friend, Dean. "Yes mam." The officer said kindly and walked away. She had a look of sorrow on her face as she looked at me. "I'm sorry dear, I should've taken you kids a long time ago" she said sadly. "It's fine, I'm fine." I tried to muster up a small smile but I know she saw right through it. "Well I don't even have to ask where you want to go, do I?" she said, she already knew I wanted to go with Dean. He made me feel safe. So I shook my head. "Ok well help your brothers pack up will ya?" I smiled knowing they would be in good hands. I nodded and smiled as the ambulance began to leave.

I went back into the house, but as I passed my mother I heard her say "look what you've done, you ruined everything." I sighed and continued walking to the bedroom. Ethan, Aiden, and Isaac looked at me with worried expressions, "You're going to grams. I'll be there in the morning" They hugged me and began packing and I helped them get everything.

After a few minutes, Dean and I walked to his small apartment, but as we walked I noticed he was very tense.

"Are you-"

"No, I'm not ok, but I should be asking you that." He tried to remain calm.

"I'm fine. I'm still alive, and it doesn't even hurt that bad." I lied. I had a bandaged gash on my jaw and some on my back. "He didn't hurt me too bad-"

"He shouldn't ever hurt you!" he lost it. "You have no idea the things running through my head right now, I swear it would scare you." He tried calming down again but his voice just turned into a growl. And we were silent the rest of the way.

When we arrived, his mother wasn't home, hell she hardly ever was, and he was fine with that. So we just went to his room and laid down the way we always did when I came over at night.

"I'm so-" he began but I cut him off.

"Don't, don't start that now. I understand why you did what you did. So no need for an apology, ok?" I said sternly and he just nodded. We talked a bit more then I felt safe enough to fall asleep.