Third Years, Oppai and Girlfriends, Oh My!

By Major Mike Powell III & Kamen Rider Omega

Nozomi felt eyes glaring holes into her head…or her chest.

As she looked up from her homework, she was met by Nico's beautiful garnet eyes staring at her…or her chest, as it turned out.


The purplenette sweatdropped but smiled nonetheless.

"Um, what is it, Nico-chi?"

Nico pouted and lowered her head till her chin hit the desk, her arms covering her face.

"It's not fair…"

Nozomi arched a well kept eyebrow as Nico growled under her breath. "We are the same age, and yet your boobs are huge!"

Nozomi blinked three times in as many seconds and looked down at her rather ample bust. "Well, I wouldnt say huge…"

Nico stood up at the desk and pointed directly at Nozomi.

"Don't give me that! We've slept together, I've checked your underwear drawer! Your bras are all F cups!"

Nico immediately froze, realizing now what she had just spouted out, and how spectacularly she had stuck her foot in her mouth.

"..." For once in a long time, Nico was speechless.

Nozomi looked smug as could be, and her grin grew bigger as Nico slowly sat back down in her chair and then, covered her face in her hands; her ears red to the tips.

"Well...if it helps you feel better, Nicocchi..." Nozomi leaned forward and stood up a little from her seat, leaning across the table towards the garnet-eyed girl.

Nico kept her eyes closed tightly as Nozomi gently grasped her hands and pulled them away from her face and gently, tenderly intertwined their fingers.

"These breasts of mine...are all yours, Nicocchi. And yours alone~" Nozomi purred and then closed the distance, leaning further in to plant her supple, full lips on Nico's, kissing her with fervor.

The petite girl immediately melted into the kiss, her shame and embarrassment from her earlier outburst quickly being washed away by the heat and passion she now shared with her beloved, busty idolmate through that smooch.

They eventually had to break the kiss because of that old nuisance known as "lack of oxygen", and they got their breath back in heavy, enticing pants, their lips still brushing as they did.

Nozomi squeezed Nico's hands as she whispered into the Idol Research Club President's ear.

"You shouldn't be ashamed that you have smaller breasts, Nico-chi. In fact, I rather like the fact that you are so petite~"

Nico's face was still flushed from their makeout, but the rosey color of her cheeks intensified at such a comment. "Urusai, USHI!"

Nozomi giggled at that.

"Flattery will get you nowhere Nico-chi. But if you want to call your girlfriend a cow, I don't mind".

"And hey, if it makes you feel even better..." Nozomi once again purred, pulling her hands away from Nico's to move one arm under her bountiful bosom, giving her assets a little heft right in front of Nico's blushing face, while she gently ran her fingers through the girl's soft, silken black hair.

"You know how much I like to give you all my Washi Washi Max treatment, no?" Her eyes twinkled once again. Nico gulped, now realizing how dry her mouth felt, even if she and Nozomi had smooched not a minute earlier.

"Then, would it be fair...if I you did the same to me~?" Her voice couldn't be sexier if she tried, in Nico's honest opinion.

Nico's own voice almost cracked as she replied, standing up from her seat and taking Nozomi's hand to pull her out of the Idol Research Clubroom.

Nozomi grinned like the Chesire cat she was (or perhaps the Japanese Tanuki version?) as they made their way out of the school.

"Not here. We're going home. I'm gonna give it to you three times as harder than you do me and everyone else!" Nico proclaimed, and she nor Nozomi paid any heed to the squealing (and nosebleeding) Muse yuri fangirls they passed by.

"Is that a threat or a promise~?" Nozomi couldn't help but let slip.

"Both." The pigtailed girl said as she all-but dragged her girlfriend home as quickly as possible, never once loosening the grip she had on Nozomi's arm.

The purplenette giggled to herself.

"Nico-chi kawaii~!"

Her response was a muttered "Nozomi hentai ushi!" The purple-haired girl laughed, sending Nico's heart fluttering.

The shorter girl stood on her tiptoes at a traffic stop to whisper in Nozomi's ear…

"Aishiteru, Nozomi-chan". Nozomi leaned her head on Nico's, "Aishiteru~"

Then, the light turned green and the lovers returned home.

Love Live!

Needless to say, Nico and Nozomi were both in a great mood the next day, though the rest of Muse noticed the purplenette was careful to not let her chest touch any rough surfaces, and Nico looked really smug everytime this happened.


Love Live!

Authors' Notes:

Omega-kun: Well, I regret nothing. How about you?

Hmmm...well...I blame you, Omega-kun. You started it, and you got me to join in. You idiot. Thank you. (Glomps Omega-kun)

But! To be fair, this pairing, Nico and Nozomi, or "Nicozomi", is a couple I've always wanted to write, particularly after reading Roxius' amazing, hilarious one-shot, "Therapeutic Groping". So, Rox-kun, here's a shout-out to ya! : 3

And again: thank you, Omega-kun, for the "kickstarter", so to speak. LOL

Omega-kun: Now,all I need to do is finish my series of Muse one-shots featuring all possible Muse pairings. 9-way-otp!

Omega-kun: Also, I wanted to announce here that I have almost completed work on my "Ranma ½" fanfic "Crimson Love, Violet Passion". Please look for chapter 3 soon!


Clever plug, Omega-kun. Clever plug. But still, to all of you, Love Livers who also love "Ranma 1/2" and ShampooxRanma, you know where to look now! : 3

Anyway, thanks for reading and do please leave us a nice little review for our efforts, let us know what you think, 'k? : 3

Till next time~! Love Live!

Omega-kun: And on that note, the Love Live Movie will be out soon! Here's looking forward to it!

You and me both, brother. You and me both, and all of us, "Love Live!" fans, readers and writers too. :3

Semper-Fi! Carry on!