Big thanks to those who reviewed! I'm still quite nervous about writing an mpreg fic and well, Id appreciate some support!


He was in the middle of yet another "brainstorming" session with the rest of the Keating 5 when it happened. Asher had just said something incredibly stupid, as always, and Connor was listening to the two girls have a go at him. He felt his phone began to vibrate, so he pulled it out. It was a message from Oliver. That was strange. Unlike most couples, they didn't text each other much.

From: Oliver
It's a boy

Connor had never expected to hear see those words in his lifetime. This was real. He and Oliver were going to have a baby boy in their arms in a few months! An adorable baby boy that was half Oliver and half him. The very notion made his chest swell with a strange mixture of pride and excitement. Eventhough he wasn't confident enough that he'd make a good father (because let's face it, he hadn't even believed in commitment until he met Oliver), he knew he was going to do his best for his son.

He was going to learn how to change diapers. He was going to be there to help his son learn how to walk, and then to say "dad." He was going to teach that baby boy how to play baseball. He was going to take him for a stroll in the park. He was going to watch the baby fall asleep next to him as he studied for exams. And Oliver would be right next to him, probably fretting about having to buy more diapers or something.

Forgetting where he was for a brief second, Connor broke into a wide smile and did a fist pump.

"Uh, what's that about?" Michaela asked, straightening her back. She had never seen Connor break into a genuine smile before. Cocky, yes. Triumphant, yes. But never like this. Connor was just sitting there, completely tuned out, looking like the happiest man on the planet. And really, no one was allowed to be that happy in Professor Keating's residence. Nobody.

"Um, uh, nothing," Connor replied hastily, shoving his phone back into his pocket. There was no way in hell he was going to tell the rest about the baby.

"Bullshit. Was it Oliver?" she pushed, nudging Conner's shin with her pointy heels.

"Can we get back to this?"

"Are you guys sexting?" Asher asked, closing the book on his laps.

"Even if we were, I wouldn't tell you."

"Well, maybe I'll just ask him myself," Michaela taunted in a sing-song voice, pulling out her phone.

"Why do you have his number?" Connor hissed, getting ready to take the phone out of her hands if necessary.

"Remember when we hung out at that bar?"

"Leave him alone."

"Then tell me what that was all about," she countered with a smirk, crossing her legs and leaning back against her chair. She was thoroughly enjoying this.

"None of your business. Why don't we finish this shit so I can go home."

"You mean, to Oliver."

"Same thing."

The rest exchanged glances and shrugged simultaneously.


Connor was kissing Oliver against the closest wall as soon as he was inside the apartment. He couldn't contain himself. He needed to touch and kiss his now confused boyfriend. Oliver protested for a brief second before melting into it.

"What are we going to name him?" Connor breathed as soon as he pulled back. Oliver raised an eyebrow, his chest rising and dropping with each hard breath.

"I don't know," Oliver answered uncertainly. He was still trying to digest the information that the baby now had a gender attached to it.

"That's OK. We have months to come up with one, right? Is he kicking yet?"

"I dont think that's going to happen for months..." Oliver replied chuckling lowly. He had never seen Connor so excited about anything, and while there was still fear and concern in his system, he couldn't help but notice how adorable his usually calm and collected boyfriend was being. Connor's eyes were practically twinkling at this point.

"You think he's going to want to study law or IT?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves here," Oliver stopped his boyfriend with a playful grin. "But I think our kid's going to be a smart cookie."

"A smart cookie, really?"


"I think our kid's going to be a bit of a geek," Connor said cheekily.

"Oh, and is that a bad thing?"

"Nope. Not at all," he replied in all honesty. Oliver was a full-blown geek most of the time, but he found it absolutely adorable.

"Do you think our son's going to be gay too?" Oliver asked randomly, putting a hand to his stomach.

"Probably, if homosexuality is hereditary, which I think it is to some extent."

"He better not turn into a heartbreaker, too," Oliver teased and grinned triumphantly at Connor's expression. Connor had put him on a number of emotional rollercoasters, so he never missed an opportunity to torment his boyfriend about him. Oliver had a tough time trusting Connor again, but he eventually came around to see that Connor was here to stay.

"Aw, come on, aren't we over that yet? You know you're the only one for me," Connor pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

"That kind of sweettalk isn't going to help you."

"Fine, fine, but seriously. We have something more important to discuss."

"Uh oh. What is it?"

"Who's going to be dad and who's going to be daddy."

"I don't like daddy," Oliver said petulantly.

"How about, dad and pops?"

"OK, that I can live with. I get dad though."

"Me? Pops?"

"You can try papa"

"Like Papa Smurf, papa?"

"I think it works. Papa Connor."

"Ugh. I better come up with something else. Anyway, are you craving anything yet?"

"I'm craving something, but it's not food."

With a single nod, Connor was dragging his boyfriend into the bedroom.


Oliver was now six months in.

Oliver received a one year "maternity" leave from the company after a lot of effort to persuade his boss that he wasn't bullshitting around. The boss swore to keep it quite for the time being, especially when he found out the kind of people his employee's boyfriend was associated with.

Oliver's bump has gotten to an alarmingly large size. Connor had to spend hours coaxing his boyfriend into "maternity" clothes which were just XXXL size tees he had picked up at the mall. Oliver hated the idea of having to dress in something so frumpy, but he was quickly running out of options.

The IT man also did not appreciate having to spend all day just sittng around at home, but what else was he going to do with the bump? He was not about to venture outside and risk the attention, and God forgive someone got a video of him on youtube! Plus, the doctor had strictly ordered him to take it easy, because there was no telling what kind of complications were bound to follow. As for Connor, he came to see Oliver as often as possible, when he wasn't busting his ass back at Professor Keating's place.

By now, Oliver had grown accustomed to the idea that he would be giving birth to a living, breathing human being. Every morning, he would get up and stare at his bump for a while, with awe and curiosity in his eyes. Connor would do the same, but with more excitement than anything else. Sometimes Connor would lean down and place his ear against the bump, trying his best to hear something. Every time, Oliver batted him away. It was embarrassing.

Oliver was reading another one of those "What to expect when expecting" books alone in the apartment when he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. He winced and lurched forward, dropping the book. Oh, that hurt like hell. He wanted to think that the baby was kicking, but that was not what a tiny foot kicking him should feel like. Oliver inhaled and exhaled slowly as he reached for his phone in case of emergency.

About a minute later, the pain was back, this time longer lasting. Oliver groaned and fumbled with his phone. He had to call Connor. He didn't care if his boyfriend was in the middle of a lecture or a trial or whatever the hell his professor was making him do. He was on the verge of a panic attack and whatever this was hurt like hell.

Connor was having another heated discussion with the rest when his phone rang. He would normally ignore it, but now he knew better. Seeing that it was his boyfriend calling he picked up immediately, putting a hand up to signal others to wait for him.

"Hey, everything alright?"

[Connor. You...need to...ow, holy shit that hurts, get here, oh God, Connor..."

Connor stood up immediately, scattering the documents he had been holding all across the floor. The rest of Keating 5 watched in shock as Connor began combing his hair with his fingers.

"What's wrong! Oliver!"

[S,stomach...I don't..I don't know...]

"Call the ambulance, I'll be there as soon as I can."

[OK...OK..but make it..quick...oh God...]

As soon as Connor hung up, he shoved his phone into his pocket and grabbed his coat. He never knew that his heart could beat so quickly, so painfully. Everything was a blur in his head. The only thought dominating all else was the fact that Connor and his baby were both in danger. He needed to get to the apartment now.

"Hey! Where are you going!" Asher called out, slamming his folder shut. They needed to get this shit finished ASAP.

Connor didn't even bother answering as he rushed towards the door, almost tripping over a pile of books in the process. Wes, Laurel and Michaela all exchanged looks before standing up and grabbing their coats.

"Where are you guys going?" Asher asked incredulously, throwing his arms up.

"Were you not listening?" Michaela begin, putting her documents off to the side. "It's a medical emergency. I'm going to see if Oliver's OK."

"But what about-"

"Figure it out," Laurel groaned as she followed Michaela out the door. Wes gave Asher a fleeting pointed look before running after both girls.

The three caught up to Connor, who was fumbling with his car keys. His fingers were shaking so badly that he kept dropping them.

"Give it," Michaela snatched the keys and pushed Connor towards Wes. "I'm driving. Wes, take him to the back seat."

"No, I can do this on my own!" Connor spat, trying to take the keys back. He couldn't let them know about Oliver, and every additional second spent standing around arguing was going to cost him.

"You're not going to drive like this. Just shut up and get in the car," she countered as she looked at Wes.

Wes nodded and practically shoved his friend into the back of the car. There was no way in hell that the three of them were going to risk Connor crashing his car tonight. In a flash they were speeding out the drive way. Michaela didn't know what was going on, but she couldn't bring herself to ask as she caught a glimpse of Connor's expression.