Chapter 22

Jamie moved tiredly over to his captain and reached down snagging his left wrist. He focused his gaze on his watch as he counted the beats and gauged the strength of each pulse. Pleased to find a steady and consistent beat he looked down at Lee and was startled to see those bright golden hazel eyes staring up at him. "Lee?" he asked quietly. "Are you with us?" Lee blinked his eyes and tried to smile as best he could with the ventilator tube down his throat. Jamie rapidly rubbed his eyes then looked back down at his CO thrilled to see the vibrant eyes still staring back.

He quickly picked up Lee's wrist again and measured his pulse, then grabbed his stethoscope from his pocket and laid it carefully upon his chest and listened to his respiration and heart beat. A glint of wonderment and awe slipped into his expression. "My God it worked," he said in a reverential whisper. "Shall we try taking that breathing tube out?"

Lee nodded as emphatically as the tube allowed. Jamie moved behind him and disconnected the machine and watched carefully as Lee easily continued to breathe on his own. "Alright now relax and when I say now I want you to cough," Lee blinked indicating his understanding. Jamie manipulated the tube and then said "Now," pulling it evenly out of Lee's mouth as Lee coughed fighting hard not to throw up from the irritation. Jamie poured a cup of water then helped Lee sit up and take a sip.

"Thanks," Lee croaked out through his irritated throat.

"How do you feel Lee?" Jamie asked.

"Tired. Sore. Like I was a frog in a blender," Lee replied. "What about Chip? Is he here? How's Seaview?"

Jamie smiled, it never changed he was always concerned about others before himself. "Chip is in the next bed, I'll check on him once I finish looking you over. Seaview is fine. Now lay back and let me check you out. You know, there's no way you should even be alive after what you went through and definitely not looking as well as you do now."

Lee gave Jamie a weak smile. "Got friends in all the right places," he joked.

As he completed his evaluation of Lee, Jamie's attention was drawn to Chip's bed as he started to moan and battle with the ventilator as well. He quickly crossed the room to find two steely blue eyes staring up at him. "Just relax Chip," Jamie said as he tried to calm the man. "Let me do a quick assessment and then we'll see if we can remove that breathing tube and make you more comfortable." Chip nodded slightly indicating he understood.

Completing a review of Chip's vitals he found him, like Lee, much improved from the night before. He withdrew the airway from Chip's throat and gave him water to quench his dry and irritated throat. "How are you feeling Chip," Jamie asked totally amazed at their sudden recovery.

"I hurt all over like I've fallen down a mountain, but otherwise I'm okay." Chip replied. "Lee?! Where's Lee?! Is he here, is he okay?"

"He's across the room Chip and very much in the same condition you are. How you are even alive, let alone awake has me amazed."

"Jamie, how long have we been out?" Lee asked.

"Just over two days now," Jamie replied, his face still sporting an incredulous look at the rapid and unprecedented recovery. "It's been nip and tuck with you two for most of it and then, Bam all of a sudden you're awake and from all initial indications your internal injuries are healed."

Lee and Chip locked eyes from across the room and smiled. "I think we can chalk some of that up to the help we got from our friends on the U-626," Lee replied. "Where's the admiral?"

"He and Kendal are sacked out in bunks in the next room," Jamie answered.

"Are they all right? We're they injured when the sub exploded?" Lee inquired urgently as he tried to push up from his bunk.

Jamie stepped quickly across the room and pushed him gently back down. Not surprisingly it didn't require too much effort on his part. "They're both fine, they both were just in need of some rest after hovering over you two for the past two days. They should sleep for another 4 hours given what I slipped them." Both Chip and Lee let out a relieved sigh and smiled.

"You know the admiral is not going to take kindly to that, Jamie," Chip said with laugh. "I don't envy you when he comes around."

"I was just doing my duty as the CMO on this vessel. They needed sleep and were fighting me tooth and nail. I think you of all people should know that I will employ whatever means I deem necessary to ensure the health and well-being of the entire crew," Jamie answered.

"And I think we are going to have words about that Dr. Jamieson," came the admiral's sleep roughened voice from behind him.

Jamie cringed, much to the amusement of the two men in bed, then drew himself up to his full height and turned to face his boss. "I stand by my actions Admiral. If you had listened to my orders and gotten even a few hours rest I wouldn't have had to resort to such extreme actions."

Harri graced him with a "Harrumph". Hearing the soft laughter coming from the bunks he broke into a huge smile and moved quickly over to his son gently placing a hand on the side of his face then sliding it down to his shoulder and giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze. Relief marked his expression and he made no attempt to hide how he felt. He then moved over to Chip and gripped his shoulder as well. "Lee, Chip thank god you're back. How are they Jamie?"

"At first inspections they are doing remarkably well considering the condition in which they arrived. I need to do a few tests to verify their recovery is as miraculous as it seems."

"Oh my god, Lee! Chip!" Kendal exclaimed as she took in the awake and alert men propped up in bed. She rushed across the room kneeled down gently taking Lee's hand gave him a quick kiss. "We were so worried," she said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Lee gave her a kiss in response and gently wiped the tear away. "I think I'm fine," he said and flashed her a smile. Seeing Harri standing behind her, eyebrows raised and a smile on his face, he just shrugged and shot him a slightly embarrassed grin.

"Do I get one of those?" Chip inquired, secretly thrilled his supposition about their change in relationship was true. Kendal smiled moved over to his bed and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Well I guess it's better than nothing," he said with a laugh.

"Okay, Kendal, Admiral, head to your cabins and get a little more rest, I need to conduct a few more tests on my patients here and don't need you hanging around. Once I'm done I'll let you know when you can return," Jamie said. Both grumbled somewhat then grudgingly bid their farewells and headed to their cabins. As the door closed behind them Jamie turned around, "Alright, who's first?"


Having verified that Lee and Chip were miraculously healed, Jamie authorized their attendance at dinner in the nose to celebrate their return to the world of the living. Lee and Chip each still sported a bandage or two but were remarkably well. Much like Cinderella the pass was only good until dinner was over and then they had to return to sick bay for the night so they could be monitored for any complications.

The Seaview had been moved back near the resting place of the U-626, now only a scattered debris field following the explosion. The wreckage was corroded and deteriorated much like a 70 year old derelict should be since the protecting energies no longer kept time at bay. Nelson had decided to allow Delbruck and his team to dive the area a few more times to try and locate any of the more mundane artifacts, such as the remaining gold. Given what Lee and Chip had said about the crew of the U-626 being able to move on he felt comfortable that the most dangerous articles had been destroyed. He and Kendal would however be scrutinizing everything very closely before it was allowed to be returned to the world of man.

Dinner conversation was light and relaxed and much of it aimed at the uncovered relationship between Lee and Kendal. Both took the kidding in stride as they realized their friends were happy for them and wished them well. Kendal had on a couple of occasions whispered something to Lee regarding promises made that left him blushing like a beet much to the amusement of those assembled. As the dinner dishes were cleared away those at the table sat back to relax and digest the excellent meal Cookie had prepared.

The topic of discussion shifted to the events just past. Lee and Chip chronicled what occurred in the forward torpedo room and what actually happened to Jung. As Kendal shuddered at the description of Jung being grabbed and pulled through the mirror Lee reached over and gently took her hand knowing exactly what she was feeling. The university team gaped in disbelief as the details were revealed.

Lee also described devil's attempt to claim the key to the mirror, its attempt to drag him back to hell and thanked Chip yet again for keeping that from happening. They went on to tell how the roll of the sub unseated the key and closed the portal then how Lee destroyed the mirror and once again thwarted the entity's escape from its prison. The Seaview crew smiled in deep satisfaction as Lee reported what he thought was devil's anguished last word uttered as the portal slammed shut forever. They had thwarted it yet again.

Lee and Chip listened in amazement as Nelson and Kendal described in more detail their actions with the Spear of Antioch. Delbruck provided the history and Jamie the administration of the cure. They all had to agree that the relic they possessed was the true Spear of Destiny and there was no doubt some vestige of the healing power inherent in the spearhead had been passed on to them accounting for their miraculous recovery.

With the tale of their actions told Harri finally asked the question that had been toying with his mind since the Kendal burst into sick bay with the spearhead. "I've been meaning to ask you Kendal why did you chose that spearhead?" inquired Harri. The nods of agreement from the rest of those assembled indicated they were all curious about that.

Kendal laughed and blushed. "Would you believe the Spielberg movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" and how Indy chose the cup of Christ?" she started. "Of all the spearheads that were in that box, that one was the plainest one there. It was a spearhead that a foot soldier would have carried. The others were more refined, far more ornate, and many of them etched and gilded with gold. I just couldn't see them existing back then or being owned by just a Roman GI." Her selection method was met with a number of raised eyebrows, smiles and chuckles.

"Now that was a great bit of deductive reasoning under a stressful situation," Delbruck acknowledged, somewhat chagrined at not having considered that.

"There's more to our survival than just the spear, Admiral," Lee final revealed.

"Oh Lee? What else do you think was brought to bear?" Harri replied.

"As Chip and I lay dying on the ocean floor, we were approached by Kapitan Metz and his XO Mr. Mueller. They came to thank us for what we had done to destroy the mirror and to offer us their support until we could be rescued and brought back to the boat." Those at the table looked on in surprise.

"Like Krueger? Is that what kept you alive before we got to you?" Nelson asked.

"Yes sir," Chip replied. "It was the weirdest experience I've ever had aside from the about to die part. I can't imagine having a malevolent ghost taking up residence like Lee experienced. I know Mueller reassured me a number of times that he meant only to help. I think when we reached a point where we could survive they considered their duty done and left."

"That must have been at some point after you administered your cure," Lee added.

"You've got to be joking?" Delbruck interjected. "You actually think you talked to and were possessed by ghosts? You've met the devil and have done battle with it?"

"No Hans they're not joking. I find it interesting that you're having difficulty believing this after what we witnessed with the Spear of Antioch. If Lee and Chip said they interacted with ghosts then they did and we know for a fact that the devil, who in actuality is an extraterrestrial imprisoned in the center of our planet, is very real. In our experiences on this boat we have encountered more things deemed impossible than I can count. I too have had experiences with ghosts," Harri replied as he shot Lee a guilty and apologetic glance. "I've no desire to meet more but this boat and this crew seem to draw them in like a beacon."

"Why hasn't this been made public?" Delbruck asked still somewhat incredulous over the revelations during the evening.

"Do you honestly think we'd be taken seriously?" Harri responded. "It would be the same as claiming that the devil corrupted and pulled Jung into hell, or an old spearhead healed Lee and Chip. I'm sure they'd accuse us of having raptures of the deep or some other sort of shared delusion. And if perchance we were believed and the purported powers of those relics confirmed, it would spark battles between various factions trying to possess them for their own maybe not so noble purposes. Those items have no place in our world. We've grown too adept at devising ways to kill each other off in large numbers and any of these relics in the wrong hands could spell extinction of our planet. I honestly think all hands are the wrong hands. You most of all Hans, a student of history, can readily recognize how quickly those powers could be corrupted and used against rival factions. Our history is littered with examples of man's inhumanity to man. For that reason we keep these experiences to ourselves and would very much appreciate you doing the same."

"But how do I explain Elmer's disappearance?" Delbruck replied, surprised at Nelson's position.

"The last thing you want to tell anyone is that he was seduced by the devil and tricked into opening a portal between the surface and hell. Knowing what Lee and Kendal went through in their dealings with that entity I wouldn't wish that on anyone or want Jung's family having to even consider the misery that has befallen him. Tell them he was killed in the explosion as he worked to recover some relics, simple as that. This way he died doing what he loved best, he was just too anxious to carry out his work to wait for us to properly secure the site. There's no doubt in my mind you'd be labeled a crank, too consumed by history and superstition, if you gave an honest accounting of what happened on this mission. Think about how you've reacted to our disclosures of encounters with spectral and supernatural forces."

"I see what you mean Harri. I'll relay the story you recommend and ask the same of my team," Delbruck replied as he made eye contact with Gavin and Phil and received nods of agreement. "I don't think we want to try and explain any other version after what we've all experienced," Delbruck offered.

"Thank you Hans, gentlemen," Harri answered sincerely. "I know this is counter to everything you strive for in your profession but in the long run I think it's for the greater good."

"Admiral, before Metz left he did ask that we dispose of or hide the Spear of Antioch some place where no one will ever find it, for the very reasons you gave. I think we can more than manage that, don't you sir?" Lee added as he looked expectantly at all the faces in the room and each nodded in agreement with his request.

"Agreed Lee. Once dive operations are completed we will bury the spearhead amongst the remains of the U-626 and her crew and honor those charged with keeping the world safe from that danger. They may have been on the opposite side during the war but they were honorable men doing what their country asked of them," Harri replied. They all nodded in agreement and a moment of silence passed as each considered the ultimate cost to the men of the U-626.

Recognizing this as a natural ending point for the evening Jamie jumped into action. "Very well that's now settled. And on that note, it's bed time for the Skipper and XO."

Chip and Lee looked at each other and grimaced. "Aw come on Jamie ten more minutes," they pleaded in unison much to the amusement of those assembled.

Jamie clearly not swayed by their plea, turned and just pointed in the direction of sick bay. "Bed, now," he replied as though dealing with recalcitrant 5 year olds.

They turned quickly and looked to the admiral to grant them a reprieve from returning to their least favorite place on the boat. Harri smiled and shook his head. "Good night boys."

As their expectant expressions turned to dismay they sighed loudly then rose and trudged slowly up the stairs as Jamie shepherded them along from behind. Harri laughed aloud in joy and relief thrilled to have things back to normal.


Having secured from recovery operations and prepared to return home, Lee deftly maneuvered Seaview over the remains of the U-626. He moved from the conn to the nose to join those assembled and then pulled out his prayer book. Chip called the crew to attention over the intercom and Lee began to read the funeral passages for burial at sea for the men of the U-626. At the completion of the ceremony the officers and men of the Seaview saluted the crew wishing them well on their next voyage.

"Nicely done, Lee," Nelson said patting his son on the back. "Well Hans I think you can report to the German authorities that we have honored their request and buried their lost fathers and sons."

"Agreed Harri. I'm sure they will be most appreciative of your efforts to send them on to their just rewards," Hans replied. "I too appreciate all you've done for them and for us and I am quite ready to return home with the prizes we have."

"Well you heard the man Captain," Harri responded, a smile on his face. "Make it so."

"Aye sir," Lee confirmed returning the smile. "Helm, course one, eight, zero ahead full."

"Course 1-8-0, ahead full, aye," the helmsman confirmed. Seaview made a graceful turn to the right and began making her way south for their return to Santa Barbara.

"Mr. O'Brien, you have the conn," Lee said as he made eye contact with Harri. "If you need me I'll be with the admiral."

"Aye Skipper," Bobby replied and headed back to the control room as the others in the nose dispersed to their cabins or duty stations as appropriate.

"Kendal would you care to join us?" Harri asked as he got ready to leave.

"Of course Harri," she replied and followed Harri, Chip, and Lee to his cabin. Once inside Harri pulled out some glasses and a bottle of his family's finest label. He poured a tot into each glass and then they toasted the end of the mission and their return home. They sat there relaxing and chatting for the next 90 minutes at which point Lee rose and excused himself for a moment. Five minutes later he returned with a small box.

"Ready sir?" he asked.

"Yes, I believe we're in the correct neighborhood," Harri answered cryptically. Chip and Kendal stared curiously at the admiral.

"In the neighborhood for what, sir?" Chip inquired.

"Follow us," Lee answered with a small smile as he opened the door waiting for the admiral to lead the way.

Harri led them through the sub to the room housing the moon pool. Lee handed the box to the admiral then quickly spun open the hatch and they all entered. He pulled the door shut and dogged the hatch.

"What's going on Harri?" Kendal asked. Harri smiled opened the box and removed the Spear of Antioch. "I thought you buried that near the U-626."

"No, we buried Kapitan Metz's journal there where it one day may be found. Lee and I discussed burying the spear there but came to the conclusion it wouldn't be the safest place for it to be. Should someone else determine where the U-626 went down or if Delbruck or one of his team decide to return to try and reclaim more of their find, the Spear of Antioch could once again be recovered. We've decided to drop the spear into the deepest trench we could find between the U-626's final resting place and home. This way it will be locked under thousands of feet of water, miles from where it was last known to be making it highly unlikely to ever be found again," Harri explained. Kendal and Chip smiled and nodded in agreement.

Lee looked at his watch and then at Harri. "We should be over the deepest section of the trench now, sir." Harri nodded and moved to the rim of the well. As he prepared to drop the spearhead he noticed Lee stiffen then nod and smile.

"Something wrong Lee?" Harri inquired concerned by his captain's response.

"No sir. Kapitan Metz has just arrived to watch the final relic being disposed of and is waiting for you to send him on his way."

Harri nodded and gave Lee a quick grin then dropped the spearhead into the swirling waters rushing beneath Seaview to be lost to the ages. Metz smiled, saluted and vanished for the last time.

The End.

To All: Thank you for reading my story, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as did writing it. Also thanks to all who sent feedback and comments I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me very much. - Caribou Kid