I know you are all expecting the next chapter to The Outcasts at Freddy's and I promise ya...that IS coming. I just need some time. Also, since Five Nights At Freddy's 3 came out two days ago I suppose I should do something on it. Let's see how ya'll like it. I might do more on it.

The darkness was cold and lonely. So very...lonely. No matter the circumstance, nothing could bring a spec of light in this darkness. The pain had been utterly brutal yet he faded away like the rest. Those things that caused him such utter grief. He had shown no remorse when it all happened; no guilt. But being in such pain like this now was agonizing. They'd left him to die. They left him to rot for all eternity.

Flesh fusing with metal like a burning candle. Memories of a life long lived flashed before his eyes in such a flurry. Everything was so unclear now. His life had no meaning. He was one of them now. Being free to being consumed by anger and bloodlust. Souls once trapped and consumed by anger and bloodlust now free. No words could leave his throat except for screeches and groans. The skin all rotten and the hair like the bristles of a broom.

The clang of metal being tossed onto metal flooring rung in his ears, his body having a rapid set of spasms. His eyes would twitch yet his limbs hung limp. The flicker of old lights flashed beside and above him. Systems would reboot and he could hear it clear as day. Feet of gold yet rusted a metallic yellow. The hollowed eyes of a man who'd been a victim. He stood in plain view with guilt and sympathy. No memories of whom this person could be as he'd never met him in a previous life.

The man of gold would watch those who entered and scare those whom stayed at night. The screech similar to that of a demon killed all those who dared brave the nights. A spirit who was thought to be freed was merely a fluke. True, they say a young child had been killed but a man? It had never been told to be true. The same suit and the same fate. A rotting corpse staring at a man gone demonic. He had been given this new opportunity at life. Life that he'd casted aside out of fear. They mocked him and made him dance like a coward; like a fool. He felt a hatred run through his lifeless veins. A hatred for what and to be more specific...who?

"A wasted life. What a fool you were. Not bringing it upon yourself to run towards them. Coward," the one of gold spat insults left and right at the hybrid being. He opened his 'mouth' and nothing but a screech escaped. He made his limbs move with newly found strength. The ears curling and then drooping slightly. The man simply chuckled in a dark tone. The hybrid snarled and glared for lack of a better expression. Then, he tried to speak again. Only this time, small words left his 'mouth'.

"...be...ing. Wa...l..i..f..e," for not being able to speak, he managed to do so but with much struggle. It was evident that he wanted a new life. But he also wanted something more. He wanted the feel of blood and the pleasure of it. The man of gold grinned in front of him and with a tip of its hat, vanished into thin air. The corpse stared at where the man had been and growled. He was in no mood for something such as this.

Staring higher up, he saw a light from a particular area in the room and connected to that very same light was a camera. Someone was watching him and he didn't like it. When the light turned off, he figured that the person was no longer watching him. He began to move and saw other lights flash off. Leaving the room he was once in and entering something new felt so much better. Everything was dark and meek like the room, aside from the occasional flashing light. He took slow steps and soon heard a noise coming from his right. Turning in that direction, he followed the noise that attracted his attention and when he arrived, nothing was there. The hybrid was infuriated by being played a fool. Snarling at first, once he turned his head to the left, he saw a ventilation shaft open and he grinned like a mad man. Ducking down and crawling inside, he began to crawl faster than he thought possible. He heard a vent seal behind him as he rushed past. When he found the exit, he climbed out and noticed a man staring at a monitor and he was trembling.

"What do I do?! Where did it go?! Where the fuck did SpringTrap go?! Shit...shiiiiiiit!" The man in an odd outfit swore fearfully. The thing he was referring to as 'it' was none other than the hybrid 'SpringTrap'. Spring...Trap. Name...me he thought in his metallic flesh-like head. He had discovered his name. This hybrid had a name and it wasn't 'it'. A l He felt the need to kill this man and he wanted to follow this urge to do so. Reaching upwards with his arms he grasped the sides of the screen and gripped it. The man jumped back and watched the screen forced to the side with a loud slam. SpringTrap jumped from where he was and screeched loudly at the man, grasping his head as he did so. The man screamed as SpringTrap glared at the man before crushing his skull. The cracking and squelching of blood and bone between his large, decaying fingers was amazing. Blood trickled from the now lifeless man's destroyed head and dripped down his body and soon, onto the damaged and moldy floor.

He stood there in the silence, the only real sound was the fan's whirring blades. He towered over the lifeless corpse and a grin remained on his destroyed and decaying lips. His ears twitched slightly as he simply looked at the pile of flesh below him. SpringTrap then let out a mechanical laughter that mixed with his screech and some sort of distorted human laughter. This man's death was hilarious to him. He didn't know where such emotion could come from but he was feeling it. It was such an incredible feeling to have as he continued to laugh. He was relishing the kill he made.

The man of gold appeared in front of him, the body below being lifted into the golden man's arms. His eyes remained hollow and lifeless yet it seemed oddly familiar. The head was mostly gone from the guard's body but enough remained to signify that a head had once been there.

"This was but one obstacle...The souls of children must be sacrificed, fool. Offer them to me and I shall do what must be done," these were the only words that left the golden man's lips. Soon, the golden man disappeared along with the dead corpse. The blood remained on the seat and floor but none remained on SpringTrap. Even though the pleasure from seeing the blood on his large, metallic hands was slowly diminishing, he felt as though he'd been productive and was helping something of a much greater use. The golden man's words still rung fresh in his mind. Apparently he was being told to collect children to be sacrificed. SpringTrap tried to process what that meant but he figured he didn't need that sort of information.

Turning, he exited the room and returned to where he had woken up. SpringTrap needed to rest. He felt exhausted but at the same time, he craved much more than the deadly sound of silence. Slouching down back where he once sat, his eyes shut and he felt himself slipping away from reality into a deep slumber. He was asleep yet heard movement around him. The quick paced feet that rushed along the floors, the odd noise of static where a voice should be, a child's laughter. Each of these things rung in his head. However, none were as evident as the one sound of a soft melody. A tune that seemed to be wound up and then changed on it's own accord. It signified that he was going to return to the world of the living and be the one to reek havoc on those who dared threatened his new home. SpringTrap grinned in his slumber at the thought of returning. He would come back.

He always does.

So yeah! Lemme know whatcha think! See ya soon hopefully.