Oops forgot to post this last week. Real Life was crazy.

For DianneBaquiran, Followers, and Watchers.

Delphina2 LOL your reviews make anything look/sound good thanks.

I can see them but I only hear their voices in my head
Waiting for the moment they'll be calling to me
And if I try, I'll remember that the words were never said
Only now the others hold no meaning for me

And I'll see… With wide-open eyes... Of blindness
I'll leave… the ever-calling cries… In silence

Every place go we shouldn't go… We shouldn't see… we will never know.
And all I want is waiting for me. All I see… All I fear is waiting for me.
Home Fires by Samuel Sim – Soundcloud com

Night on Oros Olympos, Orous

Together as one, Balem's body made me feel protected but when the euphoria slowed down I started to feel the full weight of it. Looking up to see the stars, a big red moon, medium yellow orange moon, and a small white one, I wondered what technology filtered out the light pollution. Also, the universe's refresh rate of waves, like a computer monitor, was starting to annoy me.

A saw a shinny teal blue something fly in the moonlight around us. I tried to stay still as the huge one foot dragonfly landed on my hand on top of Balem's head. Staring at it, I remembered what Balem taught me and used my new skills of using my FTL to interact with the environment.

'Hello Sister Kalique! What is the purpose of your visit?' I said through FTL.

'We are the same you and I,' Kalique's voice sounds in my head, 'to test you and show you that I am almost everywhere even where mother thought I could not pass. Sounds familiar?'

Of course it does as tried to remember when I first started breaking into places. 'They are recording this… how did you get here…' I started to ask.

'Haha I am only in your head for I would not dare send anything physical in front of masters... disappointed that I was not invited.'

'I didn't plan this. I just wanted him back to being himself.'

'Being himself? He does not even know that, for the omniscient one is always fighting with the omnipotent child and mother never let him grow up. And now because of you he has to fight with his body too.'

'Why does everyone keep blaming me?'

'Blame does not matter. Only I matter,' Balem said as he lifted his head to gaze into my eyes.

The dragonfly disappeared. I laughed out loud at his statement and said something I wouldn't have dared before today, 'Your grandiose fantasies are adorable even when you use them to mask your insecurities.'

With that intense stare of his, Balem said, 'insecurities. INSECURITIES?!' Angry, Balem sat us up. His face contorted between anger and sorrow.

I apologized without apologizing, 'I will learn to use my words more wisely. I love you just the way you are Balem.' That calmed him.

He cried on my shoulder and I wanted to say the words sorry but I didn't because they use sorry when someone hurts someone out of malice unlike most people I know who use sorry to denote sympathy.

'I love you,' I said after he stopped crying and then asked how to stop seeing the universe refresh rate because only a few moments of it is fun.

He looked at me in disgust and I felt his jealousy.

I explained the misunderstanding that I've connected to the universal life network, seeing the refresh rate, for a moment when using Reiki, the laying of hands on another person to transfer energy from the source to heal.

Balem laughed at my explanations and then trailed kisses from my forehead to my right hand saying mine on every kiss. I wanted to say we belong to ourselves but kept my lips sealed for I guess that's part of his new coping mechanism. Telling myself that he means 'mine' as only belonging to him and not Abrasax Industries, I am trying not to take it personal for I know that I am not a thing and that people can't be owned.

"You belong to me," he said out loud as he touched my cheek.

And I couldn't help thinking that it wasn't fair that he can be in my mind and I not have access to his.

'As you wish,' Balem said while he embraced me pushing me hard against his body.

Suddenly I felt all life on Orous. The citizens with their joy and sorrow where everywhere. The information of other planets and what was required from him. Seeing my mind and body monitoring system from his mind, the information was overwhelming that I understood then why he held me tight as I passed out.

I awoke connected to Balem's mind I guess at a lower setting.

'Not necessary,' Isis said to him.

'She is not your equal. Letting a child play with fire is dangerous,' Sophie added.

'She will appreciate the situation better,' Sigil retorted.

We, Balem and I felt a presence that was familiar to me for I felt it in Jupiter's house.

'Jove,' Balem acknowledged.

'Disappointed in the progress. Disappointed that all her centers are opened at full capacity. I am here to close them before the cycle restarts (sun rises) overwhelming her system,' Jove said in monotone.

'I thought you had made her that way. Give me a chance to learn,' Balem.

'There is a time for everything. The best time is after a hundred twenty two years, Master Abrasax,' Jove.

I was disconnected from Balem's mind and instantly felt Jove's presence in physical form.

Jove touched the back of my head as I held on for life onto Balem and yelled, "NO!" Feeling tenderness and concern from Jove was not enough for that can be faked especially by high beings.

"My daughter, Master Abrasax wanted to teach you Quantum theories before you are able to understand how to multiply or divide. You know in your heart that you are not ready. In his enthusiasm for sharing he forgot to close your centers before joining. It will only confuse you for you will feel responsibilities that are not yours to assume."

I remembered that they had, if using the baby analogy, already forced me to walk before learning to crawl maybe that damage can be reversed.

Balem cupped my head that we may see each other eye to eye and as tears fell from his eyes, "I trust Master Jove. We have all eternity to learn."

Such words made me feel unworthy of him as I-am-right-now. How could a fish love a bird? He is bird in a cage with its door open or maybe we are a blue whale and elephant for that's more equal. Hopefully my tree plant lives are comparable to a hundred human lives. Master Sigil's words came back and I shudder thinking I will be less sensitive for I will only have physical senses left after Master Jove is done.

Balem handed me over to Jove. Master Jove looked like Max Jones Jupiter's father and a fury rose in me for what seem like no reason.

As soon as my body was disconnected physically from Balem's and in Jove's arms it went limp. Now I somewhat understood why I was furious for I couldn't even control my eyes. I wondered if this is how Balem felt when he was in that trance.

Instead of feeling safe in my supposed creator's arms I felt trepidation.

"Give. Her. To me," Balem said in high Orous.

"Not a toy. Not supposed to be here," Jove in ancient Orous which I only understood the words 'not' and 'toy.'

"I know. I will do it"

"Being on Earth, serving Earth is her purpose yet she chose you thinking you will show mercy and spare Earth. Give me your word that she will not have access to your mind and will only use the four lower centers till a hundred twenty two years from now in exchange I will not contest or interfere."

Balem replied in ancient Orous, "You want her to know when she learns ancient Orous. That planet will be harvested. She knows this. I do not understand the use of Abrasax genes on an artificial planet guardian."

Jove held me out to Balem, "Do you accept the terms?"

"Yes, her centers will be as a new noble Orous citizen. This conversation is not over," Balem accepted me in his arms and passed his hand behind my head giving me back control of my body.

He laid me down on the blanket and told me, "I am imprinting on your centers in a way that can only be undone by me. Your heart always open and the others vibrating as a high Orous citizen would."

When he was done I stopped seeing the refresh rate of the universe and stopped feeling the gravity pulls of the four masters. I wondered if I could still sense my family and friends as I can still sense him.

We stood together. Jove opened his hand that I may place mine on his and Sophie did the same for Balem. We took their hands and they brought us off the seal covered by the blanket. Isis covered Balem in a robe of white with shiny embroidered letters and Sigil did the same for me.

'Your friends are waiting for us,' Balem said through FTL.

'Thank you,' I replied.

'I always keep my word.'

While opening his other hand showing two rings, in ancient Orous Jove commented, "I kept the old symbols for sentimental reasons. For Master Abrasax to enjoy pretending she is less when you have made her an equal and your shield."

In ancient Orous Balem replied, "You are interfering."

Balem took the ring with a small crystal lotus blossom and held his hand out for mine, in high Orous, "to show the Earth terrans that you are mine."

I gave my hand to him, 'they are going to ask questions I won't be able to answer… like every detail of the proposal… I am not good at lying.'

He gave a mischievous grin as he placed the ring on my ring finger and I wondered what grandiose schemes he was concocting in his head. Sigh, the best him is still overtly selfish. Oh well can't learn everything in one lifetime.

Jove bowed and I panicked thinking that he is leaving, I asked Balem through FTL, 'I want to know why Master Jove created me.'

'You were created for me,' Balem replied.

'Yes, I am yours Balem yet I want to hear him say it in his own words.'

In high Orous Balem stated, "Master Jove, stay."

Isis and Sigil bowed waiting. Sophie bowed to give the blanket with my names which had been folded showing a blue red, oxygenated blood, star part up. Balem didn't take it and I wondered why as I looked at his supercilious face, I guess he was in conversation with Jove for he accepted the blanket from Sophie.

Jove looked at me instead of Balem when presenting it. Balem held my left hand's wrist with his right and told me, 'accepting it means you accept your place beside me.'

I accepted the blanket from Jove thinking of Hindu marriage rites and asked Balem, 'May I know what all these rituals mean and why they where necessary?'

'My mother taught me that without females there are no males. In the entitled ceremony all of it will be explained to you. The Kepler's will represent your interests when I restore all their rights after Earth's harvest.'

I remembered, Shakti-energy-feminine and Shiva-consciousness-male when both are perfectly balanced knowledge, the knower and the object of knowledge the three become one. Trying not to think but my mind sometimes can't be stopped. The old me would have asked about the harvest but the new me knew that it is better to gather all information necessary so I opted for a smarty pants comment, 'I agree with Our Queen Mother Seraphi, female is the default for in nature males show up when there's an overabundance of resources. Males are to help with faster genetic diversity of a species.'

Balem laughed out loud at me and commented through FTL, 'There is no need to prove yourself to me. We will have eternity to learn from each other.'

Oh my god that was the most wonderful thing I have heard him say.

He let me know that he and I will leave together and the others will leave after us but that Master Jove will come back that I may ask to my heart's content to get all the answers I wanted

After porting to our ship into a room I hadn't seen before which was full of androids waiting to clothe us. One of the androids catches Balem before he falls over from pain and passes out.

I hated myself for standing there in shock not remembering Sigil's warning that all the past would catch up to Balem as soon as he left Orous' protection.

Suspended in the warm gel, that felt as if in a womb, I embraced him waiting for him to awaken. The gentle sound of his super slow normal heartbeat lulled me to sleep.

Earth and everything else seems so distant when his fingers are curled around mine feeling the joy, of being together, passing through our skin. I can feel our heartbeats in my head. So much ecstasy fills me that I feel the pulse of the universe and when I open my eyes I can see the universe's refresh waves again.

Smirking Balem said, 'Master Jove awaits,' as our assistants clean the gel off of us. I guess they do it to remind us of our bodies by stimulating our nervous system reminding us that we are physical beings too.

Tael and Ki gently pull me off him, Balem's grin becoming more obvious. Tael tries to finish cleaning me but Balem gets up to take the cloth from her and finish himself. I saw Ki's angry face before he knelt down to kiss the Abrasax logo with the sun. I closed my eyes to feel it.

My vision went blank while he told me, "I know you trust me." I disliked that I couldn't feel Tael nor Ki but was glad that I could still feel his presence.

The assistants dressed me in what felt like a long gown and a headdress that I guessed had wings for I felt the air move around my head.

Balem held my left hand and walked me forward. I felt the temperature drop and heard the movement of clothes as if hundreds of people moved.

In a room that was warmer, the assistants re-clothe me again. My vision was back and I was pleasantly surprised that the dress was plain and functional instead of those crazy over the top fashion show runway editions.

I looked up to see Balem back in the role of playing CEO of the universe from his floating chair sofa thing. Running up to be near him, I was confused when he stopped me by holding his hand up. The tears were about to flow for how could he distance himself so quickly from me.

A portal opened next to me tempting me to run away from having to face the hurt of his rejection. Instead of going through the portal, I reverted back to our second meeting after receiving a lecture from the Keplers. Holding back my tears, I walked on all fours and gently kissed the bottom of his bare foot.

Balem looked down, 'Get your answers. GO.'

To me it was real! So how many planets and people must I destroy or ignore before he trusts that he is first? Maybe he is afraid of what Jove will say to me or he changed his mind about my meeting with Jove and doesn't want to take his word back.

I didn't budge so he picked me up, I did not fight him, and he pushed me through the portal to Orous.

As soon as the portal closed, I cried in anger, sorrow, and the loss of his presence.

Jove's voice, "You should have followed your mother's orders," stopped my crying.

In displaced anger I retorted, "WHAT?!"

Jove in lotus position on top of the seal nonchalantly asked, "When was the first time you disobeyed Havah?"

Thinking I calmed down, "Should I have ignored Jupiter as my mother asked?"

"Demons" Duet Boyce Avenue and Jennel Garcia

B: I want hide the truth. I want to shelter you.
But with the beast inside there's nowhere we can hide.

Both: No matter what we breed we still are made of greed.
This is my kingdom come, this is my kingdom come.

K: So, they dug your grave
and the masquerade will come calling out
at the mess you made.

B: Don't want to let you down but I am hell bound.
Though this is all for you, don't want to hide the truth.

K: When you feel my heat look into my eyes.
It's where my daemons hide, it's where my daemons hide.

B: Don't get to close its dark inside.
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide.

Both: No matter what we breed we still are made of greed.
This is my kingdom come, this is my kingdom come.

B: They say it's what you make, I say it's up to fate.
Its woven in my soul, I need to let you go.

K: Your eyes they shine so bright.
I want to save their light. I can't escape this now…
Both: Unless you show me how!

44 next: Master Jove explains
45: Earth children that remember and meeting Seraphi