A bird may love a fish but where will they build a home together – Fiddler on the Roof movie

Extreme Newbie my first fanfic and my first time writing too. Committed Blasphemy; no alpha or beta readers. Updated first chapter to flow better in 3rd person, almost omniscient, view and bringing details back 9/24/15.

JA was supposed to be a trilogy, see my profile, Wachowski siblings had to butcher it into one, and I hope I've left enough details to avoid what happened to the inspiration. I wrote this in early February when I saw it and I still can't get it out of my mind. It won't leave me alone!

'Seraphi/Caine past lives' Ch 19, 20, 11, 32
Aleska/Max flashbacks stand alone "Universal Language" Story
Jupiter/Balem Ch 32

"I see a green meadow, on which there is a white coffin. I am afraid that my mother is in it, but I open the lid and, luckily, it is not my mother but me." Drama of the Gifted Child the search for the True Self by Alice Miller

The luxury interstellar ship in orbit around the First Primary of House Abrasax alcazar home base planet right before the wormhole jump to Earth; Lord Balem's spiritual advisor Ki runs towards him. She is without her station robes, without her painted face, and without any of the formulas on her body for she is going against her duties and against the Orous Commonwealth Board's wishes.

Being rational didn't work so now she hopes her years of service will speak of the trust they have when she supplicates for him not go to Earth that he can still do his duty virtually just as he has trained his new Earth security.

Contrary to popular belief, Lord Balem deplores being near weak people who beg for they are emotionally unstable and can't be reasoned with and therefore not much of a challenge. He is disappointed when Ki did such a thing for she doesn't understand that he has to go. There's a lot at stake in that planet were more than a fourth of the population is under Abrasax Research & Development's absolute control. Worse of all they don't know how many of mother's adherents and anti-regenx adherents are left.

Ki doesn't give up, making an unauthorized call to Lady Kalique the Second Primary of House Abrasax as soon as they are close to Earth for his sister seems to care more about him than profits or so it seems. Unbeknown to Ki, it was Lady Kalique who suggested that Lord Balem faces his past and makes peace with that project. Mother's oldest confidant Lady Basilides and Lady Kalique went to visit the Abrasax matriarch's resting place less than thirty years ago and Lady Kalique was able to have peace. When the spiritual elders think Lord Balem and the universe are ready for a recurrence she will be ready to receive her mother with open arms.

"Most high, Brother I'm concerned over your well being" Lady Kalique says in apprehension over FTL.

In complete confidence "I'm the same as always. Kalique."

She seems afraid when speaking the next words, "Four Entitleds have become allies to compete against us."

"I'm aware of the change. Don't sabotage their efforts and let them think they can dare to compete against us. Let the public talk all they want including our own worker drones. We Abrasax have technology in our possession that will make the current systems obsolete and stop the ReGenX-E black market. After Earth's newest harvest not even all the combined Entitleds will ever be able to compete with Abrasax ReGenX-E quality. I'm here to make sure all goes as Mother originally planned."

He turns and let her see that his ship close to Earth's orbit. She is overjoyed, sheds tears saying, "Yes, small timed slow exposure till the feelings go away. I'm here for anything that you need or desire, Brother." She bows her head and he dismisses her by cutting the connection.

Looking out his cathedral windows he is lost in thought, 'Remembering how much mother loved this planet makes me ill, I detest it but since it yields the best profits even with its extra factors, I must personally oversee those extra adjustments.

I resent that Earth has set the standard to judge all others. Just the samples of ReGenX-E from Earth exceed all other profits in the market. Glad that for security reasons the Entitled don't know what planets the batches come from. Yet, every time I check on this experiment, I can't think, and I feel like burning the planet's surface to the ground slowly destroying them all.

There's only one place I abhor more than earth and that is Jupiter's Refining station. It unsettles me in such a way that I lose track of time, so I try to avoid thinking about "that refinery station" unless necessary.' His medical program on his FTL lets him know he needs to relax or distract himself. He does so by reviewing his last, almost perfect, harvest knowing that she will be proud.

Lord Balem Abrasax contemplates work in general. For most planets he feels pleasure, pride and satisfaction of estimating results from a combination of pre-harvest loss, gathering loss, and machine loss thus ensuring that a crop reaches its highest capacity for growth, it's both a science and an art that he enjoys.

Experiments on Earth have successfully shown that Orousian humanoid DNA can be merged with Cro-Magnon from Sirius and Neanderthal from Maldek, the natives of this galaxy, and other human species for faster growth and an easier controlled crop that produces ReGenX-E with the highest purity by importing enough Orousian female hybrids to keep the valuable mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) intact.

Just being near Earth, the center of Lord Balem's gravity gets pulled towards that planet. It makes him think and feel what he doesn't want to remember, 'Mother used to bring me here promising this planet's richest only to me. The wonderful yet awful memories this place harbors. Why did she love this planet more than me? She did fulfill her promises to me except for that one system, which she called the prototype, that Lady Kalique and I must share together in its problems.'

Lord Balem's entourage lets Earth's magistrate know that it's time to give an update on all projects. The First Primary with his eight business assistants reviews all that he can on a secure local connection but some projects can only be discuss on the planet's surface per his mother's guidelines.

"If you're flawless, then you'll win my love… With everything I do for you, The least you can do is keep quiet… How long before YOU SCREW IT UP!" Perfect by Alanis Morissette

Cantigny Gardens, Chicago
On the public side it is 500 acre estate garden and an experimental farm, which served as a working laboratory, has tried new species of crop plants, tested theories of planting and harvesting, and investigated new practices in raising productive farm animals. Underground the garden is a node hive for Abrasax Industries.

She's late as usual, hoping her guard friend will still let her sneak in, she ran towards one of the garden's service entrance while dialing for her insignificant-rule-breaking partner in crime, a sister, and a best friend. It rings, and as usual, she gets sent to voicemail. She leaves one, even though she knows her friend doesn't have time to listen to it, "Hey Planet where are you?"

Reminiscing our break ins: our chemistry teacher's chemical closet, getting caught, and having to re-organize it and take inventory instead of being expelled and during summer nights breaking into our community sports center's pool with our other friends. As an only unwanted child of intellectuals my parents' colleagues their secret society friends and my school friends are really my family. She misses the fun kids' stuff they hardly get to do anymore ever since she started college and Planet has to work full time for her family.

She calls again and again until Planet picks up.

In an apologetic voice she says, "Sorry Kami, extra work came in; you know how much we need it"

"It's alright I just wanted to hear your voice and spend time together. I miss you Planet Jupiter." She sighs disappointingly, "We'll have to come back together when and if they open it back up to the public"

"I'm really sorry Kami, I'll make it up to you. If..? I feel that your comment is pessimistic. But what I really wanted to say was 'there you go again with that pessimistic view of the world' and I thought we were going to help each other see things in a positive way."

"Yay! What I meant is Yay Thank you for letting me know and having the courage to tell me. I will try to remember to find a positive way of looking and coming up with solutions to facts that only have negative outcomes for us. They've closed the gardens for... what seems, without reason and they haven't said when it will open." laughing "See I made it better in mid sentence because of you. Still learning. Thanks Planet!"

Jupiter laughing, "Outcomes, outcomes… Maybe, we do need to hang out more." Then speaks in a serious tone, "I've been having awful nightmares and this feeling of dread lately but then extra energy and overjoyed for what seems like no reason. All of the sudden I feel as if I'm bipolar."

"I've been feeling that way too. Maybe there's going to be a huge natural disaster that will help all of us renew? That's the only thing I can guess for now. When will I be graced with your presence?"

Jupiter laughing again, "When Jupiter is in retrograde." Inside joke between the three friends and aunt Nino that means when Jupiter has free time to turn her energy inward for self reflection.

"Just remember to make work as if you where playing house, our house, and it won't be that bad. Helping them by making more time for them to spend with their family, you are making our world better. Do your best with the best intentions and the universe will give you back what you put in this lifetime and the next."

"That's much better but you over did it with the double sugar coating! I'll try thanks. I got to go. I'll call you later."

She sees her guard friend in the distance; he does that guy thing she can't stand. He glances at her up and down like a piece of meat. Kami thinks she can't hardly blame him since he isn't used to seeing her in a girly dress but has only seen her in business clothes while talking to the people she counsels.

Kami is still on time to get in but he argues that the new people are security freaks and doesn't want to let her in the gardens as promised. She argues back that it's 500 acres! Bribing her for a date in exchange for entrance, in case he loses his job, at least he got a date out of it. Finally in she feels elated the whole garden will be empty and she'll be able to hear nature without a thousand human voices.

She makes her way to one of the rose gardens. After setting her phone on vibrate and storing all things in her ridiculous small leather purse backpack, a gift from the Goddess Diana to acclimate to reality, she checks for a place to lie down to view the roses and the sky at the same time. Nestled perfectly between the plants, the scent of roses mixes with her homemade honey lotion, she begins to relax.

Kami starts to meditate visualizing that she is a plant reaching towards the sky to charge its self with the sun and digging its roots deep into Earth's core. She tries to sense all the main energy cords in her body that are connected to Earth, the moon, and the sun. All of the sudden there's that pull of gravity in her navel that feels like the despair Planet mentioned yet at the same time the pull of gravity is different on her funky physical heart, that later in life had shifted closer to the center of her body, feels absolute joy. She thinks if Jupiter is crazy then I'm crazy too and wonders what aunt Nino would say.

When a bee lands on her, she tries to forget about those conflicting feelings and focuses on the bee walking on her forehead. Because it was drinking from her tears she had to move it lower for she didn't want to be afraid that the bee will go for her eye.

For Lord Balem this planet makes him lose his temper more than usual for typically he tortures himself working on Earth by switching back and forth on a planet he likes but this time the information is so complex he can't take any breaks. Balem wants it to be over yet takes Lady Kalique's suggestion. He glowers at his Inner Circle Security to disappear out of sight! As he walks through this primitive garden, remembering when his Mother talked to the terrans as if she were one of them, he calms down.

His Mother entertained herself by befriending them, giving them gifts and meals while asking how their lives have been. Laughing internally to himself, 'it was amusing since terrans or as the average citizen calls them earth tersies, even with our best genes, are extremely ignorant compared to the rest of their holdings yet Mother liked them best.

One time she took one home and let it keep its name. It, Gurdjieff, really said insane things that they aren't the top of the food chain and other nonsense but it did make our harvests more profitable.' His thoughts are distracted by a familiar female voice laughing "beeeee gentle." Angrily, thinking this place's terran security would be getting replaced if he wasn't razing the place down; he slowly makes his way towards the voice.

It the female has stopped speaking and its breathing - inhaling 30 seconds, hold 8, exhaling 38, and hold 8 seconds - rather odd for a terran. Looking through the rose bushes with the stealth camera drones that surround him and are attached to his FTL, Lord Balem sees the female, wavy black hair and medium skin tone, lying on the ground without any cares while bees crawl all over its skin. Giggling it relocates the ones that land on its face to another area. For a moment he wonders if he envies the terrans' for this stock isn't miserable with their simple lives of just growing, eating, entertainment, working, and reproducing. NO! He tells himself to stop such ridiculous thoughts.

Getting closer, he looms over it for a better view with his own eyes. As it smiles, its eyes open showing them to be brown with specks of green and they get greener by the moment. Its pupils fully dilated more than needed for this starlight. He thinks 'Aha (in derision), it likes me. Females instinctively are attracted to power. It passes the hive test as the imported Orousian insects seem to like it and it isn't afraid of them.'

Kami felt the gravity on her navel pull harder and harder like a black hole of sadness messing with her meditation that she didn't realize her physical heart was elated. She thought at that moment "there's a disturbance in the force" and smiled at her corny nerdy line.

Opening her eyes to see Lord Balem she thought he was one of those emotional depressed guys since he was dressed all in black shinny garb with an intricate silver collar as if he was cosplaying a manga character. Ugh! She thought wanting to yell at her annoying endocrine-pituitary system controlling her body for she hopes it doesn't seem obvious she finds him physically attractive perfect androgyny of an angel with just enough masculinity to say that he is male.

She gracefully got on her feet. "Hi, I'm called Camilla LaClear born in the Milky Way galaxy's Orion's arm Sol's third rock Earth, former Maldek warrior, and Citizen of Earth, you?" hoping he would think it is funny like most of her anime and science-fiction liking friends. She extended her hand to shake his but he doesn't reciprocate.

Lord Balem did not found it amusing. It irritated him that it dared to talk to him; he should strike it down on that spot thinking, 'How dare it thinks it can touch me!' With work still on his mind, he judged its quality. It looked healthy with above average muscle definition but he didn't want to think about work. Then he remembered his Mother's musings and treated it like the rest of the objects that surrounded him.

She felt that he was scrutinizing her and was confused by the look he gave thinking, 'I haven't killed anyone.' Kami saw his expression changed to a pretend bored one, except for his sad eyes. They stood there for five minutes staring at each other but it felt longer then he acted as if she was part of the landscape. It is a good thing that she likes silence and thinking, 'Oh we can play this game; I might as well do breathing meditation while looking at his adorable face.' She curses the current ovulation days that make her question her judgment and now understands her guard friend and the other guys.

Kami started mentally counting while inhaling, hold, exhaling, and his expression changed from robot to furious.

Emotions made him forget the whole point of the earth experiments that the terran above average breathing got on his nerves for the stock was trying to emulate them. Lord Balem barely audible commands in the Orous language "stop that" while he super humanly fast grabbed its hand, yanked it through the rose bushes snagging its dress ripping in a few places and scratching its shoulders. He forced it to the ground in kneeling position; so fast it-she couldn't react at all.

Seething in anger, Kami glares and tries to get up but he pushes her back down. While still kneeling in front of him, she holds her tongue while figuring out an escape route. Realizing if he's that strong and fast then she'll have to talk her way out of this situation.

She thought, 'this crazy snobby cosplayer, does he think he owns the universe. My guard friend did warn me.' Feeling sadness and hoping her friend still gets to keep his job, Kami self-conscious, her body contradicting her mind, lowers her eyes and apologizes for any imagined infraction as if she was in an SCA event where feudality rules, stating nonchalantly in English in her best European accent, "My lord, I apologize; is there any way to make reparations for my conduct".

Seeing through the stealth cameras connected to his FTL for higher beings ignore the lower ones, Balem saw it-her go through all its feelings for they were exhibited plainly on its face. He was pleased by this display instead of being annoyed as he thought he would be for he despises such sentimentality.

In his life he surrounds himself with androids, races that aren't sappy, and everyone else controls themselves except for Lady Kalique who pretends to be happy and Mother's pet, Titus who is a ball of mush who wouldn't survive if it wasn't for the deer. Stating into the air just above a whisper "Lord Balem Abrasax First Primary Heir to House Abrasax Cunabulum System Orous," he thinks 'Kalique wins for I need to relax to get the best final harvest.'

Kami thought he is either an excellent actor or crazy but that's a neat name, trying not to sound too excited, "My lord, is it Baalim (Balem) meaning they the powers that be… the old high gods the new ruler of Earth who said it merged with the old ones and tried to make us forget them."

Lord Balem didn't stop it from rambling for he was entertained by it, a stock animal thinking it knew him, and wondered if the new ruler it referred to was his Mother. He doesn't recall all the stock animals knowing such things maybe it's a defective company drone. Also if it was dangerous his team would have already neutralized it.

"… Abrasax the highest principle, power above all, the creator a destroyer of the world," she held back saying the 'king worm of planet Jupiter,' cunabulum means cradle, and Horus for almost everyone knows about Horus. So she moved on to her name, "My given name means acolyte, young cult officiant, but I haven't decided on an SCA (Society for Creative Anachronisms) name or any one particular universe to cosplay, my lord."

This time Lord Balem looked down at it wanting to kill it trying to ignore that he didn't know the information it-she was saying and told himself it must be some silly animal stock entertainment to waste time. Contemplating it, 'But isn't that what his sister asked him to do? Wasting time for the pleasure of wasting time was what Ki, his spiritual advisor, and she wanted him to enjoy.' It tried to get up again and he pushed it back down again.

Lord Balem physically encircled it to judge it with his own eyes. When he was behind it, it tried a feeble attempt at escaping by crawling forward. He let it-her crawl a few steps for his amusement then briskly floated to gently step on one of its-her hands while unconsciously letting out a small smirk laugh.

Looking up at him from the grass, Kami stood still for she wanted to knock him down but she wouldn't dare remembering her guard friend. She would have enjoyed trying to wrestle him into the ground reminiscing of Nala and Simba from the Lion King movie. Her last boyfriends did not like to wrestle and prefer her to be their version of femininity and she wondered if smirk Lord Abras-ass would like it or be irritated by it. Definitely be irritated for he seems to be a lonely mentally disturbed wealthy adult-child thinking the world revolves around him that his caregivers had to get the whole park for his outing.

Feeling sorry for the unfortunate wealthy adult-child, she decided overestimating her skills that she could help him and by helping him he could help others. In that moment all of her, mind-heart-body, agreed to that decision. Knowing herself she was able to help more unstable and prideful persons. For her the most prideful and arrogant of all is her mother, Kami with help from her friends had learned to be her own person even as her mother still insists that she is extension of her. In a make believe going to cry tone she said, "What is needed of me, my lord?"

Lord Balem was somewhat satisfied that it almost sounded like the rat-splice on Jupiter playing up its worthlessness to please him. "Up" He commands whispers as he takes his foot off its-her hands.

Kami stared straight into his eyes, still on all four folds its-her hands in prayer and bows its-her head, He thinks but doesn't tell it-her 'I'm not going to kill you yet.' The stock lays its body down lowers bows its head and folds its hands in prayer again. Then it gets on all fours almost touching him to fold its hands in prayer again and bow its-her head.

Getting on its knees it-she folds hands in prayer and bows again, then stands up to do the same except after folding its hand in prayers it opens them up as to give. Raising an imaginary tribute to the atmosphere, it then folds its hand into prayer again over its head. Finally it goes back to being on its-her knees with head down and waits for his instructions. [basic salute to the sun yoga steps; hands in prayer, caterpillar, upward facing dog, downward facing dog, forward fold, mountain and back again.]

The moves seem familiar to Lord Balem for they calm him but he can't quite place where he has seen this before. "Walk with me," involuntarily came out in an amused tone.

Pointing towards her bag and giggling, Kami requests "may I get my dead cow skin." The former vegan in her would have cringed but now she knows the value of Tyul'pan's life for that cow lived a great life.

Moving his hand, Lord Balem grants it-her permission and starts to walk ahead.

They walked through the garden silently as she tried to walk side by side but he keeps speeding up till they were both running and slowly Kami gave up her right to walk as equals, and let him have a few feet ahead of her. Lord Balem sees her give up on the droid cameras attached to his FTL for a second he wore a look of satisfaction.

He says in an entitled superior tone, well compare to his other tones, "Ask. Anything."

Kami thought, 'Really anything? So the person he's cosplaying naming himself ABRASAX… he does think he's god incarnate, this should at least be entertaining. Shall I ask the question that I already know the answer to? That when I told my parents, my friends, and new friends they laugh at me.' She tried to make it funny, "Is Earth a big factory chicken coop, humans the chickens, and THEY don't keep us just for the eggs?"

Lord Balem answered, "Yes."

She was surprise that he didn't laugh at her. Kami was impressed or maybe that he thinks she's the crazy one, and likes to amuse himself. So she asks another, "Thought forms and other higher density beings feed off our energy, some feed off positive and some feed of negative"

"No," he replied for that's ludicrous.

Kami was disappointed. She asked the next one to gauge his reaction, "do the higher beings consume humans err chickens"

Lord Balem turned around to face it-her replying, "Yes," to see the effect of his answer with his own eyes.

Not fazed for one moment she kept rambling, "hum, humans can't be compared to chickens since they are fowls so a closer similarity would be cattle since they are mammals too. But chickens are omnivores and cattle are ruminants… so we humans are really greedy pigs." She laughs at her own statement and then asks the favorite question of conspiracy theorists, "Are some of the higher beings reptoids?"

"Yes," he answers thinking it must be a defective subject of some experiment but why haven't they disposed of it.

"And are there other types, like birds or amphibians? Are they in competition to rule us?"

"Yes. No," he replied starting to enjoy his distraction from work. He wondered if it was part of the controlled rebel groups. Lord Balem could find out instantly through his FTL yet his sister suggested restraining from using the network to get instant answers and instead take pleasure in life's simple unknowns figuring out its little puzzles.

"Ever close your eyes Ever stop and listen. Ever feel alive and you've nothing missing. You don't need a reason Let the day go on and on." Wild Child by Enya

Kami asked about different subjects from electromagnetic fields, the planets being the children of their star, beings on the planets being conduits for the planet, time/space versus space/time and if time was really fourth dimension that can be viewed from fourth as a physical object like a river of time and many questions in which Balem replied in a bored tone, "too complex for this stock's understanding or that's nonsense," even when being interested for his mother discussed some of that nonsense with her favorite beings (friends).

He stops to lean on a big weeping willow near a pond with a fountain while he stares indignantly at it-her.

Knowing that she is equal to any other being because they are all part of GOD; just as a drop of water is part of the ocean, his snooty attitude doesn't disturb Kami yet she can't help take in this perfect fashion magazine scene in front of her.

As Lord Balem looks up into the tree branches where a Western Meadowlark sings, Kami is happy that she had her phone on vibrate while taking a photo without his knowledge in case she goes missing. Well that's what she tells herself to rationalize the guilty feelings she has when she pushes the button in violation of another person for her viewing pleasure later.

Kami singsong to the bird, "Hey little birdie are you lost?" Then sings its tune for her friends have gotten used to her singing songs of what seems out of nowhere. He doesn't seem to care and looks around as if he is bored.

Now that she's truly relaxed she gets as closed as she can to adjust her center to his center of gravity and realizes it's much stronger than any of the other masters, people that claim to be helping humanity, she has felt. Tilting her head as she gets close enough to almost touch the daemon, "Are you hu..." she feels gravity pull like a magnet, "…Is your entire DNA human?"

"Yes" he breathes out with a small almost nonexistent smirk going over all of Earth's projects trying to figure out which one it-she belongs to manually.

'Argh! Confounded hormones!' She yells at herself internally she feels his breath on her face. Backing away before she does something regrettable, she acknowledges GOD within him (prayer hands, Namaste), remembering that she'll probably never see him again so she tries to be genuine and in the moment.

As if he was a master, Kami instinctively kneeled back down as the grass tickled her knees and spreading her dress skirt so that it looks pretty.

Glaring at her for a long moment, his demeanor starts to change and he stares instead. She decided stare back at him with the same intensity.

Her aggravating instincts are overwhelming and it turns into longing, 'I could gaze at that ancient soul eternally. I yearn to live within those eyes.' Blasphemy she yells at her mind because she's starting to resemble her friend Planet or worse those books she likes to despise! She lowered her gaze to study the blades of grass and its inhabitants, the little brown ants and one red ladybug that methodically searches the grass blades for its favorite food.

Lord Balem glares at her for his defenses didn't stop that electromagnetic pull. He is tempted to use his FTL but is determined not to use it for when he sets his mind to it he succeeds therefore instead tries to use his energy skills. Angry at himself for failing at it miserably for he hasn't practice since he was twelve. He stares at the object of study trying again, and again, and again…

Kami reflects, 'I'm not as disciplined as I thought because being in silence with someone I hate, a stranger, love or like is easy, but when confused with what feelings this person brings up in me, it is unnerving. I need a distraction to give the mind something to do while the heart-body-spirit decides, and if I'm going to have an audience I might as well put on a show. Sometimes I'm so full of myself.' She sings her favorite lines from Loreena Mackennitt's Ride Across the Caucasus:

"There are visions, there are memories
There are echoes of thundering hooves
They are watching, they are waiting
They are witnessing life's mysteries

Ride on, ride on, through the night ride on
Ride on, ride on, through the night ride on"

Lord Balem relaxed and was finally able to see its-her bioelectricmagnetic field without the use of his FTL implant. The creature before him is benign and what his sister strives to imitate in their public relations campaigns. For many people Kalique soars but in his opinion she falls flat. He ponders if the tenderhearted living thing before him will disappoint, probably.

"Take me with you on this journey
Where the boundaries of time are now tossed
In cathedrals of the forest
In the words of the tongues now lost

Find the answers, ask the questions
Find the roots of an ancient tree
Riding o'er the land, you can feel its gentle hand
Leading on to its destiny

Ride on, ride on…" She stops mid-line to hear the lost meadowlark sing.

Relaxed, Kami closes her eyes attempting to meditate without making the Darth Vader sound. She hardly heard his voice over the birds and rustling water, "My siblings suggested that I socialize and enjoy life. To do something for no reasons other than enjoyment," she opens her eyes to gaze at him while he continues, "Kalique has a planet-wide botanical garden collection, Titus tests the limits of human physical pleasure. I live for expanding our ReGenX-E enterprise throughout the universe."

He waves a hand as if he was bored and stating, "Speak. Freely."

Kami laughs internally because she has been speaking freely this whole entire time, 'Is he trying to fool himself that he can control me?' Instead of figuring out how to get away from him or help him, she blames his pheromones for staying and doing so for selfish reasons.

As she keeps eye contact while her mind is going a mile a minute, 'Such a hypocrite am I, now I won't be able to complain about idiotic things feminine persons do for a masculine one. But he keeps in character so well and I'm curious about his imaginary planet Horus and what does a regenex enterprise entails?'

"I'm a workaholic too! I took off the semester that I may connect with Earth to feel like I belong to this species even when they irritate me by having such short term memories," Kami says the next whole paragraph without taking a breath yet Lord Balem is able to keep up.

Lord Balem laughing internally over his insider information thought, 'Good that you are a hard worker. Of course most of the human species on this planet don't belong here. Yes we gave them short memories on purpose.'

Kira continues, "I'm learning not to be so oversensitive or judgmental by counseling people for it makes me listen to what seemed like petty problems at the beginning but now I've learned to empathize more with my fellow humans. Also it has given me the chance to appreciate what life has given me."

'Be judgmental of their impractical behaviors for they are animals with higher DNA. I wonder how angry the little fluffy ruminant will be when I tell it I'm responsible for all its irritations. Yes because I let you live,' he was too distracted to think about work.

"I know what our general purpose is but I'm still figuring out my individual purpose." Kami lets out a sigh, "I may have a love hate relationship with this planet"

'By Abrasax, this will be interesting for stocks' general purpose is to breed and it already knows that we consume them,' Lord Balem was trying not to laugh at the absurd idea that it thought its purpose was something other than breeding.

With joy she states, "At least you know what makes you fulfilled!" Kami knows better than to give advice when none is asked but her inborn instincts of being over helpful wins, "I suggest slowly doing different things you don't normally do, increasing a few minutes a day till you have a whole day and from a day keep increasing till you have a weeks' vacation. What we did today walking through nature or painting, singing, exercising, and even crying when no one is listening. The most helpful is calling a stranger to listen to our ranting while they mirror and accept our emotions."

'Oh! It's a bad clone of Ki (his spiritual advisor). It will be humorous to see her irritated by taking this one home for I have never seen Ki angry,' Lord Balem pictured it in his mind.

Playing along with his ego, she looks down, "I dislike saying this, it's really a pet peeve of mine, but with you I don't know. May I ask open ended questions that aren't just yes or no answers? …My lord."

"Ask any question"

"Where is Horus and what is the significance of that planet?"

"Orous is the original homeworld"

'Eh, he's is wearing a fine tailored costume but has no background story, maybe the business aspect of it is more fleshed out, since he says he lives for his company.' "What does a regenex enterprise entail and what is needed to manage one?" Kami peers up at him and ends up staring.

With precise fluid movements he stands, closes the distance between them so that he is towering over her that she must tilt her head up to see his face. He replies in a pandering low tone, "Growing and processing homo-sapiens hybrids to extend time for Homo-Sapien-Sapiens"

Still looking up and she comes a little closer almost touching noses, still kneeling, to ask as if talking about plants, "how do THEY choose who to harvest and when?"

But before he could answer, there was a low almost inaudible beep. She wondered if it was one of his intricate bracelets but before she could figure it out, a big holographic video screen appeared above her between him and her. She thought it was a guy in a reptoid suit speaking a foreign language. Staring in amusement at the screen she thinks, 'Wow the guy in the reptile suit has dragon like wings, they are delightful, and he twitches them when he's nervous. Neat costume! Richy rich must be modern Walt Disney with his world building.' There are androids and other creatures in the background too.

His FTL has been malfunctioning lately so he uses other resources to give it a rest before upgrading only what's necessary. In Orous Lord Balem speaks commands in an angry hoarse tone and cuts the communication off. He then turns to it-her with a maniacal grin to say, "All of them; once a planet has reached the maximum capacity."

Kami's face constructs in fear for a few moments then she distracts herself with the grass in front of her knees. Trying to calm herself, she pretends that the wolf is still grandma, that this is an emo depressed misunderstood powerful regular person. Breathe, just breathe. Meeting his eyes with courage she says, "That doesn't seem efficient… I would think mammals would be a perennial, seed once and harvest numerous times, and not an annual crop were it has to be reseeded every time?" His face comes close enough that one more millimeter they would touch but he's still with that robot mask so she keeps talking, "Like fruit trees in which you only harvest the ripe fruit and leave the others to mature."

Kami feels unnerved by how he bores into her with those ancient eyes that do not match his face.

Lord Balem, saying it in an undertone command, "I will ask the questions. Answer them."

Instead of getting angry at his tone, she gets lost counting the colors in his eyes that she almost missed his murmur "General purpose?"

Hesitating and trying to think of the simplest way to answer such a complex question, she answers, "To grow, to know, teach-learn. As RA said 'an expression of gravity is light is knowledge is love. A person's DNA determines their fate or maximum growth it that life time. The key to understanding our past and our future is Epigenetics. Our holy books have many truths and half-truths of offspring paying for the mistakes of the parents. Everything, in the environment both emotional and physical gets recorded in our gene expressions to pass on to the next generation. We are three-minded-machines that need to be tuned to find objective reality."

He bore a true smile on his face, "ah, gurdjieff"

A joy overfilled Kami; finally someone, who she's attracted to, understands the same things she does, "Yes, I love his theories! My favorite of his stories is "the evil magician's sheep", Beelzebub's tales, but the hardest book to read was "in search of the miraculous" by one of his disciples. He says that we will never have control until we have control of ourselves by knowing-loving ourselves. Have you read any of his works?"

Still smiling he says, "I am acquainted with it (that terran)"and asks "individual purpose?"

Confused by his answer and now busy gathering her thoughts, Kami forgets the significance of it. "My individual purpose…" she says buying more time. Should she bear her soul to a total stranger, one that hints of danger, but gives the impression of understanding her?

"I want to know what is true reality even if it's horrible, to help ease the pain and suffering in all of us, to give my life to the greater good and show that everyone is worthy of love just because they are. It isn't what we do or don't do. Just breathing and being is enough. There has to be win-win scenarios that we just haven't found.

'No prey wants to know when it will get eaten. Yes, It isn't what we do but who we are; for what we do reflects who we are,' Lord Balem repeats his mother's line.

"I think I would start with epigenetics in teaching mothers and fathers how to respect new human beings. Showing them that children are their own persons and must be shown respect. Showing them that it's ok to have feelings without explaining or defending them, that they are responsible only for their own and can't control others feelings."

'Yes to epigenetics the rest is absurd as offspring are the property of their creator (female beings) and their creator's owner,' he tells himself more of mother's lines.

"Pottenger's cats" is the best example showing it takes 4 generations to fix and 6 to keep the changes." He's still listening to all her ramblings and doesn't seem displeased. She excitedly keeps on ranting, "Oh! The Agouti Mice experiments are the best indicators of how we can easily fix gene expressions. Just by changing diet these experiments show that diabetic inflamed moms can pass on correct non-diabetic gene expressions to their offspring."

'Close enough… and somebody must have lost their peculiar testing subject for even the noble classes think those facts are bizarre refusing to believe them,' he amuses himself with its-her tirade.

Raising her voice she impassionedly says "It makes me ill that a diseased selfish individual chooses to have offspring fully knowing the suffering they will put their children through. There's a reason nature says NO! There isn't an EXCUSE anymore the information is here for everyone to read and see; it isn't hidden anymore. Why care more about plant and animal genetics when our own is horribly messed up?"

Laughing internally, 'It's angry at the wrong beings. How can anyone be mad at a canine for doing what canines do? There are many reasons for that the most important is forcing specific mutations and absolute control,' he wants to use his FTL to ask Earth's A.I. for the specific project but then decides he doesn't need it for its system seems to be in optimal running condition.

Her knees are starting to hurt but she doesn't care. Kami was uncertain at first if he was making fun of her. Now she realizes he is actually listening and looks up to find him sincerely smiling or what can be called a smile in him. All the other intellectual people she has tried to discuss that subject have become angry and distant from her.

She thought 'If only I could make him laugh.' She doesn't care if she's blushing while her voice falters to say, "Please Lord Balem, correct this lowly earthworm, I like to discuss those ideas with you that I may grow in understanding. I want to hear your views, and recommended actions I can take to reach my highest potential… for eternity." She loves feedback from everyone but most people don't want to discuss the meaning of life nor how to improve themselves. Sometimes Kami thinks it's on purpose that they don't want to see their real selves.

Lord Balem thought 'This worm of Jupiter the creator of this world will have mercy upon the lowly earthworm. For this one will rile the high ones ire breaking their masks' and in a what he thought was a sweet tone came out spooky one, "What are the mating rituals for this particular region?"

"What?" Kami said out loud. 'Did he just ask me out? Do I want to know him? Yes, I want to know the real him not just his make-believe part.' Confused and flustered she answered, "well just like most regions, the bird males show that they have the best genes by being the most colorful and the best nest builders for the females to inspect and choose."

Balem didn't say anything giving it-her a chance to figure it out.

Contemplating whether he would be a good partner but she doesn't have enough information to make a decision, Kami tries to relax. Feeling a twinge in her chest, she wants to let go of all the rules… 'I think… I think I'm in lust because to love is to know and I don't know him at all.' He's still staring and she dislikes that her feelings show on her face. 'Why can't I be like him or like my parents?'

"Are you having a terran short term memory episode?" Balem was disappointed and involuntarily let out a sigh. "Kalique's garden suggestion didn't work…" he said getting so close that she feels his breath on her face again, as his words trailed off.

He kissed her forehead and walked to the nearest bench. Kami knew that it was a deliberately calculated move and she hate it that it worked. He barely sat on the bench, his legs spread apart taking most of the space, and calls her with a hand motion. Points to the grassy ground in front of him "Kneel"

'Come here little animal… don't think. Come to your owner,' Lord Balem was trying to be patient for everyone instantly follows his orders.

Instead of moving, she replies in monotone "An abstract question deserves an abstract answer, my lord." She strives not to think for her mind screams no while her mind thinks the rest of her is content. Her heart-body has never been as happy as it switches to autopilot as if it had a mind of its own.

'It wasn't abstract… now I'm arguing in my mind with an animal. Doesn't matter for I'm about to act like one,' his patience was running out and was about to get his team to drag it-her to him.

Peering into his eyes, she hesitantly gets up to go kneel where he pointed, in front of him. She can't tell what is real anymore. The sun is starting to set. Kami looks down to the grass as a few tears fall from her eyes.

She's afraid and doesn't know if it's him she's afraid of or her own feelings. Kami doesn't know if she can say no to him and doesn't know if she wants to say no.

Lord Balem hears its-her heart pounding in his mind in unison with his and he finds it odd that it should be afraid and beating frantically.

Kami glances up into his eyes hardly muttering the words "Lord Balem may I say…" before she can say the word no, he grabs the back of her head. Opening his mouth wide and surrounding her lips with his lips, enveloping her entire mouth with such totality that she can't speak or shout for help. He shoves his tongue deep into the crevices of her mouth taking her out of her trance as she giggles thinking, 'yes I still have my tonsils, Balem,' wishing she could know his real name.

Lord Balem has kissed two high Entitled heirs, smarty little splice assistant of Titus, and his half-sister but none of it felt like this. Its-her body was oscillating and vibrating in unison with his. He didn't want its-her lips but to rip that heart that felt as if it was drawing his body onto it yet it was exhilarating for he couldn't breathe.

He said he was human yet she can't understand how his tongue could be long enough to penetrate her throat. Shocked, as she felt everything and yet nothing, he literally took her breath away. Electricity was coursing through every cell of her body and for the first time in her life her mind went blank.

"Will you forgive me if I feel this way Cuz we've just met - tell me that's OK. So take this feeling'n make it grow Never let it - never let it go" Don't let go by Bryant Adams (feat Sarah McLachlan)

Comments of any kind are always welcomed. This includes: spelling & grammar mistakes because msword isn't human, kudos, flames, insults, praises, that I may learn to write better. Thanks.

It's longer but much better… do you all agree? Let me know.