In this chapter it's all Jogan but the next two chapters are all Larrett. By the way I am so excited to see Falling for who next week, it is going to be really good I could just feel it. I can't wait to see the Larrett dance it is probably going to be really cute. Now to this chapter, Enjoy everyone.

Jasmine watched as George came closer to her, Haley had step next to Logan as the both stood. George didn't think Jasmine was actually coming or not, He had felt guilty after he accused her of cheating on him with Logan.

''We need to talk.'' George said and Jasmine nodded, looking straight at Logan as she was about to leave. Logan nodded to her, then she turned to Haley who also nodded at her. Now her full attention to George was giving him a nod.

''Yeah. We do.'' Logan watched as Jasmine and George entered a empty room and shut the door, Logan was worried he thought George was going to try and take back Jasmine. Logan turned to Haley as they sat down but, Logan notice a smirk on Haley's face.

''You're worried huh, You think George might want Jasmine back. Don't you?'' Haley knew she was tricking Logan, she sees the chemistry between Jasmine and Logan and knew it couldn't compare between her and George.

''Her and George. Pshhh. Wait. Why? Do you think he wanted her back?'' Logan asked with a worried tone. Haley watched as Logan ruffled his hair, Haley giggled at Logan which made Logan turned to her confused.

''No I don't think he wants her back, Plus she wouldn't take him back anyway,'' Haley turned to Logan and stared at him with a blank expression then continued. ''I see the way she looks at you even when we were dating, She wants more then friendship.''

Logan licked his lips then looked around thinking. He had more than enough time to tell Jasmine that he knew she liked him. Logan felt stupid and ashamed, he needed to talk to Jasmine sooner about everything.

''Haley was there a reason for you and Jasmine not being friends when we dated?'' Logan knew Jasmine's reason but he never got to learn why Haley never liked Jasmine. It was hard for him to even put them into the same room.

''I don't know. At first I was willing but then after I realized how much she was into you, I thought of her as a threat to our relationship. Sometimes I tried really hard but she would shut me down,''

''Then that day when we broke up and she said that I didn't deserve you, I thought I hated her with all my life but it turned out that I thought she was right. I never deserved you Logan it was always you and Jasmine.''

Logan watched as Haley let a tear drip down her eyes, Logan used his thumb to wipe off the tears. Logan smiled sadly at Haley then grabbed her hand squeezing for support.

''Haley listen to me, No matter what we had each other cheating or not, I had loved you from the beginning I met you. You will always be in my heart it wasn't if you don't deserve me or I didn't deserve you,''

Haley tried to look away from her ex but, that was to difficult. ''Whatever happens in the future I promise it get better, I might have not protected you when we dated but I swear to god that I will do it now.''

Logan looked in between Haley's eyes showing her any confort that he had. Logan felt his chest pound as he watched Haley frowning her eyes turning to a bloodshot from all the tears.

''You always protected me Logan, Every time I needed you, you were always there. Thank you for being the greatest friend I ever had.'' Logan smiled and pulled Haley into a friendly hug, He felt her relax and put her head on his shoulder.

''What do you need to talk to me for?'' Jasmine asked as her and George made there way to Haley room closing door. George looked at Jasmine and felt more guilty for everything he had ever done.

After his break up with the Jasmine, George realized all the wrongs he had done with their relationship. He really did like Jasmine but he never thought of treating a girl right since his last real relationship.

''I want to apologize to you.'' George let out the words slip out of his mouth, Jasmine felt her eyes go wide, She was surprised, she thought George doesn't do any apologies. Never she even remembered him telling her that.

''For what? I thought you never apologizes to people even for the wrongest things.'' Jasmine said and saw George look to the ground and rub his forehead. As George raise his head he said what he wanted to say for a long time.

''This is the worst thing, Look I really liked you from the beginning I met you, you were the second real person in my life and that day of our date I thought about taking you somewhere so expensive and nice,''

George stepped closer to Jasmine and continued, ''I wanted to but I had people think of me differently, I was hopeless so I took you to the worst place anyone could on their first date. I regretted when I went home that day but I keep the same thing going on.''

''I did not treat you right, I took you on one date on our whole relationship, I never bought you anything even on your birthday. I was a douche and a stupid teenager, You don't have to forgive me but I want to say sorry for giving you a crappy relationship with a crappy guy.''

Jasmine stared at George not knowing what to say, she was shocked she had never seen this side of George but she liked it, it made her feel safe around him. George had finally did what he wanted since everything.

''What made you apologize now? Out of all our months why do it now?'' Jasmine asked knowing if she had seen this side of George a couple months ago that she would have been more happier with him.

''I don't know. When we techinqually dated I didn't think you would break up with me, but that day you did I was guess guilty and sad at the same time because you were so different than the other girls and I felt bad that I would actually do that to you.''

George blew out air and bit his cheek from the inside, ''I was more mad at myself than at you, I thought you had cheated on me in the beginning with Logan, but I knew that wasn't true and I still went on cheating on you even for no reason.''

Jasmine realized that she wasn't playing a fair game to when she was with George, She had always been with Logan or the group it wasn't a fair relationship for either one of them.

''I don't blame you if you thought that, I was near Logan more than I was with you but I... had reasons for it.'' Jasmine felt insecure now, she remembered all the times she wasn't good for anyone that no one ever even wanted her.

''I feel like I already know but, What were the reasons for it anyway?'' Jasmine took a deep breath and thought it she should tell George. She looked at George who looked sad the way his eyes didn't meet hers.

''You made feel insecure George, all those time you were with a different girl I always thought you didn't want me cause I wasn't beautiful or It seemed like everything I even went near you or you friends it looked like you were embarrass of me.''

George mentally cursed himself, He felt more bad than he did. He didn't even know Jasmine had felt this way. He promised himself this time that the next time he actually like a girl that he will treat her right.

''No, No Jasmine you are beautiful and gorgeous. At those times I was stupid I was worried about my reputation than about our relationship. and I wasn't embarrassed to show you to my friends. It was my friends I was worried about.''

Jasmine stared weirdly at George as he continued to explain the situation. ''My friends had knew about my cheating with you so they thought it was going to be okay if one of them had been with you. Though I told them to back off and not go any inches near you.''

Jasmine slumped sat down in Haley's bed, She felt terrible she thought George was this cruel, rude guy but he wasn't to. He had seen the world in a different directions and followed every stander people saw in him.

Then he protected her for anyone that wanted to go near her. He wants to be a different person not just for Jasmine but for himself. Jasmine could see it in his eyes that he was determined for it.

''You know George, I thought of you as the worst boyfriend in the world, I thought there should be anyone in this world that can so cruel like you.'' Jasmine said as she stood up and walked over to George who hanged his head down.

''Now all I see is a perfect guy who wants to change. I see a guy who feels guilty about everything he did. I see a new George and a better side to him, I see you and I see the best part of you.''

Jasmine smiled as George brought his head up shocked by Jasmine's word. George smiled back at Jasmine and brought her into a hug. Holding her waist as she put her arms around his back hugging him back.

As they pulled away Jasmine looked between George and the space she had between him. They were close and Jasmine wondered if she would feel different around him. Jasmine still had strong feelings for Logan and wondered if she had any feelings for George.

George cleared his throat letting go Jasmine, George rubbed his face as he felt his heart pound. ''Jasmine are we okay now?'' George asked hoping they can at least be acquaintances with each other.

Jasmine smiled seeing how nervous George was asking the question. ''We are okay George, but I just want to make this clear. This whole thing wasn't so we could be back together was it?''

George stared at the space and knew this wasn't suppose to be a back together kind of thing. ''No, I just wanted to apologize and plus you and Watson have the hots for each other so that's just weird.'' George smirked at his sentence because he knew it was true.

Jasmine put her eyebrows together as George had said that. ''Me and Logan please. We are just friends.'' Jasmine brushed it off as it was nothing but, George knew it was nothing. He always saw the way she would look at him or when Logan looked at her.

''I don't know, The way you two look at each other is pretty clear you both have feelings with each other.'' George smirked as he saw a pink shade on Jasmine's cheek.

''Okay whatever you say George lets just go back to Haley and Logan before they think something is going on.'' Jasmine said marching to the door hoping the air will cool her down and her blush.

As George and Jasmine walked down to the hall, They heard Logan and Haley talking and Jasmine suddenly got interested as she heard her name. Jasmine pulled George to the wall wanting to hear more of the conversation.

''You can tell me Logan, it's okay to tell me anything.'' Jasmine heard Haley say and wondered what had been going on since her and George were talking she left them alone together for 15 minutes.

''I know.. Jasmine. I know she likes me, I heard her and my sister say that she liked me about a month ago and I never talked to her about. I just feel guilty about not talking to her.'' Jasmine felt her whole body into shock had she heard it right.

Jasmine gasped and remembered all the stuff she told Lindy, Then all those stuff she told Logan with getting a new girl. Jasmine felt her heart sink when she thought about Logan playing with her emotion.

Jasmine felt anger rush into her as she stepped herself off the wall to the living room. ''You what! You knew I liked you and never told me!'' Jasmine yelled to Logan and Haley which caused them to go wide eyes.

''Jasmine? How much did you hear.'' Logan asked his heart pounding out of his chest. Logan stood up and walked over to Jasmine who held up her hand and glared at Logan.

''Enough, and how could you do that to me! I can't believe this!'' Jasmine rubbed her face roughly with her palms and felt tears prickle she didn't want this to happen she hoped it was a nightmare.

Logan rushed to Jasmine hoping he didn't do a mistake, He couldn't believe Jasmine had heard him he swore he never heard any footsteps when he was talking to Haley.

''Jasmine I'm sorry but when I found out it was the day I thought Haley cheated on me we were both broken up with our ex's, I didn't know how to face you and say I found out you liked me.''

Jasmine stared at Logan hatred still clasping her body she stared at everyone around then looked back Logan glaring at him. ''I'm out of here!'' Jasmine turned and marched out the door walking along the porch then the driveway.

As Jasmine walked to the sidewalk she felt her whole body shaking, This is not how she wanted the day to go. She promised to get along with both George and Haley and now here she is walking down some sidewalk.

''Jasmine! Jasmine! Wait! Please!'' Jasmine heard yelling, then she felt someone tug her wrist and once she turned around, She was faced with Logan Watson. Jasmine heart was pounding furiously now.

''What! What do you want Logan!'' Jasmine yelled and pulled her wrist out of Logan's grip. Logan can see the anger Jasmine had, It was his time now to tell the truth to her that he always wanted to say.

''Jasmine come on, Don't be like this. I didn't know how to tell you, you didn't even want me to know. When were actually going to tell me you like me?'' Logan said softly and Jasmine looked to Logan's eye feeling the same warmth every day.

''Liked, and I don't Logan. I never thought you actually thought that way about me.'' Jasmine looked into Logan and saw some guilt shine, then Jasmine frowned and said. ''You never felt that way about me did you?''

Logan looked at Jasmine and took a step forward to her, ''I never think you had feelings for me Jasmine. We were best friends I was stupid for not seeing any of this. I know I acted like a coward for not telling you I knew.''

''I wished Jasmine I could have told you but, I didn't want you to be heartbroken if you found out I didn't feel the same back then.'' Jasmine stared at Logan and felt her eyes go watery, She felt pathetic crying over some guy that was her best friend since kid school.

''I just want to go home.'' Jasmine begged as her voice broke, She tried to move out of forward out of Logan's appearance but he didn't move still. Instead he reached up and brought his thumbs to Jasmine's cheek creasing his soft thumb over her skin.

Jasmine shivered in delight as Logan continued and played a little smile on his face. ''Back then I had no romantic feelings for you but, things change, people change and feelings change.''

Jasmine stared at Logan then at his thumbs that had stayed still on her cheeks, ''What are you saying Logan?'' Logan stared at Jasmine then invaded her entire space as it left for none of them. Logan flickered his eyes to her then to her lips.

Logan then gently put his lips over Jasmine, having Jasmine kiss back immediately. It was soft and slow, then both felt the air with each other and felt the love through them. Logan slowly pulled Jasmine's waist and Jasmine put her palm to the side of his neck pulling him closer to her.

Jasmine swear she thought this was a dream but also a dream come true. She was right when she felt the sparks between her and Logan. She wasn't mad anymore or depressed, She was Jasmine and it was just her and Logan at the moment.

Logan continued to crease Jasmine's cheek as they kissed, Jasmine wrapped her arms around his neck feeling the delight of the kiss. They both continued to take in the savory taste of each other's kiss.

As they both pulled away slowly, they stared at each other eye breathless from the kiss. Logan put his forehead to Jasmine's and kissed the tip of her nose feeling the goosebumps on her skin as he did that.

''I like you Jasmine, I might have not realized it sooner but I do like you, more than I should. You are that one girl for me Jasmine.'' Logan said breathless then looked into Jasmine's seeing tears into her eyes.

''Why didn't you tell me sooner Logan?'' Jasmine asked she was confused if he did like her not telling her sooner than later. Logan let go of Jasmine then stared anywhere but Jasmine's eyes.

''I was actually going to plan to tell you at the fall dance but then today when I saw you and George leave together, I thought you guys were going to get back together.'' Logan said and Jasmine stared straight shocked at Logan's answer.

''I was never going to get back with George, sure he wants to change now but I still wouldn't go back with him. He wasn't the one who stole my heart in the beginning anyway. Someone wiser already did that.''

Jasmine smiled as Logan smirked to himself. Then Logan pulled Jasmine closer for another kiss. This time it was desperate like they both needed to feel each other every time. Jasmine smiled into the kiss and pulled herself closer to Logan.

Logan used this time to make the kiss deeper as he wanted to feel more of Jasmine. He felt the kiss with her more passionate than he has ever before, Even when he was dating Haley he never felt any sparks like this.

As they both pulled away again breathless, Logan took the chance to put some hair behind Jasmine's ear as it covered her face. Jasmine stared at Logan then felt her chest pound more and more.

''So, what does this mean?'' Jasmine asked as she puffed out some air and used her fingers to play with Logan's tip hair. Logan smirked, using the tip of his thumb creasing Jasmine's cheekbone.

''Well the fall dance is coming up soon, So Jasmine Kang will you be my date for the dance?'' Logan asked feeling his heart beat, Jasmine smiled widely and hugged Logan tightly.

''Of course.'' Jasmine whispered into Logan's ear, then let go and stared behind her looking at Haley's house. ''Come on I want to tell Haley. Come to think of it I think George has a thing for Haley.''

Logan smiled at the thought of them two dating, He knew George would protect her like he did to her back then. Logan nodded and watched as Jasmine leaped over to Haley's house.

Logan stood back and smiled to himself because he knew the next coming on the fall dance, He will have something special for Jasmine. He couldn't wait to see the expression on Jasmine's face.

Aw. Jogan is finally going to be official, Now just to be clear the next two chapter are going to be Larrett chapters only. The last chapter will have half of Jogan and half of Larrett like I used to do. This story will only have 11 chapters. I will probably post the next chapter by next week of some time.

Thank you for reading and everyone have a great Memorial day tomorrow. I know will by spending time with my family. Thank you for reading, don't forget to review/favorite. Thank you see you in Chapter 9.
