AN: I hope I made you guys proud with this final chapter, which I was an emotional mess writing.
Thanks for everything. (:
Fitz's POV
"I've had the pleasure of knowing David Rosen for five plus years," I announce, lowering my glass of champagne slightly. I was surprised when David asked me to be his Best Man, but how could I say no? "Above all, he's a good man...which the world has come incredibly short of lately."
Everyone laughs and I smile. "What I'm trying to say is that David wears the white hat, so to speak. He fights for justice, he lives for it. And he's capable of incredible love and compassion. David Rosen is an amazing human being. And he deserves all the happiness in the world, which he will get from Abby. Congrats, man. To David."
All the two hundred guests raise up their glasses and repeat after me before applauding at my shitty excuse of a speech. Abby actually cheers. She's very pretty and she seems really nice. David is lucky to have her - vice versa. I sit down and take a sip of the champagne as David pats my shoulder. "Thank you, Fitz."
"No," I shake my head firmly, setting my glass down. I look at David seriously. "I don't think I ever got a chance to properly thank you for five years ago."
David sighs. "Don't worry about it - I got a very hefty check in the mail displaying your thanks."
I laugh, but shake my head. "I'm not talking about getting me acquitted - which, don't get me wrong, I do appreciate." David grins. "What I'm thanking you for, David, is calling Livvy down there. Giving me the chance to meet the love of my life. That means everything to me. I don't have a lot of friends, but I have you. Thanks, man."
David beams and for a second, I think he's gonna cry. But he just holds out his hand and I reciprocate the shake happily.
I walk down the dock, hands in my pocket. The sun is setting, as can be seen from the ocean horizon. I missed California so much, it's unreal. Granted, I didn't miss many things about it and it's not in my interests to move back. But it really is beautiful. The waves gently lapping on top of each other below the deep yellow and light orange sky. For some reason, a lot of things are flashing in my mind right now.
Me getting bail and Livvy hugging me for the first time.
Livvy bringing me breakfast in that motel room.
Livvy telling me she loves me for the first time in that visitation room.
I just needed a minute to get away from the hardcore, post wedding partying that's going on up the beach.
"Fitz," I hear a voice behind me and turn around. It's Livvy - who is looking like a literal princess in her peach maid of honor dress. She smiles, something out of a movie, and holds out one of two glasses of wine to me.
I take it from her and smile back. After taking a sip, I bring my arm around her waist so she's closer to me. "Are you having a good time?"
Livvy takes a sip of her own champagne and looks off into the horizon. "I am now."
"That was lame," I smirk and she playfully punches my arm. I laugh. "Where are the kids?"
"Well, the flower girl is busy being cuddled by strangers," Livvy explains and I grin. Savannah is really the most beautiful little girl in the world, whether she be in a poofy dress or not, so I don't blame those strangers. "And Karen is talking to a boy by the refreshments."
I raise my eyebrows. "A boy?"
"A boy," Livvy repeats, turning around and pointing to the buffet table by the edge of the tent. Sure enough, Karen is there, shyly talking to a boy her age with shaggy dark brown hair and a nice smile. Livvy beams. "If I didn't know any better, I would say those two are really hitting it off."
I can't help but smile too. The protective side of me is on standby but I'm just really glad to see Karen happy for a change. I know she was crying in the hotel room - I just gave them the benefit of the doubt and left the room because I trusted Livvy to handle it. And I guess she did.
I clear my throat. "Speaking of Karen...remember the call I got in the hotel room?"
Livvy nods her head. "Who was it?"
"Mellie," I swallow. Livvy turns her head and looks at me. I nod. "She was returning my call. Next week...she's coming by our house in DC and meeting with Karen. Only for an hour though. And then that's that. No contact for at least another year. That's not negotiable."
Livvy nods quickly. "No, no. It's okay. That's enough. It's reasonable" She puts her hand on my chest and smiles widely. "That's enough. I'm so proud of you, Fitz."
I nod. I think I'm proud of myself too. Contacting Mellie was probably one of the hardest things I've had to do in my life, but I know it was the right choice. Seeing Livvy smile like this...I know it was. I'm a protective guy by nature but I think Karen meeting with her mother is the way for her to move forward. Our relationship has gotten a lot better these past few months but I think the right thing at this point is just to go ahead and let her see Mellie. She's old enough, she's mature enough and she has the right to form an opinion of her mother. And I love her enough to give her that chance, even though it breaks my heart.
I think - no, I KNOW - that Livvy would be a terrific mother to Karen. An incredible one. Better than Mellie could ever hope to be. Hell, Liv is practically already her mom. The only that's missing is a ring and that won't be for long.
I plan on marrying Olivia. That's what I want most at this point. And we've talked about it - she wants it too. It's just a matter of when and the answer is very soon. I'm not in a rush and neither is she. We have forever together and I'm going to listen to Evan and not take a second of it for granted. So, when the time is right, and I'll be sure when it is, I'll ask her to marry me and hope like hell she'll say yes.
"Thank you," I whisper to Liv, holding her closer.
"For what?" she replies softly, her beautiful smile never fading.
"Everything," I tell her candidly. I'm not good at expressing my deepest feelings but for her, I'll try. Hell, I'd do anything for her. "I know you sometimes do the wrong things, make the wrong decisions and choices. And you take it really hard on yourself. But I want you to know helped me, Livvy. You just make everything better. You fix things. I go through like and somewhere along the lines, things are changed because you're here. And that's a good thing."
But she shakes her. "I can't promise to fix all your problems, Fitz. But I can promise that you'll never face them alone. I'm right here."
And I smile, because that's all I needed to hear. I'm about to lean in and kiss her, because that's all I want at this point, but I hear soft padding on the wood of the dock and I turn around.
Savannah, eating a white and red cupcake runs up to us, grabbing our legs.
Livvy laughs and looks up at me. "I guess her being sleepy and cranky isn't a problem anymore."
I smirk. "I guess not."
I watch as Livvy and Savannah sit down on the edge of the dock, and then look back at Karen. She's still talking to that boy and she's smiling wider than I have ever seen her before. The band playing changes their song and the boy apparently asks her to dance, because soon they're enveloped in each other, swaying to the beat.
That's all I ever wanted, you know? For her to be happy. I guess I just kind of guessed in the process, I would be happy too. And I don't know exactly how it happened, but I am. In between all the smiles, fights, laughs, cries and love these past few months, I've just sort of come to the realization that if this is the rest of my life, I'm so content with that.
It's hard to think about what would've happened had my dad not hired that guy to try to kill my family that night. I wouldn't have lost Gerry. I wouldn't have been arrested. I wouldn't have met and fallen for Olivia Carolyn Pope.
If this is my story, and I need to tell you one thing, it's this - in life, you have a choice. Once it's given to you, you may not even realize it but it's there. You can chose to stay angry, to dwell, to hate. Or you can allow yourself complete, unapologetic love and happiness.
I chose the latter and I'm so happy I did. It's a tough call and in the end, it's up to you. I don't know if my choice was the right one but I do know this - it feels right. It feels right because I know once I go home tonight, it will be with the people I love the most in this complicated world.
I don't think of it as a compromise thing - like if Gerry hadn't died, I wouldn't have met Liv. I don't think of it like that. All I know is that I miss Gerry - I will always miss him.
But I'm looking across the beach at my beautiful young daughter, smiling the prettiest of smiles, dancing with this boy. And I look next to me and the love of my life is sitting on the dock with my precious baby girl.
And they're all my life. They're everything that matters. The easiest thing in this world is to get distracted - to lose sight of what matters. But they won't let me do that. Like I said, they're everything that matters.
in life
The band increases the volume of the song that's playing, something by YellowCard, and I just tune into the lyrics of it.
Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one
The song is not my favorite but it right now, nothing could destroy this moment. And there's a lot of truth in it.
Livvy is...not the perfect girl I thought she was when I met her in that prison visitation room five years ago. She's better. She's flawed but she's kind, beautiful and so caring that it hurts sometimes.
And I love her. I unapologetically love everything about Livvy.
She's the only one who has ever made me feel this way. Like everything would completely, undoubtedly be okay.
"Fitz?" Livvy breaks my thoughts and turns around to me. She holds out her hand. "Sit down with me?"
I take one last breath and look around me. I didn't know I would end up here, with two daughters and a beautiful woman, but I'm happy I did.
I wouldn't give that up.
For anything.
I finally smile, taking her hand. "Yeah."