(I guess it's time for a redo. Kept you waiting, huh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(?'s POV)





'How long is this bloody road?'

I stopped, pausing to take a deep breath

My female companion walked beside me and placed a hand on my right shoulder.

"You all right?"

"I'm fine, lets just keep moving."

She sighed and walked ahead of me, and I followed her steps.

We walked along for a bit before I took one last look at the road behind us...

And my previous adventure flashed back for the readers to see.

(Jump back 11 months to the past)


The date was New Years Eve.

I was on my way home, after a nice time with a person.

We had just watched a movie at the cinema. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. My second time, it was.

Still a really good movie though.

Everything was just about perfect. She leaned on me, warm as a Torchic and soft as an Altaria.

And to top it all off, she gave me a kiss.

So I was feeling pretty smug that night.

But let's not focus on that, shall we? This warm and fuzzy stuff isn't really my kinda thing.

Now for something completely interesting.

While the night itself was just about perfect, it was obvious something bad was going to happen.

As we pulled up to my house, I carefully exited, and she stepped out with me for one last hug.

But...something seemed off.

I thought it was just me, but...I couldn't shake the feeling someone else was watching me.

I thought to myself 'Fate never seems to rest, does it?'

She could sense me being tense because she asked me if I was okay.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on her warm embrace.


But of course, it's not gonna go right all the time.

After a few seconds, I felt something grab my foot; a large hand, and pulled me from my reality into the darkness of the earth.

She reacted quickly, and I tried to reach for her hand.

But of course, our hands slipped. Because cliches.

And from there, I blacked out.


I'm going to assume that a while went by before I got back up.

I kinda felt like staying on the floor, but it was glowing and kinda hurt my eyes.

As I was about to get up, I heard a voice.

A British voice.

"So, you've awakened"

At that point, I was getting up, and my eyes nearly burned at the sight.

Luckily it wasn't that disembodied voice, I'm sure he would have looked quite disturbing.

But what really got to me was all of the giant capsules containing A LOT OF PEOPLE THAT I KNEW AND LOVED QUITE A BIT.

My mom, my dad, my younger brother...almost everyone I knew and loved were asleep in capsules

"So you've noticed me new collection. Do you rike it?"

I took a deep breath...

"Yes" (Youdon'tsayface .jpeg)

He grunted, saying "Whatever, I needn't your sarcasm right now"

"Who exactly are you?"

He laughed in that stupid British way that Liquid does. Albeit I've never heard it much, once is good enough for me to remember.

"And what do you think you're doing with these people?"

"Oh, I don't really need them."

"So could you kindly let them go?"

"Oh, I would. but I actually do need them for something."

At this point, I was getting tired of his charade.

"Quit playing games! Tell me what you want!"

He laughed again. Man I hate his laugh.

"Well, what I really need, if you MUST know, is a new body"

And he revealed himself; A ghostly wisp of darkness, with glowing yellow eyes.

"I'm sure you remember this story. You loved it, didn't you?"

Hmm...yellow eyes...a new body...

"You don't mean...like Xeha-"

"Exactly. Like Xehanort. Only, unlike Xehanort, my plan is flawless."

Rude. He cut me off.

"And why me of all people? Couldn't you choose someone else? I hardly have anything redeeming about myself"

And he laughed again. Please shut the hell up.

"Well, that's the thing. You think you're useless. But I see something that you don't"

"And why should I trust you?"

"Oh, you wound me so. No, not really."

"You seem like every generic villain in everything ever. That and your British voice"

"What can I say, I find them funny."

"Can we stop with this boring exposition and get to the point?"


He...floated up to me and put his Ghastly hands on my shoulders.

"I can give you power beyond anything you can imagine"

"And if I were...to decline?"

"Well, that's why all of these people are here."

'Damn, so that's what it was'

"So it's either or. Do you want to save these people? All you have to do is kneel."

I didn't answer. Crafty bastard had me in a corner.


I took a few seconds just to think of what would happen next, though I couldn't imagine it no matter how hard I tried.

So I stepped down to kneel before this thing, whatever he was. Slowly and hesitantly.

I heard him snicker.

"Good. Very good. It would seem as if I don't need my collection anymore."

He snapped his fingers.

At first, it seemed like nothing happened.

But then I heard a deafening slice, like a sword slicing through a stick of butter.

I dared not look up, but I had to.

And I wish my eyes were lying to me.

But of course not.

I can't even describe my feelings right now.

Not now though, maybe later.

But in all seriousness, of all the people he decides to pester, he chooses me.

My mind struggled to come up with a logical conclusion to this.

I was just so confused, in shock and had a severe case of the feels.

And then I heard him snap his fingers again.

And in that instant, a surge of power flowed through me. My confusion of positive emotions and light scattered, leaving only one thing:


Immediately it consumed me. I could feel myself losing my grip on reality. I felt...feral. Out of control.

In this form, I felt...powerful. Like I could take on anything.

Including Chuck Norris.

That backstabbing-bastard-glowing-yellow-eyes-whatever-the-hell-his-name-is.

He'll get it eventually.

"This is a good result"

Pfft. That's Shulk's line.

"Anyway, I must come up with a new name for you. You're no longer human, therefore you need an unusual name"

I could hear the gears in his head grinding as he analyzed me.

"Ah, I've got it. Draxian!"

I would have given him the biggest case of dead eyes if I could control my eyes.

Or anything else in this case.

But I think he got the message.

"Ah, so you don't like that name, hm? Well, I'll call you that from now on, my pet"


"Now now, no need to be so vulgar, kid. Calm down."

He laughed again.

"I can tell you're eager to test your new powers. How about you try them out on these pawns of mine?"

As he said that, I heard a sound, and four objects materialized.

Objects was just putting it lightly. Those things were disgusting to look at.

They looked a lot like those enemies from Devil May Cry 3, just without the scythes.

They didn't look that bad then, but up close made me want to close my eyes.

If I could move them myself that is.

I could feel them darting around, trying to decide who to kill first and how.

A million thoughts rushed through my head at once, and settled on one.

They started moving slowly towards me.

Suddenly, I could feel my muscles unlock, and I could move.

I looked up to see if anything was there, but I decided to make use of what luck has given me.

I looked at the one to my left, and it froze in place.

I could feel it wondering what I was gonna do to it.

But the moment it froze was it's last.

I was already 2 feet behind it, my now sharp fingers covered in it's sand thing.

Behind me, I heard it slice in half and drop to the floor, lifeless and already disappearing.

The other three quickly sprung into action as they witnessed what I did to their ally.

Suddenly, I felt...funny. Funnier than before.

I slowly turned around and faced them as they jumped at me.

As if I had done this before, I held out my left hand, and a katana appeared in it.

I grasped the hilt with my right, and yanked it out, slicing all the enemies in the process.

It almost felt natural.


I resheathed the sword, and it just vanished as quickly as it appeared.

All right, I'll admit. I've been a really crappy and lazy writer.

I mean, almost every time I was planning to write, something distracts me.

I've gotten into model building, specifically Gundam models. Started on Christmas. Gotten quite a few since then.

My birthday and such came around on the 15th, so there was that. Of January. The last time I updated this story. Place wishes if you want.

I swimming, and a bunch of other things that I'd rather not bore you all with.

And there's a bunch of people that I like to spend time with. I mean I don't even have to say that, but I will anyway.

These and because writing isn't a strong point of mine.

Sure, I can at least try and use proper grammar and such, but my lack of motivation and story ideas really gets to me.

That and I kinda think that my writing is uninteresting.

But now it's time to see what you all want. Should I write longer chapters or shorter chapters?

I feel like writing longer ones, but shorter ones are more doable for me, and I'm caught in between them.

So I'll leave a poll out for those who want me to keep writing.
Or you could just say it here in the chapter review if you feel like it

Well, I can at least say I've been getting more ideas for my writing, mostly thanks to these Space Jam mashups I've been compiling over the last few months, but I feel as if I can't explain it as well as others can on paper.

Or I guess in this case a word pad thing.

But yeah, I have the ideas down, just gotta explain it.

Also, if you've noticed my new profile picture, I made a custom thingy.

I took a 16-bit Megaman sprite and edited it to look like Unknown.

Took a bit and was really difficult, but it was worth it. Probably'll edit it to look better later.

I can make stuff if you ask. It would have to be like that though, because that's the only way I'm familiar of making things with this program.

Since I'm no good at art, this is my alternative.


The start of the story is pretty different, being the fact that it's set on the most previous New Years Eve.

And that I have an actual story set out now.

Before, when I originally had written this, Unknown had no real motivation for what I wanted him to do.

But now I do.

Which will be revealed later.

And I'm sure you noticed he's a bit more vulgar than last time.

I'm planning on keeping that thing going for him.

For those wondering, his personality'll be the same. I'm not gonna pull a DmC:DMC on you guys.

Unless you all like clean Unknown. You'd have to tell me in reviews or something.

Which reminds me, I gotta fix up The Son of Space later too.

I'll just have to change this and the rest of the thing. :p

Also, props to Space Jam mashups for helping me with fight scenes/AMV ideas, etc.


PSN, Nintendo Network ID, and Steam are still things if you got games we can play together.

Anyway, that was quite a long ending thing :p

Well, good luck guyses!

(I need to come up with a name for you guys lel)