It was another beautiful morning in Los Angeles - not a cloud in sight, the temperature a tepid 82 degrees and Caroline awoke without a care in the world.

She stretched her arms over her head and peered at the empty, unused side of her large King sized bed. She smiled and shimmied her way out of the covers, remembering that her darling husband had left late last night for Europe. He said it was business but they both knew differently. He was with his mistress (and her best friend) in Spain, parading Elena Gilbert around San Sebastian.

She didn't mind. The happier he was the more productive he was and the more productive he was the more money he made. And of course, the more money he made, the more time she got to spend on Rodeo Drive. It was the perfect marriage for a playboy millionaire and the daughter of a congressman, and it would be foolish of her to think that it was anything more than an arrangement. They do love each other, though, but it's always been platonic. And to be honest, she preferred it that way. She preferred not caring about what her husband was up to or who he was sleeping with, and in turn, he didn't care who she kept her company with either.

She could spend her days shopping, and her nights doing whatever or whoever she wanted.

She shuffled into the kitchen and searched for the coffee, rummaging through cabinets in an attempt to familiarize herself with the layout. It was no use, however, and with her maid needing the day off, Caroline was left alone to fend for herself. She made her way to the sink where the espresso/coffee maker sat and noticed a small jar beside it. She opened it up and sighed when it revealed itself as empty with a dusting of ground coffee at the bottom.

"Now what?" she pouted and glanced up when someone caught her eye outside the window.

She assumed it was Tito, the sweet old man that's been keeping the gardens and the pool looking pristine at the Salvatore manor since the early 80s. When she saw who it actually was, Caroline instinctively licked her lips. She tilted her head as she watched a tank top clad man make his way over to the pool. He was tall and broad shouldered with brawny arms and sandy blonde hair. His chin was scruffy and his lips were full and she was suddenly grateful to have the mansion to herself.

"Definitely not Tito," she said to herself and felt a warmth spread from her stomach down to her toes.

She continued to stare, not being able to pry her eyes away from the temptation. He grazed the skimmer across the water and his biceps rippled as he lifted his arm to wipe the sweat from his brow. His body began to glisten and Caroline could also sense the "glistening" that was beginning to accumulate between her thighs.

Who needs coffee when you have this view to perk you up?

He set the skimmer down and grabbed the hem of his shirt, lifting it over his head and discarding it off to the side. Caroline physically felt herself gulp as she took in his lean, tan torso and the tattoos painted across his chest. She ached to run her hands up his chiseled body but instead ran a hand down her own body instead, dipping it under her silky pajama bottoms.

Her finger slipped beneath her panties, seeking out her throbbing clit. She began to rub gently and slowly, watching him lean down over the filter of the pool to remove it. He lifted it over his head to inspect it and she groaned at the sight, wishing to be inspected herself by his nimble fingers and teasing tongue.

She could come. It would be easy to let her imagination get away with her and find release from just the view but she was never one to sit back and look at what she wanted. She withdrew her hand and all but sprinted back up the stairs.

She ran to her large walk-in closet where a number of tiny bikinis waited to be selected. She decided on her white one, it's opal shimmer barely covering her tan skin. She tied her blonde curls atop her head, splashed some cool water on her face and grabbed a sheer sarong, tying it at her hip and allowing her long legs to be on display.

Caroline felt giddy with anticipation and was hoping that her seductive qualities were up for the challenge. She had yet to meet a man that could turn her down and she didn't plan on letting this one get away.

She stepped through the french doors and onto the patio, the sun feeling warm and inviting against her skin. He had moved to the other side of the pool and was busy fiddling with the filter, not noticing her entrance. She cleared her throat and lifted her chin.

"Oh," she said with feigned surprise. "You're not Tito."

He looked up and she flashed him her brightest smile before slinking toward the closest lounge chair.

", no," he attempted to speak. "Tito couldn't make it today that I fill in for him," he finally said in the most delicious British accent.

This man just kept getting better and better.

He tried to not stare and began to fiddle with the filter once more. She smiled to herself, and began to untie her sarong.

"Is the pool okay for me to take a quick dip?" she asked him and let the sheer fabric drop to the ground when he looked back up at her.

He nodded and she watched him swallow before she turned slowly away and sashayed her hips a little wider and practiced her runway walk with one foot in front of the other. She knew he was still watching when she approached the pool steps and extended her long leg, dipping a toe in the water. She took a step in, and then another until the water was flowing around her hips. Her hands danced along the surface of the water and she pretended to not notice that the pool boy had stopped working.

She stretched her hands out in front of her and buckled her knees, dipping into the water and taking a large breaststroke in front of her. She moved slowly forward, her arms opened wide and her breasts heaving forward and out of the water with each stroke. She looked up to make eye contact with him and he quickly looked away, pretending to be interested in the filter once more. He walked away and to the other side of the pool to put the filter back in and she took the opportunity to turn around and head back his direction.

He was still hunched over the filter when she reached the steps and she wasted no time in stepping out of the water. She looked down and realized that her barely there opal bikini was doing a poor job in covering her flesh, and her dark pink nipples stood erect.

She turned on her heel and looked over at him, wanting his full attention before she spoke. He looked up and she smiled down at him but was taken off guard. He had been a distance away from her until now, and she was finally able to notice how blue his eyes were and how handsome he truly was.

She needed him, no wanted him and by the look of his dropped jaw and wandering eye, she knew he wanted her too.

"I'll just be over there," she said and pointed to her lounge chair, "If I can help you with anything."

He nodded and she bit her bottom lip seductively before stepping out of the pool and sashaying her way back over to her chair. She didn't bother drying off and situated herself so she was facing the sun (and him), her body glistening with water. She might as well have been nude, considering her bikini was now the equivalent of a wet paper towel.

He didn't move for quite some time and she wondered if he was actually still working on the filter or if another..ahem… problem had arisen.

She smiled to herself when he finally did stand up, turning quickly away from her and walking briskly back to the pool shed. He continued to work and she continued to lure him in - standing up to stretch or reposition the chair, walking into the kitchen to grab some ice water and running ice cubes across her chest. It was definitely grabbing his attention but not enough to come over and do anything about it.

Caroline had one final trick up her sleeve and reached down to grab the tanning oil beside her. She squeezed a bit of it out into her palm and began to massage it into her legs. She took her time, lifting one leg then the other high into the air and rubbing it in.

"Oh shoot," she said coyly. "Excuse me, pool boy?"

He looked over at her from across the way and she tried to wipe the amusement from her face. He looked like a deer caught in headlights at the sound of her calling after him.

"Yes?" he muttered.

"I've been able to reach every part of my body accept for my back," she told him and glanced shyly over her shoulder. "Would you mind helping me?"

She held out the oil for him, hoping that he would finally get a clue.

He cleared his throat and stood up from the side of the pool. He rubbed his hands on his shorts and smiled. "Sure," he told her and made his way over to her.

She smiled at him and turned around and reached behind her to undo the tiny thread keeping her top in place. "You don't mind do you?" she asked. "I just don't want any tan lines."

"N-No," he told her, trying to act nonchalant.

He squeezed the oil into his hands and she waited patiently to finally feel them caressing her skin. The moment his palms hit her back, she hummed with delight.

"How am I doing?" he asked her.

"Mmm, you're perfect," she told him. "Would you mind going a little lower?"

"If the lady requests." He slid his hands down her sides and massaged deeply. "How's that?" he purred into her ears.

"Wonderful," she cooed.

"And, how about this?" he asked again only this time his hands reached further down and cupped her ass. "Is this alright?"

A sly smile hitched at the corner of her mouth and she bit her bottom lip. "Divine," she told him. "Here let me help," she offered and slowly pulled the strings on the sides of her bikini bottoms.

His hands crept around and soon her back was not the only thing being massaged. She leaned back and felt his hard chest against her as his hands moved slowly across her stomach, down her sides and to the inside of her thighs.

"Is this what you want?"

"Almost," she purred.

"And how about this?" His fingers danced along her hairline and her hips instinctively moved.

"So close," she whispered and wrapped her arm up and around the back of his neck.

"I think I know what you need," he said and finally allowed his fingers to drop between her thighs and slip between her folds.

Caroline's breath hitched before she melted into him. His deft fingers beginning a slow ministration. His mouth grazed her neck and shoulder adding to the growing sensation for release. The pressure increased and she moaned in delight, elated that he was finishing what she had begun in the kitchen.

"Mrs. Salvatore, you're positively drenched."

"Ms. Forbes," she corrected him breathlessly. "Mrs. Salvatore is my mother in law."

He chuckled lightly against her neck. "Alright Ms. Forbes, what would you like for me to do next?"

Caroline stretched her leg out and draped it across his leg, opening herself further for him to explore. No further direction was needed and he inserted a finger deep inside of her.

"Yes," she squeaked and her hips bucked as he slid in and out of her. He rubbed her with the palm of his hand sending wave after wave of ecstasy. His finger was heavy against her walls as he wiggled and moved it in every direction, stretching her and exploring the deepest parts of her cavern. Her eyes shot open and she clung harder to his neck when one finger was suddenly replaced with two.

"That's it...fuck...that's it," she screamed.

His other hand reached around and slipped under her barely there bikini top, palming her breast and pulling her closer to him.

"Are you going to come for me, Ms. Forbes?"

"Yes! Oh God, yes!"

And that's exactly what she did. She hit her pinnacle and with a final thrust her walls tightened and she was launched into oblivion.

She was in a fog when he told her to lay back, and before she knew what was happening her back was on the lounge chair and he had moved between her legs. He didn't hesitate before greeting his fingers with his tongue and swiping against her clit. The aftershocks of her first orgasm had no time to subdue and she was ramped back up to another delicious state of euphoria.

If she thought his fingers were masterful, they were nothing compared to his tongue. He withdrew his fingers and slipped his tongue inside, smacking and clucking and groaning in appreciation of her taste. "Delightful," he simply stated and grabbed her hips to pull her closer.

She propped herself up and discarded her bikini top and then settled in to watch his skillfulness between her legs. With his eyes closed and his mouth encompassing every inch of her she knew she was growing wetter than even before. She reached forward and grasped the sun-kissed curls atop his head and he placed his palms on the inside of her thighs, pushing them out and opening her up.

He moved his hands underneath her and pushed her hips up, massaging and digging his fingers deep into her fleshy ass. She whimpered and gasped as he dragged his teeth across her already sensitive erogenous zone. He sucked her clit between his teeth and darted his tongue out to greet the swollen nub.

"! Yeah, yeah, yeah…" she said in rhythm with his movements. "Right there. Right there. Don't move."

He stayed put, torturing her in the most delightful way. Never wavering and steadfast as he guided her toward another exquisite release, only this time she filled his mouth with her sweet and supple nectar.

He groaned in appreciation as he lapped her up. When he made eye contact and raised up from between her she pulled him forward and crushed her mouth to his. She tasted herself on his tongue as it rolled against her own.

"Your turn," she demanded and turned him around to lounge back.

"I realized something," he told her while she undid the top button of his shorts.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" she inquired but her attention was mostly on the surprise lying between her and a piece of fabric.

"I know your name...but you haven't asked me what mine is."

"Is that necessary?" she asked him, raising an eyebrow and keeping things playful.

"When you call me the 'pool boy' then, yes, I feel it is a necessity."

She laughed but still didn't ask, instead she shimmied his shorts down and gasped unexpectedly.

"Big pool boy," she exclaimed, her eyes wide with admiration and lust. She reached her hand out to grasp him when he grabbed hold of her wrist to halt her.

"Now now, Ms. Forbes, I think we can both agree that I'm no boy."

She gave him another cheeky smile and slithered slowly up his now naked body. She brushed her breasts against his erection and brought her lips to his stomach. She licked and sucked his golden tanned chest and up to his neck. His throat grumbled in appreciation when he felt her hand wrap around him. She pumped slowly and softly, rolling her thumb over his velvet tip while nipping at his neck. "Well...pool boy," she teased. "You've shown me a few tricks, now let's see if you're man enough for what comes next."

He accepted her challenge and grabbed hold of her hips. She squeaked when he lifted her effortlessly up and hovered her over his member. She reached below and positioned him at her entrance and adding a bit of torture of his own he slowly lowered her down.

As his tip entered she kept her eyes on his and waited for him to settle her down further but he never did. He held her in place no matter how much she struggled, no matter how much she begged.

"Do you want it?"

"Mm-Hm," she purred. "I do, so badly."

"And I want to give it to you," he told her, keeping a firm grip around her waist and holding her still. "But first...ask me my name."

She held out for a moment longer, her legs trembling, her ache growing and when she still didn't ask he began to slowly lift her off of him.

"Ask me my name Ms. Forbes," he demanded and then brought her back down only to lift her up once more. "Just the tip until you ask."

"You are relentless," she whimpered.

"I want to fill you up. I want to fuck you so good but...not until you ask my name."

She leaned forward and placed both hands on his cheeks. She kissed him roughly in one last attempt to win their little game. However, in her attempt at seduction, it seemed she was the one being seduced. She knew he wanted it just as badly as her but she was also quick to realize that he was just as stubborn as she was also.

The kiss deepened and backfired, and she couldn't stand it any longer. "What...what's your name?" she finally asked, breathless and pleading.

He smiled and kissed her back again, and while their tongues danced he finally lowered her down. She moaned into his mouth before breaking free and gasping for breath.

"Oh god," she whispered. He started slow but soon picked up the pace and before long she was bouncing with reckless abandon on top of him. Her hips rolled and bucked, the sound of her ass slapping his thighs echoing around the pool. They were creating a delicious friction and he fucked her so so good, just like he promised.

He lifted himself off the lounge and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close and grinding her into him.

"What...what's your name?" she asked again, her arms wrapping tightly around his head.

"I'll tell you when you're ready to come," he told her, his breath hot against her throat. "I want to hear you scream it."

He picked her up and flipped her around, her ass high in the air and his hands holding on tightly. She smiled into the cushion as he placed himself inside her once more. He pumped in and out of her and she screamed in delight.

"You feel incredible, Ms. Forbes!"

"Caroline!" she screamed.

"What was that?" he asked and continued to pound inside her.

" name is...CAROLINE!"

"Mmm," he hummed. "You feel incredible Caroline!"

"'re going to make me come!"

"But I haven't told you my name yet," he told her and pulled out, bringing her down before she could catapult over the cliff once more.

He grabbed hold of her waist and flipped her on to her back. He dove between her legs, filling her up again and returning to his steady rhythm. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he fell forward.

She ran her hands through his hair and he dragged his scruffy jaw and full lips across her breasts. He flicked his tongue across her nipples and her back arched, not wanting to lose the contact as he lifted off of her.

She reached above her and grabbed hold of the cushion and he extended one of her legs to rest on his shoulder. He kissed her calf, then her ankle, seducing her further while keeping pace inside of her. Her orgasm was teetering and teasing and he kept her so close and yet still so far away from what she needed.

"I'm so close...SO CLOSE!" she suddenly blurted as he dropped both her ankles to the side, spreading her legs apart and picking up his speed.

She stayed like that - spread eagle with her tits bouncing in every direction as he penetrated deeper and deeper with each thrust. And he looked down at her, holding onto her ankles, gritting his teeth and unrelenting in his pleasure. Soon he had her screaming for him to tell her his name.


The strain in his voice was real when he finally told her. "Niklaus," he said. "My name is Niklaus!"

She would've laughed at such an old and foreign name, but at that point she was so grateful to have a name to go with the impending orgasm that she would've been okay with Garfield, or Balthazar for that matter.

"Fuck me, fuck me, Niklaus! Make me come!"

He licked his thumb and dove it between them, seeking out that extra sensor that would pave the way for her to finally let go. It was like an explosion, beginning from her clit and blasting throughout her body. Her back catapulted off of the lounge chair. Her eyes squeezed shut and her mouth opened wide and his name, his beautiful, odd name, was the only thing to be heard for miles and miles.


He finished with her - her name accompanying his own in a chorus of reverie. He collapsed on top of her, convulsing and shaking and slowly coming down. He placed his forehead on hers and growled.

"I'm so very glad that Tito called me."
